[My] Life in Wisconsin

Round and Round and Round and...

Round and Round and Round and...
Round and Round and Round and... magnify
Hmmm... Can of worms stolen from my ORIGINAL BLOG...
Click here...

My little Can~O~Worms especially for Yahoo...


Good Morning!

As my morning looks here...

Towards the East as the sun breaks the horizon~




And toward the west, as that same sun casts its spell, breaking shadows of night




Yes, I know my yard needs more than a bit of attention.

Yet so do I.
Attention from Yahoo that is.

ya·hoo NOUN: pl. ya·hoos
A crude or brutish person. See Synonyms at

Yahoo, a member of a race of brutes in Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift

yahoo·ism (Noun)
An unrefined, rude person:
barbarian, boor, chuff, churl, Philistine, vulgarian.

noun An unrefined, rude person:
barbarian, chuff, churl, Philistine, vulgarian, yahoo. See good

SPANISH ya·hoo (yä, y-) s., pl. -hoos familiar bruto, bestia

I have found those definitions to be close enough for my taste right about now.

And yes, I have resorted to begging.
(And if they want me on my knees, I will go there too)...

I have written to, texted, blogged about, called, threatened, whined, cajoled and now begged for their attention.

Dear Freakin' Yahoo;

You have taken away my blog FOR NO GOOD REASON, and with NO explanation.
Please click here to see what I see when I try to open my original blog.

Or hey, please try either of these links:




As for the many friends I had at that site, please mouse over this next line.


That is how I appear to them within the comments I have left on their blogs.

I have written to Yahoo Answers, thinking that someone else might have gone through this same bunch of doo~doo.

So for the gal that got her undies in a twist when I had written to Yahoo Answers, I only have this to say.

Yes, I know that Y~360 is changing.
You are wrong to say it is closing, per se. Such is not the case.

And no, you ignorant pussturd, I will not die if I don't have access to my original blog.

A matter of life or death? Hardly.

A matter of keeping my daughters doctors and surgeons (at numerous hospitals), informed as to her medical problems and progressions?
Yes. It was/IS very important to all of us when THAT is taken into consideration.
You see, I have a child, 20, who will probably be needing a pancreatic transplant at some point, given the fact that she has Idiopathic Chronic Pancreatitis.

By 'losing' my original blog, Yahoo has very effectively removed the access that her doctors and surgeons had.





But you swear at me? How freakin' DARE you!
But I am glad that when I complained about your comment, Yahoo deleted it almost as quickly as I had reported you.

My daughter has had no less than 13 surgeries in the past few years. (In case you deem this UNimportant somehow).

Just this morning, I have received this note from Chevy when I had asked her to possibly send me the link to my MASH page.
(Yahoo has effectively 'lost' that too, as she told me I no longer appeared there either)!

No big deal. I hated Mash anyway. Too noisy and flashy for me.
Like Multiply is also. But it IS good that I have saved my thoughts there, in addition to printing my blogs out for the grandbabies...

Here is Chevys note after we had established that I was not to be found on Mash either.

Sent To: ANNA~2
RE: Huge favor
I don't blame you a bit for being upset, angry, pissed, sad, and whatever else you feel. We get so connected to people and places on the Internet. It's like pulling us out of our home. Yahoo once deleted my group that I had for 4 years. We had over 4,000 members and poof it was gone. Never did get it back! We formed a new group but it will never replace the old group where 4 years worth of people's lives and recipes were stored. I grieved for a long time for that group. It may sound silly to some but it was a part of my life.
They still have your blog somewhere! I did find out later that if I would have pushed the issue we might have gotten our group back because Yahoo doesn't actually delete anything for months. They simply change the URL. Hard getting through to them though

How to get them to listen? Read? Comprehend?
Those are damn tall orders given my own experience with them as of late.

I received a phone call from Miss Marie last night. In this call, she informed me that she was getting all of my email returned to her when she sent it to either the "OnTheFarm" or "Anna_Loves_Life" accounts that I use.

And here I thought that everyone has just been too busy with the holidays, and recovery, to write, send, or even forward emails to me. I have, however, been receiving many SPAM messages within my inbox there.
I do wonder how they manage to get through?

Checking Caseys email account, there are some messages for her that seem to have gotten through.
(Remember, her own original blog pages are also missing).
She too has had to create a new email and BLOG.

So it is not ONLY our blogs that have disappeared, but our emails lost in cyberspace somewhere. Maybe you also recall of my writing about Unca BoBBie, and how his own emails to me had gone missing... Mine to him apparently also gone somewhere. i can only imagine that his last weeks might have been terribly lonely and frustrating for him as he started his little laptop every day...

but who the hell cares?

Pleas fall on deaf, untrained and ignorant ears.
Comments made to the Yahoo 360 News Blog site are ignored. My most recent comment being left early this morning. (And oddly enough, I cannot even GET TO that blog anymore)? Maybe YOU can. Do click on the above and let me know.

Rumor Control?
How awful for you to have been bested by this farce. After all, it is YOUR own top page that reads: "This page is dedicated to the dissemination of accurate information to the Y/360 community through the transition period."

Yahoo 360 Rumor Control pages have been (ahem), 'ASSured' by Matt Warbutron that Yahoo reads ALL of the comments to their Y~360 news blog.
I am beginning to think that Mr. Warbutron is less than honest with a site that has only taken a lot of the pressure off of himself.
It also occurs to me that Mr. Warbutron does NOT have a child with an ideopathic, or chronic, disease.

About 3 months ago, I'd had a problem with Yahoo changing its email format, back to some prehistoric version of the mid 1990's.


Perhaps you remember that?
Perhaps you also remember it happening to me last month too?

Those two episodes being relatively simple for Yahoo to "fix".
Both times it was taken care of quite fast, with apparently no lasting, or lingering, problems.
(Or are there)?

I am sure I will have more to write about shortly.
Especially AFTER I print this out and also send it to Yahoo and AT&T.

I had heard that my complaint was sent to the Engineering Department. Apparently, they also have trouble comprehending and fixing problems.

Can I do better? Probably not.

But then again, that is what I have been paying Yahoo for, for the last ten years or so.
One day soon I shall have to figure out exactly how much I have $pent on such a shameful service.

Hope all is well with all of you.
Have a wunnaful day.


Thursday January 3, 2008 - 12:53pm (CST)


  1. Well not sure if this is good or bad but when I clicked the link for the yahoo teams blog it opened.

    I wish you all the luck in the world with getting your old blog back and hopefully your perseverance will pay off.

  2. I guess now I know my mail to you hasnt reached you .
    I am sorry you are going through this...I kind of gave up on Yahoo and just made myself comfy here. There are things I like here and things I like about 360 better. I am not confident that any of my set of good things about 360 will stay that way...we'll see if they pull their heads out of their -you know whats- long enough to do something right. For now most of my world is here.
    Love ya!

  3. Wow! I can't imagine how frustrating this must be for you! I too miss the good old days of 360. I'm glad so many of my friends moved her to Multiply but it's not quite like "home" to me yet here.

  4. I did manage to get to the staff blog by means of a link someone provided here. I was stunned when I read all that you've been going through. And I agree with you, how DARE that person go off on you the way he/she/it did! I am sorry you've been put through all of this...it isn't right.

    Please give CaseyAnne a big warm, loving and healing hug for me. She disappeared from my MP list the same time you and another friend did. That was a bad day for me here, so really shouldn't be surprised. BTW, MP had nothing to do with why my day way back when went down the tubs.

    Hugs again to you.
