[My] Life in Wisconsin

April Thunder

Just so you know why I have become almost invisible.
Good Morning Everyone;
After days of wishing my head was in the river somewhere, I am back to a bit more normal. (Whatever THAT is)? hehehe

Been reading a few websites; and the later comments and such about different issues.

One that reached out and grabbed me was regarding brushing teeth after throwing up.
Your dentist will verify all of the info there.

I awoke yesterday morning at the first crack of thunder- about 3AM. A few minutes later my cell phone rang- Casey, also woken.

The storms weren't bad, just really grumbly, and just enough to allow me to sleep a bit and then BOOM I was awakened again and again.
Gave up that fight and went to the annual rummage sale at Sts. Edward and Isidore in Flintville.
Yes, we have a bar, a church and a graveyard. (All sort of 'related' in a very warped way).

They had lots of stuff- 2 huge rooms full of stuff, and a few other rooms with jewelry, collectibles, holiday things, books, etc

I opted to get a few of these cast iron toys/decorations...
Old iron nutcracker
An old nutcracker...

iron cap gun
An old cap gun.
And a few other cast iron treasures too.

Cast iron horse and driver


cast iron ice wagon
cast iron horses


My dad had an old cast iron Studebaker bank. When it got almost full one could shake a quarter or two out of it. But boy was it heavy!
As were these "finds" of mine. (I bought them, carried them out to the car, and then went back in because I wasn't going to lug them around 'til I was done looking around).

** Please forgive the rather raunchy picture quality- I had the camera settings for another project and never gave it a second thought.

As I pulled out of the yard yesterday, there was a gaggle of seagulls in the field across the street, along with this guy.

Noisy but beautiful...


Big Bird

Taken from about 300 yards away-
One of the sand cranes that return every year...

Imagine running into him in a dark alley!
Not much other stuff going on.
Rain, rain, and more rain.
Know that we need it, but maybe one sunny day between would be nice?

Storm Clouds

Enough about Flintville, I hope you are all having sunny days, even if it's raining!

My love to all.


Posted to Y! 360, Sunday April 26, 2009 - 06:42am (CDT)


  1. No rain here thank goodness. It's been so nice having more than one sunny day. Today makes about four days in a row without rain and I absolutely love it. At least we've been able to get outside and work beings it's started drying out. It's already 64 degrees here and headed for the 80's again this afternoon. Another great day to be outside playing in the dirt again.

    Great pics of your little "treasures". I love going to yard sales and finding interesting things like that.

  2. Awesome finds.
    I already knew about the toothbrushing.
    Keep that rain, i don't want none, yet

  3. Love the cast iron trucks. My Mom has some in her basement...toys from when she was a kid.
    Yesterday was 81 and simply gorgeous. Today its looking all wet and soggy.Glad I can just stay home in my pj's.
    Hope your head feels better today.

  4. Good morning Rock,

    Hope the head is doing better.. Love those cast iron toys! Some of those can be very valuable, be sure to check the cast stamps and then do some research on them.

    Rainy days and Spring go hand in hand... I dunno.. are you considered part of Tornado Alley? In Texas Im out of it.. but here in ARkansas Im on the edge. Always scary!

    Have an awesome Sunday and a wonderful week!

    Mucho hugs

  5. Sweet Pam;
    Sorry... just woke up again...
    Nice nap that- and with the rain on the tin roof is almost like Heaven.

    I can get out and work, I don't mind the rain that much- and it's not cloudbursts. But it is so cold that once chilled you are cold for the day.

    While the 80's is too much too soon, even 60's would be nice-
    That and a bit of sunshine.

    Have fun in the dirt.



  6. hehehe Sweet OKA;
    Giggling at your rain...
    Coming YOUR way soon!


  7. Sweet Bug!
    See, now I could handle one day of rain and one day of sun... (Just that the sun has been in hiding for quite some time now and it gets kind of gloomy then).
    Course it also p*sses me off that it tends to get gloomy on the inside too.

    maybe I should just go play with my new toys?


    The head is still there- jst a bit off. Not taking any chances so it's one of those days that if something falls it is staying right there til I feel like picking it up.

  8. I read the part about the Seagulls. I thought Seagulls in WS? And then I remembered that you have some massive lakes up your way so I guess they came from there(?)

    I loved thunder and lightening storms when I was a kid. But now that I'm a homeowner with a high insurance deductible - not so much.

    The antique toys are swell. Just don't let any kids play with them - because of the lead based paint.

    I bet with the warm temps and the rain you've been getting lately your flowers will be coming up good and plentifully!

  9. Good Morning yourself my Sweet Beep!
    I saw them, and kept on walking after seeing tags of more than $10.00
    Then I came back, grabbed all three and didn't look back.
    They just reminded me of Pa and all.
    I think mary has that bank of his, but no biggie that.

    I don't think we are tornado alley- If we are then I don't like it even more.


    Oops this didn't post... and there i was taking the garbage out...

  10. We have TONS of seagulls Sweet RT!
    (And a whole bunch of water too)!
    Unless it is rainy, they are following plows when we see them this far inland- That or there is a fast food joint around somewhere- They love that!

    Since I don't eat much bread they generally come and stealit when I toss out the rest of a hard loaf too.

    I promise not to eat the toys.

    And I can't wiat for the flowers to bloom either!


  11. OMG....I am so jealous now....I collect iron banks and toys!!!! My friend, you found some great ones at an excellent price. I can't believe they were in a yard sale, let alone for that price. If you ever decide to sell them, drop me a line.

  12. Hello Mommy!

    So sorry to hear that you still have that nasty migraine... That sucks... I am hoping that Dr. Lacey will be able to see you on Monday if it hasn't gone away by then... Oh, and don't stick your head in the river, I'm sure it is still mighty cold... Although it might feel good for a bit, you don't want to get hypothermia... But if you do decide to go for a swim, don't forget to come up for air!

    What?? Don't brush your teeth??? Dentists will verify that it is a huge no~no to brush??? Weird, I always thought brushing was a good thing!!! Hee hee hee... Just kidding... I do recall you talking about this earlier and how it is important not to go for the toothbrush right after throwing up... The acid gets pushed into the gums and cracks and causes lots of damage...

    The thunder storm was pretty loud when I first woke up. However, going back to bed about 15 minutes later it had quieted down a bit... I do love storms! I know you hate them and always have, but you're getting much more brave when you're behind the camera! You've captured some great storm shots, and conquered part of that fear on your own! YAY!! Now if we could both get over our deathly fear of spiders we'd be set to take on anything!

    I LOVE those toys you picked up at the rummage sale! Quite a catch!! The horses and people are so cute!!! Can't wait to see them in person. I should be able to swing by tomorrow... I have seen those cast iron banks and they don't look like they'd weigh that much, but they ARE heavy! The first time I saw one I was shocked when I picked it up!! I bet those prevented kids from breaking the money bank, they'd break the floor if they tried dropping it to open it!

    Gorgeous picture of that crane! I'm going to have to do some digging to see how tall they stand. This one looks as though it could be as tall as I am... Not a big feat to accomplish, but still... That picture really does look like a painting rather than a picture. Especially the background... You always have charming and gorgeous photos... How do you do it??

    I, too, hope the sunny days will be coming soon... It is nice to get the rain, but like you said, it is also nice to have a sunny day or two in between them...

    Love you Much Much!

  13. was in bed all weekend myself...

    Only up and about after dark. This is the first light I have seen....

  14. Love the cast iron toys! I love going to yard sales and rummage sales looking at and for different things. I can never find cool stuff like you did though. And Connie is right, some of those toys can be worth alot... Watch Antiques Roadshow on PBS... You might get tips on how to search and see if what you have is worth any money!

    I love your pictures, as always!

    We have been sunny today and it rained a bit yesterday. No clue how the weather is supposed to be for the week. I usually don't watch the weather here because they are almost always wrong! LOL!

    I hope you have a wonderful week!

    Love Ya!

    Slurkie :-)

  15. What great pictures! Love the toys!!!! Our weather has been driving me nuts! Cold then warm then cold! Raining and raining some more! Yikes!!! Hope your night will be great! Hugs
