[My] Life in Wisconsin

Tuesdays Tardy Ten..

Just wondering what, if anything, everyone is doing to contribute to Earth Day?
(Picture stolen years ago from 360~Land).
Good Evening Everyone;

I am posting a late blog tonight-
Again, not much going on around Flintville, (but I think I can still come up with 10 little random thoughts).
er, I hope...


A few of you have asked about Casey- She has posted a new blog, so be sure to "visit" her when you can. CLICK HERE.

She is also losing more weight- Maybe 90 pounds soaking wet now.
(She corrected me when I'd written 95 pounds earlier).


Casey Front 04/20/09

.Though she sure has healed nicely once again...

No she is not 'sucking it in'.

Does anyone have any real good diet suggestions?
Please keep in mind that she is still on insulin
to give her Islet Cells a real chance to succeed.
Also keep in mind her dietary enzymes.


Although I posted those 'warm' pictures of my mercury over 80, please know that I woke to snow this morning.


Oh well.
And yes, it is all gone now-
even though we only had a high of 38 today.
Tomorrow in the 50's. Thursday in the 60's and Friday to be in the 70's
Now THAT'S what I'm talkin' about...

Sure wish someone would magically appear and finally fix my drain s(h)ituation. Now the kitchen drains, but the back and the tub do not drain well at all.
(Unless I am barefoot and in a puddle, I hate standing in water when I am taking a shower, makes me sad).


I spent upwards of an hour talking to Master Gabriels foster mom last night.
She may not be foster mom for long. They would love to adopt him.

Thoughts anyone?
I know that many many of you have seen me at my worst dealing with Roberta and her 3 sons, and most especially with respect to Gabriel who seems to not even have a mom that can see him every now and then.
If you are new here, please CLICK HERE.
I realize posting the above link etc may cost me a few of your 'connections'.
That's OK, just believe me when I say there are worst things in life than people dropping off my blog.

Baby Sam left to live with his dad about 2 months ago. They now live in Clintonville, WI

Sad now.


I hate to be political. But inside I am very much so.
And "inside" I also have a very warped sense of humor...

Case in point:
On Gw's watch we lost a whole planet. (Remember Pluto)?
Now, on Obama's watch we have found a new one. CLICK HERE. hehehe


I have rarely ever agreed with Simon on the American Idol Show. (I really don't watch the show, only that it was on in the background here).
I completely agreed with him tonight as he did not like Anoop's rendition of "Dim All The Lights" originally by Donna Summer. Anoop slaughtered it royally. IMHO. Perhaps because it was one of the best dance tunes from 'way back...

Want to read a great (true) story of a family who is really beating the economic state we are all struggling with? CLICK HERE. It goes hand in hand with Earth Day too.

My butt has fallen asleep, and so I am happy that I am almost done on the computer for tonight. I have been trying to install Y! messenger, with no success. I miss that every now and then.


Is anyone eating anything that even resembles a peanut or a pistachio?
Who is doing what to our nuts?!?!?

And did you know...
Arachibutyrophobia is the fear of getting peanut butter stuck to the roof of your mouth.

Have a "wunnaful" Wednesday!


Posted to my Y! 360, Tuesday April 21, 2009 - 09:53pm (CDT)


  1. I wish I had some miracle weight gaining foods to help Casey... She will be able to put the weight on soon though, I know it!

    No, I have not been dancing. Not for *s* anyway... The dances I have been doing lately are for sun and warm weather :P

    Sorry about your drain... Randy can't fix it??

    Is this a good thing that Gabe's foster Mom wants to adopt him? I think in Roberta's own warped way, she loves Gabriel. I just think she has way too many issues of her own to be able to deal with raising a child.

    Please don't be sad... I love you... *HUGS*

    When/if you get Y! Messenger installed, let me know, would love to have you on my list :D

    Pistachios... YUCK... And I haven't been eating peanuts either... since the salmonella outbreaks, I have left anything with peanuts or peanut butter ALONE!

    I hope the rest of your week is wunnaful!

    Love Ya!

    Slurkie :-)

  2. For earth day, I'm driving around a bit.
    No one's doing anything with my nuts.
    Will the BO try to tax the new planet?
    We missed the snow, but got quite a bit of rain.

    Have a great day.

  3. For Earth Day I am going to go HUG a tree in my back yard!!
    A tree has a lot to offer in the Spring when it is just getting it's energy back from a whole winter's
    nap. So, I am going to go talk to Mr. Tree and ask him to fill me with energy and healing and to
    help me to stand tall like he does and help me to walk. I know my neighbors will probably all be
    calling 911. hahaha

  4. I'm not actually doing anything for Earth Day, but I'm doing some future planning on selling my home and building something way smaller, maybe even a geodome home. That would be good for the planet and my electric bills.

    Sad news about Sam. In most cases a son should be with his dad. But I don't think in this case it's going to turn out well, if I remember the details of what was going on when he was born concerning his dad.

    If the snow came and went in one day then your lawn got watered and that's a good thing.

    My drains that go out to the woods behind my house as grey water always clog up this time of the year. I guess the slug gets just warm enough to form a clog. About a week ago I used about a gallon of Liquid Plumber, Draino Max and some other no name brand and I finally got it unclogged. I spent around 20 dollars but hey that's a lot cheaper then what a plumber would've charged me to snake out the lines.

    I never stopped eating peanut butter, but haven't eaten any nuts in a long time.

    I wish I could think of something to suggest to help Casey gain some weight, the only thing I can think of is to take her in as a border, since everything I eat around here seems to make me gain weight.

    I just got rid of messenger, every time there was an update (which was way too often) it screwed up my computer.

  5. Sweet SlurkieBaby;
    I have been thinking about force~feeding Casey a pound of butter and a jar of mayonnaise each day.

    I think the gods have your dance steps all "cornfoosed". Please make it clear to them. (And also make it clear that if I wanted it to be 85, 90 and up I would move south).

    Randy worked so hard on the back entrance and the kitchen drains that I haven't told him about the tub yet. I haven't the heart to do so.

    Now about Master Gabriel.
    I have been torn every which way about it all since this news came to me about 2 months ago.
    They have never influenced me with their words, and for that I love this family.
    Know that they have influenced me with their actions, and with their ability to love these children. Reminding me much of mom and dad.
    (Please remember that I am also adopted, and mom and dad are my parents, even though I have done my search and have found more love than I ever could imagine in the process).


    And all of it combined is enough for me to give them the support they may need to give Gabriel a real family that loves him forever.

    Hard? You bet.
    Necessary? That too.

    "Let Go and Let God" It has almost become a mantra for me...

    And yes, he will know me.



  6. Mr. KhoolMan;
    Are you drinking again?


  7. Sweet Bev;
    What beautiful thoughts you have written about your tree!
    And all so very true and hopeful for you too.

    I would hug my trees, but earth day is only 24 hours long- and already 8 of those hours have passed.
    Besides I would probably get wood/deer ticks all over me.
    I can deal with a few of those, but when there's a bunch I get freaked.


    ***leaves, giggling at your neighbors, or anyone, calling 911...

  8. Sweet RT;
    No. No. No.
    You have Sams dad confused with the jerks that Berta was living with- One a child molester that was on the books and well known to the State, the other an alleged drug dealer.

    Sams dad is good as gold. Save for the fact he was married- (Remember Miss Marie took care of Sam while Chuck was at work)...

    About the drains. I have used drano- enough to unclog the wtaer department in NYC.
    And I have plunged til my back locked up. Maybe I just won't shower? hehehe


    Is the geodome the same as those tiny homes you had linked to?
    Oh I am almost jealous of your dream. I would be happy just finding a darn duplex for us, or a home with a MIL apartment.

  9. No. Go here to see some pictures: http://www.aidomes.com/ Geodome homes are rather hard to describe, I guess you could say they're geometrically round.

    I did have Sam's father cornfused with the other two dirt bags. So everything is good then!

  10. Sorry, was here before, but got whisked away before I could comment.

    1) I'd easily give her 50lbs of mine if it were that easy.
    2) I can't wait for the warmer temps. It's been raining the last three days, and got colder each one :(
    3) UGH
    4) I take it, you aren't excited about him getting adopted????
    5) :(
    6) Weird how things were left alone for hundreds of years and now, they are trying to change it as often as possible. To think, one day I won't be able to tell my kids how many planets there are in our universe...why? Because there will be so many change I won't be able to keep up with it.
    7) Not an idol watcher so no comment.
    8) Kewl, will have to check this out two, what's that? Three links.
    9) I love IM, only way I can keep as close as contact as possible with my few good friends.

  11. Ten Thought Tuesday!

    I love these! Story time and so much to comment on in one blog!

    1. Anorexic~Looking Casey

    I have no idea what to do. Dr. Szabo suggested eating french fries and potato chips every now and then... Wouldn't be such a bad idea, but it seems that no matter what I eat, I just end up losing more weight... Hopefully once I recover from this surgery completely I can gain all of it back.

    Nykquee' told me the other day that she thinks I'm the only 22 year old female that is actually trying to GAIN weight! I probably am, but no one should want this... Even though it's a sure fire way to lose weight, it has been a horrible ordeal to go through... Most people say, "I wish I had that problem" when referring to the weight issue, but a few of those actually follow that up with, "Nope, nevermind, I don't think I'd want all that..."

    Hopefully I'll be back to myself in a few months... Might take a while, but it's worth the weight, err... wait.... Hee hee hee....



    Even though it wasn't a whole lot of snow, it still irked me big time! It's personal now, and its presence, no matter how small, is yucky! I'm glad spring is on its way and we should have seen the last of the snow... Land 'O Lakes got 15" of snow that day!!! I couldn't believe that!!! Up north they got slammed with it while we only had 0.4" of it.... Glad we don't live up there...

    It is much better out today though, and I'm glad for that. The sun felt so good this morning! I will hopefully get more sun on an afternoon walk if I can get this nausea to settle down. I haven't thrown up yet, but came close... Keeping down liquids is the important thing right now, and I've been good so far... Knock on wood and teeth...


    3. Drain~No....

    You know, I heard that if you put yogurt in your drains it will remove clogs... Something to think about anyway... It is said to break down the gunk into tiny parts so that it passes through... And it is much cheaper than Draino...

    If I was a plumber though, I could do that for you... I know how much it sucks to have lots of water surrounding your feet in the shower. It sounds rather weird, but it really is uncomfortable...


    4. Master Gabriel

    I think that environment is the most stable thing he has ever had and they've done so much for him. They give him the attention and love that he deserves and most of all they provide a structure that stays the same no matter what. That poor little boy was moved around so much and connected to so many people that left that he didn't know what to do... Now he has a home with everything he needs.

    Do I wish that Roberta shapes up and gets responsibility? Yes... But with all that's happened to Gabriel, the safest and best place for him to be is right where he is... No child should be without that. I'm also not saying that Roberta should never see him, but she has alot of growing up to do before she can even think of taking care of a child...

    I believe the right thing is being done here and I will not change my mind on that... I know it is hard for everyone involved, but he is very well taken care of, and is in good hands... God bless that family for taking him in!


    5. Sad

    I'm so sorry you're going through this, but like I said before, you did the right thing. No one can expect you to have the resources he needs. You did a wonderful job with us and I know you are capable of doing the same for Gabriel, but you just can't right now and that is more than understandable... I wouldn't be able to either... Just know he is loved so much in that home and he will have a much better childhood because you

  12. I rode my bike today--the 10 thoughts I am still trying to catch up on--Wow--Casey has never been really big person--wish I had ideas---but will pray she just hangs in there--she has come so far in the last few months...and am still keeping my fingers,eyes,legs,toes & t's crossed---I love peanut butter and that's what I pack in the kids lunch--maybe I will plant a peanut tree & grow my own!
    I wish you were on messenger too--I still hit 360---Went out and sang -kareoke Rocket Man for Earth Day--LOLand BIG Yellow Taxi----
    Pluto is my home planet--they took it pretty hard when I told them the news----
    all the Love & Blessings & prayers to you n yours--didn't CLICK here as it is very late---gotta go paint a replica of Wrigley Field Bleacher & scoreboard to take to school tomorrow--wish me luck!
    Geege n the boys

  13. Late again...
    When I had Grace to the doctor a while back she was under weight. The doctor suggested avocados. Im not sure if those are on the OK list for Casey, but they contain some of the healthiest forms of fat around. Also when I was on a health kick I knew someone who taught me to make my own sesame milk to drink in place of eating sugars. When I looked it up I read that it is widely used by people who want to put on weight. Go figure. Also, what about all those protein drinks that people drink to bulk up? Are they safe?

    I dont know what to say about Gabriel....except I hope if he is adopted you are still his grandma!

    That's all I have time to comment on....

    Much love~

  14. Oops- Sorry all.
    I didn't come back to reply...
    Bad me.

    Be with you in a second... or so



  15. And it is all YOUR fault Sweet RT;
    I went to your link and really got interested in that all.
    I am still partial to the itty bitty houses.

    Glad I could make you feel better about Sam too.


  16. sorry again- I was interrupted by an urgent call to nature... :-(

    Sweet Oka;

    1. Take a number...

    2 Still chilled here- I'd left the window open last night, and even turning the furnace on today didn't help much. Kelli and I walked outside when she came to pick up Mr. Miller, and we were frozen just walking around the garden. And tomorrow (Friday) it is to be in the 80's. Go figure

    3 I agree

    4 I am. Sorry I wasn't more specific about that. While I would love to be the one to be able to take care of him and to raise him, I cannot. I have come to terms with that all, and I could wish for no better family that who he is with


    6 hehehe Glad they found another one, even if it is 20 some light years away.

    7 I guess he is gone now... I just remember dancing to that song years ago.

    8 I think these people have the gumption to do almost anything.
    "True grit" is what we used to call it.

    9 I never really got into it, but it would have come in handy a few days ago. Will have to get Greg out here to see what's up.

    10. What happened to ten?



  17. Sweet sweet CaseyFace;
    See? This is why I love you so much!



    For anyone else reading this... Know that Casey started talking at about 6 or 7 months...
    She still is.


  18. Sweet Beans!
    I would ride my bike too- But have to tie Punk up or she wants to get on the darn thing with me!

    Casey was always petite-
    When she was born they said she only weighed 6#, 4 oz because I smoked.
    Not true- I smoked with the others too, and came up with 8,10- 8,14 and 5,13 (at 7.5 weeks early, so she was not even considered premature by her weight).

    Casey was one day late- And to this day I believe that is all she could have weighed in anyone elses uterus too.

    I had to buy some peanut butter today- Punk was out and will not take her allergy pills unless they are PB coated.
    I buy Fishers PB. No problems with that one ever.


    Now how did that replica turn out?

  19. Sweet BethieBaby!
    Oh I love avocados!
    And unless you eat them in bulk they shouldn't be making you gain wieght. I eat a whole one all by myself at least twice/month. OK, I would blame the avocados then?

    I tried to get Casey to get some sesame stuff today- Didn't work.
    Oh I don't like the taste either.

    Plain old white sugar is still the best. NOT to excess.

    Everything in moderation, nothing to excess.

    Gabriel- No words are necessary- He is safe and he is loved. And I did ask that I still be his grandmother. The dad replied as long as he could call me Grandma too.
    We all got a laugh out of that one!


  20. 1. Feed that child! Hopefully now that she has been "fixed" She will be able to put some weight on.. as to the diet.. Tell her to start.. "grazing" in other words.. 6 to 8 small meals a day. It can be fruit, veggies or proteins.. BUT EAT!
    2. Mother Nature holding on for all shes worth isnt she?...hehe
    3. I think you need to redo the drains in the entire house.. start from scratch..hehe
    4. I think it would be awesome for him.. He is such a loving little guy.. he deserves to have a loving home. Being near to gramma wouldnt be a bad thing either.
    5. Dont be sad.. Be glad he is in a warm safe place.. As to the other part of it.. Its always sad to see a young person toss away their life. I shall never understand it.
    6. Good news.. they keep looking for a replacement Earth so that when terrorists and ecologists destroy this one.. we will have a new place to destroy!
    7. Havent watched Idol since Ruben Stoddard won.. that was a rip off if ever I saw one!
    8. Sad part.. soon we could all be living this way.. and not by choice..hehe
    9. Did you ever get messenger installed? contact me sometime.. oh wait you cant.. I have it blocked.. but if you want.. let me know your ID.. I dont chat much.. but sometimes it might be nice.
    10. Yep.. Found some mixed nuts on clearance.. I wonder why?? and made me some homemade trail mix. Not sick yet.. but as with anything these days.. Could be in the hospital tomorrow.

    Hows that for catching up?? hehe

  21. OH yikes on how skinny she is! I think that Connie's idea was great!!! I hope your new week has been good! Hugs to you
