[My] Life in Wisconsin

A Grand Thanksgiving~ And a Warning

A Grand Thanksgiving~ And a Warning
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I thought I would repost this thought...
Please steal it and use it on your own pages if you like.
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For any/everyone doing any shopping at any point in time,
please turn the article over,
(or inside out),
and check your tags for country of origin...

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Good Morning All!

I am NOT a Black Friday person.
Matter of fact, I hate shopping. And yes, I am female. (I checked)...
But for those of you who participated, my hats off to you for surviving the trampling.
Ummm... You DID survive, didn't you?

I am, however, a Thanksgiving type person... And we had a "WUNNAFUL" one!
First to see our beloved Pack kick some fuzzy~lion~butt out in Detroit,
(sorry 'bout that Miss ButterCupBaby). <--- She called after the Lions had scored first... Too funny! Of course I had to call her after a few of our own subsequent points. hehehe

I have Dish TV. And I like that I can 'pause' live TV; thus enabling me to even accomplish a few things during some shows that I care to be watching.

We do have a houseful of company, and I especially love these days. But there are times that this same household needs a little break. Especially when said houseful becomes preoccupied with the noise of a 2 year old. (Master Gabriel of course)!

We walked outside for a bit to let off some steam; not only for his sake, but for my own, (and the dogs too).
Miss Punk had been tucked inbetween Casey and Roberta on the loveseat... All of a sudden she realized she had had enough of all these people in her house, and wanted just a bit of alone time with me. (Insecure pup that she is)...
She then (very literally) rolled Roberta over to be able to safely step over her; and then walked straight across to my lap.
She is 90 pounds for cryin' out loud. The term "Lap Dog" does not cross our human minds. But we had to snicker too when she settled in.


Thank goodness I have a big enough lap!
Oh that, and the LazyBoy is big enough too!



Time then to get outside for a bit.
(My circulation being a bit impaired by the beast on my legs)....


The dogs wrestling on the hardened ground...
after being told to stay out of the (dirty) freshly disked fields
It was about 30 degrees at this point.
Master Gabriel wandered about the gardens, looking for flowers!
(Or "FOWERZ" ~as he calls them).


He happily settled with crawling up on the old maple stump and playing with some bark...


But no mittens, so we went back inside after only about 15 minutes or so.
(Miss Milly in the background, squeaking her toy)...



Back inside, GabieBaby shared his snack with Punk out in the entrance...


Barefoot on Thanksgiving in Wisconsin?
He was a bit overheated after playing outside, (ceptin' for those fingers).



But Mama warmed him up fast enough~ He LOVES his SpongeBob shirt!


A few phone calls later... With Sweet Pea even calling all the way from California, and making me laugh so hard as she asked me what else she should bring to the party she was on her way to? hehehe She had cooked and baked all morning, and it occured to me that maybe a bit of her homemade guacamole would be ever so yummy too!

We had to get to the cottage for 3; and listened to the rest of the game en route.

SissyKrissiePoo and Judy had put on a royal feast! "Mmmm~mah~velous"
And SO good to see our RubyBlue too! She is almost ready to be having her firstborn; (quite uncomfortable at this point), but so very excited too!

And now, like the Southern Fairy Tale is noted to begin...
"Y'All ain't gonna believe this shit" ...
...~BUT, yes, I forgot my camera at home. ??? !!! ???

Kris and Judy have promised to send me the ones they took.
But beware, they probably will have mustaches on us all, (and Richard will probably have boobies) by the time those pictures reach my inbox.
...Wouldn't surprise me anyway. hehehe

I should close for now. But before I do, I must apologize for leaving that nasty quick comment on my top page. I see no reason to delete it as it only proves my own point when I had declined this persons invitation on here.

My reply with denying,and in commenting on that persons blog was this...

"You have sent me an invitation which I am going to decline.
I believe my own pages are too mature for such a young friend.

Further, I do not condone that you have made yourself so available online.

Please check out this page... (Copy/Paste the following link).


Annesdiary.com (www.annesdiary.com) employs state-of-the-art biometric fingerprint technology to prevent access by non-verified members. Inspired by the "Anne of Green Gables" novels, the website offers girls between the ages of 6 and 14 a secure environment in which to keep a private online diary and communicate with their peers around the world.

I am thinking that the
www.annesdiary.com will offer a much safer environment for yourself and your friends.

Thanks, but no.


And I am also thinking that if they are reading this, then maybe they might care to check out this next site also.
>CLICK HERE< for a confidential survey of what you are sharing online.

This entire site being dedicated to keeping children safe on the internet also provides information described as follows: "If you work with young people, you can download resources and lesson plans which accompany the cybercafe."
Copyright CEOP Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre. All rights reserved 2007.
>CLICK HERE< for this informative site how to keep our youngsters SAFE online.

Yes, it is possible.
It is also possible for parents to limit/track everything their children do online.

Not surprisingly many "parents" just can't be bothered with it all.

What did you do when your kids began going online?
Or, for the younger parents, What will you do when they do?

Off my soapbox now....

I hope your own Thanksgiving was as great as ours was!

Love to all.



Originally posted on yahoo 360 Saturday November 24, 2007 - 08:14am (CST)

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