Times like these, even if you don't think you have enough room, you probably do.
I believe we will all benefit from growing a few of our own foods.
Not to mention the $$$ you will save! All that, and it's fun too!
NOTE: There isn't a child over 4 that cannot pull a weed either! Keeps them busy, off the couch or computer, and out of trouble too.
You just have to love yourself enough to do it!
Yes, that is Casey in that picture, picking beans. Picture taken a few years ago.
(Back when she HAD a pancreas)!
Gardening Jobs by Month - from The Old Farmer's Almanac
MARCH 2009
***Re-pot houseplants so they will grow well during spring and summer.
***Water gloxinias and African violets from the bottom, avoiding getting any water on the leaves. Dust the leaves with a small, soft brush.
***Consider ordering a few blueberry plants. Not only will they provide delicious fruit for jams, muffins, and pies, but they are also an excellent choice for landscaping plants, offering scarlet fall foliage and creamy white spring flowers. Blueberries serve neatly in a hedge or as specimen plants.
***When choosing fruit trees, remember that apple, apricot, and pear trees need two varieties present to ensure pollination. If space is limited, try peach, nectarine, or sour cherry, which will bear fruit on a single tree.
***Garden work should begin when a lump of soil squeezed in the hand is dry enough to fall apart slowly.
***Uncover bulb beds and hardy borders near the middle of the month.
***Plant deciduous trees and shrubs this month.
***Trim out the old canes from the rows of berry bushes. The bramble fruits are borne on new wood of last year's growth.
***Prune fruit trees until spring buds swell. Maple and birch should not be pruned until they leaf out.
***Sprinkle wood ashes around berries and fruit trees. The potash will enhance the sweetness of the fruit.
***Remove mulches from snowdrops and crocuses so the shoots can come through.
***Uncover mulched perennial and strawberry beds gradually, pressing into place any plants that have been heaved up.
***Dig up over-wintered parsnips as soon as the soil is loose enough. They will not benefit from any additional time in the ground.
***Set out pansies as soon as the ground is ready. They'll happily withstand cold weather and will bloom steadily if the spent blossoms are kept picked.
***Remove the mulch from your perennial beds gradually. Take it off as the season progresses and add it to your compost pile.
***If your compost pile has been frozen all winter, add some manure now and turn it frequently.
***Check trellises, latticework, and fences for winter damage. Repair before spring growth begins.
***Dormant spraying for fruit trees should be done before spring growth begins.
***Resist the temptation to uncover spring-flowering plants such as daffodils and tulips. Mulch may be loosened, but the shoots will still benefit from protection against cold, drying winds.
***Manure can be spread over the garden now, especially on the asparagus and rhubarb beds.
***Be sure that flats and pots used for starting seed are perfectly clean. Likewise, the soil should be clean and sterile.
***Mark and label your sown seeds, indoors and out.
***Water newly started seedlings carefully. A pitcher may let the water out too forcefully. A mist sprayer is gentle but can take a long time. Try using a meat basting syringe, which will dispense the water effectively without causing too much soil disruption.
***Give peas a chance. The earlier they mature, the sweeter they'll be. Sow them right under the snow, if necessary, but save some for a later planting as well.
***Spread dark plastic intended for mulch out over the garden site to hasten the warming of the soil. This will provide for earlier and better germination.
***Keep plastic milk jugs or other coverings on hand to protect the flowers of pansies, crocuses, and other early bloomers against the return of severe weather.
***Start seedlings of annuals in flats -- aster, larkspur, alyssum, and balsam should be started now (or 6 to 8 weeks before the last frost date in your area). If summer season is short, zinnias should be started now. They will need to be potted up in individual pots after 4 to 5 weeks.
***Start some vegetables in flats now: Brussel sprouts, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, peppers, eggplants, tomatoes, and lettuce are good choices.
***Seed alpine strawberries now to make attractive and bountiful hanging baskets for summer.
As predicted, the La Niña has lasted through the winter and will linger into spring. This has created severe drought in the western and southern United States.
************* Coping with Drought
Prepare ahead for a dry growing season
Plants drink their food. If your soil dries out, your plants will starve—or wilt. Take these steps to avoid disaster.
**** Improve the Soil
Rainwater sluices through pure sand at the rate of 20 inches per hour or even faster, taking with it everything plants need to survive. Soil with lots of organic matter slows the transition of water from the soil to the subsoil, giving plants a chance to take in what they need. To help retain moisture, mix lots of peat moss and compost into the soil at planting time.
**** Plan a Smaller Garden
Take stock of what you really need to grow and don't exceed your calculations. For example, two or three hills of zucchini and cucumbers will easily meet the needs of a family of four.
****Choose Bush Varieties
Plants that grow low to the soil will lose less water through transpiration than those that spread rampantly (Hubbard squash) or twine up to the sky (pole beans). Check descriptions in seed catalogs for varieties that need little space and can tolerate dry conditions.
****Place Plants Closer Together
Leaves from neighboring plants will shade the soil, helping to conserve surface moisture and reduce weed growth. Plant beans about an inch apart, tomatoes about 18 inches apart.
****Mulch Well
Mulch prevents moisture from evaporating directly from the soil surface, and it can greatly reduce weeds. Use whatever you have at hand--newspaper; black plastic; old carpet; large, flat stones--and apply it when the soil is wet. (Don't mulch with peat moss; it dries out and forms a mat on the top of the soil that easily sheds water. Instead, work peat moss well into the soil.)
**** Weed Diligently
Smother weeds or pull them out--roots and all. Don't make your plants compete with weeds for moisture.
**** Reduce Evaporation
Water your garden in the late afternoon or early in the morning--times when the least amount of water will evaporate from the leaves. To encourage roots to develop, soak the garden thoroughly rather than watering it lightly several times.
**** Use a Drip System
Drip irrigation provides greater water savings than sprinklers. (Consult your county extension agent for tips on setting up drip irrigation.) If you install a drip system, allow for different beds or separate parts of the garden to be on separate sets of commands. The water needs of plants differ widely, and a system that delivers one rate of water to your entire plot can be wasteful.
**** Strip Off Leaves
Large, bushy tomato plants lose a lot of water through their leaves. Once the green tomatoes reach their full size, strip off most of the leaves to reduce evaporation and keep water going to the ripening fruit.
**** Harvest at Once
As soon as a fruit or vegetable is ripe, remove it from the plant. Pull up any plants that aren't productive or that are past their prime.
GREAT BLOG!!! I'm already planning and looking forward to planting a wee bit more of a garden this year...might even do a couple hills of taters but do plan on onions, green beans, and tomatoes. Don't think sweet corn will do well here in my back yard though. Now just have to find someone to turn the dirt for me. I think there will be alot of people thinking about planting gardens this year with the way the economy is going and the local kmart here already has some of their yard and garden stuff ot. I'm soooooo ready to get my hands dirty.
ReplyDeleteWhat a great blog! Thanks for sharing! I am getting caught up with all the blogs I've missed doing some now and some later today!! But I will get caught up with you! Hugs
ReplyDeleteI've already got my seeds and planter. Just waiting for dirt to go on sale. I only have a balcony but I will be putting out containers with morning glories, herbs, and possibly a hanging basket of tomatoes! Not to mention I still have my African violet that I got after graduating high school.
ReplyDeleteI also seem very good at growing things in my refrigerator ...eeeeww.
You mean I'm not the only one that has a "garden" growing in their frig from time to time? LOL!!!
ReplyDeleteI wish I had somewhere in my yard that got full sun. I'd plant everything!
ReplyDeleteI'm looking forward to my second season of growing something. Not sure what, I wish I could grow hamburgers and french fries.
ReplyDeleteSweet Pam;
ReplyDeleteYou are right about people needing to plant this year- And even if people only get a few meals out of their gardens, it has already saved them $.
I absolutely LOVED reading about your mouthwatering "'maters" from last year!
Now, PO-tatoes? I have grown them, but would rather not. hehehe
You go girl!
Sweet Sheri;
ReplyDeleteYou are so kind!
Now go plant a whole bunch of garden- Your kids will love it.
Mom used to give us our own row to care for. (And as long as it wasn't eggplant I wouldn't kill it).
Sweet Jenny,
ReplyDeleteYour fridge cracks me up. I think I have a dead chupacabra in mine right now. But it's garbage day today so I shall find the offensive thing and chuck it.
hehehe "Chuck the Chupacabra"
Do not buy dirt. I have a few acres of it. You can take it home in your drawers.
I can't wait to see pictures of your hanging tomatoes. I see others that have them. Maybe I will try that too.
Mama D.
Most certainly not my Sweet!
And I know I shouldn't do this, but there are times that I even throw out the container.
Sweet RT;
ReplyDeleteYou can grow almost anything provided you get warming sunshine for about 4 hours every day.
I would send you some of my dirt, (most of it is always in the sun, as long as the sun shines), but I cannot afford the postage. hehehe
You remind me that I should probably think about not planting behind the house again. But it's too hard to be digging up another area too.
Wish too that I could build a garden planter that I wouldn't have to bend over for...
It hurts my back, and I believe I look like one of those decorative garden ladies.
ReplyDeletehehehe Sweet Pea,
Self fertilizer too.
Mama D
Mr Khool.
ReplyDeleteStop it. You cannot expect to grow pot for 2 years in a row and not get caught.
French fries take a little effort.
Burgers even more.
But if you have a fenced in yard, I would venture to guess that it's do~able.
Are you accusing me of pooping in my garden?
ReplyDeleteAs my dad always says....
"at midnight, by the light of the silvery moon, she walks among her carrots, and pees.
ReplyDeleteDad is hilarious Sweet Pea/Poop
Was I accusing you? (Do you grow peanuts then)???
But no. The arrows pointed to your lil bunny!
My bunny is litter trained and poops in her box only...
ReplyDeleteI have no bbs in my garden. But it is not a bad idea to empty the litter box there next time....
Wonder what that might do? Make hay grow?
The Tulip Tree I planted last year.....
ReplyDeleteOne of my redbud trees
We've always been big on planting a garden each year...guess it comes fomr both of us having spent many an hour of our childhoods helping our Dad's in theirs. I especially love going to my freezer in the middle of winter and getting out something we grew during the summer.
The hubby bought a tiller deal to go on the back of his tractor this year, so we're walking in high cotton, LOL....we already use a tiller like ya walk behind but now he can till it up while on his tractor, much quicker.
We already have taters, onions, cabbage,and peppers in the ground....will plant squash, tomatoes, and eggplant as soon as this little cold snap is over. Oh and there will be turnips/greens in the ground for fall growing season.
This years plan is to plant fruit trees....apples, pears, and pecans.
As for the rest of the yard....its full of dogwoods, redbuds, daffodils, iris's, and gladiola's...all either now blooming or breaking ground.
I so love spring!!!!