- Master Gabriel, playing in the sprinkler...
(Before I returned him to Roberta).
Good Morning All;
The very best news of all is that Big Sam was released from the hospital yesterday afternoon. He is at home with Charles and Marie, and of course with Damion too!
GOD BLESS CHUCK AND MARIE not only for stepping up and in, but for their ability to love, and to care.
Casey was back at the hospital yesterday too.- She is alright for now, just in awful pain; having chosen NOT to stay at St. Marys.
We still wait for that visit to Mayo. Those of you on her friends list know when this will be. She has asked that I not write it within my own blog, so I won't.
And life goes on...
Yesterday was Roberta's 28th birthday.
My mind swirls with the thought that anyone can be 28, and so irresponsible.
She is my child. And like the other three, will always be; no matter what I think of her chosen lifestyle.
She called in the late afternoon yesterday to let me know she was going to pick Gabriel up. He wasn't here at that point, and she threw a hissy~fit that I would not tell her exactly WHERE he was.
(He was being taken care of by a very good friend, thus enabling me to get a bit of rest).
Said she would call the cops if I didn't tell her where he was.
I told her to come out in 2 hours, that I would have him here for her to pick up.
By the time my phone rang again it was 8:30pm, I was over to Casey and Greg's place- Gabriel was already there.
An officer with the Green Bay Police Department.
(No big surprise there).
But the officer told me I was late in bringing him home.
I told her then, what I had told Roberta about picking him up... - Kinda crazy, huh?
Casey and I spoke with the officer at great length.
Yes, I would return him, but I wanted the officers to know exactly what type of household I was returning this little guy to.
The lady officer asked if tomorrow (today) would be better to return him.- At that point I could have played Berta's little game, but chose not to.
- I said I would have him there in 25 minutes; that I respectfully requested their presence upon my arrival.
When I got there, another officer came to the car, while the lady spoke with Roberta.
Punk, not knowing which way to turn, or how to act.- (I held her collar; she was fine).
The officer asked had we contacted Child Protective Services?
I told him yes, and gave him the names of the people that are on the case.
To my amazement he told me that based on the info that Casey and I had shared, they had already contacted the Green Bay drug unit.
Thank God for small miracles.
Roberta was quite charming; and yes, Master Gabriel was happy to see his mom after 10 days without any contact whatsoever. - Oddly enough, he never mentioned her either.
She had not once inquired after him,
~never even calling simply to say "good night" to him...
She did call to tell me to bring my pictures up to the hospital for some book.
That was yesterday morning.
Since Casey was terrible sick, and since I cannot pack up and leave on a moments notice, I told her no.
I asked her to get the email of the NICU, that I would forward my pictures there.
She never called back.
Charles and Marie have kept me informed about Samuel; and for this I owe them much. They will sign papers on Friday for primary placement and joint custody.
As you can tell, my mind is still in a tailspin from all that has transpired.
And I fear I am not dealing all too well with this all either.
I will share more later...
Love to all,- and special love to those of you who have taken the time to comment/contact me on all these overwhelming topics.
My Yesterday... Good. Bad. (Ugly too)
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No one can fault you for doing all you can. So stop faulting yourself.
ReplyDeleteI didn't realize I did that.
ReplyDeleteI am just SO confused ya know?
And then my brain takes over, at times faster than the speed of light, and I can't even type rational sentences...
Wow um have I missed something???? last thing I knew was that you had a new grandbaby and everything "seemed" ok.
ReplyDeleteI'm really not too sure what's happened but I`ll be keeping you in my thoughts
That's odd, because you show up on all of my blogs as having viewed them, but not commented...
ReplyDeleteI do???? well in that case I've been really slow about having picked stuff up but I have just gone and read them after I left that comment.
ReplyDeleteI know how much you treasure your grandkids. The last grandchild went home yesterday. I am sorry to learn about your daughter and your newest grandbaby but it looks as if whatever can be done is being done. I think mothers and grandmothers (some anyway) tend to blame themselves for what happens to their kids. I know I have and probably still will.
ReplyDeleteIs there any chance you can get custody of Gabriel? Is Roberta still with that guy you mentioned in your prior blog...that in itself seem like it would be reason enough for them to remove Gabriel from her care. Prayers are going up for everyone, including Roberta. Seems so unfair that many responsible loving people aren't blessed with children and then some that seem to undeserving are blessed with multiple children. God doesn't make mistakes though.
ReplyDeleteOh Sweet Annie, I am keeping you in my prayers. I know EXACTLY what you are going through, and I know how hard it is. A year and a half ago, I had to deal with the same with my daughter, as you already know. And I'm telling you, that I KNOW that if Roberta didn't contact Gabriel AT ALL, then she IS using, and that IS also considered abandonment. That innocent child doesn't know any better, he just thinks his mommy was gone for awhile (A LONG WHILE). I'm glad that Sam is in good hands, and I pray that they realize Gabriel needs a safe place too. I read these blogs about this situation and it tears me up inside. My heart goes out to you Annie. I'm keeping you, those babies, and Casey in my prayers. You try to get some rest. I hope Casey gets feeling better too.
ReplyDeleteLove and hugs~ Spell XOXOXO
I am so very glad to hear that Chuck and is family are willing and able to take care of baby Sam, his wife must be a wonderful and forgiving/accepting woman to be able to do this. My heart goes out to you and Gabriel ~ I do hope everything works out for the best.
ReplyDeleteAnne, I am keeping you in my Prayers...I truly hope everything works out. Those children deserve a stable environment. I hope Casey is well too, you BOTH are in my prayers!!
ReplyDeleteI truly need to take reading and comprehension lessons. Didn't know what was going on either. Though it's sometimes a burden to to "pick up" after adult children, it's also a major joy and blessing. It does keep one young, at heart at least.
ReplyDeleteA peace that passes understanding is my prayer for you.
Your plate is certainly full dear girl. It seems you may need to clone yourself so you can be with Gabriel, Samuel, Casey, and taking care of your home and pets all at the same time. I'm sure at this point you must feel exhausted. I know it will be almost impossible to do, but... try to get some rest and put your mind at ease (well at least try). Sending Hugs!
ReplyDeleteslow down...easier said than done. I know this. Rational???? I don't think that word should be in language. Rational doesn't exist.
ReplyDeleteThank heavens Sam is in a safe and loving environment...prayers going up that he will remain in such a home. Now to get Gabriel to safety on a permanent basis. Ten days with no contact? The only thing I can think of is how you ended a recent blog. ''HOW FREAKIN' DAMN DARE YOU?" My apologies to you if I've overstepped my bounds here.
ReplyDeletePrayers and much love are going out to one and all.
mz. catpest
Ouch!!! It all seems like such a painful situation.
ReplyDeleteI think Berta is going to have a lot of guilt to deal with later in life....and even more scary is how much it will be if she doesnt straighten up NOW!!!
Praying for EVERYONE...and today mostly for Berta.....seems she needs it most.
My goodness woman~what else must you endure? You know that I'm always just a keyboard away if you ever need to chat!
ReplyDeleteMuch love to you my sweet friend (and of course, sending love to my little pin cushion as well!!)
Take care !!
I know I have said this before, and will KEEP ON SAYING IT TOO:
ReplyDelete..."From your lips to Gods ears."
I can only HOPE that everyone is on it all, and on the same page.
You spoke of blame...
And she does blame me too.
She says her Grandpa died when she was 4.
Yes, it was traumatic for her because she spent a TON of time with him.
But yes, it is HIGH TIME to get over that.
She blames me for sending her down to Alabama in the 1st place.
She claimed she was raped, (there is MUCH dispute about this, even from witnesses) and I wanted her to safety because the DA (Connelly) in Oconto County would not press charges, even though she need surgery to repair the damage.
(She was 17, her rapist had more $$$ than I did).
My sister Barbara and her husband and children stepped in to help out.
Roberta abused that too.
(And yes, she was given counseling, free medical, college education (she quit) etc while there).
She has blamed me for kicking her out after she had come back from Alabama, had gone through detox (at the Nietschke Center no less), for a month for her crack cocaine addiction and her alcoholism.
Not too long after that program ended, she had started drinking again,and since I still had Casey at home this was a no~brainer to either have her quit again, or leave here.
She chose to leave that night.
Somehow it is probably my fault that Gabriel has no father.
She has told the staff at the hospital that all I do is an "act"
(Yeah, I must act like a grandmother or something).
But I damn sure wasn't acting when I told that boyfriend of hers at the hospital exactly what I thought of him, his arrest/conviction record and everything else.
And the list of lies go on ~ and on ~ and on...
Whatever happened in her childhood, honestly, either get the help you need, or get over it.
To blame ME (or her fathers) for her own bad decisions is ludicrous at this point.
She is 28.
And yes, I would rather have her blaming me than taking it out on her own children.
But it is simply time to grow up.
And for those of you who think she was raised differently somehow, that would be a lie too.
I raised all my children the very same.
They were taught the difference between right/wrong at a very early age. This offered them NO surprises later on.
She knows no guilt, no responsibility, or fear.
(But wait, she wasDAMNED scared when she was arrested last month).
Oh well.
Too bad, so sad. I arranged for almost immediate bond money.
The buck stops here.
There is no more bail money.
And like Pa said to us kids so many moons ago, "If you are bright enough to get yourself into trouble, you'd best be smart enough to get yourself out."
Pa was very smart.
And she would have a very RUDE AWAKENING if he were still here...
Yes, she is living with him. I saw him throw his arms up when I got there last night too.
Yeah, he'd better walk away...
But NOBODY can do anything unless something happens. And at that point, there had better not be irreparable harm.
Gabriel actually ate marijuana about 4 months ago. (This is a signed statement by a witness).
And Roberta thought it funny.
the thought that so many people have loving homes to offer etc has most certainly gone through my head more than once.
Being adopted, I can honestly attest to that.
She already signed off her parental rights to my Little Lawrence.
And yes, I can still go down there and see him and be his Grandmother. That termination has nothing to do with me.
Funny that I didn't hear it from her.
(Guess that tells us much about her integrity too)- And she was shocked when I said she sold Lawrence.
In my book when a parent signs off to avoid having to pay child support, they are selling their own children.
But that is just MY opinion...
I know God has given us all much to ponder on, and that we do not necessarily learn the why of it til later.
I just hope and pray nothing bad HAS to happen to secure the future for these babies.
And I still live with my head in the sand.
ReplyDelete(Think this is what they call "denial").
But when I asked WHY she hadn't called, she was too busy healing from her c~section.
After all, she "just had surgery, and had to be at the hospital..."
ReplyDeleteI told Miss Marie she was/IS an angel in disguise. She is warm and loving and bright.
Our little Sam could ask for no better in a family.
...AND, I told Chuck NOT to let it happen again.
Why is it always the kids that must suffer so?
XOXO to all,
ReplyDeleteI thank you for those prayers too.
All children, no matter how or why or how long they are here, deserve stability... and LOVE.
ReplyDeleteI am sorry, but I disagree wholeheartedly with your statement.
Please reread my last few entries...
I have a plaque called "Let go and Let God."
ReplyDeleteIt has been my safety net here many many times over.
ReplyDeleteI try to remove it all from my mind, but my head and heart do not allow for this to happen either.
Check that dang dictionary already... and there it is...
ReplyDeleteOverstep your bounds when I have bared my soul to all and sundry?
Not possible. Do not worry.
You have only said it like it is.
As I have too.
You are wise beyond your years my friend.
ReplyDeleteAnd so very very kind.
I don't know if it is so much me that has to endure it all....
ReplyDeleteMostly the children.
(And they do have it worse than anyone else that is involved, whether directly or indirectly).
The pin cushion is home today because of her pain... Has an appointment tomorrow morning; and I promise that I will keep you (all) informed...
After reading your recent blogs I just have to say HUH?!? OK~there is a point in EVERYONE'S life where they have to start taking responsibility for their own actions. I think I am a good example (not a perfect one). You know some of what I endured in my lifetime. I don't talk much about all of it~but I am extremely honest when someone wants to know the truth. I fucking hate (sorry 'bout the language) when people say (not referring to me, but maybe members of my family) 'Oh, but they went through so much as a kid. WHAT?!? Their parents divorced? Really? That's as bad as they had it~their parents divorced? My mom was murdered, in cold blood, and the killers are still at large...I'm not a addict or alcoholic~I overcame my addiction (anorexia) on my own accord because MY children meant more to me than anything else. I don't blame anyone else for the wrong choices that I made in life~I knew right from wrong (I, much like so many others) had a lot of guidance in that department. Being an addict is a CHOICE~the first time that you use, unless someone has a gun to your head, you made a conscious choice to ingest something.
ReplyDeleteI don't know my friend~you have more to deal with than I think I would ever want to~just know that I am here for you and support you. Sending you love and prayers across all the miles!
xoxoxoxo me
Sweet Thers;
ReplyDeleteI need to highlight this entire message...
I do know of what you have shared, and cannot even begin to imagine the horror of what you grew up with...
You are SO right that being an addict is a personal choice.
Why then does everyone find 'blame' for making poor choices.
(Scratch that, it is an abominable choice)...
I am a smoker, and will probably die of it all some day.
That is my own abomination, my own addiction, to bear with.
Know that I am NOT EVER CLAIMING to be an angel either.
Yet, the mstakes I may have made did not EVER threaten the health or happiness of my children/grandchildren.
And that is a HUGE difference. (To me anyway).
Did I always have it 'all together'?
Absolutely not.
...But throw a few kids my way, and those principles and morals that my parents always spoke of came out in quick order.
Like yourself, my babies DID mean more to me than anything else in the world.
You said, "Being an addict is a choice."
And hopefully NO ONE will ever argue with that.
...And I don't care how many tags and labels people can put on it, it was still that persons choice.
Tags and labels are copouts.
And in an addicted world, there is nothing that does more harm than to try to dress it up pretty.
Time for me to get 'back' outside for a while...
So sorry, Anne. I think all of us have issues from our past to deal w/, but that is exactly what Roberta must do: deal w/ them. Every one of us could probably come up w/ something that would qualify as traumatic (and I'm not trying to belittle her pain in any way, just saying). But she must realize she can't change whatvever has happened or did not happen to her. She should just try to be grateful for everyday that she has now and the gift of her children. It sounds to me like she is living in her own self-centered world and pulling the innocent down w/ her. Fingers crossed that somehow, someway Gabriel's situation turns out as well as Samuel's.
ReplyDeleteGood evening Bart,
ReplyDeleteI am so very sorry to hear that your family is going through a mess like this. Its heartbreaking to watch from afar.. I cant think of anything to say that would remotely make it all better. I wish that I could.
I know one thing for sure... a drug addict will end up in one of two places... a jail cell or a cemetary. Thats a very sad fact!
Glad to hear Sam is in a good place, and I will add Mr Gabe to my prayers that things will turn out good for him too.
Sorry to hear Casey is in pain and back in the hospital again but its good news to hear she is hanging in there and that there is still hope in the Mayo!
All my love and good wishes to all of you! May God Bless each and every one!
She is a pity~pot kid. And will always work to find someone who feels sorry for her.
ReplyDeleteAnd I am sure that you are right abuot coming up with more than a few things.
It/They happened.
It/They could have been MUCH worse somehow.
Move on.
But it is never enough for her.
And I know that, psychologically speaking, there is (yet another) "label" for people that want others to feel sorry for them.
Not sure what it's called.
I know Pa knew how to fix it though-
His prescription would have been a "good swift kick in the seat of her pants"
Too bad it's illegal.
Poor her.
Does she really think the rest of the world has it so easy?
We have ALL "been there, done that" as far as our pasts go.
But we are survivors.
And yes, there certainly are many people who are not.
They get through it all too, just a bit easier than others.
You type very well with your fingers crossed...
...just sayin'
I do know those 'truths' you speak of.
ReplyDeleteAnd truly, it frightens me to even think of them.
Casey did take today off. Not too sure how much rest she got though- she had so much stuff to do in prep for Mayo.
She says this is the very worst pain she has ever had...
Nasty crap. Somebody has GOT to 'fix' her...
say a prayer for those doctors and nurses that will be caring for her there too.
As far as not being able to think of a thing to do...
Don't you know that you just did it?
You are here for me, and that is magical and miracle enough.
And it should go without saying that I am so happy that you are all here. Each in your own way to offer your hearts, your friendship, your sympathys and your support.
ReplyDeleteLike Morysa said, "I can't think of anything" that would convey my gratitude for this.
To say the very least, it is SO helpful even to add my own comments and all...
Thank you SO much.
Love to all
Ok here comes "just figured it out Nancy"
ReplyDeleteThe guy Roberta is with is the reason for the other blogs. He is Sam's natural father...am I right so far?
And now Sam is in the care of Charles & Marie! ok I think I'm getting it!
Oh Annie! Like you really need more Jerry Springer in your life !
I wish I could be there with you just to hold your hand or something.
I'm sure God has a special place in Heaven for you.
just like I have a special place in my heart marked Anne!
ReplyDeleteThe guy she is with right now is the bad guy.
He is NOT Sam's father.
Charles is.
Charles wife is an angel.
ReplyDeleteBut "I" am no angel either...
See comment up there to Thers...
You are too kind!
Charles is Sam's dad.....but Roberta is Sam's mom...where does Marie come into all this ??
ReplyDeleteFeel free to send me a personal message. I'm so lost. This isn't a soap opera.. they are alot easier to follow!
I know what you mean here. I was no angel either but my kid was first. Did he ever see his mom drink? Hell no! Did he know I smoked pot after he went to bed? Hell no. When it was time to be his Mom I was there for him 100% and I still am.
ReplyDeletePS.. I no longer drink or smoke pot !
I'm glad to hear that Charles took Sweet Sam home with him. How is Sam doing? I am sorry to hear about Master Gabriel. I will definitely be sending more prayers your way and Roberta's too. I hope she comes around. I know that is a big understatement.
ReplyDeleteLet Casey know that we are thinking about her and wishing her well. Many prayers to her too.
swyb gtiiiiiiiiiiiiiurtit lkkkkkkkkkkrehf hilllllllllllllllllllll;p[. Dalton says hi and that he misses your letters back and forth. haha
Lots of love to you! I hope Dalton at least made you smile a little even if it is on the inside.
I keep praying and scratching my head over this whole matter... Can't stand the way she continues to live and the fact that she brings her children into it... WTF???
ReplyDeleteJust know that there are lots of people, including myself, who are here for you whenever you need a shoulder to lean on or cry on... And we're here for the laughs too! So don't be afraid to ask...
Love you MUCH MUCH!!
Thank you to everyone's prayers and thoughts! They are a huge help...
My gosh Anne. I leave town for a week and come back, to see so much has happened in that short time. I'm glad that Sam is safe with dad, and that he is doing well. That is a relief. And now you will be able to focus on Gabe and Casey AND YOURSELF! I hope that you are trying to take care of yourself. You know I'm close enough to you if you or Casey need anything, call me, I can be there in 20 min. ten if the lights are with me and there are are no cops around. hehehe If you are in town stop in, or call and we can meet for lunch.
ReplyDeleteMy prayers and thoughts are with you and Casey.
What's the matter Bug?
ReplyDeleteCan't keep up?
Marie is Charles wife.
I pictured her in the last blog (I think it was the last blog).
Here is that angel again.
She has lots of love!
ReplyDeleteI smoked pot in high school.
But for me it was no dang stepping stone either. Just something to do at lunch hour.
Like you I neither drink nor smoke pot either.
I am SO mad I could kick myself... I missed Charles' call by only a few moments and I called back but then heard nothing after that.
ReplyDeleteI don't want to call there because I never know if I will wake the baby, or how busy anyone is.
About Master Gabriel...
I know I am hard on Roberta, especially after knowing what I know now.
But she does love him. In her own way.
Just that 'in her own way' seems to put him in danger.
And that is not acceptable.
Casey will read this blog, and will know!
Dear Dalton,
ReplyDeletedairy eihvn vuvb kmchbtuv mmi;
asomicj ;
qoun avmpp j eo9nv;ovu 'p.
Love, Me
ReplyDeleteSee? What did I tell you?
I don't know of anything worse than taking an innocent child and putting that child in harms way.
ReplyDeleteAnd by this time, there is little that offers up hope for it all to stop. For me anyway.
But like I said, I do keep searching for it too.
I love you too Sweet Baby Girl
I know I have misplaced my funny bone for a bit.
I promise to find it soon.
I laughed out loud!
(Guess that funny bone isn't so far gone after all)...
A week?
Holy crap. Just be happy I didn't blog every day!
I am trying to take care of myself too.
I had to mow lawn today.
And I did.
A bit anyway.
Until my back said, "NO MORE" in no uncertain terms.
I am paying for it now.
And it is not done, but I did get close to the house anyway, and that helps a lot.
And just in case you are wondering how long my lawns are...
(Yeah, it's kinda like that)...
Here's a pic to show those really ARE shorts!
(OMG, that is SO bad)!
And after all of this...
ReplyDeleteI read this article, and am wondering if "I" have overstepped my own boundaries by sharing?
Haha! No, I just read the article and you haven't overstepped any boundaries! Your situation demands that the children's health and welfare be FIRST and it looks like that's happening...painful as it may be in some ways. Roberta is definitely deep in the throes of her addictions and who knows what will finally wake her up and give her the strength to overcome it. Keeping those little boys safe is really the goal. She's an adult and hopefully will learn to act like one someday. Hugs to you and Casey and everyone else doing they best the can!
ReplyDeleteAs I had been out of touch...I got confused at first on the going ons with Roberta and the new baby, but after reading comments and your replies, the scenario became clear to me.
ReplyDeleteSam does need a safe and loving home.....Gabriel deserves one, too.
Prayers for you and your family members....hoping that Casey feels better.
ReplyDeleteI will blog later...
But this, just to my attention.
Roberta says I am not to see Master Gabriel anymore.
Go figure...
Casey has all the texts on her phone... just thought I would share...
Not to see Master Gabriel anymore? LET ME AT HER THROAT!!!
ReplyDeleteHoly crap Bart! Hopefully she will come to her senses soon.
ReplyDeleteYou have not even come close to overstepping your boundaries...
Oh yeah, doesn't it figure. Wouldnt want you too close to see what she is doing. If Gabriel spent much more time with you and told you what mommy did, it would get her into trouble......can't go exposing the truth now can she. SO SAD!!!!
ReplyDeleteBe right back...
ReplyDeleteI dont think the article is over stepping... I dont believe you overstepped with Gabe either. You took care of him while she was in the hospital.. When she got out... nothing said you had to continue to keep him. You could have demanded that she come get him. After all you raised your children, but you didnt you stepped up and made some desidsions that maybe she didnt like.
ReplyDeleteWhy she is pissed more at you than herself.. I dunno. Maybe she is more pissed because you found out the truth and now your calling her on it.
So here is what I woudl say to Berta... if your mom's few missteps "ruined your life" and are responsible for allyour current mistakes...what will YOUR three children say about YOU when they are older?
ReplyDeleteI bet she can't answer that one.
Now that said, once we are past the age of 13 years old we HAVE to stop blaming our parents. We are old enough to know right from wrong and make our own descisions. Our parents have NOTHING to do with the choices we make as adults. Berta needs to put her big girl panties on, hike them up tight and get her shit together. Drugs and babies do NOT go together. She could have (and might still) have killed her baby. He isn't out of the woods, how will she live with herself if he dies or worset has to live his life with birth defects? More drugs?
The good thing is that since Sam is with his biological (and responsible) parent she will most likely never get him back. I don't condone 100% of Chuck's actions but at least he stepped up and acted like an adult when he needed to. God bless Marie.
Berta is 28 and really needs to start acting it. I am further saddened by the direct effect of drugs on children.... and it hurts all the more for those of us who would be responsible, loving, caring, and good parents but not able to be and am left wondering why.
I think it should be said then...
I think her actions of not letting me see Gabriel again is just hopping on that train with z.
ReplyDeleteShe left Casey a text that said she could NOT care for him because of her c~section. Think it was 2 weeks...
She is pissed because I found out.
Too bad, so sad.
Methinks SHE needs to find out a few things...
Whether you want ot hear it or not...... Jul 16, '08 6:59 PM
ReplyDeleteby DeeAnne for users gabiemonstersmom and deeannes
So here is what I would say to Berta... if your mom's few missteps "ruined your life" and are responsible for allyour current mistakes...what will YOUR three children say about YOU when they are older?
I have only heard two sides of the story but living what I live with my sister on a daily basis I think I might be on track.
Sure maybe your mom made mistakes.... we all do but NO ONE lives their lives based on the mistakes of another. We do the best we can with the cards we are dealt and can not ever blame our current actions on the past. At least not attach blame. One way or another you are an adult and control yourself and your actions. Your choices directly affect your children.
You say you love them? I say PROVE IT.
ReplyDeleteI am happy to see a bit of a different perspective on this. You are good.
But you do know she gave up rights to my Little Lawrence?
Maybe somehow, that is proof? A bit of it anyway?
Miss Anna,
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately I know where your coming from....
I sure hope that you and Casey will be doing better soon.
It is good you have each other!
ReplyDeleteSadly, she is just being Roberta.
Read Pea's letter to her above.
ReplyDeleteYes, it is sad. Mostly for the children.
After all, she is 28, ya know ~(MUST be all growed~up by now).
I still want to slap her face for doing drugs (and all else) while she was pregnant...
And now this???
And I know I have to calm down about this.
But am still in such a defense mode...
Methinks you have hit that proverbial nail SMACK on its head!
ReplyDeleteI am sorry that ANYone would know my fears and know where I am coming from.
My apologies for conjuring up bad memories for you- for anyone that happens across this blog.
But just one question...
When does it end?
I know she did. Perhaps she did what she thought right at the time... she was much younger then. There she might have been doing what folks do when they give their kids up for adoption, trying to give them a better life. I can ALMOST see where that might be true for her then.
ReplyDeleteThis to me is a separate issue. Her current lifestyle is a choice made by an adult inflicted upon her children. She should know better. If she has a problem she should get help and knowing she was doing it she should NOT have gotten pregnant.
ReplyDeleteThis happened this past February...
!!!! Oh.
ReplyDeleteI thought she had done it way back when. He has always been living down south as long as I knew I didn't realize that she just now did it.
must have needed the child support money for drugs then.
Drugs do bizarre things... have you read that book yet?
ReplyDeleteThe plot sickens, right...
I am in the midst of reading it. Will let you know when I finish, but am going to bring it with when we go to Mayo
ReplyDeleteMaster Gabriel needs to be FAR, FAR, away from her...permanently!
It is not an easy read but it is straight to the point and on target. Read it twice if need be but it DOES help. It was the one thing that was able to make me understand why I ahd to let go of my other sister in order to get her back.
ReplyDeleteActually I think Gabie needs very much to BE with his mother.
ReplyDeleteBut she needs to get ehr shit together and keep it together.
Children need their parents.
I said what I did because I remember all too well what my brothers and I went through as kids. The last people we needed to be around were our folks.
ReplyDeleteI understand abuse all too well...every kind of abuse.
true. and I would say the same thing. You needed to be with your parents but your parents needed to get their shit together. If they can't then you should have been elsewhere until they DID get it together.
ReplyDeleteSo how long of a process to get/keep/hold your "hsti" together?
ReplyDeleteOr, like Casey said to the Court Commissioner, "Do you just wait for the death certificate?"
I am a very patient person...
But am not far enough into the book to let you know how long I can wait for this 'unknown' thing to happen...
I am not saying she should have Gabie NOW...I was saying forever is a long damn time...
ReplyDeleteI guess I should have said she needs to get her shit together and keep it together FIRST....\
I missed the permanent and forever thing.
ReplyDeleteYou are so right.
And I don't know what will happen at any time during any given day.
I think that is why this really bothers me so much.
Problem is...my parents never did get their act together.
ReplyDeleteI'm scared to death for Gabriel. He needs to be far away from his mother for a long, long time.
The unknown is always scary especially when it is about family...
ReplyDeletepart of my point is that had they realized what they stood to loose they might HAVE go their act together.
ReplyDeleteI am with you on being afraid for Gabie..
Sadly, I am with you both.
ReplyDeleteAnd Pest, when parents DO have their act together, they still aren't perfect ya know.
Guess I was SO lucky that way.
And only somehow wanted the same for my own children/grandchildren.
I think I was lucky that I never expected my parents to be perfect. Some how I always knew that they did the best that they could and that was what matters.
ReplyDeleteThey were by no means the most perfect parents and they did not have their shit 100% together but they did love us and did everything they could to protect us and would NEVER have intentionally put us in any danger.
I don't really know what I can say that will help you in any way Anne.
ReplyDeleteI just wanted you to know that I'm thinking of you all.
Keep smiling xxxxx