Potentially pre-historic stone formation discovered deep underwater. CLICK ABOVE.
By Matt Bartosik
Updated 8:36AM CST, Thu Jan 8, 2009 (Better late than never).
First Published: Jan 8, 2009 7:50 AM CST
"Experts in petroglyphs generally don't dive, so we're running into a bit of a stumbling block there."
Oh, ya think?!?! hehehe
The iconic Stonehenge in the UK is one of the most famous prehistoric monuments in the world, but it is not the only stone formation of its kind. Similar stone alignments have been found throughout England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales… and now, it seems, in Lake Michigan.
According to BLDGBLOG, in 2007, Mark Holley, professor of underwater archeology at Northwestern Michigan College, discovered a series of stones arranged in a circle 40 feet below the surface of Lake Michigan. One stone outside the circle seems to have carvings that resemble a mastodon—an elephant-like animal that went extinct about 10,000 years ago.
Archaeologists had been hired to survey the Lake's floor near Traverse City, Michigan, and examine old boat wrecks with a sonar device. They discovered sunken boats and cars and even a Civil War-era pier. But among these expected finds was a potentially-prehistoric surprise.
"When you see it in the water, you're tempted to say this is absolutely real," Holley told reporters at the time. "But that's what we need the experts to come in and verify."
Specialists involved in the case are skeptical and want to gather more info before making a judgment. The problem?
"They want to actually see it," said Holley. "Experts in petroglyphs generally don't dive, so we're running into a bit of a stumbling block there."
The formation, if authenticated, wouldn't be completely out of place. Stone circles and other petroglyph sites are located in the area.
While Chicago has an interesting and colorful history of its own, it's exciting to think that a North American version of Stonehenge could be sitting just over 200 miles away.
Copyright NBC Local Media / NBC Chicago
Another cool link to this all:
Stonehenge Beneath the Waters of Lake Michigan
Picture stolen from here
And this, from Ohio:
Called "Ohio's Ancient Nile"
America's Stonehenge at Mystery Hill
PHOTOS: Stonehenge Was ''Domain of the Dead''
From National Geographic
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