There. You have been warned.
G'Afternoon All;
First of all I already know that in the course of our lifetime we probably eat a bushel (or more) of plain old garden dirt.
That dirt being complete with all its own little additives; (aka the feces of many species).
And I also know that it is a falsehood that we swallow spiders in our sleep.
'Course we might swallow those same spiders if we keep our heads in the sand.
(And we might also swallow a whole bunch more dirt while we are at it)...
Read on.
Published: February 12, 2009
THE Georgia peanut company at the center of one of our nation’s worst food-contamination scares has officially reached a revolting new low: a recent inspection by the Food and Drug Administration discovered that the salmonella-tainted plant was also home to mold and roaches.
You may be grossed out, but insects and mold in our food are not new. The F.D.A. actually condones a certain percentage of “natural contaminants” in our food supply — meaning, among other things, bugs, mold, rodent hairs and maggots.
In its (falsely) reassuringly subtitled booklet “The Food Defect Action Levels: Levels of Natural or Unavoidable Defects in Foods That Present No Health Hazards for Humans,” the F.D.A.’s Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition establishes acceptable levels of such “defects” for a range of foods products, from allspice to peanut butter.
Among the booklet’s list of allowable defects are “insect filth,” “rodent filth” (both hair and excreta pellets), “mold,” “insects,” “mammalian excreta,” “rot,” “insects and larvae” (which is to say, maggots), “insects and mites,” “insects and insect eggs,” “drosophila fly,” “sand and grit,” “parasites,” “mildew” and “foreign matter” (which includes “objectionable” items like “sticks, stones, burlap bagging, cigarette butts, etc.”).
Tomato juice, for example, may average “10 or more fly eggs per 100 grams [the equivalent of a small juice glass] or five or more fly eggs and one or more maggots.” Tomato paste and other pizza sauces are allowed a denser infestation — 30 or more fly eggs per 100 grams or 15 or more fly eggs and one or more maggots per 100 grams.
Canned mushrooms may have “over 20 or more maggots of any size per 100 grams of drained mushrooms and proportionate liquid” or “five or more maggots two millimeters or longer per 100 grams of drained mushrooms and proportionate liquid” or an “average of 75 mites” before provoking action by the F.D.A.
The sauerkraut on your hot dog may average up to 50 thrips. And when washing down those tiny, slender, winged bugs with a sip of beer, you might consider that just 10 grams of hops could have as many as 2,500 plant lice. Yum.
Giving new meaning to the idea of spicing up one’s food, curry powder is allowed 100 or more bug bits per 25 grams; ground thyme up to 925 insect fragments per 10 grams; ground pepper up to 475 insect parts per 50 grams. One small shaker of cinnamon could have more than 20 rodent hairs before being considered defective.
Peanut butter — that culinary cause célèbre — may contain approximately 145 bug parts for an 18-ounce jar; or five or more rodent hairs for that same jar; or more than 125 milligrams of grit.
In case you’re curious: you’re probably ingesting one to two pounds of flies, maggots and mites each year without knowing it, a quantity of insects that clearly does not cut the mustard, even as insects may well be in the mustard.
The F.D.A. considers the significance of these defects to be “aesthetic” or “offensive to the senses,” which is to say, merely icky as opposed to the “mouth/tooth injury” one risks with, for example, insufficiently pitted prunes. This policy is justified on economic grounds, stating that it is “impractical to grow, harvest or process raw products that are totally free of non-hazardous, naturally occurring, unavoidable defects.”
The most recent edition of the booklet (it has been revised and edited six times since first being issued in May 1995) states that “the defect levels do not represent an average of the defects that occur in any of the products — the averages are actually much lower.” Instead, it says, “The levels represent limits at which F.D.A. will regard the food product ‘adulterated’ and subject to enforcement action.”
Bugs in our food may not be so bad — many people in the world practice entomophagy — but these harmless hazards are a reminder of the less harmless risks we run with casual regulation of our food supply. For good reason, the F.D.A. is focused on peanut butter, which the agency is considering reclassifying as high risk, like seafood, and subjecting it to special safety regulations. But the unsettling reality is that despite food’s cheery packaging and nutritional labeling, we don’t really know what we’re putting into our mouths.
Soup merits little mention among the products listed in the F.D.A.’s booklet. But, given the acceptable levels for contaminants in other foods, one imagines that the disgruntled diner’s cri de coeur — “Waiter, there’s a fly in my soup!” — would be, to the F.D.A., no cause for complaint.
E. J. Levy is a professor of creative writing at the University of Missouri.
Oh now c'mon, nobody ever died eating the tomato paste.
Just one question though... Are you hungry now?
Still I haven't gotten over that "(falsely) reassuringly subtitled booklet" above. "The Food Defect Action Levels"
(Methinks it should not have been "defects" but 'defecations')?
While maggots, larvae, plant lice and thrips sound horrible....I would much rather ingest them than the harmful bacteria that awaits us from the feces types of illnesses that can take our lives.
ReplyDeleteRodent hairs and cigarette butts are truly disgusting to even think about! But a cigarette butt is only paper. The disgusting part is whose saliva was on it?
BTW.....I am still eating my popcorn! LOL!
Oh yeah.....your little critter is sooooo cute!
ReplyDeleteBut just remember that even if these 'things' are in our food, that most, if not all of the creatures are killed by the preparations, cooking and canning processes.
ReplyDeleteEven a rat hair can be sterilized during these processes.
The human DNA, and illnesses that may be there (well, see above). All destroyed.
But even though I am a smoker, I do not fancy eating any ciggie butt filter.
Pa grew corn, many varieties, etc. But NO popcorn.
It does grow much the same as any field/sweet corns though. And you do NOT want to know what those fungis and worms look like.
And I do not even know what KIND of critter it is!
ReplyDeleteDo you think it might bark?
"Speak critter, SPEAK!"
Most of this I already knew... The funny thing is, even though it's gross, I'm still gonna eat LOL...
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, I'm still hungry!
What’s worse than a worm in an apple you’ve just bitten?
ReplyDeleteHalf of a worm. (-:
I believe Steve King calls this going for the 'gross out'.
ReplyDeleteThat's because you also know that your stomach acids will kill [almost] anything that got through the rest of the process.
I have many apple trees here-
Used to eat them right off the branch. Now I cut them up and make sauce.
ReplyDeleteYou are right.
He would speak the truth too; just like that article above...
You know how many bugs/grossities you eat in food right out of your garden?
ReplyDeleteIt happens.
ReplyDeleteOMG Sweet Oea;
There really IS a blog there for me. Somewhere. Really.
I'm OK with eating these things. I have been all my life, and it hasn't killed me yet. Who knows? May be my primary source of protein. I've never cared much about this stuff, and still (gasp) put my purse on the bathroom floor, and sit on public toilets. Did you know that we are covered in a natural germ fighting layer called skin? Worrying about it is silly. Just adds stress that you don't need.
ReplyDeleteNAtural is natural and to be honest, I think the FDA tries to prevent way more than what occurs naturally. The things that scare me more are the unnatural things like, human body parts, metal shavings, glass....
ReplyDeleteGreat point Sweet Stanger!
hehehe (Laughing at your toilet purse).
Hey Sweet OKA;
ReplyDeleteWouldn't a human finger be natural?
But you are right about the metals and glass etc... They wreak much more damage than a few little boiled maggots would.
UGH UGH UGH!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI didn't read this while I was eating... I waited until after I finished dinner... Probably a good thing for the fact that I can see putting anything into my mouth now, but not so good of a thing because I swear I can feel things crawling around in my mouth! YUCK!!!!!!
This definitely gave me the creepy-crawlies!
Yes I will continue to eat the same stuff I've been eating... Like you said "Nobody's died from eating tomato paste"... Plus, I ate it before AND I can't go without food... I love food too much to desert it!
Oka2u is right though: the glass and metal are cause for a much greater concern... I don't think bits of insects have ever caused real danger... Like the article says: many people in other countries eat insects/maggots/bugs on a daily basis and some even consider these weird creatures as delicacies!
Be that as it may, you still won't find me digging into a bag of chocolate covered ants anytime soon!
Love you Much Much!