[My] Life in Wisconsin

Too Much...

I know how our little guy feels...
Good Morning Everyone;
It's been a long weekend 'round these parts- (Made longer by the near 90 temps, more of that heat/humidity today too)...

I think I have a bit of a strep throat.
I do have a wonderful immune system, so this too shall pass. Just that in the meanwhile, I have a fever- lots of tummy upset, and of course that 'strawberry' tongue.
Add to that the fact that I feel like "ca~ca"...
I did sleep a whole bunch from late yesterday afternoon, until about 3 or so this morning. That always helps!

Back to our weekend though...
Busy would be one way to describe it.
(Busy BUSY would be another)...

1st, "That Damnable Pancreas"...
Casey wound up at the hospital once more on Saturday night- So very much pain all over again. The doctors say it is time to rethink her position on not taking any painkillers. (I think so too). They gave her 4 rounds of dilaudid to even put a dent in it for her. She will have to see her regular doctor here either today or tomorrow.

Getting a ride from Miss Marie, Gabriel's mama came to pick him up on Saturday evening. Sure has been quiet around here- (But quiet enough to get a bit of sleep too). hehehe

He had been busy too!
He plays hard...
Cnv1103 by you.

Cnv1101 by you.
He eats Good!
Cnv1111 by you.
And he is not afraid to nap either!

Cnv1119 by you.
That is to say, AFTER he has been secured in his room!
Casey had LOTS of fun too!
Painting the sign for the sale...
Cnv1088 by you.

(Until she realized there was a Paper Wasp or hornet nest,
right on the other side of those yews).
Cnv1089 by you.
Yes, it is that huge- (and then some)!!!
Right outside my window here too!
Jenny Mella also like to play hard...
Cnv1109 by you.
Even if she got stuck!

Cnv1113 by you.
Getting IN was one thing...
(It took a few minutes to get her out)!

No I have not yet opened up our sale.
(But that hasn't stopped a few people from pulling in either)!
I tell them "SOON"...

I'd better close for now.

But before I do, know that I ask for you to visit Baby Mariah's page on Caring Bridge. She too was brought to the hospital yesterday... Faxed results from Chicago's MRI test were not good.
cancer ribbons by you.
Please visit and do leave a little note for her/her family.
They are going through so very much right now, and any prayers, thoughts and compassion are surely welcomed. It takes only a moment of your time, and a small piece of your heart.

Love to all.


Originally posted to my Y! 360, Monday August 18, 2008 - 08:24am (CDT)


  1. So sorry to hear you're not feeling well Annie, rest will help, but if it is strep a visit to the doctor may be in order.

    Gabriel sure does add so much to your life. What a lucky grandma you are! And he's a lucky little guy to have you as his grandma too! Your flowers are beautiful in the background of the "hopscotch" picture!

    Yipers! That's a huge wasp's nest! In the picture of Casey painting the Rummage Sale sign... Casey if you're reading this I want to see a close up of that beautiful tatt on you right shoulder, and is that another on your left hip? Post some pictures of your tatts some time in your blog please... if it's not too personal of a thing to ask.

    Annie is this the same Rummage Sale you've been organizing for.... about 2 years now?!! LOL! You sure do know how to build a buyer's anticipation!

  2. Sweet RT;

    It is "In Loving Memory..." of her sister.



  3. I hope you get to feeling better soon, Miss Annie!!!

    Thoughts and prayers for Casey and Mariah too.

    Sorry so to the point, I've gotta run...hugs and well wishes all around :)

  4. Awwwwwww Anne I am so sorry you're not feeling well..what to do with you hmmmmmmmmm..And Casey too..I'm so happy she's got her pain meds again..I hope they'll make her feel better..

    Love her tat:)

    I tried several times to sign into Mariah's page, but it says " not authorized"???..I don't understand..I've been going there forever:((..I do , however read all of her updates and I feel sick that her MRI wasn't good news..so sad!!!

    Much love and prayers to all of you..take care today and everyday xoxo

  5. That's so pretty. I could tell, even from far away, that it was something special.

  6. Sweet BethieBaby...
    I'll be OK. These things always pass!
    Casey is raunchy today yet...


  7. Sweet WyckieBaby!
    Mariahs site does that to me every now and then- SO I open a new window and sign in to Caring Bridge there.
    Then I don't have any problems...

    Now. Casey does not have any meds. Just what they gave her (IV) on Saturday night/Sunday Morning.

    We just keep praying, each in our own way.


  8. I read this earlier but I've been kind of on the run for the past few hours. Chores are just so much fun aren't they? LOL!!!

    Master Gabriel sure is getting big and he looks like he enjoys hopscotch. Not many boys do that. He is sure a cutie and he's surely going to be a lady killer when he gets older. Got the shotgun ready? LOL!!

    The weather here has been absolutely wonderful---mid 80's and very little humidity. Wish I could send some your way. Had the a/c off for almost two weeks now.

    WOW!!! That's one big wasp nest! How in the world do ya get rid of something like that? They must be flying around all the time. Sure hope no one's allergic to bee stings. I don't think I could handle having something like that around so close to my house. I don't like bees!!!!

    Sorry to hear that Miss Caseyface has had another go round with that blasted pancreas! Sure wish they'd find something, anything and fix it--for everyone's sake. This has gone on far to long.

    Take care and try to have a great day. Just finished up with more maters a little while ago. Glad I bought my jars early because they are getting harder and harder to find right now.

  9. Evenin Bart,
    Im so sorry to hear your sick.. ewww strep? Please dont breath on the puter.. I surely dont want it!

    What great pics of the little man! He does look like he plays hard!

    I love that sign Miss Casey is making.. We call them Garbage (Garage) Sales around here..hehe I hope you make lots and lots of money!

    Sorry to hear Miss Casey was sick again this weekend.

    Take care of yourself and get lots of rest and drink plenty of fluids.

    Lots of luv and Mucho hugs,


  10. They need to give her pain meds..nobody could ever understand that type of pain unless they're experiencing it..I bet if those doc's or nurses had that, they'd be in a coma with meds lol

  11. Sweet RT;

    That was never my intention. Thing was, this was the time that CaseyFace chose to activate her damned pancreas.
    It was always this 'what if' thing with that. And I never did get it 'off the ground' so to speak.
    There were many many (too many) surgeries, recuperations, and attacks.
    I would get a few months every now and then, but it was never during 'rummage sale time' in Wisconsin.
    Even now, it is late to be having one. I am hoping that if I open it up that there won't be too many others to conflict with. (That pancreas included)!


  12. Sweet Pam;
    It is highly apparent to all that see him that Grandma will be having to meet these girls that are sure to follow him around.
    (My Gawd, was I ever like that)? hehehe
    But yeah, the shotgun is ready...

    The weather?
    We went from 90+ degrees to about 74 in only 10 minutes yesterday afternoon. And was it beautiful then!

    I have NO intention of getting rid of that nest.
    (I want to see how big it will get)!
    And yes, I am highly allergic to those damned stings...
    Supposed to have an epipen around here somewhere.
    It expired and I never got it refilled.
    Remember my hand from last year?

    Nasty eh?

    Casey and I read the above quote yesterday...
    And laughed our butts off.
    (Maybe it was the heat, but no, it is STILL funny)!

    I have jacked a few 'maters from the fields here. Nothing colorful enough in my poor garden yet...

    Love to you


  13. Sweet Stanger!
    That Jenny Mella- and many like her, are all riots!

    Seeing Casey's tattoo always takes me back.
    Damned hard to believe it has almost been two years already, yet it other ways (on other days) it has been a lifetime too


  14. Sweet Beep!
    I'm not sick. Just my throat is a little sore is all...
    (it will go away in another day, I promise).
    And yes, NO ANTIBIOTICS for me.
    I refuse to take them; unless I am on my deathbed.

    Now up here, these 'sales' can be Yard Sales, Rummage Sales, Garage Sales, and when the weather is iffy, there are even Basement Sales.

    I'd like to say that all monies would be mine from this sale, but Brandy, Crystal, Traci, Jenny Mella, Lynn, Kathy have all contributed too.
    They will be getting their faire shares.

    Love to you





  15. Sweet WyckieBaby,
    She is being stubborn as a mule, and refuses now to even go in to her regular doctor for pain meds.


  16. Living on the OTHER side, I can understand Casey's desire not to live her life in a fog of painkillers. However, when pain usurps life, it is time to take a few.

    Explore alternatives... the acupuncture, ayurvedic medicine, etc.....

    Jenny Rocks! That picture cracked me up.
