As you may/may not have read, Casey had another bad episode last night.
(Followed by a 'worser' today).
I wish I had 'people' here to sit here with me because I really cannot stand to watch her like this. And in such terrible pain too.
How selfish is that?
Of course I am her mother, and I will be there for her come hell or high water.
It is unbelievably hard is all.
I had to come home and let Punk outside. (At 80 degrees and sunny, and no parking ramp, shade, or breeze, it was/is too hot to leave her in the car).
Perhaps to 'regroup' a bit too.
The word "unload" comes to mind...
Love to all.
The top picture was taken right before her legs gave out. And that is exactly why she had the band around her- so the nurse had something to hold her up by.
The second was the nurse helping her out of bed.
And the third is what she looks like.
Please keep praying?
Getting up to try to walk...
send my love to CaseyFace. I swear, never having personally met the kid, she is so near and dear to my heart (as you are my sweet friend) Always, I will continue to pray and beg that someone will SOON find a cause and a cure for her...
ReplyDeleteif you ever need me~I'm just a keyboard away...
All my love and best~
My Dear friend Anne,
ReplyDeleteThis just tears me apart inside. I can only imagine what it is doing to you... I can see that these attacks are taking alot out of her. I wish I was closer so I could be a 'people' that you need there...
Keep faith that there is a doctor out there who can accurately diagnose and treat Casey.
Please know that I am here for you... If you need ANYTHING please don't hesitate to ask...
Give Casey my love and a hug (I know she doesn't know me, but knowing that there are people out there who care, helps)
Sending love filled hugs and warm healing thoughts you way! And always keeping you and Casey in my prayers!
Awwwww man .. the poor little thing.. I know it breaks your heart.. heck it breaks mine and I am not even there in person.
ReplyDeleteShe looks so .... worn and forlorn.. Are they making any progress at all????
She will be in my prayers and my thoughts as well as yourself.
Mucho love and hugs
ReplyDeleteThank you Sweet Thers;
I had left, forgetting my camera here- On my way back home, she called and told me to stay here unless I wanted to watch her sleep.
So I am here. But I will still go back too.
She said she was waiting for a bolus on her pain meds, and that that would maybe let her sleep.
I hope she sleeps and get some rest ... and you too!!
ReplyDeleteSweet Stasha;
I just wish, like all of you, and quite like Casey herself, that they would finally figure this out.
This is crazy to go on and on and have no one offer her anything...
She is on clear liquids- not that the diet has ever seemed to play a part. (And yes, we have tried them all).
Just going crazy here. I can only imagine what it is doing to her.
She is SO afraid...
Sweet Connie;
ReplyDeleteDang is right.
She is worn out.
Maybe I am a bit tired too- More psychological on my part than anything else though.
BUT I am thinking that this is the LAST of the bad stuff, and that she will come home tomorrow !!!
(See, it's WAY too hard on Punk and Milly and Sputty to have her in the damned hospital all week long).
ReplyDeleteNot gonna happen...
I just called up there to see if she got her bolus yet.
She could barely speak, and asked if she could call me back.
Your online family is here for you... Let us be your rock...
ReplyDeleteHopefully she will be able to rest after her meds... Do they have any answers as to why she is having the chest pains, shortness of breath and tremors? Can they not see that there is something going on here that isn't/can't be just pancreatitis? I swear the docs have their heads up their asses...
sporks...I'm on my way...
ReplyDeleteI wish we were there too....
ReplyDeleteI am with you on the head up the ass thing...
I know you were offline when I wrote the entries last Spring, but if you go to the last blog, there are 3 links for you to read about that last episode too.
Nobody has any damned answers...
ReplyDeletesave your gas Sweet Silly Woman...
It's too damned 'spensive to be traipsing around.
The optomist in me says she WILL come home tomorrow.
Then you can spork em all.
ReplyDeleteI love you too.
Mama D
She has just called me back.
ReplyDeleteAlways trying to "do" for herself, she'd fallen twice to her knees trying to get to the bathroom.
I told her I was on my way.
She said 'no'.
That she would call me back if she didn't go to sleep.
I told her to make sure she told the nurse, even if she only fell onto her knees both times.
Positive thoughts~then sporks!!
Where is all that technology that they claim to be spending so much money for in research? My guess is that they have been paying for yacht club memberships and fancy homes and cars. They sure aren't figuring out what they need to know to help people and heal them.
ReplyDeleteAfter all this time they should have at least found the cause of all her pain and problems.
I too wish I could be there with you to help get you through all this waiting.
Hugs and Prayers!
'Sides, you would never be able to even find St Marys Hospital.
Sweet Peach;
ReplyDeleteIt's all to do with her pancreas.
That and the fact that no mother should ever have to watch her child suffer like this.
It drives me crazy. (er).
I can't make her pain go away.
I can't make the nausea go away.
i can't make her itches go away.
And I can't even make any promises.
Just that I love her.
Now who am I to be asking about technology when I can't even keep the effing mice out of my damn house?
I read them just a lil bit ago... I still don't understand the hospital personnel. How can they be so rude and cruel? (I had a few that were the same way when I had surgery for the cyst in Feb. 07) But they KNOW she is in pain. You can look at her and see it... Why treat her like she is deaf, dumb and mute?
ReplyDeleteThe hospitals now a days leave a lot to be desired in my book... *slides soapbox out of way before I can step up on it*
I'm doing some research to see if I can come up with anything new or different with the pancreatitis, even though I'm sure whatever I find you already know... I just want to HELP in some way...
Well, you Go Girl!
and good luck with it too.
I got up on my own little soapbox today, and had to restrain myself from physically removing an old bat nurse (Sue) from treating Casey.
Sometimes these people forget who they are working for.
And at times, we come across a nurse who tries to play doctor.
That's what she did.
She told Casey EXACTLY what she should be eating.
And exactly when.
She told her that she should NOT be sleeping in the mornings either.
After that I arrived- Damn good thing Greg was there to witness that 'nurse' too.
Power in numbers and all...
When she came into the room, I asked Casey if this was the nurse?
She said yes.
After the bitch basically called Casey a liar is when I asked if Greg was there?
Casey said yes that he had heard the entire exchange.
After a few questions to ascertain what level of intelligence I was dealing with, I lit into her.
I told her 'don't even try to tell me that you 'deal' with a 21 yr old with pancreatitis and you know what you are doing. The girl has been sick for over 3 years and the damned doctors can't even figure it out.'
I told the old biddy how dare she try to contradict what schooled physicians at Froedtert and Mayo had told us-
Time and time again about her diet...
That what works for some ancient alcoholic will NOT work with KC.
Then I had to tell her that needed to look at me when she is dissing my child.
(Kinda pissed her off).
She went on to tell me that 'she' would not give KC any boluses because Casey did not always push her pain med button.
(That is when I told her to get out).
There was more to it all, suffice to say that I took no bullshit excuses.
Dear Anna I am so sorry your going through this right now, I know there is nothing worse than watching your child suffer in pain and not being able to stop it. of hearing their cries and not being able to sooth them..I will continue to pray for your Casey and you Anna for strength to bare what you need to at this time.
ReplyDeleteOMG! I know there is a complaint department at the hospital... Please, please, PLEASE complain on and insist that this woman be reprimanded for the way that she has treated Casey, you and God knows whoever else.... I can only imagine the wrath that you released on this nurse (and they call themselves 'care'givers? There is no care there that I can see!!)
ReplyDeleteLove ya bunches *HUGS*
OMG!!! You know that you are all in my thoughts and prayers. Wish I were closer to you because I'd be there in a heartbeat!!! You need to get some rest, my friend. You won't be of any good to Casey if you get all rundown yourself. Please try to get some rest even if it's just a short snooze in the recliner. Put the phone close by and close them eyes. You know that we, your entire online family, are with you if only in spirit and prayer!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you for your thoughts and prayers Sweet Pamela!
ReplyDeleteI think it's worse for herself though- to know all that she does- to have had so damned many surgeries-
to KNOW what works, and what does not...
And to have some damn pippy nurse come in and argue with her.
But to always remember that this is only ONE person that did this to her this time.
ReplyDeleteAnd that one person is not allowed anywhere near her, now, for ANY reason.
Actually my wrath was more reserved, although the decibels did go up a tiny bit. (just for effect mind you).
-The Hope Williams Brady eyebrow also went up a few times...
But I remained calm. (This always works best).
And I remained seated. (Until she wouldn't leave and just kept yapping her noise at me).
Kinda proud of myself for this...
I really CAN be quietly right without losing 'it' all.
I made some damn fine points if i do say so myself...
Sweet Doubts!
I wish you all were closer too.
I am SO afraid if I do close my eyes that she will call and I won't hear it.
I have to be alert for now.
And I know that she doesn't want anyone there right now... So I am just waiting for her phone call.
"Spirit and Prayer"
I like that.
Like I said, grab the phone and put it in your lap and kick back in the recliner even for just a little while. With the phone right there with you, it's sure to wake you up. And if you're anything like me, if you get woke up by the phone, you're up in a hurry and ready for action. Please keep us posted.
ReplyDeleteI don't know if this site will help you any... but I have stumbled across it in my research...
There is a multiple symptom checker there that might (?) offer some answers...
Anna i have been offline for a bit and I'm sorry this happening to you. I will be back online Wenesday...I'll be back when I can chat longer I have a website tgroup link for you that might help you....I'm here praying for you and Casey...I know this is very hard for you
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry...wish I could be there with you....I will keep checking back in..
ReplyDeleteEven when not trying, her smile is radiating. The Bible talks about a peace that passes understanding, that is my desire and prayer for her, you and the rest of the family. With all due love, respect and caring.
ReplyDelete...So much for remaining alert.
The Sandman came, and I zonked out completely.
And no, I did not miss any calls.
She called right after I woke this morning at 4.
In bad pain. That pain having woke herself up.
Her nurse was in there with her, (and sounds like a sweet little thing too).
Casey was getting her Zofran (nausea), and was going to call Greg and then try to sleep some more.
Maybe if she sleeps again they will let her out?
Hope so.
Sweet Annie,
ReplyDeleteIn case anyone is wondering from where Casey gets all her strength... she gets it from YOU!
Casey definitely needs a new pancreas.
I've been out-of-pocket for a few days (working 16 hour days for 3 days!). I'm sorry I'm late to your blog, and I wish so much that I could've be there in person to give you moral support.
Hang in there, she'll be home soon.
I dont have words for you....just hugs and prayers. I am so sad for dear Casey.
ReplyDeleteOh Anne I wish I could offer some comfort. I don't even know where to start. I am sending prayers and I have my family in on the prayers too. Congrats on having such a tough and independent child. She is a very special person. I guess we all know where she gets that from.
ReplyDeleteLots of love to you all!
Hi Everyone...
ReplyDelete...With special love to all who commented and/or called.
Your prayers and thoughts and care for Casey are all so very much appreciated.
I will update soon.
I believe that St. Marys will be transferring her either to Froedtert or Madison today.
So far that is all I know; as they are struggling to try to figure this out.
My love to all.
Kisses and hugs. Tell them to check for Flukes and such.
ReplyDeleteCasey just called.
ReplyDeleteShe does not have a job anymore...
Her boss said she can't wait for her to come back, but that when she does she will be training her replacement.
I told her to get ahold of that attorney again for her denial of her disability claim.
What's worse is that Casey knows she cannot even count on herself at this point.
Damn hey?
I think I remember you writing a blog about this job when Casey first went to work. Isn't this the woman who knew about Casey's medical problems and still wanted her back so bad that she was willing to employ her anyway? This sucks!!
ReplyDeleteYou betcha.
ReplyDeleteWTH is wrong with people anymore? If Casey's employer knew about her medical problems and took her back (didn't the employer say that Casey pretty much had job security?) why the hell did they fire her?? This sucks a$$... I am so sorry... It's not like Casey doesn't have her health to worry about now she has to worry about this too??? How much more can this girl take??
ReplyDeletePlease give Casey a hug from me.
Keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers!
Love Ya,
I'm so sorry I haven't been internet at my new place until Thanksgiving...or Christmas. But my thoughts and prayers are with all of you!!!
ReplyDeleteReading all of this is making me me VERY angry! The entire situation with Casey crumbling down around her, and for what reason? Because she is sick? The girl cannot help it because she is sick! She's been sick for what.. 3 years? And not one single doctor can pinpoint EXACTLY what is wrong with her and fix her. She NEEDS a diagnosis and she needs it NOW! She is getting weaker every day and has pain every day, she can't eat, or eat much. Something has to be done! She can't keep a job because of being sick, and when she FINALLY gets one and they say they will work with her and they know about her condition, they up and fire her?! She gets turned down for disability because they claim she's not sick enough? Do I have that part right? there's people who get a disability check that don't even have anything near as bad as Casey has and they didn't have to appeal it. This is total BULLSH**!!!! I think we all should put a petition together and sign it and pass it on to you so you can give it to the disability claims dept. along with the address of your blog so that they can read and see how sick Casey REALLY is. I'm sorry if I spouted out, but I know what it's like to be sick for years and not knowing what is wrong with you and being in pain all the time. I got lucky and found a doctor that figured out what was wrong with me. I pray to God that Casey will find a doctor to figure out what EXACTLY is wrong and get her well. Both of you get some rest ok
ReplyDeleteMuch love and prayer to you and Casey ღ♥§♥ღ Susan X♥X♥X♥ ღ♥§♥ღ