I am sickened...
Know that I have added another 2 'blocks' within my contacts...
Gabriel and I will be leaving soon...
And I just wanted to let you know what I have been reading this morning, (and every chance I have had since Friday).
Just a few links for you...
Here's one. CLICK HERE
And another. CLICK HERE
Still another. CLICK HERE
Are you disgusted yet?
Try this one. CLICK HERE.
As always, this is America.
You are then free to draw your own conclusions.
My own thoughts are "HOW FRICKIN' DAMN DARE YOU!?!"
...And I just cannot get past that.
This is a hard thing to deal with especially if this touches our lives. I had to deal with my oldest son and with drugs and alcohol...this was and is very hard they care about no one but themselves..I call this generation the all about me gang. They think of no one not even themselves how or why would they think about the effects to an unborn child..they don't and yes this all disgusts me and I'm sure all of us.
ReplyDeletescratching my head here. WTF did I miss? Who is pregnant and using illegal drugs?? OKKKK Ill read back and see if I can peice the story together. What happ with the child molestor guy? Sorry Ive missed so much...reading back now!!
ReplyDeleteI feel you may have a migraine coming on...
ReplyDeleteAnnie you can't live other people's lives for them, and people will only listen to what they want to hear. Well meaning guidance is about all you can offer, after that it's up to them. Try not to stress yourself out too much - it's not good for you, and I worry.
By the way...
ReplyDeleteThere are NO laws that protect these children...
Child Protection Services do not get involved unless parents do this in front of the children; even IF those same parents blood/urine tests positive; even IF the child is born diseased.
The police refer people to CPS.
The DA's office does nothing.
The lawyers (5) all say the same thing too...
back on todays blog.....I think this child needs to be with someone who willcare for him and offer stability....Id file charges and take him....The only reason I wouldnt kill her would be that then I couldnt get the baby.....much love to you...your family is in my prayers.....
ReplyDeleteand before I get stomped...Anne ask what I would do...
No one should ever apologize on these pages.
ReplyDeleteI SO appreciate, and can relate to the anger, the angst and all else here.
I love all the comments; good, bad and ugly.
And thus far I see none that have upset me.
Do not ever worry, OK?
oh welll that changes things a bit...
ReplyDeleteso then we are back to killing her
ReplyDeleteshort of murder and mayhem... what then?
ReplyDeleteLOL @ becca! We could form a posse and bring her in, so she can be served with a little justice!
ReplyDeleteThat was almost a dare, even from the social workers at the hospital...
ReplyDeleteAnother person (someone with a bad pancreas) basically screamed at the family court commissioner too...
Saying "WTH do we do, just wait for the impending death certificate?"
If the child's life has/is endangered to point where they could die doesn't Child Protection Services HAVE TO step in?
ReplyDeletethat is what I am wondering....this child was born addicted ...she endangered its life......
Unless it happens after the child is released from the hospital.
NOTHING protects the unborn/newborn in these parts.
ReplyDeletethere is somethig wrong in Flintville......in Pikeville if a child is born addicted the child is taken form the mother
ReplyDeleteCrappy laws!
ReplyDeleteRT.....when does the possee leave for flintville? hehe
ReplyDeletethe doctor/nurses etc is also outraged. And told the mother so.
(She had finally even called the hospital after not calling/visiting since her release).
I feel so helpless being so far away. Annie is there any way you can convince the doctor to release the baby for 5 minutes. Have CPS waiting outside the hospital, and bring the baby right back in?
ReplyDeleteCPS doesn't care until something happens.
ReplyDeleteAnd by law, the doctors cannot release the baby to anyone but the mother.
ReplyDelete(This since there has been no paternity established).
Know this though, the father is going to be putting the Fear of God into the mother to get the child released to him, DNA or not.
...and I guess with malpractice suits running a-muck the doctors wouldn't take the chance on releasing the baby for fear of a lawsuit from the (cough) baby's mother.
ReplyDeleteCan't anyone at the hospital give you any suggestions? I mean, I'm sure this isn't the first time this has happened.
That's so true and even if CPS takes the baby from the parents in time they send back and figure a dysfunctional family is better than none..I seen it happen here in PA to someone I know.
ReplyDeletethis is horrible....
ReplyDeleteSickening to my heart and stomach...
ReplyDeleteto say the very least...
The social workers at the hospital, while compassionate also have bound hands...
What if the mother were to be arrested - who would they release the baby to?
ReplyDeleteyou are in my prayers Anne and Sam too.........
ReplyDeleteIm off to run some errands....will check back in
ReplyDeleteThe doctor did tell the pancreas that this would NEVER happen in the South.
I also must get up to the hospital...
ReplyDeleteLove to all.
"Just Grandma"
So y'all have MUCH to be proud of.
ReplyDeleteIn Georgia CPS will take a child away from parents if there's even a hint of abuse, which sometimes can be a bad thing, if there isn't abuse, but at least the children aren't at as much risk.
ReplyDeleteGo get 'em Grandma!
ReplyDeleteTime to fly...
I just hold him and hug him and kiss him and love him...
And mostly I cannot even speak from being so overcome by his presence...
And his little mewling sound...
I search everywhere for some compassion for his mother... I cannot find it.
I fear there is something wrong with me because of that too.
Bye for now.
Just an FYI here...
ReplyDeleteThe aforementioned 'mother' is now living with the guy from my last blog...
Here is the link to her blog on 360, for those of you that can get there...
Or denial?
Rose colored glasses?
Must fly now...
This kind of stuff rages me to no end, especially when the CPS WON'T do anything about it! Awhile back, my daughter's friend found out that her ex was giving their 8 yr old daughter beer. She had gone to CPS to let them know that her ex had done this, and they said that it was legal for him to give a child any kind of alcohol as long as the child didn't get drunk. LEGAL???? HOW MUCH IS DRUNK FOR AN 8 YR OLD???? They are also saying that you can also give your baby - YES, I said BABY a bottle with alcohol as long as you DON'T get it DRUNK! HOW F'ING CRAZY IS THAT?!?! We're not allowed to do as much as have an open container IN public, BUT.... we're ALLOWED to give our children ALCOHOL! WTF IS WRONG WITH OUR SYSTEM?!?!?! This NEEDS to be changed! They say you can't give them a firm swat on the backside if they need it once in awhile, but GO AHEAD, GIVE'EM ALCOHOL! I'm starting to lose control... I need a chill pill! I hope something good happens with that child before it's too late! I'll be back to see what's going on with everything. My head's starting to hurt.
ReplyDeleteLove and prayers to everyone ~ Spell XOXOXO
Did we change subjects or did I miss something? I'm confused now. My head is spinning round and round I think I better go lay down. I'll be back later.
ReplyDeleteBIG HUGS ~ Spell XOXOXO
Anne ~ What is going on???? I am so lost/confused on this situation.... Miss Valerie says "Hi" and she misses you....
ReplyDeleteSad that the most defenseless of us cannot be helped in this situation. I do hope the situation works out to the best for the baby, although it is hard to see how at this moment. Keep us posted.
ReplyDeleteAll I can do right now is send you and the kids lots of hugs!!! Wow. I hope she can get it together and take care of her baby the way he deserves. I feel for you and the endless circle of hell with CPS. I've known people who've had their kids taken away because of one malicious phone call, and I've known people who should've lost their kids forever (and been neutered) get nothing but a slap on the wrist. Just keep fighting for the kids!
ReplyDeleteCPS has not done anything. I can report stuff to them but all they can tell me is that they have until the 15th to contact the family. They can't tell me the status of the investigation or where they are with the investigation.
ReplyDeleteHowever, even IF CPS gets over there, even IF the family is home and even IF CPS requests to come in and look around, the family can say "NO" and CPS has to leave.
Even IF there is drugs being done in that house, even IF the cops get word of it, and even IF the cops go over there and ask to look around: THE FAMILY CAN SAY "NO" AND THE COPS HAVE TO LEAVE!!!!!!
This is pure BS and no laws or anything else will protect the children. NOTING WILL PROTECT THEM!!!!!
And yes, I did throw that in the court commissioner's face and I will throw it in everyone's face who has the power and status to control/stop this situation but refuses to do anything about it:
Yeah, let's all be reactive and not pro-active. Let's let innocent children die before we bother ourselves with preventing those deaths... Let's all let someone else worry about it because we don't want to get off of our asses and do something about it...
This government and its laws are so screwed up I can't even begin to tell you all of the loopholes and idiotic mistakes...
Alright, I think I need to close before I really explode...
Love you MUCH MUCH!!!
Oh, yeah, when does that posse leave???
OK, What the hell is going on? I surely dont want my imagination to figure it out.
ReplyDeleteI went back reading and reading.. trying to get more of a clue without jumping to conclusions here.
Ya know Im a little bit country and sometimes you just have to spell it out for me.
Luv you
PS.. state of Texas charges for everything.. and not cheap either!
Here is your key to getting Sam away from her! BUT SOOOOO SOOO SAD......
ReplyDeleteI did look at her blog. I don't think its ignorace delsuion, or any of that. It's just sick lies.....sorry if thats cruel.
Having confirmed what I feared most that this guy was somehow involved in the childrens lives I feel sickened.
Also there is nothing wrong with you. Children rebel in the worst ways, BUT it may be time for her next whoopin...LOL! She's really nto to old now at all. Its just that now momma cna knock her ass out and the CPS won't say a thing. Winks!
Casey AMEN! I dont know sounds like you have some bad laws....here the cops can get a search warrent if they have reason to beielve their is drugs...also CPS can walk in at any minute....mind you we all live in fear of that BUT our children are safe.
ReplyDeleteI think you guys should not stop till your laws are changed!
Also I am quite proud of you for speaking out...
The possee leaves when Anne gives the order?? ahahah
Love you!
Yes, it is better to speak and risk criticism than to remain quiet and risk regret... I live by that and I will keep speaking until someone listens... I have one more interesting phone call to make...
ReplyDeleteI'm so in for that posse...
First to clarify that many MANY kids are not like this, but I do know what you speak of as far as the "all about me" too...
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry to hear that you have also gone through this with your child.
Pray that you never have to go through it with a helpless grandchild.
Here is her own 'take' on the events leading to her own rehab... (if you can call it that)...
You really didn't miss anything my Dear...
ReplyDeleteThe perv is still around...
The rest of the story? Well, you have figured it out by now...
Sweetie, I have been messing with this head of mine for quite some time.
ReplyDeleteAnd I am thinking that finally getting this all out in the open will work wonders for my psyche too.
Too many hidden tears, and downright sobbing too.
After thinking on this I need to say that actually I really don't think I have that much stress... Seems to be snowballing in everyone elses corner though...
And then THEY have the gonads to just toss it in MY lap.
ReplyDeleteMethinks that would fall under mayhem...
ReplyDeleteMethinks that posse will need a name...
Is there a difference between being addicted and only having it in your system?
ReplyDelete...And you cannot blame Flintville, (heck, most of us even vote)...
It's the entire State of Wisconsin...
Others want 'in' too.
Malpractice -vs- Baby???
Nope. No contest there.
ReplyDeleteI cannot imagine anything more terrifying than watching a child have to grow up like that.
Yes, but that is exactly the problem here.
ReplyDeleteIt isn't 'abuse' !!! Until something happens to him!
ReplyDeleteI am not sure how to answer you on this...
The links (and my blogs and comments) provide much info.
And like I said, you must draw your own conclusions
Please tell Lady Valerie that I miss her too.
ReplyDeleteAnd when everything is calmer around here I would love to see her for a bit if that's ok...
I need a little joy! And between her and Master Gabriel, I might even forget about all else, namely my back at this point!
Love to ALL!
Hmm... Posse names... I'll have to get back to you on that... "The Flintville Fighters"... "The Multiply Mob" "The Yahoo Hell~Raisers"... And many more... Coming to your town soon...
ReplyDeleteAbout Sam's rights... Apparently we are the only ones who give a crap about them... And those who are supposed to represent them won't go near it. Wisconsin is a "pro-mother" state when it comes to custody. If a father even tries to smoke a joint when he doesn't have his kid, WI will take the kid away from him in a heartbeat. But yet when the mother has THC in her system when she gives birth, WI states "We can't prove that she was smoking it, only that she was around it, and that's okay. Don't take the baby away from it's mother"
Take the kid away. What do they want? A video with her smoking a joint while holding up a positive pregnancy test that proves she was smoking while she was pregnant?? And who cares if she was just around it? She is still exposing her unborn child to it and therefore putting her infant at risk of having THC in his system... GRRR... What are they not getting? Please, I can explain this on an 8 year old level if the need be...
Malpractice VS Letting the baby be put in danger's way... Yeah, baby wins hands-down. It is their job to report any cases where they feel someone's in danger...
I'm with you, I can't imagine anything more terrifying than having to know that a child is being put in danger every single day by just waking up. Disgusting... It's like being on the outside with our hands tied watching in...
Does child endangerment not exist anymore??? Would this NOT fall under that definition???
"Child endangerment is a criminal offense that involves the subjection of minor children to inappropriate or dangerous situations. It is not the same as child abuse, which involves direct harm to children, but carries a similar penalty in the American judicial system."
found at: http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/71943/child_endangerment_in_criminal_law.html?cat=17
This might be an interesting read for you...
ReplyDeleteThis is absolutely so very well said that you have choked me up bigtime.
ReplyDeleteAlso From that Website:
"For example, a father who has too many drinks while he is watching his four-year-old son could be prosecuted for child endangerment because he was inebriated while he was responsible for a child. Other examples might include exposing children to illegal drugs, pornography, firearms, chemicals, criminal activity and domestic violence. The purpose of child endangerment laws is to keep children from witnessing adult or illegal activity, and to protect them from situations in which they might get hurt."
Exactly, but how can we prosecute such actions?!?!?!
I'll keep reading
"Endless circle of hell"
ReplyDeleteIt's not only with CPS you know...
And as far as wanting her to get it together, I've wanted that for over 6 years now...
Are you sure you want this statement on the record my Dear?
ReplyDeleteI haven't really mentioned names...
ReplyDeleteAnd more...
"Cases of child endangerment are handled by a wide variety of professionals, depending on where and how the endangerment was discovered. Medical personnel who notice signs of child endangerment can call CPS (Child Protective Services) to request an investigation by a case worker. Police officers, school officials and the courts are also involved, which can make child endangerment cases difficult to prosecute.
Individuals who are convicted of child endangerment face imprisonment, fines and loss of custody of the children they have endangered. Teachers, day care supervisors, sports coaches and even the children are questioned about activities that take place in the home before a trial takes place. Unfortunately, many children deny that they are abused or endangered out of fear of angering their parents (or another abuser) and many child endangerment cases never see justice."
That's a damn shame... Those poor kids are in FEAR of their parents/abusers... That's criminal...
Hmm, maybe I should remove that...
ReplyDeleteI'm just so PISSED!!
Okay, done editing...
ReplyDeleteMore info at:
I must nap now... Or at least rest my eyes...
Love you Much Much,
Sorry. No can do.
ReplyDeleteBut I will say this much.
I am country too. And it's a whole different breed we are.
(AND, I have many 'country' friends on here that live in the cities too)! hehehe
Yet all I want to do is beat the living crap out of any person that calls herself a mother and does not know sh*t about anything real.
ReplyDeleteOK. The father is not the perv she is living with! The father is a good man.
If this is rebellion would someone please remind her that it is much too late for that crap.
She will be 28 soon.
As far as sounding cruel?
No, I do not think this is the case.
It is the truth and yes, sometimes the cold hard truth is cruel.
But it is still better than sugar~coating life.
There have been SO many lies that my heart breaks...
ReplyDeleteWas this child NOT directly harmed???
Yes, this child, case in point, was harmed by early birth. However, no one knows for sure what exactly caused the early birth... So we don't really have a case where he was directly harmed.
ReplyDeleteThe older child was directly harmed and this was witnessed and even a police report was done about this...
But WI seems to think none of this actually counts...
Okay, now I'm going to take a nap...
Love you much much!
Guess we don't qualify then...
They are simply AFRAID to say anything, or to commit to the life of a child.
Many people simply do not want to go on record about anything.
If this doesn't get their blood boiling I do not know what will.
For Gods sake, and even on my own blog here, the number of people that have read this and NOT commented kind of makes me sick with wonder.
Too bad for them. Too bad for others too.
ReplyDeleteMe too.
This is sooo nuts! So, I guess "fetal abuse" is allowed because he wasn't born yet!! And... struggling for his life is "something happening to him" right now.
ReplyDeleteSo now that you're back from the hospital - How is Sam doing today?
ReplyDeleteBTW is this perv-guy living with Roberta and Gabriel?
ReplyDeleteShe can do whatever the hell she wants with her life.
That includes whom she resides with, sleeps with, tokes with, etc.
Master Gabriel is here.
By some stroke of genius, her baby is still in the hospital.
Sam was quiet today... Tired. But very very beautiful too.
ReplyDeleteNow you are opening a whole new can of worms...
...And I hesitate to ask, but what IS a "fetus" ?
Thank God Gabriel is with you. Is there anyway you can keep him from going back?
ReplyDeleteShort of the Fear of God, I have NO legal claim to him.
ReplyDeleteSadly I have to wait for harm to occur.
You know if she doesnt come for him in 3 weeks you can file abandoment charges
ReplyDeleteDamned laws are probably different in this damn state
(For instance, Alabama is one year).
Sadly, I know that too.
1 year? That is freaking crazy! Check out the laws in WI and let us know.
ReplyDeleteLater Sweets...
ReplyDeleteToo much already today; and Gabriel is wanting some supper...
I will be back later.
Sweet Anne....I am somewhat speechless which is a first for me. This is so far out of my ability to understand. I just don't get "it." By "it' I mean being a selfish, human being. She is a mother only biologically and we all know that being a mother is so much more than that. I know she is your daughter and that even with all of this you still love her. I'm so sorry you are going through this. I live many, many miles from you and if you need anything...a little get away or anything...I always have a spare room.
ReplyDeleteAnna, I am glad I found you....thanks for accepting my add...I am really sorry to hear about what happened. I am here for you if you need anything...Laws in this state do need to be tougher...so many "bad" mother's get away with two much...It's time people put their foot down...
ReplyDeletevery sorry Anne..I did not mean do it this second....you know me better than that...
ReplyDeletelove to you
Anne...I seem to have lost track of things here. With the grandkids running me at full steam I am pooped at the end of the day. I should be in bed right now catching up on sleep. But I am missing my online friends, so here I am for a few minutes.
ReplyDeleteAm I getting this right......Did Roberta misuse things during her pregnancy with Sam? How is he? Have they found a problem? It already is a terrible thing and yet a superbly wonderful thing that our bodies go through when we are pregnant. The cravings alone is bad enough. I craved beer when I was pregnant with my daughter. I usually hated the taste of beer and after the first 3 sips I never wanted it as it warmed up. I had my bro-in-law buy my those tiny little beers so I would have less to throw away. There was a 6 pack in the fridge door when my hubby heard on the news that even one beer could do damage to the fetus. He went straight to the fridge and popped and poured out every can. My cravings after that had to be satisfied with foods and snacks.
My question here is.....was Roberta already abusing drugs or something before the confirmation of her pregnancy or was she having some major craving for something she did in her past? Did she do these things all throughout her pregnancy?
My mom was a heavy smoker during the time she carried me. I think everybody back in the 50's thought a cigarette was cool. I was born with weak lungs and had asthma and pneumonia off and on for many years in my early childhood. Even cigarettes have been determined to cause low birth weight babies now. Second hand smoke is just as bad. Despite the genetics in my background that caused me to be barely bigger than a grasshopper, my moms smoking did not help matters either.
Anne.....my prayers are with Sam for him to be ok. We have enough in our environment just in the foods we eat as it is. If they made it a nation wide law that pregnancies have to be planned and strictly monitored throughout the entire pregnancy from before conception till birth to ensure a healthy child, there would be a lot less people giving birth. And there would definitely be a lot less babies being born with specific syndromes caused from some sort of chemical abuse to the body.
My prayers to all of you Anne. I know you are stressed out about this.
(Forgive me if I have misunderstood what is going on. Will try to get back over and go back to some older blogs and see what I have missed.)
No one can prosecute anyone for anything if there aren't laws on the books to begin with.
ReplyDeleteHow about electing a few 'real' people that DO have a bit of personal background on this issue and the like?
We ALL need to do so very much research on this, AND ALL ELSE, before we vote again.
What a lovely thought! I thank you for that.
ReplyDeleteI love all my children, yes.
And am kicking myself because so many people (friends, family blog friends etc) have already said to me, "Well, didn't we all know that anyway?"
I really MUST get out from under my rock.
I really did believe that she was clean/sober/disease free.
Asking too much I suppose.
Sarcastic? You bet. It is one of my last defenses here.
And so you all know, I have not written/said anything that I would not have the balls to say to her face. I am not like that.
(I would like for her to heal a bit first, and to have Big Sam 'safe' beforehand).
ReplyDeleteTime for many to be petitioning Madison...
I do know you better. And I didn't mean to sound b*tchy either.
ReplyDeleteJust all too frustrated, and was tired and in pain, and and and...
(And wanted people to know I would be gone for a while too.
Sam will be fine. After all, God sent him to us for a reason.
ReplyDeleteHe was born with an STD parasitical infection. And his mama tested positive for illegal drugs when she was admitted to the hospital that day.
I do not understand the psyche of the addict/alcoholic. But DeeAnnes sent me a book to help with that. It is entitled "Beautiful Boy"... Hopefully it will help. She promised it would.
You asked, "Did she do these things all throughout her pregnancy?"
I do not have an answer for that, being that I fooled myself into thinking she had a handle on this all to begin with.
... I really did believe that a child might be sacred and cherished and safe.
It's awful that some will do this to a child. So very sad!!!
ReplyDeleteIn Ohio, it is considered abandonment if they don't come get the child after 24 hrs. And, if you have enough witnesses, you CAN get that child away from her. Check into what your laws are for this kind of case in Wi. I wouldn't stop until I found an answer. Those children NEED to be SAFE!
ReplyDeleteI think between those 5 attorneys (and the family court commissioner), that has been "spell"ed out for us already.
Wow! I'm pretty much forced offline for awhile and all heck breaks out in your neck of the woods. I'm stunned, shocked and sickened. I also need to do more reading of your previous blogs.
ReplyDeleteAnne, I'm so sorry you and your family are going through this. This news is breaking my heart for Sam and Gabriel (they're defenceless) and for the adults who love them with all of their hearts.
More prayers will be said.
Anne, all I can say is that I am so sorry! I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers and hope that what is best for the baby happens.
ReplyDeleteI need to come back later and read more.
{{{{{{{{{{Big Hugs}}}}}}}}}
I am soooo sorry to come in so late and to finally put all the pieces together makes me want to cry..... mostly for Samuel and Gabriel.
ReplyDeleteI am wondering HOW a woman can know she is carrying innocent, pure, simple, sweet LIFE and expose it to such a blithery of hell???????? I don't get it and I really hope I never do...that is something that should never be 'understandable'.
My heart goes out to you and yours....prayers too.
Kinda like what I said "my own thoughts are "HOW FRICKIN' DAMN DARE YOU!?!"
ReplyDelete...And I STILL just cannot get past that.
Hugs Anna....
ReplyDeleteI am soooooooooooooooo sorry.
I do not have the answer to why innocent children have to pay for their parent's sin nature, ignorance, and blithering mistakes. It makes me so so angry.
I feel your pain...
My sister had to take her grand daughter away from her ex-daughter-in-law because she was on drugs and letting her 2 year old and 6 year old go camping with a 60 year old man alone... Yes he did abuse them! :( It was ugly....
Back to you....
There is a paradox within me....
I always feel so trusting and warm hearted when I think of you and Casey or visit your blogs.....Even though you get the stuffing knocked out of you so much! I think I admire your down to earth approach to life and your strength.
You are a special mother, grandmother, aunt, sister and friend.
Be Blessed!
I am here in the background always at the ready to hold you up in meditation and lengthy prayer.
Uh.....I think I've missed something this week. Think I had better go back and check things out. Be back later.....sorry for being so very far behind. Work and the gardening has pretty much kept me busy this week. But I promise to be back later as soon as I catch up here.
ReplyDeleteI am 100% in this How damn dare you line.
ReplyDeleteIf you can't get your shit together you have NO NONE ZERO business having kids.
I'm still in shock with this one, though not as much as earlier. Now I'm so damned pissed off I can hardly see straight!
ReplyDeleteTo endanger the lives of two beautiful children boggles my mind.
She has no business having children.
Praying for their safety.
Anne this is horrible and I am at a total lack for words. I really just don't know what to say. I am sure you will but I would really like you to keep me up on this subject. I'm trying to figure out how I missed this blog earlier. I know I am very far away but I would be happy to be there when ever you need to rant and rave.
ReplyDeleteGive Master Gabriel lots of hugs from us and Sam lots of kisses. Many prayers are coming your way.
Lots of love to you!
Sweet Mindy;
ReplyDeleteI thank YOU for this all.
But I truly am running out of that 'strength you speak of...
I am sorry that your family also had to deal with such a person/people.
When will it end???
Thank you for the wonderful prayers too.
Sweet Pam,
ReplyDeleteI am SO far behind on everyone's blogs... So don't apologize.
I have resigned myself to going to those peoples blogs who actually take a moment to read and comment on my own.
No use having all the worries about those who never come around then.
Come back anytime.
(Like as soon as you cool off)?
Methinks my own mind has been boggled one too many times.
Why must it be the children who suffer so?
Just keep on praying!!!
ReplyDeleteSweet Darla;
This is exactly WHY it took me so long to even write the blog.
My brain does all the ranting and raving because the things that have gone through it are things that, (trust me on this), NOBODY wants to hear.
I am NOT saying this was the cause, but in light of her history and the other choices she has made, I find the following very scary...
ReplyDelete"So, what could be the causes of vaginal bleeding and placental abruption?"
"For some women the cause of vaginal bleeding and placental abruption may be attributed to lifestyle choices including tobacco use or use of illegal recreational drugs such as cocaine."
Quoted from here:
Also from associated content:
ReplyDeleteMarcellus reveals additional substances such as "marijuana, cocaine, amphetamines, and prescription medications" all teratogens harmful to the fetus (Marcellus, 2003, p. 443). Marcellus reiterates that prenatal exposure to drugs make these infants high risk for physical and mental problems.
Why am I thinking this is all too little too late?
that was why this was my first question when you said she had placental abuption.
ReplyDeleteGood Morning Pea,
ReplyDeleteI surely am stupid, no.
When she delivered, Big Sam's cord was wrapped around his neck twice, and even around his tummy.
In my ignorance I thought perhaps THIS is what caused the abruption. (One wrong turn and he would take it with him, ya know)?
There are days that I hate literacy.
I don't think it is illiteracy at all. I think that it is that as a mother you always tend to trust your offspring. She told you she WASN"T using. You simply trusted that she was doing the right thing. Perhaps she HAD quit. Drugs are a powerful bond to break. Maybe she tried and was sucked back in.
ReplyDeleteI knew only because of my OWN experience. I found out years later that the reason I was not able to have the ten kids I wanted was because my own placental aburptions were caused by my husband doing coke. I had no clue he was using at the time.
I had the benefit of experience, you trusted. There was no stupidity there at all.
ReplyDeleteThank you Sweet Pea...
I am so sorry that your babies were victims too.
I thought she quit for years.
Dummy me.
Oh, and about the literacy thing, I only meant that the more I read, the less I liked what Big Sam is up against.
Yes, that is true but he has your fighting genes...
ReplyDeleteTrust in God...Anne
ReplyDeletePrayer is a powerful tool....With our combined prayers, everything will turn out
good for your lil' one...hugssssssss
I'm thinking of you all Anne. I hope everything turns out well, for all of you.
Sweet Val...
ReplyDeleteIt's turning, but I am not sure how well either.
I can't imagine all the boys and your family have been through. ((((ANNE)))) This just scares me...