Thought this was kind of neat...
List of generations - 20th-21st century United States
* The Lost Generation was a term originally used to identify a group of American literary expatriates living in Paris in the 1920s and 1930s; it is now used more generally to describe the generation of young people who came of age in the United States during and shortly after World War I. Very few Americans from this generation are currently alive.
* The G.I. Generation, the generation of veterans that fought and won World War II, which are a subgroup of the global Post-World War II baby boom demographic, later to become the Establishment, and the parents of children who would later become the Baby Boomers (born 1946-1964). Journalist Tom Brokaw dubbed this the Greatest Generation in a 1998 book of that name.
* The Silent Generation was the generation born between the two World Wars, who were too young to join the service when World War II started. Many had fathers who served in World War I.
* The Baby Boomers (Boom Generation) were the generation born just after World War II, a time that included a 14-year increase in birthrate worldwide. Baby Boomers in their teen and college years were characteristically part of the 1960s counterculture, but later became more conservative.
* Generation Jones was the generation of actual children in the 1960s, which came of age in the middle to late 1970s and early 1980s. The election of Barack Obama to the U.S. Presidency created significantly increased awareness of this generation as many prominent sources referred to Obama as specifically a member of Generation Jones.
* Generation X is the generation born between approximately 1965 to 1980, and connected to the pop culture of the 1980s and 1990s they grew up in. Other names used interchangeably with Generation X are Reagan Generation, 13th Generation, and Baby Busters. Most of this generation are children of The Baby Boomers and The Silent Generation. Those born before 1973 spent most of their teen years in the 1980s.[1]
* Generation Y, or "Millennials" are the largest generation in American history[citation needed]. Born between 1981 and 1995, they are 95 million strong, compared to 78 million Baby Boomers. Generation Y could be divided into 2 parts: the Cold Y Generation, noted for their birth during the Cold War between 1976-1990, and the Post-Echo Generation that follow after 1990 who only have a passing memory of the 20th century.
* This latest generation is known as the text generation, since they grew up with cell phones. Early names have included Generation Z, "Generation V" (for virtual), "Generation C" (for community, content or cell phone), "The New Silent Generation", the "Internet Generation", the "iGen" and "Gen @." Generation Z are very young but active consumers, and very connected, being born into a world of ubiquitous digital communication connectivity.
Century | Era | Generation | Sub-generations | Timetable | Notable occurrences |
19th century | Missionary Awakening (American Civil War and Industrial Revolution) | 1843 - 1859 | Introduction of the Light bulb/Industrial Revolution | ||
Missionary Generation | 1860 - 1882 | American Civil War, Reconstruction, Dawn of the Automobile | |||
Lost Generation | 1883 - 1890 | Experienced WWI in adulthood | |||
20th century | Interbellum Generation | 1891 - 1900 | Roaring 20s | ||
Jazz Age (Great Depression and World War II) | G.I. Generation | 1901 - 1924 | Experienced WWII in adulthood | ||
Silent Generation / Beat Generation | 1925 - 1945 | Experienced WWII in childhood, Civil Rights Movement | |||
Baby Boomers | Boom Generation / Hippie | 1946 - 1964 | Space Exploration, First Modern "counterculture" | ||
Consciousness Revolution (Vietnam War / Counterculture / Cold War) | Generation Jones | 1955 - 1964 | |||
1955 - 1964 | Rise of the Arcade/Atomic Age | ||||
Generation X | Baby Busters | 1965 - 1979 | Experienced Vietnam War/Cold War | ||
MTV Generation / Boomerang Generation | 1975 - 1986 | Rise of Mass Media/end of the Cold War | |||
Culture Wars (War on Terror / Rise of the Internet) | Generation Y | First Digitals / Echo Boom | 1981 - 1997 | Rise of the Information Age/Internet/War on Terror/Iraq War/Global Economic Crisis. | |
21st century | Generation Z | iGeneration | 1997-present |
I am a "Baby- Boomer- Hippie- Jones."
(No dang wonder I'm so messed up)!
So, "WHO" are you?
Me ~aka "BBHJ"~
hmm... I was born in 78. I grew up in the 80's and 90's so that makes me a Gen X Millennial?? LOL...
ReplyDeleteI think the kids born after 2001 should be called the 9/11 Generation or something that references the towers falling...
Generation X here
ReplyDeleteSame as you.
ReplyDeletePerhaps I missed it, but who is Jones?
Something is missing. The list mentions WWI, WWII and the Vietnam War but not the Korean War 1950-1953. (Which isn't surprising since most people forget about it. That's probably why it's referred to as "the forgotten war".) It's right smack dab in the middle of the baby boom generation.
ReplyDeleteI was born in 79. So I guess that makes me a Generation X.
ReplyDeleteThis was interesting thank you for sharing!
Lots of love!