Good Morning Everyone!
Just thought I would pop in and keep you all up to date. I am on my laptop as my desktop needs a bit of tender loving care. My apologies that these are pictures you have seen. (Hey, they recycle)...
First of all, in Casey's own words, (from my last blog as she replied in my comments section)
How she is doing.
How she is maintaining her sense of humor...
3. My Partial Colectomy...
"More appropriately entitled my "mostly" colectomy...
Or a mostlectomy...
Or a coleostly,
No, that just doesn't have the same ring to it as "mostlectomy"...
I had my pre-surgical physical today... Everything but my colon checked out good. My blood work came back normal and the pulse-checks; light check of my eyes, nose, ears, and throat; reflexes; chest sounds; heart sounds; etc. were all good. My bowel sounds were really good, he had to be deafened a bit by those loud rumbles through a stethoscope!!
Weird, though, that after I went to the bathroom my stomach puffed out... Some days it does that and others it doesn't... Oh well, all will be worked out once the doctors get me fixed up!
I feel SO bad about your dentist appointment. I know you've been waiting for a long time to get in and it seems like every time you finally get a date set, I end up needing tests or surgeries... I'm SO SORRY!! If I had the money I would get you the gas money to make it back for the appointment so you wouldn't miss it... I just feel awful about that...
"Not much to take out of her anymore either".... Good! That means they're done whether they like it or not! No more organs to take out!!! I really should make a note of that on the back of my license where it asks you to specify what organs you'd like to give up: IF you can FIND them, you can have them.... :D
Man, I feel bad for every person who has to read a CT scan from me! Or when I leave this earth years and years and years from now, can you imagine what an autopsy person would say?!?!?! He'd probably tell everyone that I couldn't have even been human and have me sent to Area 51.
~ or ~
place a phone call into the government telling them, "Well, the good news is that your Artificial Intelligence plot passed for a living human until it got to me. Nice try guys but NO ONE can live without that many organs!!!"
Casey gets my total respect for "maintaining" ! For hanging in there when many twice, three times, her age would have simply given up.
Casey I am SO very proud!
...And then there is the star of today!
My Little Miss Punk is THREE YEARS OLD already...
She is currently dreaming of trying to catch a squirrel in the rafters of the attached garage. (This is what happened when I tried to keep the door open for those darn birds).
Somehow the little varmint goes across the beams, and then gets in the soffiting. Too funny! As I watch The Punk run around the garage following the noise...
Sure has been a busy three years for herself...
As she ponders the world...
Or maybe tries to remember her younger days...

Mama Milly and her litter of 10!
Yes, they all lived.
They grew too fast for Mama Milly to keep up.
She was greatly relieved when they began to eat
Out of the pan.
Soaked Puppy Chow!

But even with the Purina,
They still wanted to nurse after breakfast...

Where did Miss Milly go?
(She really IS under there)!

Casey, with some of the "kids"
(That is Punk on her lap, asleep)

Meeting Mr. Miller!
Run Punkie, RUN!!!
The last three,
Waiting to get out of jail!
After her siblings went "home", she was pretty bored. Mama Milly didn't always want to play, so the little dog had to find her own fun...
I think this might have been fun. (For her).

I call it Trouble
(With a capital "P").
At least she always cleaned up nice...

It didn't take long and she was big as Mama!

Tug of War!
Mama is gone now...
So all the outside stuff is also up to Punk.
She watches out for everything!

And yet, so very gentle...
Visiting Casey at the hospital...

And Casey, returning the favor at Punks house!
As she ponders the world...
Or maybe tries to remember her younger days...
Mama Milly and her litter of 10!
Yes, they all lived.
They grew too fast for Mama Milly to keep up.
She was greatly relieved when they began to eat
Out of the pan.
Soaked Puppy Chow!
But even with the Purina,
They still wanted to nurse after breakfast...
Where did Miss Milly go?
(She really IS under there)!
Casey, with some of the "kids"
(That is Punk on her lap, asleep)
Meeting Mr. Miller!
Run Punkie, RUN!!!
The last three,
Waiting to get out of jail!
After her siblings went "home", she was pretty bored. Mama Milly didn't always want to play, so the little dog had to find her own fun...
I think this might have been fun. (For her).
I call it Trouble
(With a capital "P").
At least she always cleaned up nice...
It didn't take long and she was big as Mama!
Tug of War!
Mama is gone now...
So all the outside stuff is also up to Punk.
She watches out for everything!
And yet, so very gentle...
Visiting Casey at the hospital...
And Casey, returning the favor at Punks house!
I am so thankful that Punk was hurt so badly as a pup. (CLICK HERE).
Now I KNOW that sounds an awful thing to say... But had she not been hurt, I would never have kept her for myself...
And I am ever so happy to have her here with me!
(I am also very thankful that she grew out of barfing in the car)!
The following is how she came into my world...
Have a "wunnaful" weekend!
The following is how Punkin came into my world...
Written the day after she was born.
Not all my blogs transferred from 360... ?
Now I KNOW that sounds an awful thing to say... But had she not been hurt, I would never have kept her for myself...
And I am ever so happy to have her here with me!
(I am also very thankful that she grew out of barfing in the car)!
The following is how she came into my world...
Have a "wunnaful" weekend!
The following is how Punkin came into my world...
Written the day after she was born.
Not all my blogs transferred from 360... ?
Good Morning!
... and CONGRATULATIONS to Miss Milly (and her "Prince") too!
This photo was taken when Miss Milly was about 2/3rds through delivery! (The first 6 little dogs)!
Such an exciting day for us all!
No pun intended, but it sure was a "bitch" of a day! Tee-Hee!
Miss Milly began delivering her pups at 1:48 yesterday afternoon- after a terribly uncomfortable morning for us both. I have never seen a dogs teeth chatter in my entire life. Milly's teeth were doing just that- all morning-
Waking up at about 1:30- Woken by Miss Milly being anxious and pacing... I had emailed my friend, Kelli, that either Milly was in labor, or completely epileptic! She was shaking so badly.
And so, we went for about a dozen walks- (Hey, it works for humans, and I didn't see any reason it wouldn't help the dog along too)!
And so, we went for about a dozen walks- (Hey, it works for humans, and I didn't see any reason it wouldn't help the dog along too)!
Nancy had to work yesterday morning- (Her and Jeff own Prince, the sire). Nancy and I go way back- (probably through many lifetimes)! And we share so many common things that it is almost spooky.
Suffice it to say that if Prince was an untested entity; as far as being able to father pups, he no longer is an unknown.
And a very fine job those two dogs did too!
Like I said, Miss Milly gave birth to her 1st pup just before 2 in the afternoon. Nancy and her family came- (Hubby Jeff, and their 15 yr old son Ryan)- Jenne and Isaiah stopped by for a little while too. Casey was done at school around 3, and home shortly thereafter... We had all the "related" parties present!
And now my entrance doubles as a maternity ward!
Milly's 3rd pup- probably the runt, was born non-responsive and really purple. (That is why I keep the rag and warm water present)- After a vigorous rubbing, and being held upside down for quite some time, and with gentle squeezing; the pup finally began to make little squeaks- About 10 minutes after that all, it was much pinker- and even trying to nurse. (Thank God for little miracles).
And that is why I do not like unattended births. There were actually three puppies that would not have lived if I hadn't been on top of it all. One was like the first slower one, not as bad, but not really breathing and so scary unresponsive- And the 3rd was a little girl, born out of her sac, breech, and with only a hind leg and a bit of her tail presenting. (I delivered that one in a big hurry).
She was the last puppy to be born too.
After all the excitement was done, Nancy left for home, and Casey and I moved "Mom" and babies to the back entrance then. (I think it is still too chilly to be leaving them out in the garage at night). They can stay in the back entrance until it warms up sufficiently for all to 'weather' the garage, or even go out to the kennel.
With Milly all tucked in with her pups, we relaxed a bit before going to sleep. Checking on the new family one more time, and moving them around the box, I thought I had counted 9... - Not trusting my own abilities at that point in time, I recounted-
There were 9... And by the time we did finally go to bed, there was even one more little dog! How very cool is this all?
There are 10 still, this morning... And yesterdays whale of a dog suddenly looks more than a bit malnourished and anorexic!
All is well with everyone!
All is well with everyone!
Miss Milly and her Brand New Babies!!!
10 Little Pups!!!
And I am still so bloody tired that I wish I could go back to sleep. But that doesn't happen for me--- Besides, I've got a front entrance to scrub!
Hope you all are having a great day!
Milly is a purebred Yellow Lab; and Prince is a purebred Golden Retriever! These "kids" will be just wonderful!!!!
Originally posted to my Y! 360, Tuesday March 28, 2006 - 06:14am (CST)
I thank you for your continue updates and special notes. I still read them daily. I have been in hospital alot lately. They dx me with chronic pancreatitis. It has started to effect my kidneys which i will have surgery for that in the next week. Also I as well was found to have a megacolon. So please continue to post and I will talk to you soon. Good Luck. God Bless
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday Squash!
ReplyDeleteAnd you already know how I feel about Casey.
oh my goodness that was awesome , thank you Anna you always make me smile with your blogs and wonderful pictures, Caseys beautiful in and out, her high spirits and zest for life will get her through all this, shes an angel, what a wonderful gift given to you.
ReplyDeleteLove your story about the Punkster. I'm glad that the punkmeister is still with you to share the ins and outs of life.
ReplyDeleteKeep us posted on things with Miss Caseyface. I think I might have missed a blog or two recently. When is she having her surgery?
I wonder who you've posted more pictures of since you started blogging - Casey or Punk? LOL!
ReplyDeleteI know they're both your sweet babies and best buddies.
Happy 3rd Birthday Punkie baby!! (I sure hope you get that squirrel!)
Happy Birthday Punk!
ReplyDeleteI will say it again, Casey is a strong young woman, and no one could doubt it either.
Casey is an inspiration and I can understand completely why you are so proud of her .. Keeping her in my thoughts and prayers as always ...
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday Punk ... I loved looking at the pics ...
I have said many times.. Casey is very strong and an amazing young woman. I dont know of anyone else that could have kept their spirits up like she does. It is incredible if you ask me.
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday Punk!
A great walk down memory lane! and some wonderful pictures!
Have a wonderful weekend Rock!
Auwww.... Casey.... I totally agree with Connie there. She never stop to amaze me with her strength and perspective on life.
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday, Punk! Wow! That's very touching, Anne... Precious story & pictures!
Have a great weekend! Take care & big hugs!
Casey has to maintain that sense of humor or loose her sanity all together. She is holding up well within that frail and "part-less" body.
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday Punk! Glad you stayed with your Human mama and Human sister.
Doggie Birth Day - what do you buy a 3 year old?
ReplyDeleteHard to believe that Punkie is 3! It doesn't seem like it's been that long... I clicked and read about how she got hurt (dunno how, but I hadn't read that entry before??) and started to cry... But I'm an emotional wreck right now anyways...
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you have Punk there to keep you company and keep you entertained... She sure can be a handful at times!
I love the pic of Mama Milly and the pups eating food-- She's smiling as she watches them eat...
As for Ms. Casey, you know what I think and how I feel about her... She is a very strong and determined young lady!
Hope you have a nice weekend :-)
Love Ya!
Happy Birthday Punkie! I love the pictures. She had lots of pretty brothers and sisters. Do you still keep up with them? I would think it would be hard to do.
ReplyDeleteCasey is so strong. She is amazing but then again I'm not telling you anything you don't already know. She is so special. And has such a sense of humor. She is truly an inspiration.
I hope all is well with you too. I do hope those anxiety attacks lighten up. Is there anything else they might be able to do? Anyway I hope you have a great weekend!
Lots of love!
Awwwwwwww :)
ReplyDeletePunkie, I hope you had a lovely birthday! You are so special and you love your people so very much!
Casey is worthy of so many kudo's...she is a blessing to know!!! I wish her all the best and will continue to pray through this step of the process. Be careful Miss Annie, its a big trip and you are such a trooper to get your precious cargo there safely...time after time.
Love to all,
Happy Birthday Squash! Thanks for taking care of Flinty.
ReplyDeleteThank you! I just hope that one day we will be through this all!!! I do have my moments where I get mad, angry, disappointed and feel just downright depressed, but those moments are put to a halt eventually and all gets worked out...
ReplyDeleteFor Punkin:
♪ ♫ Happy Happy Birthday, from all of us to you!
We wish it was our birthday, so we could party too!
Happy Happy Birthday, may all your dreams come true!
We wish it was our birthday, so we could party too! ♪ ♫
I hope you have a wonderful 3rd Birthday! Dream of finally catching one of those HUGE metal birds that try to take over your land! Hee hee hee
Oh, and it was very cold today... Only a high of 37° !!!! CRAZY!!! Maybe Punk was dreaming of running away to warmer climates!! :D
Love you Much Much!
One day, before long, Casey you are going to be feeling wonderful and putting on weight. This
ReplyDeletesurgery will fix you all up and make you "like new"...and about time!! You and your mom are very
inspiring people, and the love you have for each other touches us every time. Hang in there while
we all pray for you and it is going to work out just fine. Love, hugs and blessings. xox
Happy birthday, are a beautiful dog and I don't blame you to have dreams of warmer
weather. I do too!!! :)
ReplyDeleteSweet Sweet Emily;
I am sorry to hear that you have been in the hospital so much. One of the necessities of this vile disease.
What kind of surgery are you having on your kidneys???
I remember when they told Casey that her disease was stripping her body even of her muscles. Slowly but surely that the rest of her body would weaken and lose function as well.
Not a good thing to hear.
And yes, I promise to keep you all informed about Casey...
As long as YOU keep US informed about yourself! hehehe
Love to you
"ARF" !!!!
ReplyDeleteLove you too Sweet Pea!
ReplyDeleteSweet Pamela!
She is my greatest gift. You are right about that.
Sweet Pam;
ReplyDeleteCaseys surgery is for the 6th of April.
(Man I hate that drive)...
But it evens out too. Casey hates surgery!
She wrote about her own diagnosis here
ReplyDeleteSweet RT!
You made ME wonder too!?
They are my babies.
And as long as we all love each other then all is well with the world!
Happy belated birthday to Mr. Doc too!
The squirrel lives on... (for now).
Sweet Oka;
ReplyDeleteCasey sure is hanging in there, isn't she?
She has more spirit in her little finger than lots of others have in their whole beings!
Thank you SO much Sweetie!
ReplyDeleteHappy you enjoyed the pics too!
Casey is definitely "more" than the sum of her parts, that's for sure!
Sweet Beep!
ReplyDeleteGlad you enjoyed the little walk!
I still don't have my computer back, and my addiction to my camera is hard to deal with, without that.
I would put them on here, but there's more than 200 pics now. hehehe And doing so would probably choke my little laptop to death.
I need this for travel...
Sweet Ruzie!
ReplyDeleteCasey and Punk are some pretty admirable entities!
(Can you tell I didn't s;eep)?
Hope your weekend is going great too!
See Sweet PeachieBaby!
ReplyDeleteI didn't "maintain" at some point.
Hence I have lost my sanity.
The "sins of the fathers" do not apply though. Casey is smart enough to learn from my mistakes.
ReplyDeleteLots and lots of treats and toys Mr Khool!
Sweet SlurkieBaby!
ReplyDeleteIt doesn't seem like 3 years to you because you went and hid and didn't come out for way too long!
Dont be crying either. Not when all else needs your own strength.
Besides, everything worked out for the best ya know. Just as it will for you!
Hang in there!
Sweet Darla!
ReplyDeleteThere were many times that I actually had to "MARK" those pups with an indelible marker to know who belonged to who.
Mama Milly would then try her level best to remove those marks.
I haven't heard from any of them in a long time. Most recently was last month- The pup (with the 3 in the kennel) on top of Punk was the last to go... She is doing very well!
Anxiety sucks bigtime. Short of putting me to sleep, there isn't much I haven't tried in addition to the meds.
But there are worse things in this big bad world. And I know it sounds like I complain a lot about them- But only when they just keep coming.
Between them and my head, something is going to kill me. But not today. (Got too much to do).
Sweet BethieBaby;
ReplyDeleteDamn... I really Do hate that drive!
Maybe it's because I get to go to the hospital or the hotel; and either place I wait.
And wait.
And wait.
And walk the dog.
And eat out of a can.
And smoke some ciggies.
And sleep.
And so on and so forth......................................
Say a little prayer for my little laptop here too would ya please?
Without this I would shrivel up. Yes, I always bring it up to the hospital too so I can share what everyone writes with my little (empty) CaseyFace.
ReplyDeleteGrrrrAwr ARF to you!
Love, Squash
ReplyDeleteBite your tongue ya little imp!
We will do whatever it takes.
When ever.
Where ever.
I love you
Sweet Bobo;
ReplyDeleteAll those emotions are human- and fleeting at best.
And there WILL come a day that even these past years will be a vague and distant memory.
I promise.
Punk says ARF to you too But she knows the truth of your sentiment too- You just want it to be YOUR birthday so's you can go to the Olive Garden. hehehe (We know how you think)!
Yup nasty out there again. And it wouldn't have been bad if the winds would have stayed away.
That's what made it so ugly.
Oh yeah, that AND the snow we have now...
Love to you forevermorelonger.
Mama D
ReplyDeleteSweet Bev!
Awww... We are inspired also you know!
And if friendship, thoughts, and prayers were fattening Casey would be weighing four times what she does now!
Everyone is dreaming of warmth.
Me too.
And to enjoy a bit of warmth right now I shall get in the shower and turn on the heat.
ReplyDeleteCase in point.
Dang, hey?
Hey Girl....since you are depending upon the laptop and we all want updates on Casey's surgery, make sure you have up to date virus protection.....there is a mean little virus/worm suppose to hit on April 1st (of all days LOL)....anyways I'd hate for you to get hit and not have your 'puter. You can read about it here:
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday to Punk and many more!!!!
I'm keeping you and Casey in my prayers as always.....keep us updated.