- hehehe.
Good Morning Everyone!
(Oops, "afternoon" now).
Words to the wise here: Do NOT be eating while you are reading;
especially if you have a sensitive stomach...
In answer to the above title; I have only been in one of my little comas.
As I was finishing putting the last load of wash in the dryer Monday night, I started seeing those dots and flashing lights.
I took a Maxalt, and waited for the lights to go away. (Having also had to put the TV on pause so I could watch the Packer Game) .
Thank the powers that be for my DISH System, and the ability to pause live TV...
I never caught up with the game until past the halftime.
Maxalt screws up my "innards"... And the headache takes care of everything else. (Suffice to say that I spent a great deal of time within the confines of the powder room).
And Monday had been SO nice...
Casey came out, and we all went to the woods, and down to the river too. (I have not been down there but once, since I hurt my back).
Even Miss Milly stuck around to us; in part because Casey was here, Mr. Miller was here, and of course Master Gabriel too.
Sputnik was not one bit interested in going along..
Apparently too busy to be bothered...
Casey and Gabriel on the way to the woods.
As we walked back, all three dogs had found something very very nasty to roll in. Milly got the first serving, having bolted to the woods in her own style.
Punk was second, and with all of our yelling, only got a little on her neck/collar.
I removed her collar (posthaste and very carefully); and wound up carrying it home on a stick.
(Yes, her collar WAS bleach~washed that same night; right along with Mama Milly's)...
Mr. Miller tried to roll in it too, but he missed... (True). hehehe
Since this is what dogs do, we just kept going.
Thank God for the river!
Were you born, raised, or ever even worked at a farm?
Then you know there is a huge difference in the 'aroma' of the different animals.
There is also a difference in 'shape' of the doo~doo any animal leaves 'behind'.
We discovered what the dogs had rolled in was HUMAN.
And our insides just roiled over and over-
More of it in the woods too. I believe the little Mexicans have used the woods as their personal toilet.
DAMNED MAD ABOUT THAT. (There are not enough cuss words to even write how I feel about this).
Funny, but I haven't seen them here since Casey made that phone call to complain...
But anyway, like I said, thank God for the river!
Gabriel was not too sure about walking in water.
on all the "slippy~rocks".
(So a little help goes a long way)...
Punk was already soaking....
Dirty Milly joined her too!When we got her, Miss Milly would NOT go in the river... And she was petrified to even be near the water as I brought it to her kennel. Bath times have been known to be awfully anxiety~ridden for us all...
Gabriel splashed water at an already soaked Punk!.
We watched a crayfish fight too....
Not much fun having to get back up the cliff. But was very much a worthwhile little trip...
Casey gets pushed all the way home!.
And it was bath time... For all three of these dogs.
Miss Milly went first.
(I knew she was white underneath all that gunk)!
Then The Punkster...
The hose water was chilly, but they all loved their baths.
As for myself, I was wondering if there is a way to put my entire being in the washer too...
While I washed the dogs, Master Gabriel was bound and determined
to teach Mr. Miller to golf!
One of the most Sacred Laws of Flintville reads;.
All wet clothes MUST be removed prior to going in the house.
exposing many many crinkly toes!.
I shall have to finish this later- Have to bring Roberta to work now.
In the meantime, please let me know what words YOU might have used...
¿¿¿Como se dice ~"Doo~Doo"~???
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disturbing beyond all reason. Pics are pretty though. Thanks for not including the aforementioned "matter" among those pics.
ReplyDeleteNow off to read the blog...
ReplyDeleteUmm so I thought my father was the only one with a weird sink cat....
I was worried you were going to find chupacabra poo.... hu,an poo is just sick to find in your yard not scary....
Milly doesn't look like she much likes that bath... look at that tail!!!!
Eww...Ewww...Ewwwww! Leave it to a dog to be attracted to "crap" like that!
ReplyDeleteThose crayfish reminded me watching Finding Nemo. Remember the two that were standing on the sewage lines near a spot where some solid stuff kept floating out of one of the cracks? They were after that precious poop! LOL! Must be a delicacy to them. Yuck!
Sweet SD;
ReplyDeleteI even had a problem putting the picture of Milly in the river on this blog...
But there is SO little 'proof' that she indeed does go in the water of her own volition.
Had I simply stated that she went in, too many of y'all might have questioned my honesty...
"Disturbing" is a very good word.
Now I have been in the woods all of my life for one reason or another.
That said, I have done all matter of things while IN those same woods...
But not once have I left anything out for others to roll, step or fall into.
I also know that some things can happen just 'immediate' too. (Hence an excuse for that 'bit of sh*t in the field)?
Even without a shovel he/they could have at least kicked a hole to bury it in. OR USE THEIR HOES!
Gods sakes, it is unforgivable.
Even my damned cat knows better.
thank you Sweet Pea.
ReplyDeleteer, I mean "Gracias"
ReplyDeleteSweet Pea...
ReplyDeleteI had to find a picture for you.
Not sure if you recall this one or not- It is of the dead Chupacabra I found in my woods 3 years ago.
Pretty damned petrified too.
But I don't think my Chupa friend will be pooing anywhere at anytime, anymore...
And no, the poo was NOT in my yard, but 3/4's of the way back to the woods on the trail, and then 2 spots (that I know of), in the woods.
Not sure why Sputty likes the sink. Must be a lack of love...
I knew you would notice the tail...
But the fact remains that I did not have to use force to keep her there at all.
That, in and of itself, is a minor miracle for her.
Love to you!!!
Sweet PeachieBaby!
ReplyDeleteDogs find any manner of RAUNCHY smell attractive.
About your comment about Nemo.
The floating thing...
Why am I thinking about Chevy Chase, Bill Murray and a Baby Ruth???
I remember your Chupa....
ReplyDeleteI consider the woods part of your back yard... Everything is someones yard... if you gotta poo outside DIG A HOLE! Sheesh.
I was happy she was not being held there by a blocka nd tackle... jus laughing about the tell-tale err. tail.
Yuck, gross & disgusting
ReplyDeleteBut I always love pics of Gabriel & the poochies no matter what the blog is about !
Digging the hole might not have been possible at the moment, but then going back to the field and obtaining a hoe would have been the proper thing to do.
ReplyDelete"SHEESH" is right.
Check out Miss Milly's tail as she is in the river too.
It is all miraculous to us.
I firmly believe she would have died in that hot kennel (with no food and water), had I not bought her on the spot that day.
ReplyDeleteThank you so very much my Sweet Bug!
Your words are always so kind.
yes... I agree.
ReplyDeleteI am certain Miss Charlotte would have too....
oh and MUDBUGS!!!!!!!!!
Hiya Bart!
ReplyDeletewhat wonderful pictures... as to a few words..
ewwwwwww!!! Is that a word??? That is very disgusting and nasty! I woulda probably tossed both collars..hehe (Im just that way)
I sure hope they do something to stop them .. maybe if they are gonna stick them out in the fields all day they should provide one of those portapottys. I have noticed that when you have some construction companies in an empty building.. with restrooms I might add .. they still get just as nasty as can be.. and many many dont flush. Not pointin no fingers here.. but... well..
Love the pictures of the river.. and the crawfish.. you shoulda caught it and showed Mr Gabe the thing out of water..hehe.. He woulda had a fit! Or maybe its time to go crawfish fishing.hehe
So you made the baby strip.. the question that comes to my mind.. Did Gramma and Auntie Casey strip too???? hmmmmm????? hehe Oh wait.. I think Im seein some leg.. you did strip outside too.. oh my goodness and where was the camera then..heheh
Have a great evening and Im real glad the head gave you a rest .. even if it was just a days worth!
Mucho hugs
ReplyDeleteHey wait a darned minute there Sweet Pea!
Mudbugs are yummy too!
Just that every little bite of them represent a bunch of work.
Fortunately this work is done IN the river!
Mama D.
No way Sweet Beep.
ReplyDeleteBut I did soak them in hot HOT (HOT) water in bleach, and then ran them through a HOT bleach wash.
(It's stuff like this that kills the little grasses out back!
Miss Milly's collar is still in the house. Cleaned twice.
And she has Punks old black one on for now.
ewwwwwww!!! is definitely a word- and a very appropriate one too.
(I am writing my own dictionary)...
"Did Gramma and Auntie Casey strip too???? hmmmmm????? hehe Oh wait.. I think Im seein some leg.. you did strip outside too.. oh my goodness and where was the camera then.."
The camera was there! (With sassy Casey at the helm).
Suffice to say that I have deleted those images...
ReplyDeleteFor now, I must go wake Master Gabriel, or he will never sleep tonight...
Love to all
ReplyDeleteMaybe I should just carry him upstairs...
I LOVE mudbugs!!! I was excited to see dinner on the hoof!!!!
ReplyDeleteHAHAHA! That picture at the top is adorable!!!
ReplyDeleteBut what the blog's story is about is ABHORRENTLY ABSURD!!!! You are right... Even the cat knows better... It's disgusting that they would do this and leave it on the trail... They see us walk that trail and know we walk the dogs on it... Maybe common sense just isn't in their vocabulary...
GROSS GROSS GROSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ugh... Eiw... Grody...Yuck... Foul... Disgusting... Inhumane... Nasty...
Just to name a few... And yet I still don't think these even capture the story or even come close to describing the scent as the dogs were directed to you... Or the smell of my hands after handling this day of excretion... Oops, sorry... Excursion...
Had to throw humor in there somewhere...
All in all I am glad that you were able to *ahem* "rect"ify the sh*tuation...
Sorry, more puns...
I'll leave the puns alone now... It's just not that punny... Sorry... Funny...
Yep, I think I will need more than sleep...
Love you Much Much!
Why am I thinking of the noise you used to make when you went around corners: "Na~na~na~na~na~na"???
ReplyDelete(I am also thinking of little golf balls going around a course with the same sound effects... But I won't go there...)
SASSY? Never...
Hey, in my defense the camera was pointed at you and you even struck a pose giving me full permission to hit the little round button under my right pointer finger. (Which is the same size as your pinkie finger. This fact doesn't pertain to my case, it's just interesting to know...)
Since it was already CLEARLY assumed that I was taking a picture, I did!
It's a constitutional right on both our parts: "The right to bare" and "The right to take a picture when subject is posed..."
And must I remind yourself AND the jury that you own hundreds of blackmail pictures of me naked? Granted they are when I was about 3 or 4 and I couldn't seem to keep my clothes on, they are nevertheless in existence AND in your possession...
Now the question here, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, is NOT whether I should or shouldn't have taken said picture but rather whether Miss Anne should or shouldn't have posed.
I think with the facts previously stated you will find that she not only consented to the picture but was getting ready for it.
I rest my case...
you SOOOO need to get back to college and then off to law school!!!!
ReplyDeleteOh, it's pertinent all right.
ReplyDeleteLike the wolf would have said in Little Red Ridig Hood, "The better to spank you with my Dear..."
ReplyDeleteDangitallanyway, I must have slept right through Civics class that day...
ReplyDeleteThese words do not reflect the status quo of the courtroom.
(Nor were the dogs phunny)...
However, you are welcome to try...
I'm glad your back is finally feeling better so you can get down to the river to play again, and to be able to bend over to bathe the dogs.
ReplyDeleteSputnik probably likes the sink because he can smell bleach or Comet in it? My cats always roll in my bathtub and in the bathroom and kitchen sinks after I clean then with bleachy products. There's something about the smell of bleach that cats just love, it's almost like catnip to them - weird!
I guess this is a silly question... but... don't the farmers who employee the Mexicans also supply a porta-potty for them? Or am I just that naive? If they're leaving this nasty stuff behind where they're working (even if they bury it) no wonder people keep getting sick from eating produce that's been grown in that nasty stuff.
Maybe you should paint some signs and nail them to some trees in your woods. Paint a picture of that nasty stuff with some trees behind it, then paint a red circle around it with a slash through it. In other words... "No Dumping in the Woods!"
I love reading your's and Casey's comments to each other! You two are so funny! It's so cool when mom and daughter are also best buds!
Humans are supposed to be the smarter species....that being said, havent any of them thought to at least bury their crap????
ReplyDeleteEwwww. My dogs roll in gross stuff every chance they get!
ReplyDeleteWell it sure is a good thing that I am here to let you know these things... :D
ReplyDeleteUm, don't you mean "Grassy~A$$"? Hee hee hee...