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Devils Claw and Morning Glory...
Good Morning All;
I have been remiss with my blogging, feeling much like this cat...
Picture stolen from an email
I have had another migraine since last night... Been fighting that on my own, here; and obviously feeling a bit better right now.
Sunday found us back at the hospital with Casey's pancreas.
She is home, having had her pain treated again. One day someone will figure something out. In the meantime I am questioning the hundreds of thousands of dollars spent educating these doctors.
I had Master Gabriel- And so our visit was spent at St. Marys.
Gabriel and I have a little routine....
I pick him up, and we go to the local Kwik Trip Station-
He always gets a banana.
And so that is what he is holding here...
What does Casey think about not being able to eat or drink anything?
Gabriel 'hiding' from the camera behind the sheet.
And Punk, waiting patiently in the car...
I dropped Gabriel off as we left the hospital. But having had that day cut short, I did pick him up again on Monday; being able to spend the whole day with him.
And we were real busy!
Beans to pick....
And to 'picnic' on too!
Want one?
Too slow....
And it disappeared!
Back up to the house then;.
and to the remnants of my silly garden.
Master Gabriel picked an ear of corn for each of the dogs...
They all love this little treat...
Especially Punk....
Sue and Glenn came over to gather the fallen apples and pears..
(They have tame deer that they can hand feed these to).
I shot darts with Sue, Carol, and Beth for many years.
We did very well together too.
Just one handful of pears....
Glenn came with the pails then....
This is only their 2nd trip this year.
Kind of short pickings on the apples,.
but the pears have grown well.
Notice the brown ones on the ground too.
Left behind by the deer, with bites out of them too.
They are covered with wasps, bees and hornets.
Can anyone tell me why that one on the top right is markedly different from his striped friends?.
I can't find any information on this one,
(looks like it mated with a black widow spider to have that little hourglass on his hinder).
Gabriel loves the pears!.
(He ate 3 of them)...
And his flowers too!
My young horticulturist...
Yes, there are a few flowers left...
Yet the view from the woods NE,
betraying the 80° temperatures
that we have had these past few days...
And that is why those deer are being hand fed my apples and pears; as the trees, some reluctantly, have given up their fruit for this year.
Glenn deals with the more 'reluctant' apples....
I owe Gritter and her husband much for picking these fruits and removing them for me.
Glenn is hysterical...
Sassy too sometimes!
Kind of the same sense of humor as the dogs...
You DO see the resemblance, don't you?.
Love to all!
Have a 'wunnaful' Thursday!
As for me, I am going to try to nap a bit longer.Because I damn sure feel like I still have "The Dumb".
Beans. Boys. Bees. (And Pincushions)...
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I can't believe how big Gabe is getting. He's so adorable,too
ReplyDeleteAnd your pictures are all just so beautiful.
Hope you feel better as the day goes on!
Glad you were able to spend some time with Master Gabriel. He is getting so big! He's gonna be a knockout for the ladies when he gets older that's for sure.
ReplyDeleteGood question about the bees. The only thing I can think of is they are two different species of wasps.
I love your pics!! I especially loved the ones of the rose moss/primrose in bloom and the one of the trees starting to turn for the season. Hard to believe that summer is over.
Get some rest dear friend. Hugs to everyone!!!
Sweet Bug!
ReplyDeleteI have to pull myself away from here if I am to feel better.
Hard thing for me to do!
Happy you liked the pics- They take forever on here to get in and to resize.
Sweet Pam!
ReplyDeleteNow I know there are at least two people up without the sunshine to waken them!
I think they are two different species too. I tried to find pics on the web, but I am Computer st00pid" today.
As always...
That moss rose is Kelli's favorite, and I left it in the crack of the sidewalk when it came up.
We haven't had any freezing temps yet- Guess the trees know about the autumnal equinox without that all.
the pcitures are beautiful (and yes, I could see the resemblance) I'm glad you were able to spend so much time with Master Gabriel. My poor pin cushion~tell that girl I love her dearly, and I'm always praying for her (and you my sweet friend!) I'm with you~if they spend hour after hours, thousands after thousands, in medical school~why can't someone find out what's wrong with her~or at least have the guts to throw their hands up in the air and say 'we just don't know~but let's find someone that CAN figure this out'. The best thing Jill's pediatrician ever did was tell us, "I simply have no clue" He saved her life by doing that~he didn't attempt to treat something that he didn't know about ~ he sent her to someone that might be able to figure it out and they in turn DID send her to someone that WAS able to figure it out.
ReplyDeleteGRRRRRR now I'm hopping and want to come up there and spork someone (and not in a good way either!!)
Love to all!!
Thers xoxoxoxoxo
Good morning Bart,
ReplyDeleteYep.. I did notice the resemblance...Its very good of them to take off the fruit to feed the deer. Darla takes ours to feed the mules over by her moms house. We didnt have lots of apples this year either. Dont know why.. we didnt have a late freeze or anything. Maybe because I want JT to make some apple jelly.
sorry to hear Casey was ill again.. Sure wish there was a way to for her to know how to at least avoid the attacks.. AND the doctors to be able to help her rather than just treating the symptoms.
Your flowers are still pretty.. I love the rose moss.. I have some of my own as well.
Mr Gabe seems to be doing well even with all the schtuff going on. He has a beautiful smile.
Hope your head feels better today and you are able to do all you want to get done.
Luv and hugs to you all!
I love your pictures, I always do, Im a city girl in a desert no less..lol.....so its like viewing a vacation spot when I see your pics, you make me want to go out and plant something... your Gabe is one hansome dude, and Casey is so pretty, Im sorry shes sick. I love your dogs!
ReplyDeleteGabriel is such a cutie! He will be quite the heart breaker when he gets older...
ReplyDeleteCan I have some pears please? Is it possible to send them via e-mail? Could you send the 80 degree weather also? Here in Washington we were lucky for it to reach 80 the whole freakin' summer (just one of the things I miss about Ohio)
I've had a case of the 'st00pid' myself here lately. I think it's because I have so much stuff that I want to talk about that I don't know where to begin... I guess that's what happens when you 'get lost' and have trouble finding your way back...
I hope Casey is feeling better and I hope your feeling better as well. I always keep you guys in my thoughts and prayers!
Hope you have a good Thursday!
OH I love all the pictuers of Gabriel he is a cutie indeed! I am so sorry to hear about Casey and I hope she's doing better now. Ugh on the doctors and how stupid they can be but yet paid so much!!! Looks like Gabriel had a great time in all the picutres. The pears look yummy also!!! That bee's stripes are strange! I hope your Thursday will be good! Hugs to you!
ReplyDeleteBrilliant Anne, I love the photos. And your commentary is so cute! (And to the point!)
ReplyDeletePoor Casey looks washed out bless her, but Gabriel's there to cheer her up (by eating RIGHT in front of her LOL!).
Do the doggies eat the corn? I've never seen that before! Learn something new everyday!
Hugs xxxx
Because he forgot to pick his stripped suit up from the Dry Cleaners! (well I tried!)
ReplyDeleteGabriel looks so happy. It's good that he has at least one constant in his life, with all the turmoil he's been through lately. He eats very healthy snacks when he's with you too.
Poor Casey, here we go again. I hope she's feeling better real soon.
I just got done (well almost) picking up all my pears. My pears aren't good ones like yours though, mine are Bradford pears - very grainy. Some people "put-up" or "can" Bradford Pears - I just toss them over the fence and into the woods for the deer to eat. So far I've tossed 420 and have about 200 more to gather up. I'd like to take the 3 trees down, they're such a nuisance.
I love the comparison pictures at the bottom of your blog - you're such a goof!
BTW those aren't Bees, they're Yellow Jackets. Remember when I blogged about killing a nest of them under my deck? There were about 200 of them in that danged nest - so I got to see A LOT OF THEM!!
ReplyDeleteOne more thing... hope your head stops hurting.... And I love the little "I cannot brain today" picture at the top.
ReplyDeleteI shall tell her Sweet Thers, but I have a feeling she will read it herself!
(Takes her a while to sound out all the words though)...
NOW, the doctors are saying that "if Mayo said" blah blah blah, (ad nauseum)...
then it is like GOD Himself has spoken.
Here's a no brainer, Even Mayo doesn't know everything.
Another gal has a 126 year old son that is going through the same as Casey.
(They told HIM the same thing).
Fact is that no one knows how to treat a youngster with Chronic Pancreatitis, or what to do.
The 'living on narcotics' is no way to go through life. But that's exactly what they gave her at the hospital- and a script to take home. She doesn't take them though.
Well CARP, now you have ME growling...
ReplyDeleteWTH was that???
He is 26.
ReplyDeleteSweet Beep;
I sure hope Sue gets a chance to stop by this one!
They are so cool together...
Like the jackass that kicked me in the back?
Take 'em out back and shoot 'em.
OK Just kidding!
I am still going to make a bit of applesauce when Gabriel is here one day.
He needs to see how it's done, (and to be able eat the rewards too)!
My head is ok. I was outside for a couple of hours, but the sun, though warming is kind of nasty on the head.
This too shall pass.
Man, I just get so dang hungry, and know I can't eat or it'll either come back or fall right out.
Again, this too shall pass; and Lord knows I never have the sense to lose a pound or two in the process.
Love to you both
ReplyDeleteGosh Sweetie-
I am SO sorry that you live in a desert! But hey,a t least you get football games!
I would send you some of my seeds, but not sure what would grow there. Let me know and I shall send them on.
Glad you liked it!
Sweet Slurk;
ReplyDeleteGabriel has already broken MY heart. (Does that count)?
Of course you may have some pears. But you will have to come and get them.
(I tried to shove them in the phone line and got kicked off the computer for hours)...
Like you I have a lot to say about everything that goes on here.
But fear "I've lost that blogging feeling" too.
Either that, or it won't all go in one post and then I am tempted to write more than one blog a day.
Most people won't go read them then.
Casey called at lunchtime and was actually on her way to Subway- Will try to eat that today.
It's all good then.
I hope.
Sweet Sheri!
ReplyDeleteCasey surely has been through the mill as they say...
Too bad we ever went out to Mayo too. I mean if it's THAT intimidating to the doctors here and all.
NOW we have to get another referral back to Froedtert.
Oh well.
At least that is closer- Cheaper on gas AND hotel rooms too.
The pears are SO good. And make a great applesauce (pear sauce) too.
I make that and then freeze it. So good in applesauce cake.
Sweet Mrs. G;
ReplyDeleteCasey had stopped out here Sunday morning. I took one look at her and said she was going in.
She said she didn't want to bother the ER anymore, that they were there for car wrecks and all.
I said never mind that, you are going in.
So she called the nurse at the clinic.
The nurse tells her the same thing ~without even seeing her drained face.
Oh, these dogs think these little ears of corn are planted just for them each year.
And since I can't eat corn, (it falls out), I am happy to plant it and oblige them.
One year I didn't plant it. The fields had field corn in them- Milly loved that too!
Punk goes and picks her own. But only if I go to the east side of the garden.
(Maybe because she gets yelled at when she goes through the flowers to get to it.
Since the others are banned from the garden, they have to wait for me to be nice to them.
Sweet RT!
ReplyDeleteAnd here I thought that YOU of all people would search high and low for me and tell me what kind of bee it is.
I am sad now...
As far as healthy goes, Gabriel would eat an entire green pepper for a snack if I let him.
Nice for appetizer though.
Not me. I use them to cook with, and never eat them raw.
Mom ate them like that too.
Bradford pears?
That's like the little tree I have in the front yard.
I took great pleasure in trimming it to within an inch of its life too.
Such little woody pears. (Mom used to can them- MORE patience than I ever will have).
I never have to toss anything anywhere. The deer just come and get them...
While this doesn't bother me, it bothers Miss Milly in the middle of the night.
Then it bothers Punk, hearing her mama trying to chase them away.
THEN it bothers me.
I do remember that.
ReplyDeleteAnd I do know they aren't bees, but yellow jackets would have messed with my title.
Got myself stung yesterday morning by a little bitty thing.
It wasn't a wasp or a hornet or I would have swollen up huge.
He got me right on the boney part of my funny bone while I was brushing Punk.
Nasty little fooker.
ReplyDeleteFeel free to steal it. I took it off an email anyway.
OK... lemme start walking... if it took us 3 days to DRIVE, how long would it take for me to hoof it there? I might make it by Christmas... LOL!
ReplyDeleteAnyway, when is it gonna start snowing?? I am SO ready to do my 'happy snow dance'... I KNOW you missed my dancing LOL!
Love Ya,
Slurkie (I kinda like that LMAO)
What's the matter Slurk... Is your thumb broke?
(And yes, I have missed your dancing.
Just NO more of the snow dances.
CARP?!?!?!?! I prefer Salmon ... hehehehehehe
ReplyDeleteI was here yesterday and pulled away twice before being able to comment....but you already saw my footprints Im sure. I love the photo's of Gabriel, although they stir the bittersweet in me, my heart is warmed by the joy on his face. I am sorry about Casey....that also puts a lump of bittersweet in my throat. Such a beautiful girl....wasting so much time waiting.....I hope something is figured out by someone SOON!
ReplyDeleteI hav the dumb sometimes too....
ReplyDeleteLove the pic of mr miller...
MMMM..yummy pears..I love them...my Grandpa used to have a pear tree and he would can them...peaches too...I miss those days...Oh to be young again..lol
ReplyDeleteAww, Gabe is so cute!!! I'm glad he gets that time with you and vise versa... I think we all need that sometimes! Sorry that Sunday's visit was more than a little boring and frustrating... Hopefully I can learn how to take care of this. I do well most of the time, but when it gets that bad, there is nothing else I can do but go in... Shame that a certain doctor said, "Well, going to the E.R. will do you NO good!"
ReplyDeleteHey, at least they make it so I can walk and breathe without feeling like my pancreas is caught up in fish hooks that are pulling different directions... Needless to say, I am not going to her anymore...
I had fun today going back to the woods and playing some catch... Sorry about the injury though... :( I hope it feels better...
I'm still laughing at the resemblance in the poses of the two pictures! The males have their tongues out and the females are smiling! HA!!!
You have to get some pictures of YOU someday along with everyone else!! :D
Love you Much Much!