[My] Life in Wisconsin

Oh, Henry!

September 28, 2008


These two leaves know it's Fall...




Good Morning!
First of all, Punkie seems to be better; having woken me so she could pee, poo, and EAT!

Or maybe she woke me because something was up. (I am still not sure what that something may have been).

I left her outside- a bit after 3AM.
As I walked out with her, I noticed parking lights, on the road, but by my 2nd driveway.
I slowly walked toward Punk (who had to pee worse than anything), and grabbed her collar, telling her 'shush'.
(No that didn't work).
We waited and watched for a minute; me trying to subdue this 100.3 pound dog of mine, and to squelch the growling too-
Finally, I hollered out, "Who the hell is out there, and what the hell do you want?!?"
A few seconds later, a car pealed out-
(Mach 3 at least)...
Like I said, I am still not sure what that was all about.
Yes, as my mouth is, so my guns are at the ready if need be.

As I said above, Punk does seem better this morning-
As Peachie suggested, and I concur; methinks it just might have been a bit of depression for the wee pup.

Either that or it is very odd that she seemed better after a visit from these two.


.Cnv0402 by you.




I felt better too~ .


We all took a walk to the woods.



Cnv0385 by you.
Milly, needing a little encouragement to share.

(Not that IT happened)...


Cnv0392 by you.
Casey throwing for Miss Milly-



Then Greg's turn...



Cnv0395 by you.
They did this 'til both dogs were tired out.

(Or maybe they did this 'til THEY were tired out)



Cnv0398 by you.
Miss Mama Milly (left), and her Punk...

I think Milly was singing!




On the way back home then...

We found a mutant tomato


Cnv0403 by you.


Punk found a gopher hole
that absolutely needed her attention-



Cnv0407 by you.



Milly, finding nothing, ran all the way home...

and waited for the rest of us to catch up



Cnv0406 by you.




And so our day and visit went... It had threatened rain all afternoon, but none came. (Why do I get the feeling that Mother Nature is saving the precipitation for me to shovel)?



The game is an early one today- Noon here. (1 eastern, Bug).
And I am positive that almost everyone on here knows I am a Green Bay Packers Fan.

Who wouldn't love a face like this?

Aaron Rodgers by you.


Yet, being a Packers Fan doesn't run in my whole family.
(I hope you were sitting down for that sentence).
Punk chooses NOT to watch these games; rather she falls to sleep on the couch during them!

That may be my own fault... As I watch, I have a tendency to be silent, and quietly 'coach' to the best of my ability.
Every now and then, something akin to "Tourettes Syndrome" strikes me; I holler, curse, and scream-
Perhaps a bit LOUDLY...

This of course startles the poor pooch into being wide awake...


And UP pops that head,
...and those eyes!



Cnv0293 by you.

You do NOT want to know what she says when this happens.

To that end, (among others), I hope the my Packers will kick the poo out of Tampa today.

Love to all.


About my title?
If you know what my favorite movie of all time is, then you understand those words.

~~~RIP Mr. Henry Gandorff~~~

Originally posted to my Y! 360, Sunday September 28, 2008 - 09:16am (CDT)

Thinks n Thoughts



The last of the plums...
Good Morning All;
I have SO many thoughts running through this little bitty brain of mine.

First and foremost my Punkin...

And what would make a dog go from this...
Cnv0367 by you.
to this...
Cnv0370 by you.
in just a few days time?

She has been off her feed (and her feet), for a while...
She had vomited twice a few days ago, and once the night before. Like me, she hasn't the sense to lose any weight doing this either; (she weighed in at 100.3 pounds).

Not wanting to 'weather' anything more, over the weekend; I called Dr. Spires, and brought her in yesterday.

  • No fever.
  • Normal bowel sounds.
  • All else checked out normal too.
  • Except for her temperament.


Doctor said it was only her previous eye experience that has made her the "Marmaduke" of the office now.
I have NEVER seen her throw such a tantrum; crying on her way in to the room, trying to get up on the table, then down, trying to sit on my lap, etc etc etc...
*Please CLICK HERE to read WHY she might have this reaction

We will wait until Monday- If she remains this way through the weekend, then she will have to have an xray or two.
On his suggestion, I made some white rice for her- This she did eat; although her food bowl is still untouched this morning.
MORE RICE of course...

I have checked, and double checked ANYthing pet food related online. Didn't find a thing that would affect her this way.

  • But I did find a $10.00 coupon for +$50.00 purchase at Petco.
  • Also included is a $5.00 coupon for +$25.00 purchase.

Either one will give you 20% off!
*Good through October 25th.

CLICK HERE for that coupon.

According to our calendar, Fall is here-
Cnv0371 by you.
And yesterdays temps still read like Summer
Cnv0369 by you.
Todays, (and future days), temps will not be so warm...
(Though it is 70 degrees as I type).
Nice, that.

I have been reading around lots of places this morning...

Here is something for the kids-
The new Earth Gauge Kids website is here!
Septembers theme is Getting Outdoors.
Kids, grades 5-8, (and others) will find an interactive quiz, activity ideas, and fun facts. Meteorologists will find a widget that can be included on station websites to link your young audiences to fun weather-environment information that changes each month. CLICK HERE to learn more.

I am almost positive we all watched "The Debate" last night?
...insert big sigh...
Save for the obvious ones, I am left with one additional question.
Just what the hell IS the difference between a tactic and a strategy?
McCain did NOT elaborate; and since I have been living under a rock since 1972, (with Nixon no less), I wish he had.
It is late- I am late today.
Kelli has already been here. Casey has called and is on her way out.
Time for me to get my backside OUTside.

Have a "wunnaful" sunny and warm weekend!


Originally posted on my Y! 360, Saturday September 27, 2008 - 12:19pm (CDT)

Pass Along. "We Deserve It Dividend"


I didn't check his math, but he is surely on the right track. However, it makes too much sense for one in Washington to ever see.

I’m against the $85,000,000,000.00 bailout of AIG.

Instead, I’m in favor of giving $85,000,000,000 to America in a We Deserve It Dividend.

To make the math simple, let’s assume there are 200,000,000 bonafide U.S. Citizens 18+.

Our population is about 301,000,000 +/- counting every man, woman and child. So 200,000,000 might be a fair stab at adults 18 and up.

So, divide 200 million adults 18+ into $85 billon; that equals $425,000.00.

My plan is to give $425,000 to every person 18+ as a We Deserve It Dividend.

Of course, it would NOT be tax free. So let’s assume a tax rate of 30%.

Every individual 18+ has to pay $127,500.00 in taxes. That sends $25,500,000,000 right back to Uncle Sam.

But it means that every adult 18+ has $297,500.00 in their pocket.
A husband and wife has $595,000.00.

What would you do with $297,500.00 to $595,000.00 in your family?

Pay off your mortgage – housing crisis solved
Repay college loans – what a great boost to new grads
Put away money for college – it’ll be there
Save in a bank – create money to loan to entrepreneurs.
Buy a new car – create jobs
Invest in the market – capital drives growth
Pay for your parent’s medical insurance – health care improves
Enable deadbeat dads or mothers to come clean – or else

Remember, this is for every adult U S Citizen 18+ including the folks who lost their jobs at Lehman Brothers and every other company that is cutting back. And of course, for those serving in our Armed Forces.

If we’re going to redistribute wealth let’s really do it...instead of trickling out
a puny $1000.00 ( “vote buy” ) economic incentive that is being proposed by
one of our candidates for President.

If we’re going to do an $85 billion bailout, let’s bail out every adult U S Citizen 18+!

As for AIG – liquidate it.
Sell off its parts.
Let American General go back to being American General.
Sell off the real estate. Let the private sector bargain hunters cut it up and clean it up.

Here’s my rationale - We deserve it and AIG doesn’t.

Sure it’s a crazy idea that can “never work.”


But can you imagine the coast-to-coast block party!

How do you spell Economic Boom?

I trust my fellow adult Americans to know how to use the $85 billion We Deserve It Dividend more than I do the geniuses at AIG or in Washington , DC .

And remember, The Birk plan only really costs $59.5 billion because $25.5
billion is returned instantly in taxes to Uncle Sam.

Ahhh...I feel so much better getting that off my chest.

Kindest personal regards,
T. J. Birkenmeier, A Creative Guy & Citizen of the Republic

PS: Feel free to pass this along to your pals as it’s either good for a
laugh or a tear or a very sobering thought on how to best use $85 billion!

Wake Up America- FDA, China and MORE Melamine Contamination

This, in addition to the infant formula from last week...
FDA Updates Health Information Advisory on Melamine Contamination

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is alerting consumers that seven Mr. Brown instant coffee and milk tea products are being recalled by the Taiwanese company, King Car Food Industrial Co. Ltd., due to possible contamination with melamine. King Car Food Industrial Co. used a non-dairy creamer manufactured by Shandong Duqing Inc., China, which was found to be contaminated with melamine.

The FDA has taken, and will continue to take, proactive measures to help ensure the safety of the American food supply. In conjunction with state and local officials, the FDA will continue to check Asian markets for food items that are imported from China and that could contain a significant amount of milk or milk proteins. In addition, the FDA has broadened its domestic and import sampling and testing of milk-derived ingredients and finished food products containing milk, such as candies, desserts, and beverages that could contain these ingredients from Chinese sources. Milk-derived ingredients include whole milk powder, non-fat milk powder, whey powder, lactose powder, and casein.

Are you tired of all of this yet???
Time to steal this picture and to believe, and to protect.

Don't Feed the dragon


Taxes Too Important to Miss!

No matter what party lines you associate yourself with, click above PLEASE!
NO personal info or ID required.

It is VERY hard to argue with these facts.


Voters whose bottom line is taxes can use a new online tool to calculate what their own bottom line would be with the IRS under a Barack Obama or John McCain administration.

Users are not required to provide names or other personal information.

"It's easy to become confused by political rhetoric during an election season, and the average citizen would need an accountant to determine the real impact of each plan," Quantrix CEO Chris Houle said. "Professor Gramlich and Quantrix have analyzed both campaign's tax plans and developed a working model that people can use to better understand the impact of each plan on their personal finances."

Individuals who log onto the site may enter only their income or provide more detailed information such as deductions, retirement plan contributions, child care expenses and income subject to capital gains treatment.

The model developed by a business software company and an accounting professor in Maine estimates how individual income taxes would be affected under plans put forth by the two presidential candidates.

The Portland-based company Quantrix says taxpayers who log onto http://www.electiontaxes.com and enter their income can obtain a free estimate of what they would pay in taxes for 2009 through 2012 under each of the two presidential candidates.

"The economy is a key factor in this presidential election, and our interactive tool enables individuals to make an informed choice when casting their vote," said professor Jeffrey Gramlich of the University of Southern Maine. "With just a few keystrokes, this model enables voters to see how these tax plans will impact their personal bottom line."

From here

Election Taxes » Estimate your 2009 - 2012 taxes




Received from Aunt Marlene...


We have a cocker spaniel by the name of Jasper. He came to us in the
summer of 2001 from the cocker spaniel rescue program. For those of you who
are unfamiliar with this type of adoption, imagine taking in a 10-year-old
child about whom you know nothing and committing to doing your best to be a
good parent.

Like a child, the dog came with his own idiosyncrasies. He will only
sleep on the bed, on top of the covers, nuzzled as close to my face as he
can get without actually performing a French kiss on me.

Lest you think this is a bad case of no discipline, I should tell you
that Perry and I tried every means to break him of this habit, including
locking him in a separate bedroom for several nights. The new door cost over
$200. But I digress.

Five weeks ago we began remodelling our house. Although the cost of
the project is downright obnoxious, it was 20 years overdue AND it got me
out of cooking Thanksgiving dinner for family, extended family, and a lot of
friends that I like more than family most of the time.

I was assigned the task of preparing 120 of my famous yeast dinner
rolls for the two Thanksgiving feasts we did attend.

I am still cursing the electrician for getting the new oven hooked up
so quickly. It was the only appliance in the whole darn house that worked
... thus the assignment.

I made the decision to bake the rolls on Wednesday evening to reheat
Thursday morning. Since the kitchen was freshly painted, you can imagine the
odor. Not wanting the rolls to smell like Sherwin Williams #586, I put them
on baking sheets and set them in the living room to rise for a few hours.
Perry and I decided to go out to eat, returning in about an hour. The rolls
were ready to go in the oven.

It was 8:30 PM. When I went to the living room to retrieve the pans,
much to my shock, one whole pan of 12 rolls was empty. I called out to
Jasper and my worst nightmare became a reality. He literally wobbled over to
me. He looked like a combination of the Pillsbury dough boy and the Michelin
Tire man wrapped up in fur. He groaned when he walked. I swear even his
cheeks were bloated.

I ran to the phone and called our vet. After a few seconds of
uproarious laughter, he told me the dog would probably be OK, however, I
needed to give him Pepto Bismol every two hours for the rest of the night.

God only knows why I thought a dog would like Pepto Bismol any more
than my kids did when they were sick. Suffice it to say that by the time we
went to bed the dog was black, white and pink. He was so bloated we had to
lift him onto the bed for the night.

We arose at 7:30 AM and as we always do first thing, put the dog out
to relieve himself. Well, the dog was as drunk as a sailor on his first
leave. He was running into walls, falling flat on his butt and most of the
time when he was walking, his front half was going one direction and the
other half was either dragging in the grass or headed 90 degrees in another

He couldn't lift his leg to pee, so he would just walk and pee at the
same time. When he ran down the small incline in our back yard, he couldn't
stop himself and nearly ended up running into the fence.

His pupils were dilated and he was as dizzy as a loon. I endured
another few seconds of laughter from the vet (second call within 12 hours)
before he explained that the yeast had fermented in his belly and that he
was indeed drunk.

He assured me that, not unlike most binges we humans go through, it
would wear off after about four or five hours and to keep giving him Pepto

Afraid to leave him by himself in the house, Perry and I loaded him up
and took him with us to my sister's house for the first Thanksgiving meal of
the day.

My sister lives outside of Muskogee on a ranch (10 to 15 minute
drive). Rolls firmly secured in the trunk (124 less 12) and drunk dog
leaning from the back seat onto the console of the car between Perry and I,
we took off.

Now I know you probably don't believe that dogs burp, but believe me
when I say that after eating a tray of risen unbaked yeast rolls, DOGS WILL
BURP. These burps were pure Old Charter. They would have matched or beat any
smell in a drunk tank at the police station. But that's not the worst of it.

Now he was beginning to fart and they smelled like baked rolls. God
strike me dead if I am not telling the truth! We endured this for the entire
trip to Karen's, thankful she didn't live any further away than she did.

Once Jasper was firmly placed in my sister's garage with the door
locked, we finally sat down to enjoy our first Thanksgiving meal of the day.
The dog was the topic of conversation all morning long and everyone made
trips to the garage to witness my drunken dog, each returning with a tale of
Jasper's latest endeavor to walk without running into something. Of course,
as the old adage goes, 'what goes in must come out' and Jasper was no

Granted, if it had been me that had eaten 12 risen unbaked yeast
rolls, you might as well have put a concrete block up my behind but alas, a
dog's digestive system is quite different from yours or mine. I discovered
this was a mixed blessing when we prepared to leave Karen's house. Having
discovered his 'packages' on the garage floor, we loaded him up in the car
so we could hose down the floor.

This was another naive decision on our part. The blast of water from
the hose hit the poop on the floor and the poop on the floor withstood the
blast from the hose. It was like Portland cement beginning to set up and

We finally tried to remove it with a shovel. I (obviously no one else
was going to offer their services) had to get on my hands and knees with a
coarse brush to get the remnants off of the floor. And as if this wasn't
degrading enough, the darn dog in his drunken state had walked through the
poop and left paw prints all over the garage floor that had to be brushed,

Well, by this time the dog was sobering up nicely, so we took him home
and dropped him off before we left for our second Thanksgiving dinner at
Perry's sister's house.

I am happy to report that as of today (Monday) the dog is back to
normal both in size and temperament. He has had a bath and is no longer
tricolor. None the worse for wear, I presume. I am also happy to report that
just this evening I found two risen unbaked yeast rolls hidden inside my
closet door.

It appears he must have come to his senses after eating 10 of them but
decided hiding two of them for later would not be a bad idea. Now, I'm doing
research on the computer as to how to clean unbaked dough from the carpet.

And how was your day?

Beans. Boys. Bees. (And Pincushions)...

Devils Claw and Morning Glory...
Good Morning All;
I have been remiss with my blogging, feeling much like this cat...
no brain

Picture stolen from an email
I have had another migraine since last night... Been fighting that on my own, here; and obviously feeling a bit better right now.

Sunday found us back at the hospital with Casey's pancreas.
She is home, having had her pain treated again. One day someone will figure something out. In the meantime I am questioning the hundreds of thousands of dollars spent educating these doctors.
I had Master Gabriel- And so our visit was spent at St. Marys.
Gabriel and I have a little routine...
I pick him up, and we go to the local Kwik Trip Station-
He always gets a banana.
Cnv0236 by you.
And so that is what he is holding here...
What does Casey think about not being able to eat or drink anything?
Cnv0281 by you.

Gabriel 'hiding' from the camera behind the sheet.
And Punk, waiting patiently in the car...
Cnv0283 by you.
I dropped Gabriel off as we left the hospital. But having had that day cut short, I did pick him up again on Monday; being able to spend the whole day with him.
And we were real busy!
Cnv0296 by you.
Beans to pick...
Cnv0297 by you.
And to 'picnic' on too!
Want one?

Cnv0298 by you.
Too slow...
And it disappeared!
Cnv0304 by you.
Back up to the house then;
and to the remnants of my silly garden.

Master Gabriel picked an ear of corn for each of the dogs...
Cnv0319 by you.
They all love this little treat...
Cnv0316 by you.
Especially Punk...
Sue and Glenn came over to gather the fallen apples and pears.
(They have tame deer that they can hand feed these to).

I shot darts with Sue, Carol, and Beth for many years.
We did very well together too.

Cnv0338 by you.
Just one handful of pears...
Glenn came with the pails then...
Cnv0339 by you.
This is only their 2nd trip this year.

Kind of short pickings on the apples,
but the pears have grown well.
Cnv0341 by you.

Notice the brown ones on the ground too.

Left behind by the deer, with bites out of them too.
They are covered with wasps, bees and hornets.

Cnv0340 by you.
Can anyone tell me why that one on the top right is markedly different from his striped friends?
I can't find any information on this one,
(looks like it mated with a black widow spider to have that little hourglass on his hinder).

Cnv0323 by you.
Gabriel loves the pears!
(He ate 3 of them)...
And his flowers too!
My young horticulturist...
Cnv0312 by you.

Cnv0326 by you.
Yes, there are a few flowers left...
Cnv0335 by you.
Yet the view from the woods NE,
betraying the 80° temperatures
that we have had these past few days...

Cnv0305 by you.
And that is why those deer are being hand fed my apples and pears; as the trees, some reluctantly, have given up their fruit for this year.
Cnv0337 by you.
Glenn deals with the more 'reluctant' apples...
I owe Gritter and her husband much for picking these fruits and removing them for me.
Glenn is hysterical...
Cnv0344 by you.
Sassy too sometimes!
Kind of the same sense of humor as the dogs...
Cnv0350 by you.
You DO see the resemblance, don't you?
Love to all!
Have a 'wunnaful' Thursday!
As for me, I am going to try to nap a bit longer. Because I damn sure feel like I still have "The Dumb".


Originally posted to my Y! 360, Thursday September 25, 2008 - 03:58am (CDT)