[My] Life in Wisconsin

I See It...

Good Morning Everyone;

Time is at a premium right now, so I will keep this short...

After a terribly painful trip for herself, Casey is sound asleep- and when we get to Mayo, they will knock her out for her EUS.
Hopefully we can get results right away.

I was going through a few pics on my Flickr account and I found these two...

I have no problem seeing a resemblance.
Don't you see it too?




  1. Yes, I see it too :)

    I do agree, quick results would definately be a blessing. I hope they can also help her pain while she is there.

    Still praying for answers and a solution.


  2. I see it!!

    Hoping for the best possible, treatable results, in the shortest amount of time for "Casey Angel Face"!!!

  3. Absolutely .. very obvious!

    I hope all goes well and both of you are feeling better soon!

    Mucho hugs


  4. Very uncanny...
    Anna, perhaps I am out of line here...
    Will you tell us alittle about Casey's personality?
    Maybe you already have...
    Perhaps I should read some of your previous blogs....
    For a few months when my Mom had surgery I was not online much and may have missed those posts.

    I wish you a very safe, happy and enlightening trip...
    Casey and you are lucky to have each other.

    God Bless

  5. Looks like Casey's singing too!

    Safe journey. I hope things turn out GOOD!!!!

    Hugs xxxx

  6. I see it also.

    Praying this trip will be a successful journey.

    hugs to both of you

  7. I see it.

    Hope you get answers this time.

  8. Me too, me too !
    Crossing the fingers
    Best of luck my friend

  9. It's obvious that our lil Casey has her angel right where she needs her!!!..The proof is in the pic:)

    Endless prayers for you always Anne!!!..and PLEASE take care of yourself too..that's also important!!! xoxo

  10. ohhhh--poor sweetie--will continue my nightly vigil & candle lighting till I need to get more Yankees--wow--And I KNOW I'm not a patient patient!
    My bloodwork is still out after 3 1/2 weeks--damn!
    You guys take care--and keep distracted with this heat--and lovely season of muggiLand!
    Hugs and even bigger kisses,Geege
