[My] Life in Wisconsin

B~12. Blindsided. Bruised. And Battered.

B~12. Blindsided. Bruised. And Battered.
333 magnify

Good Morning Everyone!
I am, by NO means an armchair quarterback; (coulda's, woulda's and shoulda's really have no place here now anyway). But I do have a few comments about my Pack.
Am thinking it wasn't enough that our defense has been ailing a bit, but now our offense, and most specifically Brett Favre?
Dang. And Double DANG!
Not surprisingly though, "Mr. Rodgers" stepped up to the plate, and surely was amazing. What a neighborhood we had on the field! hehehe

Surprising to me though was Mr. Romos' great sense of humor when interviewed afterwards. When asked something about what his thoughts were about playing against such a great quarterback, he replied, "I thought Aaron Rodgers did a very good job." (It was midnight, and I was laughing out loud in the living room).
Guess you had to be there...

And about your ability to watch... (Miss BEEP <<click there<<, watched it on her computer). I am not sure how many households were affected by the blackout of this game, but I think these words sum it up perfectly...
"It's a shame most of the country missed seeing this game because it sure was worthy of a bigger audience than the NFL Network can provide."
Quote stolen from HERE

After coming on here this morning I was intrigued by a blog from the UK. Written by a man; and with a mans chronicled perspective on his diagnosis and treatment for hypothyroidism.
I too have been hypothyroid since Casey was born, and forgive my language, but it's a b*tch to treat correctly.
He has written many interesting tidbits of info since learning of his hypothyroidism.
>CLICK HERE< to read his blog. He is a great writer!!

~~From there, (and after reading too many medical pages), I went to another website to find out a few things about Vitamin~B~12...
SO MUCH INFO there. (For a site that just wants to sell B~12 skin patches).

>CLICK HERE< to read about B~12 deficiency...

What I'd found most interesting was the possibility of not only my thyroid being affected by such a deficiency, but perhaps even Caseys chronic pancreatitis disease as well. (And it would make sense that we would share a common dietary deficiency as we eat the very same things).

Here are just a few people who need a bit extra B~12 in their diets.

  • Vegetarian and vegans
  • People over the age of 60
  • Individuals with pernicious anemia
  • Individuals with Chronic Fatigue
  • Gastric bypass, and gastrointestinal disorder patients
  • Athletes
  • Autoimmune disease patients
  • Chronic pancreatitis patients
  • Crohn's disease patients
  • People with Malabsorption syndromes
  • Thyroid disease patients
  • Individuals with symptoms suggesting multiple sclerosis (ms4a)

    Containing many articles of research from Canada, Colorado, Wisconsin, Turkey, Australia, Maryland, Sweden, New York, and Belgium, it also has lists of BOTH physical AND psychological symptoms, and exactly what can be relieved/allieviated by getting an adequate amout of this in your diet.

    >CLICK HERE< for those research columns...

    "There is little question that many patients exhibiting symptoms of Alzheimer's actually suffer from a vitamin B12 deficiency. Their symptoms are totally reversible through effective supplementation. A low level of vitamin B12 has also been associated with asthma, depression, AIDS, multiple sclerosis, tinnitus, diabetic neuropathy and low sperm counts." (Quote from above web page).

    'Diabetes, ulcer meds, (and acid suppressing drugs), breast cancer... gastric bypass, vegans' and others absolutely need to know this all. Please read and forward these links on to your friends/family who may be suffering needlessly.
    And yes, on my last trip to Bay Natural Foods I did pick up a bottle of the sublingual tabs. I have NO idea WHY I picked them up either...
    I have not begun to take them yet, but I sure will today! As will CaseyFace.
    (Sublingual, under the tongue, because this is a very difficult vitamin for your body to process if eaten).

    OK. Off my soapbox now...

    And on to shoveling... Wait, WHAT????
    My windy, cold, and blustery forecast came complete with a Winter Storm Watch this morning. Blah. Blah. Blah.

    • They are still unsure of how much snow we will get, but they guess anywhere from 4" to 10" by the time all is said and done.
      It is to start tomorrow.
      Methinks knowing this all, that I should be outside getting the little plow on the Cub Cadet, and putting those chains on the tires too.
      Damn anyway, it is only 13 degrees...
    • And so, I am gone to freeze my fingers off!

    Love to all!

  • GRRR...I can't make these stupid bullets go away.


  • Originally posted on Yahoo 360, Friday November 30, 2007 - 09:38am (CST)


    1. ?

      And why did this just NOW come up?

    2. Not sure about that...
      I was changing a few tags around- Had two that said CP in variations that is, so I changed all the ~ ones to regular.

      What did you do to make it happen?


    3. hit the inbox...

      it popped up as new.

    4. I notice even if I just go in and edit somethings it comes up in a in the inbox....so thi sis what has probably happened here too.....


    5. But I edited 15 entries Sweetie!
      Why only this one?

    6. Maybe this was the pick of the day....

    7. Funny how things change and dont change in a years time..hehe

    8. you always seem to be dodging bullets. One quick lass you are.

    9. lol, I read it as a new entry until I saw the part about 2007 at the bottom...whoops.
      Hey at least you dont have 10 inches of snow...ahem, YET : )

    10. Smart Aleck!

      Now go wash your mouth out...

    11. How was it my fault????

      I didn't shoot at you. My aim is better than that.


    12. Mr KhoolMan;
      I do not dodge bullets. I either catch them in my hand or my teeth.

