[My] Life in Wisconsin

Dogs Can't Spit

Dogs Can't Spit!
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Good Monday Morning!

   The above photo is of Kelli and I vacuuming Mr. Miller- (All 110 pounds of him looked so fluffy when we were done)!

   Still no rain here-  And generally when that happens, we get dumped on, bigtime, by a nasty storm or two.  I looked at the WBAY Weatherbug forecast- It said it should be raining by 3, if not by noontime.    ...I will believe it when I see it running off the roof!  (I believe I shall also go outside and dance in it)!!!  Picture that if you can! (oh, never mind).

   Now picture this...
   Yesterday morning when Casey and I went out to let Milly out of her kennel, the dog took off with speed I haven't seen from her for a long time; returning just as fast to show us the chipmunk she had gotten. Thinking it had probably been killed by some old poison, I made her drop it quick... To our surprise, it was very much still alive, and the little varmint took off, making only one fatal mistake...
   (Wait; That's all anyone or anything ever gets, isn't it)? 
   He ran into her kennel!!!  Her doghouse is in the back corner, and thinking this would offer it some protection, it ran behind there. Casey pulled the house out to offer Milly the chance to catch it again. Back and forth Miss Milly went- as the little rodent did the 'pickle' with her... He sought, and found, refuge UNDER her doghouse then, squealing all the while...   We picked up the doghouse, & like an arrow Milly shot underneath, and caught her animal... But it wasn't the one she was chasing either!     
   Big mistake then on Millys part-
   Grabbing the 1st thing that moved, she came out with a mouthful of frog pee... and no, dogs cannot spit- For a few seconds, we didn't know what had happened to her either. Dropping the doghouse, hearing the darned gopher squeak some more- and then we saw the nasty toad that had peed on Millys tongue- (She was actually drooling and foaming from the bitter taste)... Casey ran in the house real quick to fetch some fresh water...
   Round two then...  I lifted up the doghouse, and once more Milly shot under it- More cautiously this time, she came out with the little rodent in her mouth! All's well that ends well; and I imagine its little ratty soul is now in Rodent Heaven. Its furry body tossed in the dumpster...  (Rest in Peace)!
   Berta and Gabriel stopped out after mass. Shortly thereafter, Tim started putting my new storm door in.  It sure looks fine- (and with due respect to all the blood and sweat that went into it for him, it sure should too)!  Poor guy... It was SO freakin' HOT-  He did an amazing job; considering I had been previously told that the entire frame and both doors would need to be replaced. (Good thing Tim didn't see it that way)!  Roberta, Kelli, and I sat and watched the poor guy work...  (Quite a treat for me to watch somebody else do the work around here)!  Mr. Miller went and babysat with Gabriel, watching the little one in the playpen under one of the old apple trees. (Cute. Very cute).
   We all shared so very many laughs- Feels great to do that too!  All I had to offer them for the door afterward was 'payment by meal'- but I don't think they minded one bit either.
    We all came in- (much cooler inside)- Ate our late lunch- With Master Gabriel being the center of attention throughout that meal- and how much he loved the drumstick ice cream cone that his mama was feeding him when his lunch was done!  He tried like mad to be able to lick it off his face too- It didn't work, but was SO entertaining for us to watch.   After this little ice cream fiasco, it was back outside to enjoy the shade- He played on his blanket 'til Milly joined us. She stole his toy- (a stuffed Sponge Bob), and there was war!  Gabriel even crawled off the blanket to get it back! Berta and I laughed so hard, (and with plenty of opportunities to laugh as this "give and take' show went on for about 5 minutes).
   Very, very CUTE! And yes, Miss Milly is ever so gentle with all the babies.
   (Well, with the obvious exception of that gopher baby)...
   Laughter and love--- Isn't that what life is made for?
   Have a good one; and as always, have a good one for me too!


Tags: funny, kelli, roberta, gabriel | Edit Tags

Monday July 3, 2006 - 07:19am (CDT)


  1. Frog/toad pee?! bleh...I'll spit for her. double and triple bleh Glad the varmit is gone...there'll be hundreds more to take it's place, but at least that one is done for. hehehe

    Sounds as though the day was a good one. Would love to have witnessed the ''tug-of-war'' for the toy. [laughs at the picture my mind is conjuring up]

    ''LOVE, LIFE, LAUGHTER'' all of us need more of each...

    Have a great one

  2. too cute.. I remember very well when Miss Nikki caught her first toad..hehe I know they want to spit!
