Start: | Mar 15, '09 08:00a |
Location: | Guess |
Dr Sutherland will be doing a few more tests on her colon.
He expects to have to remove about 70% of her colon, but would ideally like to wait until June or July. Time, and test results will tell.
Prayers anyone?
Love to all.
A little info on the Ides of March- (Beyond Sweet Peas Birthday). hehehe
The Ides of March (Just one of a dozen Ides that occur every month of the year).
by Borgna Brunner
Julius Caesar
As far as Caesar knew, the Ides were just another day.
The soothsayer's warning to Julius Caesar, "Beware the Ides of March," has forever imbued that date with a sense of foreboding.
But in Roman times the expression "Ides of March" did not necessarily evoke a dark mood—it was simply the standard way of saying "March 15." Surely such a fanciful expression must signify something more than merely another day of the year? Not so.
Even in Shakespeare's time, sixteen centuries later, audiences attending his play Julius Caesar wouldn't have blinked twice upon hearing the date called the Ides.
The term "Ides" comes from the earliest Roman calendar, which is said to have been devised by Romulus, the mythical founder of Rome. Whether it was Romulus or not, the inventor of this calendar had a penchant for complexity. The Roman calendar organized its months around three days, each of which served as a reference point for counting the other days:
* Kalends (1st day of the month)
* Nones (the 7th day in March, May, July, and October; the 5th in the other months)
* Ides (the 15th day in March, May, July, and October; the 13th in the other months)
The remaining, unnamed days of the month were identified by counting backwards from the Kalends, Nones, or the Ides. For example, March 3 would be V Nones—5 days before the Nones (the Roman method of counting days was inclusive; in other words, the Nones would be counted as one of the 5 days).
Days in March
March 1: Kalends;
March 2: VI Nones;
March 3: V Nones;
March 4: IV Nones;
March 5: III Nones;
March 6: Pridie Nones (Latin for "on the day before");
March 7: Nones;
March 15: Ides
Used in the first Roman calendar as well as in the Julian calendar (established by Julius Caesar in 45 B.C.E.) the confusing system of Kalends, Nones, and Ides continued to be used to varying degrees throughout the Middle Ages and into the Renaissance.
So, the Ides of March is just one of a dozen Ides that occur every month of the year.
Kalends, the word from which calendar is derived, is another exotic-sounding term with a mundane meaning. Kalendrium means account book in Latin: Kalend, the first of the month, was in Roman times as it is now, the date on which bills are due.
What does a colon do & do you need it to live?
ReplyDeleteOf course you have my prayers. Silly lady.
You & Casey are about the only time I think He ever hears from me. Other than my daily mutterings!
Love you both
interesting info thanks.
ReplyDeleteHope the doc gets to the results Casey needs.
Yes Sweet Bug
ReplyDeleteThank you for those prayers! I am sure He listens to you at other times too!
You do need a colon to live. (I think).
The colon is the last portion of the digestive system in most vertebrates; it extracts water and salt from solid wastes before they are eliminated from the body.
In mammals, the colon consists of four sections: the ascending colon, the transverse colon, the descending colon, and the sigmoid colon. The colon from cecum to the splenic flexure (the junction between the transverse and descending colon) is also known as the right colon. The remainder is known as the left colon.
I stole that from Wikipedia- along with the picture below.
The colon is in the blue portion, except for the stomach- (Not sure why they made that blue too)?
He is thinking that hers (Caseys) has about 3 or 4 hairpin turns in it, and those have to go so she can digest food.
She is currently less than 100 pounds again.
?!?Why on earth does this picture have both boobs and a "wally~wally" ?!?
You're welcome Sweet Oka!
ReplyDeleteI do hope this pain and infirmity could end for her. Some kind of miracle
I don't know how many people can truly appreciate everything she has gone through.
I have been "with" her through it all, and still her strength overwhelms and amazes me!
I am so sorry to hear that Casey has more to go through but she amazes me, she is very strong and courageous ..She has had so much to deal with .. I will keep her in my prayers for sure and all the best to her ..You take care of yourself also Annie , I know this got to be tough on you also..
ReplyDeleteHi Anne....I need to give you a big hug ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Anne))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
ReplyDeleteDid you feel it? Felt good didn't it?? I thought it was great. :) There don't seem to be an end to all
this, but the prayers will go on and everything will work out. She has got to gain some weight again
and be well, so I'm sure he will do whatever needs to be done. She has gone through so much and
I guess he would like to have her wait a bit before doing more surgery, but she's strong and tough,
like her mom, and together you guys will pull & get it done!! I feel really close to you tonight for some reason, I guess God is working on these prayers and wants me to know that you and Casey will be ok. Love ya!! Blessings...
Sorry to hear that Casey may need more surgery but hopefully this will be the last and she will be able to get on to a painfree life.
ReplyDeleteAlways prayers going up for all!!!
Ask and you shall receive! Prayers goin' up now!
ReplyDeleteI hope that this will be the last surgery that Casey will need... So she can finally get on with her life!
Love Ya!
ps: Thanks for the B-day wishes :D:D
And I guess if you have to be somewhere OTHER than with me on that day, I am glad that it is in search of answers for my favorite pancreas-less sis!
ReplyDeleteAnne, does this mean they will remove and reconnect things in there or will she have to have the outer bag for waste removal during healing time? I'll have to go do some more reading on this. They must have some sort of new material that they use to aid in reconnecting the intestines ('s still the large intestine) so the healing works better. I know she was hoping this was all over and done with from the last time. But, they never are really sure what the outcome will be for every patient on those who have had the pancreatic surgery. Some have complications and some don't.
ReplyDeleteCasey will be in my thoughts and Prayers.
Did she ever get my card that I sent to the hospital?
Our thoughts and prayers will be with ya'll.
ReplyDeleteYou can live without a colon, many people do. The surgery to remove the colon is called a colostomy. In the past people who had colostomies had to wear a colostomy bag connected to a stoma (opening to the intestines) to collect anything their bodies digested. But in the last 20 years or so Doctors have been successful in many cases putting the colostomy bag inside the body, which then empties directly into the rectum in order to eliminate normally.
ReplyDeleteIf Casey is in the hospital overnight I bet she gets served green jello the next day (St Patrick's Day).
ReplyDeleteIt seems Casey is in good hands with Dr Sutherland. But I'll be sending positive thoughts anyway.
ReplyDeleteI asked Dr S about the bag.
He said she would not have one.
It is more of a resection. Make 2 cuts and sew the ends together.
Sounds simple enough, but still a tough surgery to have after all else she has been through.
(That is why he prefers to wait 6 months after her TP/AIT).
ReplyDeleteOh and I believe this trip will be just for diagnostic purposes.
Er, I hope.
ReplyDeleteI thank you all again for all of your prayers!
My sister Barbara even wrote that Casey is included within her prayer group as well!
Gosh will it ever end for poor Casey, thoughts and prayers for both of you hon
So, she'll only have a semi-colon? ;;;;; ) Of course we pray.
Poor sweet girl--never enough--Hope this takes care of the problem and she goes on painfree and can eat normal--Will continue my prayers and lighting of many candles---Sending big hugs and lotsa love your way--Is it Spring yet?????
ReplyDeleteLove, Geege
ReplyDeleteThat's true! I didn't notice that... But that's hilarious!!!!
Love you!
LMAO at you noticing both boobs and a "willy wally".
ReplyDeletePrayers and blessings are going with you to Minnesota. I'm sure it will all turn out just fine. Have
ReplyDeleteFaith and he won't let you down. Hugs to both of you. Love, Bev xo