[My] Life in Wisconsin

Winter In Wisconsin

Winter in Wisconsin
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Squirrel or rabbit? You tell me...


Good SuperBowl Sunday Morning to all;

No, I am not 'up' for the day. I believe that should come AFTER I sleep...
Just tired, but not enough to go to sleep yet. (So I thought I would write a blog and bore myself to The Land of Nod)!

Life after snow... Is there?
What a weird winter already; but no, they are not all this strange.

Someone said it is "The Old Mans Winter". (A recall that only the old ones can remember it being like this)...
So, am I "old" then if I remember the deep snows?
The ones where car antennaes would all have the bright orange balls on them to show other cars that they were there?

But I remember the fun we always had too.


Odd when we were young(er), that the cold was never that bad either.

But Winter in Wisconsin is not for the squeamish, or for the vain.

It is not for anyone that cannot lift a shovel, an ice pick, or break a sweat.

It is not for anyone who can only wear one shirt or one pair of socks/pants at a time.

It is not for anyone that needs makeup applied to go somewhere in the bitter cold. (Makeup generally rubs off on your scarf; and looks downright scary~hysterical if that same scarf has been over your mouth while you breathe in the bitter cold).

It is not for anyone who has to be on a perfect schedule. (Old Man Winter and Mother Nature WILL set your schedule for you).

It is not for anyone who lacks a certain warped sense of humor. (I don't care WHO it is, it is funny when one loses their balance and falls down on the snow and ice). And should you happen to break something in the process, I promise you will still get up and move.

It is not for the thinned skinned among us. (Learn how to dress, learn how to drive, or don't complain about freezing half to death when you wind up in the ditch).


Rear wheel drive.................... Front wheel drive

Four wheel drive ................AND ............ Very VERY RICH!

It is not for anyone who will not wear animal fur, or leather, for warmth.

It is not for anyone that thinks any of the above only happens to someone else.

Simply put, Winter in Wisconsin will either make or break you.

Mostly, it makes us a bit different than most.
More determined.
More capable of survival.
(Survival of the fittest to get to live 'til Spring).
AND, I really believe that we breathe through our ears at times...

I believe it makes us much more thankful when we do see Spring; even knowing that Spring is just a season of 90 or so days... just like all the rest of the seasons.

I believe that when the birds return from their Southern vacations we enjoy them more.

I believe that when the last few snows threaten to overwhelm us, that no matter how deep it is, it only lasts a little while. (Contrary to having the snow fly real early in Fall, and you KNOW it will be a long winter)...

Winter in Wisconsin teaches you that you can have fun shoveling; (as long as someone doesn't dump a shovelful down your neck)...

Winter in Wisconsin teaches you how to kick back, relax, and watch a good movie.

Winter in Wisconsin teaches you how to make a real good pot of soup, (and generally with ingredients you didn't know you even had)!

Winter in Wisconsin teaches you to look UNDER the snow for buried treasure...



Cuz you never know what you might find...





It teaches you to walk around the frozen anthills!



Winter in Wisconsin... Sometimes only a month or two...
Sometimes twice that long.

But only during Winter in Wisconsin can you find something so innocent...


That makes you laugh so very hard!!!


Hope you're smiling now!
Have a wunnaful day!



oroginally posted to my Y! 369 Sunday February 3, 2008 - 03:33am (CST)


  1. That last picture was just BAD. roflol Know where my mind automatically went...yep.

    Sounds like many a winter I lived through in Illinois and more than a few I've survived here in Delaware. We may not be as far north as you but, this here state has had more than a few wicked winters since my arrival in February 1967.

    I also see I wasn't the only one up at a certain hour yesterday morning. [hehe]

    I need to get a cup of coffee and some breakfast...have to pay a visit to the tax office to pick up some state income tax forms. [not being mailed forms this year as i had them 'specially done last year. grrr]

    Have a good one...I do hope you like the color white.

    hugs and stay warm

  2. I see your tree is cold....

    Winter makes strong survivors out of many of us.... And makes someof us glad to be where it is supposed to be warm even if we whine about cold...

  3. I am happy not to reside in Wisconsin! I would freeze to death! I freeze in 30-40 degree temps...I couldn't imagine myself in below zero temps. You are a brave gal!

  4. Geez! You make me think twice on wishing to see the snow coz it'll never snow here....
    Yeap! I don't think I'll survive for long... I even freeze with the AC at the shopping malls here!! LOL!!

    Love your pictures!
    Lots of hugs to you and family!!!
