[My] Life in Wisconsin

Psychic Dogs and Naked Chickens

Odd Wisconsin Archive
Psychic Dogs and Naked Chickens

Tornado season is here again. Huge storms are crossing the Mississippi as we write tonight, prompting a reminder that everyone needs to be ready when the sirens sound.

On June 12, 1899, there were no sirens when a tornado struck New Richmond, in St. Croix Co. and 117 people died. Because a circus was in town, the town's population swelled as visitors came in from outlying areas. Shortly after the performance ended, the tornado passed through the very center of town, leveling a strip 1,000 feet wide and 3,000 feet long. More than 300 buildings were destroyed and multiple deaths were reported in at least 26 families. Six families had four or more deaths.

Although there were no sirens, there were some mysterious warning signs. Many of New Richmond's animals appeared to sense the tornado coming long before it arrived.

"There was something very remarkable in the actions of animals previous to the storm," Mrs. Boehm wrote the next year in her book about the disaster. "They seemed without exception as far as I could learn to be unrestful, nervous, and incapable of being quieted though cared for and petted more than usual. There was a Jersey-Holstein cow, the property of Mr. Jas. Link. This fine animal kept up a continual mowing for days previous to the cyclone...

"One very large St. Bernard dog. also the property of Mr. Link, exhibited more than ordinary uneasiness. The faithful animal showed more affection than usual, particularly towards his mistress. The animal left home a few hours before the cyclone struck and returned safely the day after. The poor faithful 'Judge' returned to find his master's home in ruins, and to seek in vain for his dead mistress."

She goes on to say that, "I learned that over thirty dogs left their homes like Judge a few hours before the storm and took refuge under an embankment out of the path of the tornado. Next day the poor dogs were seen returning, a few at a time, with heads low on the ground. Likely they were forced by hunger to leave their retreat. Those that did seemed to be seeking their lost owners."

Of course, most animals did not escape the tornado. "Whole flocks of chickens could be seen alive, denuded of feathers... Again, one would see hens deprived of their feathers only in part. One old hen was going around quite lively with one side completely denuded, the other side covered as usual." Large mammals were not as lucky. At least 360 horses died, and the number of cows put out of their misery was too large to be tallied accurately.

You can see a list of Wisconsin's major tornadoes in our online Dictionary of Wisconsin History, and learn more about them by following the links there. A selection of historic photos showing tornado damage is also available at Wisconsin Historical Images.

For information about how to protect yourself in tornadoes, visit this page provided by the American Red Cross.

Plan your safe refuge now, before the dog starts pacing and the sirens go off.


Love to all



  1. We don't have any sirens where I live, and Doc starts pacing the second he hears the first clap of thunder. (rolls eyes)

    I can't believe the size of the 1899 tornado! Holy Moly!! I wonder if that's the biggest, most destructive tornado in US history.

  2. snow...........tornado's........the suns out its 43.....lol.........hon you like livin on the edge huh!!
    Arriba barks at the ceiling when it thunders outside, its so funny! then he walks back and forth to the front door and back door as if stating you better not come in here!

  3. The title of this alone was interesting to say the least!

    Animals do sense things that we don't. Sometimes I think they do a much better job than the weatherman does! (Of course, in 1899 weather technology was still primitive.)

    Maybe animals are just like people in some ways. Those that know the signs pays attention to things and those that don't just continue on their merry little ways only to find out they should have paid attention.

  4. Animals can detect many things we can not and humans would do better to pay them more heed.

  5. It has always amazed me how they can detect so many things that we can't always right away!!

  6. I am so grateful that we don't get Tornadoes and I pray for the ones that do. We had a little dog
    when I was growing up and his name was Cookie...he was so scared of thunder and lightening it
    was really pathetic. You could tell when a storm was coming, he would go hide under my bed or
    pace the floor and want to be held. They are so smart!! Take care Anne and snuggle up
    with Punk in a safe place. Hugs & blessings.

  7. Great....I have Ellie now....she can let me know when bad weather is on it's way!!
