[My] Life in Wisconsin

A "Wunnaful" Weekend!

Yes, that's me...
Wearing my back brace after a long weekend...
Good Monday Morning All;
I only wish I could wear that brace 24/7...
...It makes me look skinny!

Due to the fact that I work (and sweat), I don't wear it while I am outside. I won't be getting it icky.

I shall share our weekend with you....
But first a warning...
I might have posted this before, but make sure you double check your prescriptions. Your doctor doesn't always know these interactions are possible.
Do any of you have/get migraine headaches?
Here is a very good page to let you know what NOT to take along with your Imitrex, Maxalt, Zomig, etc. (Or vice~versa).

At my house right now is a 2 year old who has more energy than 100 of me.
But every now and then he will pause to watch...

Absolutely in awe of the tractors
and the trailers
and the rigs
across the street
Cnv0970 by you.

Cnv0971 by you.
Did you notice the feathers in his hand?
Cnv0969 by you.
A somewhat fresh kill too.
Found in the ditch.
Randy buried it there too.
I think this may be the same bird I'd taken a picture of the day before.

Cnv0952 by you.
Of course there has to be time to play too...
Cnv0974 by you.
Who said it was high time for us to be busy too?

The weeds are slowly but surely disappearing around here, thanks to Randy. (He's got a good back)!

He also mowed the ditches with my old pushmower. I honestly thought I had thrown this one out- He found it in the old calf pen.
It needed no more than a few tweaks to get it going-

(And maybe a few cuss words too)...

Cnv0889 by you.

I'd bought a hose about a month ago to replace 'el~cheapo' that I had connected in the pumphouse.
The new one is to withstand 500psi.
Maybe the hose itself did, but the connector left much to be desired; and spewed water all over the water pit...
Cnv0983 by you.
Oh wait...
It may have spewed water all over Randy too.

It was at this point that Master Gabriel used the last of his vanishing acts.
This does not make me happy... even if Punk is with him, and even if he is just around the corner...
I had asked him nicely 4 times to stay put where I could see him.
He didn't listen.

So the consequences did not make him happy either
Cnv0977 by you.
Miss Milly and Gabriel are on the same wavelength.

She disappeared too...
Cnv0992 by you.
Correct me if I am seeing things...
Do they have the same p.o.'ed expressions on their faces,
Or is it my imagination?


Gabriel toddles around on the tricycle;
absolutely refusing to put his feet on the pedals.

So he needed just a bit of coaching...

Cnv0980 by you.
And then it was easy to get it right!
Cnv0981 by you.
A very proud moment!
For us all!

Gabriel wasn't too big on sharing yesterday...
And surely not Grandpa Randy's attention...
Cnv0991 by you.
For some reason, I was kind of happy when the dust settled for the day.
Randy still had to get up to his dad's and visit his mom.
Time to go.
Cnv0994 by you.

A hug and a kiss
And a few words of love and wisdom too...

It gets chilly and dark, in a quick way now...
Time to go inside.
Cnv0951 by you.
And to get our jammies on...
Cnv0988 by you.
Sweet Jesus, he was still full of piss and vinegar
and ready for more!!!

Story time.
And prayers for everyone!
And it really didn't take him long to fall asleep.
Me neither.

Love to all-
I hope your weekend was also filled with a little love,
(and a whole lot of laughter).


About the laughter?
I asked Randy to exchange that hose for me...
I told him I got it at K-Mart.
In reality, I'd gotten it at Wal-Mart...
I later confessed when he called as he left K-Mart.

Originally posted to my Y! 360, Monday August 11, 2008 - 10:33am (CDT)


  1. You make the day so enjoyable! :o) Sheila
    (ps. do those backbraces really work or help with pain?)

  2. Ahhhhhh Anna, From my vantage point with all the personal problems you have to struggle through, you are still so blessed. Your farm looks like a peaceful place to live, alot of work, but peaceful never the less.

    Master Gabriel is just the right age....I love little toddlers that are just getting their own personalities and in to everything....Their curiosity so easily peaked.

    You are right that back wrap makes you look like you have a 19 inch waist. No wonder ladies of yesteryear liked to wear those corset thingys.

    Thanks for sharing your weekend with all of us Anna....
    Lots of hugs being sent your way. :)

  3. I know Gabriel didn't like the time out but it is very scary when you can't find your kids. I don't know when they finally get it that they shouldn't wander off.

  4. Hilarious that they DO have the same expression on their faces....

    What is it with kids and dogs that they don't not understand how worrying it is to not know where they are?

    A wonderful walk through your weekend.... and a huge hug and kudos to Randy for all his help!

  5. Yessssssss, it is the same expression :)

    Love the pictures of Gabriel with his Grandpa Randy, something so special about those.
    You look skinny in your brace, and something tells me your skinny without it too :)

  6. oh an I forgot to say....



  7. Love the pictures my sweet friend!~ And yes, Miss Milly and Gabriel both have the same expressions on their faces...

    Lemme borrow that brace for awhile :D I need to look skinny for a bit :P

    Take care and enjoy you week!!

    Lots of love!!

    xoxoxoxo Thers

  8. Great pictures. Where can I get a brace like that?
    I wanna look Boobish too !

  9. Sweet Sheila!
    OMG, Yes!!!!!
    The very minute I had it on, the pressure on my mid back was gone.
    I could not turn (a good thing).
    But I was better...

    Also, I had a stress fracture last year- my foot.
    They gave me one of those "boots" to wear.
    That helped the very second I had put it on too.


  10. Oh, Anne... That back brace reminds me of my old pain.... I'm so glad I don't need it anymore and all the painkillers... Take good care, sweet Anne...

    Heehee... I'm never tired looking at the little Master pictures... His expressions are expensive! Give him a squeesh from me...

    Hope you and family have a great day & big hugssss!!
    p/s Please forgive me, I'm either been missing too much or I've forgotten.... but who is GrandPa Randy?

  11. Sweet Mindy!
    I am glad you enjoyed it too
    I really AM blessed (which is precisely why I never think to give up).
    Oh wait.
    I think it.
    I just don't DO it.

    The thing about the 'corset' is that it's not even really tight, or people would get pneumonia...
    It is just comfy!


    ...remember that MG is still stuck in those terrible twos...
    He sure can be a handful!
    But a huge handful too!

  12. Sweet Judy!
    I don't think they ever stop wandering off!


  13. Sweet Pea;
    I thought it was pretty darned funny too!
    Problem is that they both smile at me when they are 'found' too.
    (Just you TRY to be mad at those faces)...


  14. Sweet BethieBaby!

    He always wants to do what the other "man" is doing.
    (But then so does Gabriel)...



  15. Sweet Thers!

    I still snicker to see those pics...

    You may HAVE the darned brace- (soon as I am healed that is)...


  16. Just curious...
    Are you questioning the 'BOOB' or the 'ISH' part???



  17. Sweet Bug!
    You girls crack me up!!!!


  18. Sweet Rambling Ruzie!
    And I always wonder how sick people might get if'n I keep posting pics of the kids and the dogs...
    Happy you do not tire of them!

    Randy is my friend. (I do keep some things a bit more private, and do not always write about him, so no, you probably haven't missed it all). Just a few references.
    He has been part/parcel of my family now for almost 11 years.
    Thus having 'earned' the respect offered to any grandfather!


  19. Who in the world would get sick looking at children antics...?! Well, only sick people I guess...

    Nope... I can never get enough looking at how cute they are... no matter what they do! LOL!!

    And hello to GrandPa Randy, then... Glad to know another part of your family, Anne...

  20. My first thought with that last statement... OOOPS! hehe

    Evenin Bart, Sounds like it was a wonderful weekend.. Im thinkin the perfect Christmas gift for that boy would be a tractor..
    Yep eveyone needs a little pushmower to push around.

    Now about that back belt.. dont be wearing it 24/7.. it will just make your back weaker than it already is.

    Glad you had grampa to help with a few chores..

    Mucho hugs and lotsa luv


  21. Anne I wore a black belt like that one when I worked at Home Depot many years ago. Mine came nowhere close to making me look thin! But it sure did help keep my back from being a major pain at the end of the day.

    I completely understand the energy of a 2 year old! I wished for a long time that some of that energy would rub off on me. All they did was succeed in zapping mine away from me!

    Glad you posted this over here. I may can get to your page over on 360 but I cannot get to the blogs. On those days I am lucky enough to get to the blog it won't let me comment on them! I have almost stopped going to it. I know that if I cannot get to others pages to comment on their blogs they cannot get to mine.I occasionally get to do a quick comment on the main page. That works most of the time. Works so well it does it in duplicate sometimes!

  22. Oh...and is Gabriel getting cuter and cuter or what!!!


  23. Must run for now...
    Having just gotten a shot for my head.
    Back later...


  24. Sorry you had a nasty head today.. Hope the shot worked and you feel better soon!

  25. From far away your back brace pic looks like you have a 1930's dress on hehe..Does the brace make you feel better???

    Gabe is such a cutie pie..I am soooooo laughing over his "time out" look..it's saying.."if you think I was too busy before, just WAIT till I get off this chair" and oh my gosh at Miss Milly.." you may have me chained for now, but..."

    Poor Randy and those pesky stubborn mowers hehe..and I hope it wasn't too chilly for a shower of hose water LOL.

    Your flowers are sooooooooo beautiful Anne!!!..You have beauty everywhere!!! Have a terrific Wednesday and stay well xoxo

    P.S..I attempted to post "elsewhere" and it isn't showing so forgive me for "copy and paste" hehe xoxo

  26. You're bringing sexy back, Yeah baby!!
