[My] Life in Wisconsin

More White...

More White...
More White... magnify
Yes, the danger has finally passed
(Or fallen as the case may be)...
And yes, there is moisture in my basement...

Good Morning All,
What a day yesterday was-
We got to the clinic right on time, leaving the Punk at home with the cat.
(Too cold, and not enough sunshine to ensure that she would be warm enough in the car while we were inside).
Suffice it to say that The Punk was not at all a happy dog...

Casey was first given a wheelchair, then given an abdominal Xray; (not sure what he might have been looking for and I was too damn tired to ask). Also her blood tests. (Am thinking she should just have a perma drain with a cork in her arm). Such little veins, that roll...
And she just kept dry heaving. Poor kid.
They gave her two bags of fluids, but nothing else. She slept most of the time, and I actually napped at her side.
Regarding her blood tests, doctor said she looked good on paper. I know at one time we were told that the blood tests for the amylase and lipase would not always accurately show whether/not her pancreas is involved; simply because the more times this happens, the less the pancreas tests show up accurately on paper.

And we were sent home. We had been there over 6 hours... The Punk was all over me when we got back here too. Too funny; (I think I shall leave her here more often just so I can be so excitedly welcomed back home)!

The doctor called in the evening to check on Casey. And I am sure he will be calling today also. Her lipase test should be back this morning...

A dusting of snow last night- Am thinking if I didn't wake to snow something would be wrong?
Temps, (OOH, brace yourselves), to make it all the way to 20° today; and maybe 18° tomorrow. I remember many years that I already had my stupid onion sets planted by now...
Heck, I haven't even seen my driveway/yard yet under this ice/snow yet.

The sunshine has terribly disfigured and dismembered Caseys snowman. (Pics tomorrow).

And for today, I think I have a month of dishes to do, and about the same in the laundry department. (OK, maybe only a day or two, but the way I feel, it might as well be a month or three). Tired is all.

Have a great day!
I am off to get that dehumidifier running before Sputty decides it might be too wet for his delicate paws...





Love to all.


Thursday March 6, 2008 - 07:46am (CST)

1 comment:

  1. a perma drain with a cork? ouch, eww and ouch...though i realize where you are coming from. still...ouch. wish i could wave a magic wand and make casey all better. *sighs*

    all the way to 18 and 20, huh? guess i shouldn't tell you how freakin' warm it's been here then should i? [50's to 60's] and very very rainy and windy...couple of thunderstorms too. last one late this morning earlier this afternoon...bad one too.

    i need to go check out the other blogs you've posted and then fix something to eat or take a nap..mmm,, i hear the bed calling my name.

    i do love your cat...very photogenic :)

