Good Morning all!
As I type it is currently 35° (above zero)!!! Heading into the 40's too.
Un~Freakin~believable! But we'll take it!
Miss Milly, The Punk, and I all went back to the woods yesterday. And even though it was in the upper 20's, I dressed for the snow too... Hat. Two pair of gloves. Snow pants. Two pair of socks (which I still have on)...
And a camera of course...
The snow is so deep still.
My dogs became little "Tiggers" with springs on their feet; and I assumed the 'Snow March' gait. Even with that, and the snow pants tucked where they should be, that darned snow did find its way into my boots at times. But that's ok because the hazy sun was shining on my face!
Our first challenge, (besides that darned snow), was to cross the snowmobile trail without getting run over by the "beelers".
Not that Milly cared...
She was busy trying to dig out some wild 'mowisses.'
Growling at the machines that went through.
A nice group of 'beelers' too.
Staying on the trail;
slowing when others came from the opposite direction...
Trust me, it is not always this calm on this trail.
In the past, I have had many grievances with the Snowbirds Snowmobile Club. The people have not stayed on the trails, and they have come way too close to my home.
But the worst part is when I get the end of the driveway cleared out, and those idiots come up the ditch; "jump" the drifts that get built up and break them over the top of my cleared driveway. That, and using the wide open fields as their own raceway of sorts. Like a damned demolition derby- figure 8's, I have waited many times to have to call an ambulance... Lucky that I have never had that particular problem.
Lucky for them...
Anyway, after waiting a bit yesterday, we crossed that trail during a lull in the traffic.
And continued on.
As we got a bit closer to the woods, I heard a chainsaw. (At least that was my first thought)...
Punk immediately begins to growl.
Following the direction of her head, and where her growl was aimed at, I see a 4~wheeler, and a snowmobile, coming out of the woods. (They stopped when they saw us there)...
The OLD trail went through the woods; there is still the $30K, and now useless bridge back there. But that is all CLOSED off.
(Guess some people just can't read and comprehend).
Such must have been the case with these two...
Their motors were very quiet as they must have been wondering what to do, and whether I was "friend or foe?"
I took that quiet opportunity and yelled, "That's NOT the trail."
...With this statement, Punk had changed from the throaty growl to a mean sounding bark or two. (Man, I LOVE this dog)!!!
I stood my ground as I clicked off a few more pictures.
Punk stood her ground too. hehehe
After a bit, they made the somewhat intelligent choice of turning around...
...and taking that silly chainsaw motor back the way they'd come.
We continued on.
(Miss Milly had LONG since disappeared into the woods).
But I knew where I would find her... down by the river.
It amazed me to see through the trees that there is still open water on the river, given the harsh temperatures that we have had.
But true to form, Milly was down there.
I told Miss Punk to 'go get Mama~Milly'.
As she began her descent, Milly let out a really weird bark.
Punk stopped, turned around, and came right back to me. Miss Milly was on her way up to us.
As she got closer, I heard that damned chainsaw again...
And a few seconds later I heard the "crack"...
Followed by the "splash"
hehehe! "Idiots"...
We listened from up top the ridge...
Two. No, three voices. (Two had been on the 4~wheeler).
Gathering from what I overheard, it was a dad and his two sons.
I hear a second 'splash'...
And overhear 'dad' telling a kid to "gun it when I lift your back end".
...Then "kneel dammit".
The 4~Wheeler only half on the bank/ice...
The snowmobile was half in the river!
Sorry, picture is the best I could do under the circumstances...
Whatever they were doing wasn't working.
Dad soaking wet by now, kid about ready to cry...
Just imagining it all, I leaned against a little tree; laughing so hard that as my shoulders shook, the tree dropped snow on me.
Once again the motors and the voices were very quiet.
Another golden opportunity for me.
"Nope.That ain't the trail either"...
Somebody says something back. Not sure what is was, as BOTH dogs now had taken up the dark menacing warning barking that they do. (Good). But I quieted the beasts for a few seconds, and then asked to those idiots if they had any idea what trespassing laws were for?
Quiet once again. And I hear "go now".
The snowmobile was out of the water.
I see it disappear around the corner, heading west. And can only guess that those three were completely soaked from the waist down. Sure must have been damned cold then to be speeding away; even if it was +29 degrees!
And as I laughed I got more snow on my head...
Yup. Still laughing!
Best three hours I ever spent in the woods. (Well, almost)!!!
And somewhere, there are three 'boys' who have hopefully learned their lesson.
(And who, by now, may have even thawed out)!
ROFLOL. Serves the morons right!
ReplyDelete[splish, splash...they were takin' a bath] Forgive me Bobby Darin.
[leaves laughing very loud]
I am cold just looking at the pictures! That sucks about the people and the pond! lol