[My] Life in Wisconsin

Shut My Yap???




(And by now, we all know what that means)!

I know you will probably not believe me today, but sometimes us dogs do get into trouble.

No, really. We do.


Like when we go to the woods...


Cnv0237 by you.
Hard to believe now but Mr. Miller beat us ALL to the woods.
And he was with Mama Milly...
(I had to wait for my 'she')...
Cnv0238 by you.
She can be SO pokey...
And mean too!
Cnv0246 by you.
After I found Miller, we got to go down to the river.
I thought Mama Milly would be there too.
But she wasn't.
Cnv0250 by you.
That's ME, in the river!
Mr Miller was too, but 'she' didn't get that picture.
She let us play for a long time.
But then it was time for us to come back up the cliff.
Cnv0111 by you.
Yeah, we were kinda soggy.
And yeah, I probably shouldn't have rolled in the dirt.
(Miller shouldna either)...
Cnv0116 by you.
Kinda dirty.
But I like me like this...
"She" doesn't though.
And she tells me to roll in the grass...
(See? "mean" she is).
Cnv0117 by you.
So I roll.
Then me and Mr. Miller run home.

But we get caught and have to go back.
Cnv0118 by you.
See, Miller hasn't rolled in the grass yet.
So she tells him to roll too.
"Mean. Mean. MEAN!"
Cnv0119 by you.
He does.
THEN we have to go home
Cnv0134 by you.
We waited nice for her...
and STILL hafta get washed off?
So one day Mama comes home with us...
(She usually doesn't).
I tried to sneak up on her and steal her ball.


Cnv0122 by you.
It didn't work...
(Maybe she saw me)?
Cnv0123 by you.
She's not fair like that...
I think she just was hoping that she might get another sucker,
and that is why she came home with us that day.
Cnv0093 by you.
She stole it from the Little Guy.

'member him?
Cnv0076 by you.
He's showing off his shirt!
From Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan.
Guess who bought it for him?
OK, so no I didn't-
Just lucky I can get on this computer-
Can you IMAGINE if I got to go to the bank too?
Anyway, I would like to go back to Sault Ste. Marie.
Maybe we can still go,
and I can jump into the water again...
It's a LONG ride.
Which I don't mind...
But I do HATE to see these big things...
Cnv0230 by you.
And we don't even know what they are??
Me and 'she' go for short rides sometimes.
A few days ago we went down the road here>
And she went to the little veggie stand.

But THIS time she pulled in the yard...
Blazers Acres by you.
I thought it was OK.
'Til I saw this...
Cnv0175 by you.
And I HAD to protect my 'she'..
I growled, but she made me be still.
And THEN I saw THIS!
Cnv0159 by you.
And it was TOO much!

I growled AND barked.
And she still made me be quiet!

(She told me to SHUT MY YAP)?

I tell ya, there's just too much trouble for us dogs...


Mama Milly thinks she's cool cuz she's got a boyfriend.
Cnv1137 by you.
This is "Chevy"

(One day when Mama Milly didn't come back from the woods
She was at HIS house)!
The lady called and tattled on her too!
Mama gets a boyfriend...
And I get a CAT???
Cnv1129 by you.
And they call this "A Dogs Life"


ARF to all!
May your bowls and your bellies always be full!
And may your bone supply never go missing.


Originally posted to my Y! 360, Saturday September 20, 2008 - 01:29pm (CDT)


  1. Punk, it was so nice to hear from you again. And your 'she' really isn't all that bad...she just cares about ya! I'm glad you got to the see the little guy. I'm sure he really misses you~probably as much as you miss him. And as for that cat~well, I don't know what to tell you about Sputnik...looks like a good cuddle buddy~but don't know how much I trust him with my bones!!

    Love to you and your 'she'

    Thers xoxoxoxo

  2. Aww Punk, we miss you! Cant wait for you to meet my little one also! He likes to give kisses! Anyways your mama isnt mean, only looking out for you is all! Seems like the pumpkin patch/veggie stand was a fun outing! Tell your she that the little ones shirt is AWESOME and I need to get my little one one of those too! Love to you all and take care of your she also as these are hard times. Get in her way, make her laugh ya know what to do!

  3. You silly dawg! I wanna wrap my short human arms around you and smother you in human kisses!!

    Tell your SHE that she took some nice pictures of that Pumpkin patch. You do know that those figures are not real.....right?

    And you and Sputnik make a handsome couple! (Hey.....I've seen odder odd couples! Hehehehe!)

  4. That is so cute!! I'm laughing out loud and everything!!!! HA!

    I did already see the story with the pictures, but it's a whole lot more enjoyable when you are not sitting next to someone that you want to hit! :D (No, not you... And not your "she"... Or "hershey!' HAHAHAHA!!!)


    Punkie, you are NOT a black lab... You might be a decendant of a black lab, but you are not one. You are supposed to be yellowish white and nice and clean, not full of mud... And Mom doesn't make you roll in the grass because she wants to be mean to you, she is just trying to make you a yellow lab again...

    I was almost in tears when I saw exactly what you were defending Mom from!!! Yeah, you must watch out for those fake ghosts and live goats... They'll get you every time... However, you are lucky she told you to shut your yap, those poor fainting goats would've been down for the count! :D

    Your mom sure does like that Chevy dog, huh? That's okay, she doesn't get to see him too often and you have your companion EVERY DAY!! How cool is that? hee hee hee...

    I hope your "she" has gotten some sleep and is feeling better... I hope you both have a lovely day!

    Love you!!!

  5. Those big things are Semi Trucks and I hate being on the road with them too. They scare me sometimes.

    You are a great dog Miss Punk and your name is appropriate for visiting that veggie stand this time of year!

    I hope you are all rested up and still clean after such a great outing.

    Hugs to you and your 'She' too : )

  6. that was so cute, and you have beautiful big dogs........i love animals and totally enjoyed meeting Punk.

  7. I need to know if Miss MIlly drove the Chevy to the levy and if it was dry?

  8. Hey Punkie! Long time no see!

    It looks like you had fun in the woods. What's wrong with rolling in the grass? That can be fun too (trust me there are times that even humans like to roll in the grass LOL) So did you guys pick up a few pumpkins to carve? (It's not too early yet is it?)

    Take care of your SHE and the rest of your family...


  9. Hiya Punk!

    Looks like a good day even if your she was being mean... sometimes she's just doing it for your own good.. but I cant believe she told you .. to Shut your Yap! Shameful!

    I dont particularly like those big ol things either.. they are so noisy. and BIG I dont know what they are either.. and sometimes I get told to shut my yap too.

    Those ghosts and goats.. they would have been fun to bark at! I aint never seen a fainting goat before! Actually.. I didnt ever see a goat before.. are they fun to play with?

    Your moma has a bf.. wow...

    ARF ARF to you Punk!

  10. Lol..... Mama gets a boyfriend because she is all growed up......

  11. Dear Punk,

    Isn't cool that your she let you and your momma Milly and Mr. Miller go down to the river? Pretty soon it'll be too cold to go in the river to play, so swim all you can now!

    Your mom's new beau, Chevy, is a handsome guy. But having a cat as a buddy has it's advantages too, 'cause cats can do things for you like knock food off the kitchen counter, down to the floor, for you to eat when your she isn't watching. And they can rid your house of those pesty little mowsies that find their way into the house in the winter. Maybe one of these days you could teach Sputty to use the computer too - then we could hear some cat tales.

    What is it about dogs and car rides? I've never known a dog who didn't love to ride. Those pumpkins sure were beautiful! Don't be afraid of those scarecrows (they chase away crows and airplanes too!). What a great outing your car ride turned into.

    Take good care of your she. Even though you sometimes think she's mean there's nobody in the world who loves you more!

    Your friend,

    PS Tell your little guy to never ever take that T-shirt off! That shirt will protect him and give him super-human powers (kinda like Super Man's costume) when people read it : )

  12. It's good to hear from YOU too!
    She is too, bad. And mean. Why else would she show no discernable respect to the fact that I am a dog, and want to act like a dog, and SMELL like a dog too.
    See what I mean?
    It's bad for a dogs psyche.

    And that lil guy?
    Well, he is coming back today!
    Won't that be fun? I can hardly wait!
    And the cat?
    Well, he's a CAT!
    And I don't let him anywhere near my new bones. (The old ones he bats across the room though).


  13. OMG!
    Another kid?
    How many kids do I have to put up with?
    But really I like kids. (Cept so far, they have ALL stepped on my tail)!
    And THAT hurts.
    But kisses are nice.
    I 'specially love to kiss the kids that have just eaten their meals.
    I clean their faces, their hands and their clothes!

    Just hold on to the Sault Ste Marie thought.
    Gabriel will grow out of it soon enough.
    'Member how fast I grew???
    Then your little one can have the shirt.
    (I promise to keep it clean for you).


  14. You just go right ahead and try to smother me!
    You will get an armful of fur. (You can keep it though I'll get more).

    Once I thought there was a mirror in the corner.
    Turns out it was just a pile of fur...

    I don't like the ghostie things.
    And I don't like the others either.
    "She" told someone that 'she' thought my eyes would pop outta my head.
    Now that's gross.
    But maybe it would scare those bad things away too.

    I got a mouthful of fur from him once.
    (No wonder he barfs it up)...


    And bring those lil arms here anytime.

  15. Hey Little One;
    I hear you ain't feeling well.
    But then 'she' tells me you might come over today.
    (Well, that makes ME feel good)!

    And I am sorry that I kinda disremembered that you were here the other night. You were quiet, and on the floor, (like so much other stuff).
    But when I spied you all over again, it was so cool wasn't it?

    I have heard of a 'horse of a different color'; (which REALLY eludes me), but I have NEVER heard of a dog of a different color.
    (Maybe that Brodie dog is)?

    I almost wanted to cry too when I saw those 'creatures' in Blazers yard!
    And if 'she' woulda let me out, I woulda protected The Blazers too...

    'She' is so mean!!! She told me to shut my yap, and then I keeped on barking.
    She leaned over and said a bad word in my ear.
    It was 'beep'.
    So I had to be quiet...

    Whazza fainting goat???


  16. I know about the semis. Kelli's hubby even drives one around. But I don't know what the big round things are on the back of them either.
    When the little one went far far away to that hospital, we saw a million of them on the road. And 'she' couldn't pass them either.

    Hey! You know my real name is Punkin, right?
    And 'she' just calls me Punk.
    When she is mad, she even uses my middle name. (Which I think is "Dammit").

    I am ready to go right on back to the woods and the river all over again.
    Wanna come with me?
    I promise I'll be good.
    (I even shake off down by the river)...


    You come hug me too. If you can get past the fur, we'll be good.

  17. The white dog- (well MOST of the time she is white too), is my Mama. But I am much bigger than she is too.
    And the other dog is my friend Mr. Miller.
    He comes to visit almost every day; 'cept on weekends.
    (I heard my 'she' say something about doggie day care).
    But Mr. Miller is 'zackly what my own daddy looks like. And I've seen him lots more than my own daddy anyway-
    AND I still bite him on the leg.
    (Kelli and my she think it's so funny when I do this too).

    Oh, and you HAFTA go and read my other doggie blogs- Just push the 'writtenbypunk' button.
    Everybody picks on me.


  18. Huh?
    I'm a dog you know...
    Hang on and I will go get my 'she'.


    My she says that Chevy wanted to drive Miss Milly; NOT the other way around.
    And she also said something about not knowing if it was dry or not.

    And I don't know anything about what you guys are talking about either. But when 'she' read it, she giggled.
    Is that ok?


  19. I haven't seen YOU in a long time either ya know.

    I don't like rolling in the grass because it knocks off my mud pack.
    (AND, it makes me smell like I'm not a dog anymore either).
    My mama gets to smell like a dog all the time. And that's not fair!

    And you are right!
    I really HAVE seen the 'she' rolling in the grass.


    That IS what you mean, isn't it?

    Carve Punkins?



  20. Oh you are SO cool Nikki. ARF!
    I wish we lived closer and that you could come and play.
    I think you would like the river too. Are YOU allowed to get kinda dirty?

    And I don't know if those goats are fun to play with or not.
    I bet not.
    One look at me and maybe they would tip over?

    My 'she' has seen LOTS of goats.
    And her friend Brandy even has some of her own. (Hey, maybe we could go over there one of these days)?
    Then I would let you know if they are fun or not.
    I heard my she say that I am not real socialized.
    I don't know what that means-
    ('cept she makes me stay in the car at Kelli's so I won't be scaring the horses).

    My mama sure likes to brag about that boyfriend of hers. Even when she snuck off over there.
    And if they are so cool,, how come they had to be put in the kennel so 'she'' could get a picture of them together?
    I don't understand.

    ARF ARF to you too Nikki.


  21. So when I am all growed up, will Chevy like me too?
    (He wouldn't even play with me that day).
    Guess he's mean too.

  22. Well, I guess 'she' does let us go to the river a lot.
    But it'll never be too cold fer me.

    'Member this?

    It was January 1st- of 2007- And we all got to go down there.
    'She' told me NOT to go in the river-
    But I wasn't sure what she said. (I wasn't even a whole year old yet).
    And 'sides, I only heard the "go in the river" part anyway.

    The cat knocks food off the counter?
    No. The cat can't even GO on the counter here.
    'She' is SO mean!!!
    (Can I come to your house and play with your cats)?
    If they push food off the counter, then I'll promise to be good.


    Now about the T-Shirt.
    If he never takes it off, 'she' might get a little upset. Because he would smell like me then and 'she' has an aversion to even ME smelling like me...

  23. Now I see that some of you lean toward sticking up for Sputty.
    This should never be!

    That and the fact you might think I do nothing around here.
    But I do LOTS for my 'she'...

    Just yesterday morning, me and Sputty made all kinds of noise (YES, we got in trouble for that)... But we were really BUSY too.
    And we killed ALL of these creatures...

    And ONE of us even decapitated this one.


    There's some weird things that I can't get...


    Some that I refuse to get.


    I stomped on this for her...


    And once I even protected my she from a frog


    And what does the dumb cat do?


    He just watches and waits.


    He bites me.


    And sometimes he even bats me silly.


    Yeah, it's a "Dogs Life" all right.

    I rest my case.



  24. LOL! That is sooooo funny! I love the photos. I can't ever remember seeing a dog holding a lolly (sucker), let alone eating one! That's just brilliant. And the CAT comments! HAHAHHA! I love it! Especially at the bottom of the bug catching diatribe LOL! And what did the cat do? Watch and then beat the bejeebers out of poor Punkie!

    I'm still giggling now!!!

    Hugs xxxx

  25. One day you will have your own boyfriend who will like you just for who you are....

    A lovely little squash.
