[My] Life in Wisconsin

Not. Not. NOT!

Please say it isn't so! Blogging is NOT dead!

Pretty please?



  1. Nope, I say it's not dead at all. I noticed in reading the link, they only mentioned certain websites. Not once was places like multiply, myspace or (heaven forbid) 360!!! That's where all the action is for us everyday people to blog. Those other sites is where all the "professionals" blog. Sites like multiply and 360 don't take kindly to spam pages. I know, I've had a few of those spammers deleted over on 360.

    No, I say blogging is alive and well and doing quite nicely.

  2. How would they know anyhow?? LOL...it can't be dead we are all still blogging...lol

  3. Well ,we can just let them all think blogging is dead and then while they are all "Twitter-ing" & "Flickr-ing" we can just happily keep on "Multiply-ing"!

  4. Nahhh, not dead. Its just hard for me to keep up with these days.

  5. No way! Blogging isn't dead... I just seen someone giving it CPR! Got up and walked away like nothing happened... LOL!

    Honestly though, I think that was more towards the people who get money for blogging not for us common folk. Anyway if blogging was dead Multiply would have shut down and told us about it...

  6. Honestly, people have been saying it was dead for a long time...

    they just don't know the right bloggers.

  7. as long as were all still blogging then apparently its not dead! not at Multiply at least!
