Good Morning all;
I am thinking that just in case you haven't noticed, I really have NOT lost my last marble... AND I have all the medical documentation to prove this. Anyone looking to overturn a will written before this documentation was dated will have one heck of a time... hehehe ~Just 'thinking' is all...
I was more than a bit peeved when, earlier this month I received a bit of a missive that said I only talk about Casey, and my dogs. Thus making me feel a bit pensive and even a bit bewildered about my blogging words.
So, the 11th Commandment for today shall be:
Thou shalt NOT rain on my blog.
It is MINE!
- My daughter is ill. With what I have no idea. This tends to make me a bit upset, and I DO tend to focus on it. I will not apologize though. She has been ill for the past two years, and quite possibly a way lot longer with symptoms that were 'missed', or just put on the back burner until they passed...
- I have dogs. 2 of them, and I love them both dearly. They are part and parcel of my "family" and will be given good airtime as well. If you do not like dogs, you should not be here to begin with. (They are NOT, however, in the will)! hehehe
OK, that said, clearly I took those few words to heart. I think we all do this, whether consciously or not. As mere humans, we have a tendency to ponder on the obvious, and then to top it all of, we have 'Human Nature' that tells us to try to read between the lines as well. (As if the written lines weren't clear enough?)...
I have tried to stray from the Caseysick cloudtags, and have tried not to write consistently of the dogs either.
What this leaves is a whole lot of BS that nobody wants to hear about anyway. Such is life. (But admit it, you LOVED the possum)... And I did comment on everyones comments; just so you know.
You had the kill/grill blog, or two; which actually I had a GREAT time with, thank you ALL very much. You got a blog from Punk; as well as 9-11, and one that linked to the death of my stepdaughter. Oddly, nowhere in any of these blogs did the writer take a minute to voice their approval, or their disapproval; their laughter, (or even their revulsion).
So be it.
Truth be known, I didn't write anything for them in the first place.
My blogs are simply for my grandchildren. As many of you know, that is a part of my life that is "missing" for whatever stupid reason their parent (2) might have.
Yes. I said "STUPID". (Don't even allow me get into 'cruel' and 'ignorant').
So, these books, as I have created and printed them are to be given to these grandbabies, along with all the stories about me; growing up, and loving it.
I will be 50 next year. If 'life' has taught me anything it is that children grow up (sometimes), and get on with their lives. It has also taught me that 'what comes around, goes around'.
If you have any notion of being able to hide truths from your children, those truths WILL come out to kick your backside later.
My parents taught me that by simply being honest about us being adopted.
My 1st divorce taught me that children do not want the chocolate~covered version of anything. I was honest with them then, and continued to make it my own little creed as a good parent to be honest with them about everything from that point forward.
So Dear Writer, please know that I do not write for you. I write for my grandbabies so that one day they will well know what kind of Grandmother they have had.
If any of my musings entertain or enlighten other people, and if I make true and real friends through this blog of mine, all the more wonder to us all then.
I am not stupid, nor am I genius; but I do fall happily inbetween the two. And when you write such insensate things, you are bound to hurt someone.
I am sorry that you feel that within your own life there is not enough happiness and joy to be spread to all others. Perhaps a glimpse into what makes you smile would elevate your own blog within others minds.
Yet having given it due consideration after this time, I can only come to one thing to say to you "Frankly, my Dear, I don't give a damn."
Tomorrows post will probably be tagged 'dogs' or 'Casey', or whatever other surprises and joy that God might have in store for me.
Anybody not coming back just let me know.
Have a WUNNAFUL Monday!
PS .... Before I forget about the image above....
Straight from Cheesehead University!
I was looking for a 'cowpie' image, (trying to be a "nice" Wisconsinite, and not call it "BS"), and found a website that made me laugh out loud.
>CLICK HERE< if ya wanna be a cheesehead, or even if you only want to know more about Wisconsin... from a really hysterical point of view!!!
"Twisted" doesn't even come close! ..... hehehe
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