[My] Life in Wisconsin

Wednesday ~Notes From Wisconsin!

I took this at a rest stop along highway 41

Good Morning All;
My thoughts keep going back to "Ten Thought Tuesday", but now I'm a day behind.
(Courtesy of that narfy tomato).

I have a(nother) doctor appointment this afternoon for my back. Wish it would go away soon.
The ride to/from Rochester did nothing good for it either...
Nor did mowing my lawns, twice over, to get rid of my somewhat jungled and abandoned look.
(I think I might also have gotten rid of a few varmints)... oops
On this special topic,
I have been (ahem), characteristically silent...

.......But no more...

As many of you already know, I have already grown quite tired of politicking this year.
Ted Thompson apparently has not.
(I can't quite figure out his silly~@ss thought process either)...

Nor have I been able to figure out exactly what it is that he is so afraid of? (Feel free to clue me in).

Mama always said:
"If you can't be right, be wrong at the top of your voice."
Mama sure was smart.

When applied to Ted Thompson, this seems to be exactly what he has been doing.
In my little book, he IS an unmitigated @sshole.
And so, I have proudly added my name to this list.

Brett-Favre by you.
(CLICK HERE to add your own name and support)

Seems the old boy thinks he has a year or two left in him. And since he has been the face of this organization for almost 20 years, he should have another season, and open arms. He already knows he has mine.

I had a prescription to pick up yesterday at CVS.
An uneventful little trip; (um, until I was driving home)...

A bit of background for you...

1st stop, CVS Pharmacy.
(They even handed out a big treat~bone for Punk)!

I object; that's just not fair to me at all. My own tummy is growling, so on to Mickey Dee's for a sandwich.
(Punk gets two treats at the 'pay' window)!! Big ones too!

Knowing that another trip to Mayo will put me over the 3000 mile mark, I stopped to have my oil changed. I spent the whole time (PLUS extra), talking to the nicest man who had seen Casey on TV, and even remembered her!
(This man just kept feeding Punk treats, I have no clue how many she got)...

After that, I had stopped at the Shell Station on the highway to fill 'er up.
And then to go back home...
Kinda boring huh?

Wait for it now...

As I merged onto the highway, there was barely any traffic. There was one pickup truck that must have thought he owned the road. He did not budge from his lane to allow me access. Dork. Naturally I had to slow and let him pass.

As I got up to speed again, he hit his brakes.

I see through his rear window that he is flipping me off.

As he was slowed, I pulled out to pass him; grabbing my camera in the process. (This, for me, is now a completely involuntary action).

As I pass him, he is literally screaming profanities out his window at me.
Punk wastes no time letting him know he was being a dickhead.
And just so you know, I have never seen her snarl and growl before.
(Must have been all those treats)!!!

I called her down. She obeyed, quite begrudgingly-
(But hey, I just had to snap a picture)...
Cnv0815 by you.
Isn't he the attractive little dink?
I just smiled, (and real big) at him.

(As his wife turns her head out the side window).
Yes, he was still screaming too!

It occurs to me that not everybody in Suamico is as nice as I am.

Home again, safe and sound; with a cold burger.
(And a still~paranoid dog too).

Thanking the Lord for my microwave, I ate quickly; and then had to go pull a few weeds.

Cnv0801 by you.
Nope, not that weed...
But I have so many weeds around I don't know where to begin with this all.
So I just pulled the tallest and most obnoxious ones.
(Besides, my back will not allow for me to dig out the shorter ones).

Oh well.
'Til it's all healed, there is nothing I can do about that.

When we got back home from Mayo last week, I found the prettiest surprises just waiting for us...
Cnv0805 by you.
Please ignore silly toes...
Cnv0803 by you.
Cnv0817 by you.
Cnv0818 by you.
Cnv0821 by you.
Flowers EVERYWHERE!!!!
(Please don't be looking at my weeds ???) !
Hope you are all having a 'wunnaful' Wednesday!
Love to all!


Originally posted to my Y! 360, Wednesday July 30, 2008 - 11:52am (CDT)

Stupid quote of the day...

Beijing haze recedes but rights concerns remain -

Du Shaozhong, deputy chief of the Beijing Environmental Protection Bureau, said the haze, which reduces visibility to a few blocks, did not mean air quality was bad.

"We do not approve of the use of pictures to pass judgment on air quality ..."

Oh really?!?
I always thought it was a pretty damned good indicator... (Especially when one cannot see even a few blocks)?!?



Been a tired and trying few days here...
Am feeling a bit under the weather ~and with respect to CaseyFace as well.
I see she has written, er 'composed' a new blog for you all.
CLICK HERE to read it...

As for me, I have been online much too long.
I have my days and nights all mixed up.
And it seems I must have also eaten a bad tomato...
(Therein lies the darned title)...

Love to all.


My Brother and I...

"My Brother and I"
one of the many explanations from the Mayo Brothers
about their core system of values.
As posted on the wall of the subway to Gonda.
Good Morning Everyone;
Yes, we are back from our visit to Rochester, to the Mayo Clinic.
And have learned little from this visit, that we already didn't know.

Casey is now scheduled for an EUS, (Endoscopic Ultrasound) next month. Am hoping they might find out a bit more then.

She is a bit let down by the arrogance of so many of these doctors. And especially those that barely do their jobs; and simply go home.
(While they do of course have a right to have a home life, I am thinking they have an obligation to their patients too).

She has had so many just put their hours in, forgetting about even their own humanity in the process...
Perhaps for them, then it is time to really go home and get another job; one that a person can honestly let go at the end of the day.

We had to get all of those files, records, xrays, and slides... Am wondering "what for?" we did that all for now.
Expensive, (and oh so frustrating an endeavor), to be told she must carry them in to Mayo.
The doctors flipped through a few pages, and declared that since her pancreatic enzymes were not high enough for them that they probably couldn't do anything for her. (I didn't know I had to research their necessary levels before wasting all that gas and money).
All I know for sure is that her levels of amylase and lipase are high enough to leave her hospitalized (and how many times now?), and to hold her in pain every day of her life.

  • Some of her pain is treated.
  • Most of it is not.

  • Some patients are treated.
  • Some are not...

Kind of a crappy way to handle things.
Go for the glory, boys.
Leave my daughter suffer, will ya?

  • There have been times that her enzymes have been 10 times normal.
  • There have been hospitalizations when those levels were only 2 or 3 times normal.

Guess they just discarded all of that.

So much for the above title and sign.

Besides my beautiful co-pilot,
there WERE things that made the trip worthwhile.

Like points in Wisconsin where the glaciers never touched.
Cnv0786 by you.

Seeing 'life' growing from rock...
Cnv0774 by you.

Crossing the Mississippi...
Mississippi by you..
Learning that Punk did not care one whit about any of that...
Punk On the ride to Rochester by you.
She slept mostly there and back
'Til 'nature' called every now and then

But she surely cared what Casey was munching on...
Cnv0790 by you.

(Especially when she didn't get any)!
Cnv0792 by you.
Driving downtown to all the hospitals
made us snicker when we saw this water tower
Cnv0784 by you.
I dropped Casey off,
leaving her with one of the security guards;
and found a place to park.

In the meantime, she got all registered and checked in.

Before we went up to the 9th floor...
DSC03459 by you.
We met the nicest lady (Deborah),
as we took some pictures of our new surroundings.

Seeing us both with our cameras,
she offered to take our picture,

Casey And Debbie by you....Casey and I, Gonda
The view from the Gonda Building (part of Mayo),
was quite impressive.


Casey 9th Floor, Gonda by you.
It was then that we met with the doctors...
Casey at Mayo by you.
~Taking the average of 6 separate readings.
(Borderline low blood pressure runs in my family).


After which they scheduled an MRI.
Cnv0781 by you.
This whole test was flubbed from the get-go.
Too bad none of these 'professionals' actually LISTEN TO HER.
Since that was messed up, it was time to go back to the hotel
(after speaking with the doctor who'd messed up)...

But first, one more picture before we left...
Cnv0782 by you..
And back home for us then...

"My Brother and I"???
No. I don't think so.

Love to all.

From Flintville!
Flintville, Wisconsin
Have a 'wunnaful' weekend!


*****Special note to Casey*****

Dear Sweet Daughter of Mine;
As you read this, know that I promise you WILL get you fixed.

No matter what it will take.
Mama D.

originally posted to my Y! 360, Saturday July 26, 2008 - 06:57am (CDT)

7/25/08 WE ARE HOME~ & ~Update


Added 7-24-08

Hi all...
I dropped Casey at her apartment- (Greg was waiting with open arms of course)!
She is tired- And more than a bit let down.

I share her sentiments...

Those of you that she had cell numbers for texting have already been updated by Casey.

She did not receive good news. But not necessarily bad news either. (I might be in a bit of denial here too)...
But we still have hope- 
(Remind me I said that if I ever forget)...

We go back in August for an EUS. (Endoscopic Ultrasound).

Love to all. Hope all is well with all of you.
I am beat.
Will check in tomorrow morning.


Added 7-23-08...

Please visit Casey's new blog for updates.
(click on word "Casey's", above)




Love to you all for your prayers and love sent.
With our stop at Froedtert and a few more records that they were STILL unprepared for, we arrived in Rochester early yesterday afternoon, and are tucked away in the hotel for a few moments more as we wait to find our way around Mayo's maze.

Will let you know how that all goes.
Casey has boxes and boxes of stuff, records, diagnosis', slides, etc...
(Hope we don't have to carry those things TOO far)!

Have a wunnaful Tuesday... (I'll get to 10 Thought Tuesday later). 

Love to all


Hi Everyone,
Not too much news around here...

But we will be leaving tomorrow...
First to Froedtert, who (in their own wonderful style) completely "effed~up" Caseys request for ALL of her records there.
She must hand deliver them all to Mayo, and at Froedtert, one hand knows not what the other is doing...

After I raise hell there, and we get what we came for, we will be heading to Rochester.
(Yes, you may start singing now)!

Here is Sweet Pea's rendition, (sang to the tune of Day-o)...

from Jul 15
take a deep breath now...

May-o, May-ay-ay-o
Daylight come and she wan' go eat
Duh, Dr St Mary say duh, Dr say duh, Dr say duh, Dr say duh, Dr say duh-uh-uh-o
Daylight come and she wan' go eat

Work all night on a drink a'water
(Daylight come and she wan' go eat)
clutch the belly till morning come
(Daylight come and she wan' go eat)

Come, Mr. Mayo Mon, belly make better
(Daylight come and she wan' go eat)
Come, Mr. Mayo Mon, belly make better
(Daylight come and she wan' go eat)

It's six day, seven day, eight day, BRUNCH!
(Daylight come and she wan' go eat)
Six day, seven day, eight day, BRUNCH!
(Daylight come and she wan' go eat)

May, Dr say May-ay-ay-o
(daylight come and she wa'n go eat)
Duh, Dr St Mary say duh, Dr say duh, Dr say duh, Dr say duh, Dr say duh

(Daylight come and she wan' go eat)

A beautiful brunch a'food cooked by mama
(daylight come and she wan' go eat)
Hide thee Deadly Doctor of St Mary
(Daylight come and she wan' go eat)

It's six day, seven day, eight day, BRUNCH!
(Daylight come and she wan' go eat)
Six day, seven day, eight day, BRUNCH!
(Daylight come and she wan' go eat)

May, Dr say May-ay-ay-o
(Daylight come and she wan' go eat)
Duh, Dr St Mary say duh, Dr say duh, Dr say duh, Dr say duh, Dr say duh

(Daylight come and she wan' go eat)

Come, Mr. Mayo Mon, belly make better
(Daylight come and she wan' go eat)
Come, Mr. Mayo Mon, belly make better
(Daylight come and she wan' go eat)

May-o, May-ay-ay-o
(Daylight come and she wan' go eat)
May, Dr say May, Dr say May, Dr say May, Dr say May, Dr say May-ay-ay-o
(Daylight come and she wan' go eat)...

I am still laughing!!!

This posting
is private,
and if you will look above you will see who I chose to share this with
Some people I simply do not trust.
Some never come to my blog anyway.
Some are just nosy.
Some have contact with others that I don't care to have knowing I am gone...

In all seriousness, and although we have waited a LONG time to get CaseyAnne to Mayo, I don't mind sharing with you that I am scared sh*tless for what will happen now.
My own godawful fear of the unknown if you will...

It is this fear that has kept me from including Casey in this missive. That would go against any positive thinking that she needs right now.

I have heard nothing but good things about Mayo.
We will share our own version as it unfolds.

At this point in time I can truthfully say that I have no idea where my darn laptop is.
(Hopefully it is in the bedroom closet where I usually keep it)...

She is to be there on the 22nd.
I left the extra day to reserve for any possible car malfunctions, anxiety attacks, and anything else that might throw a wrench into her appointment.
It is too important to miss

They told her to plan for at least a 3-5 day stay.
Speaking with a few others, they said to plan for about 2 or 3 weeks.

Like I said, "the unknown"...

The Punkster will be going with us.
Miss Milly will remain here; with Randy and Miss Kelli to keep an eye out every day.
...And I have wonderful neighbors too.
Family made them relatives; luck made them friends as well.

I will be checking in as often as possible, even today- I still have much to do before we leave.

And a trip to Petco too as Miss Milly might be needing her food before we return.

And life goes on I suppose.

Hopefully you have seen the new pictures of Big Sam on Miss Marucks blog... (Link is the first link shown).

I am so glad to have Marie in my life and in my heart. I can leave town a bit more peacefully knowing that he is in the most capable and loving hands.
She sees Master Gabriel a lot too.

I'd better close for now. (Did I mention that I still have to pack)?

Please wish Casey well.
And keep those prayers coming...

Love to all.


New Pics of Baby Sam!


It has just occurred to me while I was writing a note to Marie, that it is MORE than wonderful that her name begins with "Ma"

Grandma Anne!

Drinking Like a Fish. (Welcome to Wisconsin).

Please do not read more into this than what is told.
I am not a drinker.
(This is a choice I made, not only for myself, but for my children, a long time ago).

And yet, I am not against drinking. (Nor am I a hypocrite).
I am against drinking to excess, (although at times, as a bartender in various places, I did contribute to that in others, simply by serving them).

Know your own limit.
Take care of yourself, and have enough love and respect for all the others that love you.



Do you, or someone you love, drink too much?
The Green Bay Press-Gazette is doing a series on the seriousness of drinking in Wisconsin, (but I think it would apply to everyone, everywhere).

Here you will find an interactive map that shows where your own state is ranked amongst drinkers.

About this series...

The true story of Wisconsin’s unparalleled culture of drinking isn’t found in a bold headline about a drunken driving fatality or a young person drinking himself to death on his 21st birthday, although such tragedies certainly figure into the picture.

It’s a quieter story, one about the very fabric of life in Wisconsin. And it’s about all of us, even those who don’t drink a drop — doctors and lawyers and jurors and counselors and cops and bartenders.

Gannett Wisconsin Media is exploring in human terms the causes and effects and the costs and benefits of the state’s love affair with the bottle.


"Stay Dry, or Die" is found here...
A story of a (now) recovering(?) alcoholic.
But if they are only going to portray the aging male in this series, then I am already upset about it all.

The truth of the matter is that so many YOUNG females are also very compromised by the empty promises of the full bottle...
I know this for a fact.
I know this because I love a few of them.
I know this because it affects at least one of my own daughters.


Another "label" perhaps.
Maybe too many "labels" that seem to exorcise the realities of the scene.

In my own opinion, we don't need any more labels.
We need personal responsibility. Period. That would be enough.
And this needs to be taught from young, onward, without compromise for maybe, or someday.
"Someday" started a LONG time ago...


Suspend Judgement ~and~ "Autobiography of a Mystic"

Sometime when you are alone, and there is much quiet, take a moment to read this article. (Click the above link)...

It is pleasantly easy to understand, and oh so well written.

Do you share in any of the authors experiences or feelings?
Because I surely found myself nodding many times during the reading...

The sentence that really grabbed 110% of my own attention is this one:
"I learned that the textbooks were wrong, or at least incomplete."

I shall have to blog one day about my fight with the vice principal in high school.

Love to all



A few others too...
(As much for myself to go to when I have time, as they are for you as well).


(Man and the Unknown).
The object of these pages is a call for understanding of some little known spiritual and cultural aspects of life. By widening our horizon respect may grow for the multitude of facets of truth. The wider our frame of reference the more we may see that clinging to a onesided point of view will lead to fundamentalism and extremism, be it in religious belief or atheist skepticism.
"The subjects range from paranormal voices (with sound clips), Javanese mysticism, parapsychology to modern Dutch art. But foremost these original introductions deal with intriguing mysteries and the inner life of man. Please click on the various headings for full information.
I am confident that the attentive and open-minded reader will find somewhere hidden in these pages a key or link that may open up new vistas in his/her life."


Existential Anxiety: Angst

Have you ever felt the nameless dread?
Terror and anguish without a cause?
This talk gives a name and careful description to the nameless threat,
the free-floating anxiety we have all felt but perhaps not faced.
First we will distinguish existential anxiety from simple fear in 5 ways.


The Gospel of Thomas, the Doubter. And other thoughts of Gnosticism

"When the Gospel of Judas was published by the National Geographic Society in April 2006, it received extraordinary media attention and was immediately heralded as a major biblical discovery that rocked the world of scholars and laypeople alike. Elaine Pagels and Karen King are the first to reflect on this newfound text and its ramifications for telling the story of early Christianity."



"Donating one's organs to those in need of them certainly seems like a spiritual act -- one of kindness, of all giving and no taking, of human love and service. However, there have been warnings that it might be spiritually harmful for both the donor and recipient. At issue is whether the consciousness actually leaves the body at the moment brain wave activity and vital functions cease or whether it lingers for hours or even several days."


Natural Dying

In accepting death as natural, we confront more directly the limitations - and the mystery - of life. Paula Hendrick
"Death. In death, as in birth, we touch the mystery of life. Where do we come from - and where do we go? And who and what are we, really, while we're here?
When we look ahead to our death, our thoughts reflect back to us, in living color, Life. The universe, through eons of evolution, has brought into being this world, these creatures, this particular person, for an allotment of one lifetime."


...for a zillion (and one) other links...
Seekers Links.

"It is the responsibility of the student to practice discernment in his/her search for greater understanding.
You will find a variety of perspectives on these pages to help you clarify your own thinking.
Don't believe something just because you read it, test it out.
Suspend judgment, suspend beliefs, keep an open mind, listen to your own inner wisdom, discern the Truth for yourself."


I am SO mad...

No negative stars here, so i shall have to use only one.

Multiply is sending me NO notices of updates, either on here (the notifications on the right side), or through my email.

Just so you know.
And yes, my settings are all correct.


Baby Mariahs Update

Please take a moment to click above, visit; and to comment.


Online Too Long???

Storm Pics!!! YARGHHH!


I have a Dr. appointment at 3:30 in Southern Brown County...
We have a few weather warnings...
Me no likey.
And it is SO very still out there.
Hot too.





~Thought you would enjoy these...
Awesome eh?

I'm outta here!!!


A Dogs Life Ain't Easy... ARF!

~Jus' look at the size of these mulberries, wouldja!!!




(And we ALL know what THAT means)!

It's me!!!



Hello Fur~Friends (and others);
I've been meaning to write for a long time, but then doo~doo always happens, and things get in the way...

Since I haven't written for so long, this might be long.
(Better grab a bowl of kibbles to munch on).

LOTS of things happen around here every day... But in the course of my own 4~footed days there are some things that are just plain fun for a dog like me.
Like the other day when we all went back to the woods. My mama Milly never sticks around for all the fun, so I can't find any pics of her that day.

'Cept this one...
And all you can see is her silly butt!


My mama must have secret places.
And that's the "Little Guy" too!


But first he had to ask permission to go?
(And he has to say "May I please...")?



And he was all smiles when my 'she' said "GO"



He followed me everywhere.
I went kinda slow so he could sorta keep up too.


But I still had to wait every now and then...





I showed him stuff,
like a bird in the trees...
And the bird wasn't even a~scared of us!!!





My "Little Guy" doesn't like things that move without him,
(like bugs and stuff), and he saw one... and screamed!
So we were 'off' again.

Well, at least I was!

(That scream always makes me run)!





But I had to come back 'til he caught up...





We went to the old Mulberry tree.

It was LOADED with yummy berries!



My 'she' used to go sit in that tree when she was young

And eat berries all afternoon!



My Little Guy got his hands all stained!

This was funny,
Just that he didn't think so!





The berries were REALLY big too!
(Just look at the very top picture)!



It was pretty hot that day...
And since I'm s'posedta watch my "Little Guy", I couldn't go down to the river.
But that was OK with me...
I found the next best thing while they ate berries.


Well, I thought is was OK 'til my 'she' turned around
...and gave me a really dirty look!!!

I had to 'pologize...
(But then I did get to go swimming in the river)!

"ARF" !!!

er, Pretty smart of me, huh?



I went down there to get clean,

And my Little Guy tried to follow me...

He's kinda fast like that,
(especially DOWN~hill)!



Nothing doing though...
My she's back hurts and she wouldn't go down.
So then they played in the grasses.
Some are bigger than he is!



He found some seed pods...



And found a green pinecone too!


Then we had to go back home,
dry off;

and take a nap.



The End.

Have a grrrr great dog day!
Love, Punk


Later I will write about what THIS guy does to me.


And how he abuses me something fierce!

(He's really MEAN sometimes)...
Mean. Mean. Mean!


Originally posted to my Y!360, Wednesday July 16, 2008 - 09:41am (CDT)