[My] Life in Wisconsin

Powell endorses Obama for president. Be Careful.

msnbc.com and NBC News
updated 9 minutes ago

WASHINGTON - Former Secretary of State Colin Powell endorsed Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., for president on Sunday, criticizing his own Republican Party for what he called its narrow focus on irrelevant personal attacks over a serious approach to challenges he called unprecedented.

Please take a moment to read it.
Very interesting...

I am wondering how long before Gen Powell will be branded a traitor? (Yes, even by those who have previously stated their respect and admiration for him)...
Or worse, people will be calling this a race card?

This man has EARNED way too much respect from us to be saying these very negative things.
Be careful America.




  1. You have got to be freakin' kidding me!!!! Wonder how much money he got paid to join the traitor????


  2. Heck Sweet Pam,
    I thought it was a good thing!
    (I still do).


  3. I think it's a good thing myself. Why is it if we say something negative about the the opposite party your hailed a hero. But if you speak your mind and say something that is true about your party your a traitor? To me I call it being real. In America of all places we should be allowed to speak our mind whether someone thinks we are a traitor or not. True is true no matter what

  4. The conclusion I draw from this. COLIN POWELL IS ONE SMART MAN!!!! YES!

  5. This is huge!.....I started clapping watching the show, by myself!!....I think the race card above all will be mentioned....what a shame that people still even have a race card.

  6. Of course they will use the race card because they wont focus on the real issues. It's VERY SAD. The facts are McCain has made some very bad decisions lately & Palin was a HUGE one!!!

  7. I can't believe that someone that was in charge at one time of our armed forces would willingly back someone that has stated that he is willing to sit down with the leaders of nations that harbor terrorist. Sorry my president will not be a terrorist sympathizer. That's my opinion and that's all I'm going to say. I'll take experience over the alternative any day!

  8. wow.....

    this is making me reconsider my stance.....

    Never liked Colon but he may just be smarter than I gave him credit for......

    be back to read comments later, going out Anne.

    Love ya!

  9. What Obama wants is PEACE around the world. To me that is a much better answer than WAR. I don't blame half the countries for hating us. We are bullies to them! Maybe if people would try to solve problems by talking rather than war, we would all be better off around the entire world. PEACE * LOVE * HAPPINESS, that's what I want for the world I live in.

  10. Well, anyone that wants to "be in bed" with terrorist countries is asking for one thing and one thing only...another attack on this great nation and I will NOT allow that!

  11. oh rubbish! Bush attacked the US...evidence is there ...this was an inside job

    besides that Obama isnt in bed with any of the terrorist nations only he condones peace talks rather than bombs

  12. whatever! I know what I know and that's my opinion. Sorry you don't like it. Bush did NOT attack the united states and kill thousands of innocent people and you know it! you've been brainwashed by the sympathizer!

  13. whatever is correct.....you don't know anything

    I ask you why would Bush then say that "Osama in not a major concern" if indeed he believed the man attacked our country...why stop looking for him and attack Iraq

    Why did he give stand down orders?

    Why did he fly the mans family out of the US to safety while other planes were grounded?

    How did building 7 fall?

    I invite you to be an informed citizen and do your own investigating into these matters

  14. AMEN!!! I agree, I think it was an inside job as well.

    Exactly, Obama isn't in bed with anyone. lol I would rather have a president that wants peace then one that wants war. That's just crazy.

    If we go to war with Iran, do people realize they have China & Russia? Seriously, I don't think we want to go there.

  15. Bush has killed thousands of innocent people since then too. Americans & innocent citizens in Iraq.

    It's time for OBAMA & PEACE!!! Let the troops come home to there families for once before more have to die for this senseless cause.

    If Bush wants to get rid of terrorist so bad, then WHY hasnt' he gotten Bin Laden yet? You know why? Cause they were in on it together. THAT'S WHY!!!!

  16. If they elect McCain no one will be able to stop more inside jobs on our great nation

  17. Hussein obama will be the downfall of this great nation. Heaven help us all! I'm done debating ignorance

  18. so far as I can tell you've done no debating. you haven't mentioned one piece of evidence to support your ideas nor gave any counter evidence to that presented.

  19. Which is exactly what McCain & Palin do... Go figure! lol Instead of addressing the issues when given the chance they dance around it.

    I haven't heard any debating either.

  20. Okay, given your "debate", if that's what you want to call this. Let me ask you this question.

    Whatever you middle or last name is..... Say Smith for example. I'm sure there is a Mr. or Mrs. Smith in prison for murder or rape. Should you be told you are a murderer or rapist just because you share the name?

    Seriously.....because that is what you are saying. He has Husseins name so he must be related to or is a terrorist. PLEASE!!!!!! That is IRGORANCE at it's finest. So yes, please quit debating it.

    Let me also ask you wtf did Hussein do to us, the American people????? Not a damn thing that I know of.
    Where are the weapons of mass destruction that we were told he had? Not there!!!

    I believe the downfall of our great nation has already begun. Where have YOU been? The last 8 years it's went to hell.

  21. I do NOT have to justify MY opinions to anyone.

  22. No you don't. But if you had real evidence to back it up, you'd be glad to tell us.

    Thanks for making it obvious you don't have a clue what your talking about.

    Later! GO OBAMA!!!

  23. Thing is I DO have a clue what's going on...I just don't have to justify it like so many think they need to especially when someone else goes against what they think. yadda, yadda, yadda.

    Miss Anna I apologize for the conversation that has taken place here. It's obvious some don't like my opinion.

  24. I don't see anything wrong with Powell endorsing Obama. He has voiced HIS opinion as to who he thinks will be a better president. I don't think race had anything to do with his decision. Although I do believe that many will think otherwise.

    Kinda sad if you think about it... How many people out there will vote for McCain simply because he's white? There are people who vote just because of the political party they are associated with. They don't really look at the candidate as a whole... I applaud Powell for standing up and looking outside of his political box and then thinking outside of it!

  25. The only thing that would have made me happier if is Powell had decided to run himself. I respect his opinion and I'm glad that he is voicing his opinion openly

  26. PS I also liked McCains response to the endorsement.

  27. First of all, no one ever needs to apologize for their own opinions here.
    After all, I posted mine.

    That said, tomorrow I shall find a link about sex.


  28. *ears perk up*

    Sex?? Just what kind of link are you gonna post about sex?? I need all the info I can get! Seeing as how I'm a good girl and all, I know nothing about the topic! LMAO!

  29. Notice how some of us were nice & just read the posts. ;>)

  30. I am one who just read..... Isnt there a quote that says opinions are like butt holes, everyone has one!

  31. I believe she wanted our opinions. That's usually the case when someone posts a blog. So although we may have expressed opinions that some didn't like, we were still nice.

  32. Sorry Anne I shouldnt have replied to anothers comment on your page.....its only that ...well you know how passionate this topic is or me.

  33. And doubtfire I was not pesonally attacking you but only disagreeing with your opinion. Sorry.



    What a sorry state we would all be in (and magnificently boring too), if we all thought alike.

    And that goes for everyone here...
    The comments are here just for that. Sometimes it happens that we all agree, sometimes not.
    Either way is fine by me.


  35. No worries one little bit.
    At no point did I ever feel personally attacked.

    If anyone is here because of politics, then maybe I need to redo my definition of friendship.

    At least, I don't think anyone is...


  36. I love it (sarcasm) when people are upset with Obama, they bring up his middle name. Like he had some say in his name when he was born. Hussein was an allie to the U.S. back in the day. You were fightin a good fight Red. Using his middle name as evidence he's a terrorist, or terrible person, is the ignorance you speak of.

  37. All I meant by my comment was that everyone has an opinion which is their right. I guess I am just not as heated about it as others are. Meant no hard feelings...

  38. No worries Sweet RubyBlue!
    I don't think anyone took it wrong anyway!

