- Only in Wisconsin does one see this on a city boulevard..
Good Morning All;
I am still catching up, and have come to the conclusion that that will never work. hehehe
Not caught up on here, and certainly not within my own home.
I have not given up though.
We had rain for 3 days this week, receiving 2/3rds of our May rainfall in two days!
Suamico did very good with respect to those of us that still have our own wells..
Even with the rainy days we have been quite busy.
First to take Punk to see Dr. Spires...
- so he took her temp..
It was fine Wednesday. . .
She was due for her shots etc in June anyway, we decided to get everything over and done with at this visit.
She still must remember that stick in her eye- (CLICK if you don't know the story). She does fine getting weighed in, but when it is time to go into the exam room she would rather just leave...
They drew blood to check for anything weird.
(Like Casey's, Punks veins 'roll' too).
And had to check her lungs, respiration and heart rate...
All was well. . .
I wanted to have him recheck her anal glands while we were there.
She is not too big on this, (but she sure as heck tolerates it much better than I would).
She keeps a very close eye on him afterward...
Methinks Punks face and tail tell the whole story....
Which we translate to mean "I been VIOLATED!"
Casey and I had not eaten lunch yet.
(Yes, I am aware I have gone from anal glands to food in one fell swoop). hehehe
Those of you that have been around the longest, know three things about me.
- due to my anxiety attacks that I do not do well with spontaneity.
- I was on a dart league for many many years, but that I haven't shot since my right hand lost its usefulness.
- since I no longer shoot darts or tend bar, that I have no reason to enter a tavern.
I rectified all of that on Wednesday, to a small, (brave), degree anyway...
We brought Miss Punk home from the vets. Then drove down the road to Wouters Front. It is a tavern and a restaurant. (Used to be a little store there too).
Not wanting to press my luck, or Casey's, we ordered our food "to go".
I dug out my old darts while we waited for our food to be ready.
When I shot league darts I was quite good if I do say so myself. As was the rest of my team.
(Us four gals won the title championship for 14 or 15 years straight)! "YAY" us!
Casey put a few quarters in the machine getting the 301 Game set up while I checked the flights and such on my darts.
She didn't care to use mine, opting for the lighter 'bar darts' instead. (That's fine by me, I never did 'share' my darts too well).
She threw an impressive round of about 80- She hasn't shot a dart for a long time either; (for me it's been about 6 years).
Please remember that in these 6 years my right hand has failed something awful. (I used to write letters all the time; and as for typing my favorite key is "backspace").
- I threw my first dart.
OK, so I haven't shot for 6 years, and now that I know how it "feels" once more, the next two darts will be perfect.
- I threw my 2nd dart.
WTH? I've got many witnesses to the fact that years ago when I used to drink I never threw 2 darts in a row that far off target...
I might have heard a bit of a snicker from my youngest child at that point too. Followed very closely with, "What happened, Mom?"
I looked at my inept hand, and said, "it doesn't work"
BUT I still had one dart left!
- I threw the 3rd dart.
I was immediately (and quite firmly) convinced that Gary Wouters must have installed some kind of force~ field that instantly drew all of my precious darts onto the floor.
I further believe that even with my 'beginners luck' at 22 years of age that I have never left 301 on the board after the 1st round!
That is exactly what I did on Wednesday.
Lumpy me. No form. No grace.
I decided to throw underhand after the 2nd round.
(Heya Gritter, Jill has NO competition from me doing this either)
Yes, the "Itty Bitty Kid" kicked my butt. (It still hurts).
I think Miss Punks butt still hurts too.
Because for some reason, she need to soak it for a while yesterday.
So how has YOUR week been?
I've decided to crawl back under my rock.
Love to all.
Lumpy Me. (An Obvious Lesson in Humility)...
Medical Marijuana *Edited 6/29/2009
Rating: | ★★★★★ |
Category: | Other |
First of all I am not sold on legalizing marijauna for recreational purposes; though I am not necessarily against it either.
Second, I am not posting this for Caseys benefit- She could not use this if she wanted due to her predisposition to blebs and collapse; and her (already) three surgeries to repair pneumothorax.
I have had two sisters, and known too many others, who have been through harsh chemotherapies, and wonder if this could have helped them?
Those of you who know someone who lives with cancer, MS, chronic pain, or no appetite (only to name a few) may want to read further.
My own thoughts are so simple. "If alcohol is legal, then why not pot?" (Perhaps it would be that more people would be willing to grow their own, compared to those of us that have the ability to create our highly taxed wine, spirits, and beer).
For the teenager or teacher that only wants to get high... Not a chance.
But for medicinal purposes, I do not understand why this drug is not being prescribed and used more often.
Author: Montel Williams Talk Show Host
Talk-Show Host Montel Williams Tried Many Different Medications to Dull the
Pain From MS, but the Only Thing That Has Worked for Him Has Been
Marijuana. That Makes Him a Criminal in Illinois.
You may know me as a television talk-show host, but I am also a criminal.
My crime? Using the medicine that has allowed me to live a normal life
despite having multiple sclerosis.
Being diagnosed with MS in February 1999 felt like a death sentence. I
wondered what the future held for my family and me. Would I cease to be
self-sufficient and independent?
I always took excellent care of my body. I worked out, followed a healthy
diet and looked the picture of health. What I was hiding was the
mind-numbing pain that seared through my legs as if I was being stabbed
with hot pokers. I doubted my ability to function as a husband, father,
son, brother, friend, talk-show host and producer. I honestly couldn't see
a future.
My doctors wrote me prescriptions for some of the strongest painkillers
available. I took Percocet, Vicodin and OxyContin on a regular basis, two
at a time, every three or four hours. I was knowingly risking overdose just
trying to make the pain bearable. In my desperation, I even tried morphine.
These powerful, expensive drugs brought me no relief. Instead, they made me
nearly incoherent. I couldn't take them when I had to work because they
turned me into a zombie.
Yet, even with all the drugs, I couldn't sleep. I was agitated, my legs
kicked involuntarily in bed, and I found myself crying in the middle of the
Worse, these drugs are all highly addictive. I did not want to become a
junkie, wasted and out of control. I spiraled deeper into a black hole of
In "Climbing Higher," my book on living with MS, I write in detail about
how I became suicidal and twice attempted to end my life. I was in severe
mental and physical pain, getting little sleep and feeling completely
spent. Someone suggested that I try smoking a little marijuana before going
to bed, saying it might help me fall asleep.
Skeptical but desperate, I tried it. It was like a miracle. Three puffs and
within minutes the excruciating pain in my legs subsided.
I had my first restful sleep in months. When I awoke, the sheet and
blankets weren't on the floor and my legs had taken a break from their
nightly kicking.
Marijuana is classified by the federal government as a Schedule I drug,
meaning that--like PCP, LSD and heroin--it is considered unsafe to use
under any conditions, including medical supervision. Physicians are not
allowed to prescribe it. But 99 percent of marijuana arrests are made by
local police under state law, and states can choose not to arrest medical
marijuana patients.
Last year, Montana and Vermont joined the list of states that protect
medical marijuana patients from arrest under state law, bringing the total
up to 10--one-fifth of the U.S.
But in Illinois, I'm still a criminal.
In 1999, the Institute of Medicine, a branch of the National Academy of
Sciences, released a two-year study of marijuana that showed it was
effective in combating the muscle spasms associated with MS. Canada, Great
Britain, Israel and Netherlands also have conducted studies on marijuana
and found that it can help people suffering from certain forms of cancer,
AIDS, MS and Tourette's syndrome by relieving symptoms such as pain,
nausea, loss of appetite, muscle spasms and tics. Patients struggling for
life and dignity against illnesses like MS, cancer or AIDS should not be
treated as criminals.
It is time to take politics out of the debate. It is time for
government-sanctioned research into the medicinal effects of marijuana and
time to heed the research already available. It is time to change
marijuana's classification so that physicians can prescribe it.
And while we await that rescheduling--which must be done at the federal
level--states can and should act now to protect patients under state law.
Just such a bill, House Bill 0407, is under consideration by the Illinois
In the eyes of the law, I am a criminal. But because of medical marijuana,
I am still alive and living a far more productive, fruitful life than
before. And that shouldn't be a crime.
TV Talk show host Montel Williams is the author of "Climbing Higher."
Referenced: Marijuana and Medicine: Assessing the Science Base
Referenced: The Illinois Medical Cannabis Act (HB 407)
Bookmark: http://www.mapinc.org/mmj.htm (Cannabis - Medicinal)
Bookmark: http://www.mapinc.org/people/Montel+Williams
Circa on this photo is mid 1915's to 1920's
The Following was written by Dr. Jay Cavanaugh, PHD, whom the medical marijuana community lost to his illness on April 24th 2005
Pancreatitis & Medical Marijuana- Jay R. Cavanaugh, Ph.D.
Many thousands of American suffer from either acute and/or chronic Pancreatitis each year. This is a serious disease that often results in death. Pancreatitis can occur independent of Pancreatic carcinoma. Pancreatic cancer is particularly nasty being inevitably fatal and extremely painful until the last days when nerve endings are largely destroyed by tumor and inflammation. Chronic Pancreatitis can also be lethal particularly when pseudocysts or infection are present.
The Pancreas is a vital organ that loops around the GI tract from below the naval to underneath the solar plexus. It provides both an endocrine function (insulin) necessary to the maintenance of normal blood sugar and an exocrine function (digestive enzymes) necessary to absorb the nutrients from food. Pancreatitis can interfere in the production of these key enzymes and hormones.
The Pancreas can become inflamed from overuse of alcohol, sludge or stones in the gall bladder, autoimmune attack, or congenital defect. Once inflamed the Pancreas can become blocked, develop pseudocysts, and even become infected. The pain associated with pancreatic inflammation is intense. Dehydration, shock, and hyperglycemia may occur. Inflammation caused by excessive pancreatic enzymes can also occur in joints, the lining of the heart (endocarditis) and other vulnerable areas.
Prompt and proper diagnosis is necessary as a wide range of disorders generates abdominal pain. Usually, a battery of blood tests is conducted to look at pancreatic enzymes. A CAT scan can reveal the degree of inflammation and give important clues as to the status of pancreatic tissue including the presence or absence of pseudocysts, ascites, or tumor. An ECT can reveal information about the pancreatic ductwork, identifying abnormalities and blockages.
In severe cases treatment may include intravenous feeding, surgical drainage, surgical resection, removal of the gall bladder, transplantation, and medicines to replace key enzymes and hormones including lipase, amylase, and insulin. Relief from pain usually requires major narcotics including morphine, MSContin, OxyContin, Fentyl, and methadone. Pancreatic attacks can be a one-time affair, intermittent, or frequent. Episodes can last days to months or even years.
Cannabis is not a primary treatment for the underlying causes of Pancreatitis except as it relates to alcoholism (the primary cause of Pancreatitis) and inflammation (Cannabis is a decent anti-inflammatory).
There are two major areas where cannabis can be very helpful in treating the symptoms of Pancreatitis. The first is to help alleviate the loss of appetite (anorexia) and weight loss (cachexia) that can be life threatening. Cannabis food products are NOT recommended for this relief as the GI tract is overtaxed in Pancreatitis and usually requires rest. The best routes of administration are inhalation (vaporizer), tincture, and smoking. Increased appetite and significant weight gain have been reported with Cannabis use. Since weight loss from Pancreatitis can exceed 30% of total body weight, any nontoxic medicine that improves nutrition is vital. Some of the anorexia in Pancreatitis is caused by the simple fact that it hurts to eat.
The second major area where cannabis can be helpful is in pain relief. Many patients find that adjunctive therapy with medical cannabis replaces narcotics while others find they can significantly lower the dose and frequency of prescribed painkillers. Since Pancreatitis can last weeks to months, narcotic tolerance and addiction are a real concern. In many cases surgery(s) may have to be delayed until Pancreatic inflammation recedes. This means patients may be on powerful narcotics while awaiting surgery making the narcotics less effective in dealing with post-surgical pain.
Since surgery is often an option with Pancreatitis it is important to honestly discuss all drug use (including alcohol) with the physicians, surgeons, and anesthesiologists involved in treatment and procedures. Most anesthesiologists recommend that patients have as few medicines as possible on board just prior to surgery. After surgery pain management may become an important part of treatment along with diet modifications, glucose monitoring, etc...
Updated Daily!
Everything That A Patient Needs To Know & Learn About Medical Marijuana
One of the largest and up to date collections of all the medical marijuana- cannabis, research reports, medical reports medical case studies, clinical research study's online. All the reports & case study's about marijuana, pot, cannabis all in 1 spot
****** ADDED 6/29/2009
Many thousands of American suffer from either acute and/or chronic Pancreatitis
each year. This is a serious disease that often results in death. Pancreatitis can
occur independent of Pancreatic carcinoma. Pancreatic cancer is particularly
nasty being inevitably fatal and extremely painful until the last days when nerve
endings are largely destroyed by tumor and inflammation. Chronic Pancreatitis
can also be lethal particularly when pseudocysts or infection are present.
The Pancreas is a vital organ that loops around the GI tract from below the naval to underneath the solar plexus. It provides both an endocrine function (insulin) necessary to the maintenance of normal blood sugar and an exocrine function (digestive enzymes) necessary to absorb the nutrients from food. Pancreatitis can interfere in the production of these key enzymes and hormones.
The Pancreas can become inflamed from overuse of alcohol, “sludge” or stones in the gall bladder, autoimmune attack, or congenital defect. Once inflamed the Pancreas can become blocked, develop pseudocysts, and even become infected. The pain associated with pancreatic inflammation is intense. Dehydration, shock, and hyperglycemia may occur. Inflammation caused by excessive pancreatic enzymes can also occur in joints, the lining of the heart (endocarditis) and other vulnerable areas.
Prompt and proper diagnosis is necessary as a wide range of disorders generates abdominal pain. Usually, a battery of blood tests is conducted to look at pancreatic enzymes. A CAT scan can reveal the degree of inflammation and give important clues as to the status of pancreatic tissue including the presence or absence of pseudocysts, ascites, or tumor. An ECT can reveal information about the pancreatic ductwork, identifying abnormalities and blockages.
In severe cases treatment may include intravenous feeding, surgical drainage, surgical resection, removal of the gall bladder, transplantation, and medicines to replace key enzymes and hormones including lipase, amylase, and insulin. Relief from pain usually requires major narcotics including morphine, MSContin, OxyContin, Fentyl, and methadone. Pancreatic “attacks” can be a one-time affair, intermittent, or frequent. Episodes can last days to months or even years.
Cannabis is not a primary treatment for the underlying causes of Pancreatitis except as it relates to alcoholism (the primary cause of Pancreatitis) and inflammation (Cannabis is a decent anti-inflammatory).
There are two major areas where cannabis can be very helpful in treating the symptoms of Pancreatitis. The first is to help alleviate the loss of appetite (anorexia) and weight loss (cachexia) that can be life threatening. Cannabis food products are NOT recommended for this relief as the GI tract is overtaxed in Pancreatitis and usually requires rest. The best routes of administration are inhalation (vaporizer), tincture, and smoking. Increased appetite and significant weight gain have been reported with Cannabis use. Since weight loss from Pancreatitis can exceed 30% of total body weight, any nontoxic medicine that improves nutrition is vital. Some of the anorexia in Pancreatitis is caused by the simple fact that it hurts to eat.
The second major area where cannabis can be helpful is in pain relief. Many patients find that adjunctive therapy with medical cannabis replaces narcotics while others find they can significantly lower the dose and frequency of prescribed painkillers. Since Pancreatitis can last weeks to months, narcotic tolerance and addiction are a real concern. In many cases surgery(s) may have to be delayed until Pancreatic inflammation recedes. This means patients may be on powerful narcotics while awaiting surgery making the narcotics less effective in dealing with post-surgical pain.
Since surgery is often an option with Pancreatitis it is important to honestly discuss all drug use (including alcohol) with the physicians, surgeons, and anesthesiologists involved in treatment and procedures. Most anesthesiologists recommend that patients have as few medicines as possible “on board” just prior to surgery. After surgery pain management may become an important part of treatment along with diet modifications, glucose monitoring,
There is a ton of info on this at the above included links. Take from it what you will.
The Clothesline. and "THE BASIC RULES"
Rating: | ★★★★★ |
Category: | Other |
Do you have one? (Do you use it)?
The photos are mine, the following words from my Aunt via email...
A clothesline was a news forecast
To neighbors passing by.
There were no secrets you could keep
When clothes were hung to dry.
It also was a friendly link
For neighbors always knew
If company had stopped on by
To spend a night or two.
For then you'd see the 'fancy sheets'
And towels upon the line;
You'd see the 'company table cloths'
With intricate design.
The line announced a baby's birth
To folks who lived inside
As brand new infant clothes were hung
So carefully with pride.
The ages of the children could
So readily be known
By watching how the sizes changed
You'd know how much they'd grown.
It also told when illness struck,
As extra sheets were hung;
Then nightclothes, and a bathrobe, too,
Haphazardly were strung.
It said, 'Gone on vacation now'
When lines hung limp and bare.
It told, 'We're back!' when full lines sagged
With not an inch to spare.
New folks in town were scorned upon
If wash was dingy gray,
As neighbors carefully raised their brows,
And looked the other way....
But clotheslines now are of the past
For dryers make work less.
Now what goes on inside a home
Is anybody's guess.
I really miss that way of life.
It was a friendly sign
When neighbors knew each other best
By what hung on the line!
1. You had to wash the clothes line before hanging any clothes.
Walk the length of each line with a damp cloth around the line.
2. You had to hang the clothes in a certain order and always hang whites with whites and hang them first.
3. You never hung a shirt by the shoulders, always by the tail.
What would the neighbors think?
4. Wash day on a Monday!
Never hang clothes on the weekend or Sunday for heaven's sake!
5. Hang the sheets and towels on the outside lines so you could; hide your 'unmentionables' in the middle.
6. It didn't matter if it was sub zero weather, clothes would 'freeze dry.'
(Just that sometimes you can't even get to the line, save for a camera).
7. Always gather the clothes pins when taking down dry clothes.
Pins left on the line was 'tacky'.
8. If you were efficient, you would line the clothes up so that each item did not need two clothes pins, but shared one of the clothes pins with the next washed item.
9. Clothes off of the line before dinner time, neatly folded in the clothes basket and ready to be ironed.
10. IRONED??????????
Well, that's a whole 'nother subject.
My sister, Mary, knowingly built a home where one of the restrictive covenants were "no clotheslines".
(Missing the wonderful smell alone, I would have found another lot).
Sheep Dash! How fast are your reactions?
Received from my Aunt Marlene!
Are you overtired, or still quick on the trigger?
Go ahead, click the above link.
It'll drive you nuts - (but then its not a very long ride for any of us)! hehehe
**No sheep were harmed in the creation of this game**
Received from my Aunt Marlene!
Are you overtired, or still quick on the trigger?
Go ahead, click the above link.
It'll drive you nuts - (but then its not a very long ride for any of us)! hehehe
**No sheep were harmed in the creation of this game**
Mike Tyson's daughter on life support
So very sad, scary, and sickening.
Please say a little prayer for this little girls family.
Mike Tyson's daughter on life support - Yahoo! News
FILE - In this file photo taken on Monday, Sept. 24, 2007, former heavyweight boxing champion Mike Tyson …
By AMANDA LEE MYERS, Associated Press Writer Amanda Lee Myers, Associated Press Writer – Tue May 26, 12:42 am ET
PHOENIX – Boxer Mike Tyson's 4-year-old daughter is on life support after she was found with her neck caught in a cord of a treadmill machine Monday, police said.
Exodus Tyson's 7-year-old brother found her on a treadmill with her neck in the cord that dangles from the console of the exercise machine at their Phoenix home, police Sgt. Andy Hill said, calling it a "tragic accident."
The boy told Exodus' mother, who was in another room. She took Exodus off the cord, called 911 and tried to revive her.
Responding officers and firefighters performed CPR on Exodus as they rushed her to a nearby hospital, where she was in "extremely critical condition" and on life support, Hill said.
"Somehow she was playing on this treadmill, and there's a cord that hangs under the console — it's kind of a loop," Hill said. "Either she slipped or put her head in the loop, but it acted like a noose, and she was obviously unable to get herself off of it."
Hill said former heavyweight champion Tyson had been in Las Vegas but flew to Phoenix immediately after learning of the accident. Police didn't release the girl's name.
Tyson could not immediately be reached for comment but 42West, a New York City public relations firm representing him, released a statement on the family's behalf.
"The Tyson family would like to extend our deepest and most heartfelt thanks for all your prayers and support, and we ask that we be allowed our privacy at this difficult time," the statement said.
Brief footage from local TV station KTVK showed Tyson arriving at the hospital in a white button-up and black pants, and looking around with a frown before going inside.
Hill said everything in the investigation pointed to an accident. "There's nothing in the investigation that revealed anything suspicious," he said.
He added that responding to calls involving children is an officer's most difficult duty.
"Those are the things that stay with you in your career," he said. "We always hope for a miracle — not to have the worst happen to a child."
Little Boys Fit Where Dogs Can't Go
- What kind of flower is this?.
They are all over, blooming little spots of color!
Good Morning All;
I have not blogged, and fear this might become a bit windy for you. (Sorry about that).
First, know that my back is much better than I had anticipated. Am very happy for that.
Punk is a bit ill. - "Peaked" as Mama would have called it.
We have an appointment with Dr. Spires for one this afternoon. A bit of a fever, very very tired all the time, and she barely wants to eat. (This, in direct contrast to yesterday morning as she'd kept begging for more food).
As she had lay at the side of my chair on Monday morning; asleep and quiet, she had suddenly "ky~yiked" and all 110 pounds of her had shot straight up in the air!
As she had risen so quickly so I did too... hehehe
I believe she had been stung by this little guy who had met his death in quick order.
Yes, this is the actual wasp that stung her..
(No, my floor is not that white)?!
I do not think her little sickness is related to the sting, as she has been on Chlorphiniramine 3xday since February for her allergies. I shall know more this afternoon.
Memorial Weekend...
Sunday, even as predicted by the weatherman, was the absolute best day of the weekend.
I had company-
Namely, Casey and Greg, and Kelli and Tim
Master Gabriel too!
I took this shot of Miss Kelli and Master Gabriel as soon as she'd walked in!
When Casey, Greg, and Gabriel got here, the first thing he wanted was his trike!
(Gabriel, not Greg).
Maybe Greg wanted it too, but had to content himself to fixing the John Deere.
Mama K has just gotten him a "Big Boy" Bike, and at home he isn't to ride the tricycle anymore. (He is partial to the trike because he can go faster on it). hehehe
I shall have to rectify that myself for here one of these days too.
We played on the lawn for a bit- Chillier out there as that breeze was coming from the Northeast. Besides, Punk wasn't too big on sharing her green balls with Gabriel.
Hey Grandma, Punk has BOTH balls in her mouth!
By the back door, it was so very warm. Gabriel's warm clothes didn't last long- Like the rest of us he sweats good.
So out came cooler clothes.
And the sunscreen...
And he happily busied himself playing in the sand.
He was laughing so hard at the cat (in the background).
Casey had brought Sputnik outside just moments before, securing him with a puppy collar and tying him to Punks cable. At that exact point, Sputty had just learned how far the cable went.
I heard the gasp, and noticed both Greg and Gabriels very serious faces. (While Grandma is laughing hysterically. How's that for compassion)?
As soon as they saw Sputty fighting with the puppy collar and the cable they both started to laugh too.
Sput, not so much... - .
Later of course he also had to see how far that cable went the other way...
Meanwhile, Greg had gone in the house-
Tired of me whining about a drain that only works when it wants, he took to making the bathtub and the sink in there work right.
He'd had a bit of a seam problem with his jeans earlier. (To preserve his dignity, the picture is in black and white).
Sheesh, I'd even lent him a few diaper pins so he wouldn't get hurt!
Tim helped Greg out- My tub drains now! Thank you, Men!!!
Too funny that just yesterday Kelli said THEIR tub wouldn't drain now.
Must be contagious! hehehe
Time for Gabriel to get a push on the swing while supper was being thrown on the table.
They had also tried the big swing....
Scary that, he swung a few times and thankfully supper was served.
After chowing down, it was time to go back outside and play ball for a while.
Even the dogs wanted to play but kept losing their toys ...
Miller tired of this all and found himself some shade by Casey's car.
(He looked about as amused as the cat was earlier).
Sorry dogs, but there is not a furkid in the world that can compare to any of my grandbabies.
We got Master Gabriel changed back into his other clothes, and we did try to remove the top 14 layers of dirt and sand.
I rather imagine he is still soaking in the tub at his home... hehehe
For me, and for now, I must close.
I am not even dressed yet, and I don't think The Animal Clinic would appreciate me showing up in my jammies.
Hope your weekend was as "wunnaful" and as nearly perfect as my own!
Weekend Synopsis (A Short One).
Good Evening...
I woke this morning to say and extra prayer and offer thanks to my very special godson Sean. (But I still refuse to call Memorial Day "happy"). I do hope you have taken a moment to offer thanks and prayers to our military, past and present.
A fantastic and wonderful Sunday!
Between yesterday and today I have taken over 150 pictures. (And so, I will just have to blog about it all later).
As you know, I mowed lawn 2 days ago- I had to cut with the blades to highest level just to be able to knock it down. Today I went over it- Had to or I would be right back where I started on Saturday.
It is to rain for the next 2 days. My grass seems to thrive either way.
After that I planted some shit.
I have a feeling that I have set myself back about 3 weeks with respect to my back.
I have just taken some meds for my back. And I am sitting right here until they kick in. With God as my witness I don't care if the phone rings, or the doorbell, or anything else happens.
I refuse to move an unnecessary muscle, as they all seem to be connected to my back somehow.
Casey says I can't sleep here.
Hope all is well with everyone- Drop me a comment here and let me know what you all did this weekend.
- The lilacs by the old shed...
Transplanted from Ginny Ryan's home...
...Who originally had gotten them from Mom!
Good Morning All;
I have been up since three and could not get 'back' to sleep. Still, it is better than a week ago, so that is a good thing. . .
A little rough around the edges today, but really no worse for the wear.
I mowed lawn yesterday.
Punk helped.
Here she is packing down the grass so I don't have to mow there..
Then after I had mowed here,.
she lay down so I would know I already cut that part.
Good help is so hard to find these days.
I had "human" help too.
& what timing when the phone rang! - It was Casey- said she was on her way out to "check on me".
At this point, I had just called down to Kelli's to see if Tim could come to help me get the belt back on right. I had mowed a bit, and up wafted this acrid burning smell that can only be a belt.
Looking it over, it had slipped off one of the front engine pulleys.
Casey beat Tim here, hehehe and between the two of us, we got it back on. I didn't want to pull the whole deck off if I didn't have to. A little elbow grease, me at the front and Casey manually turning the blades, and it popped back in. She quick called Tim and told him that he could go back to enjoying his day off.
Speaking of Kelli... Here she is, showing off her new Packer shirt-
She had dropped Mr. Miller off on Friday evening as she had some running to do and wanted to have him in the fresh air.
I thought it would be good exercise for the dogs (and myself) to walk to the woods once more. It was jacket weather- Not too cold, not too warm. Just perfect.
On the walk back, there was Mama Killdeer doing her "I'm wounded" act so we wouldn't go near her nest. (Killdeer do this to show a potential nest thief that 'she' is actually the easy target- A "come and get me" type thing), and makes a lot of noise to call attention to herself.
They actually flop around acting like they are so very injured.
Fun to watch- She followed us almost the whole way.
I think they were deciding whether or not to go down to the river!
Down they went, with only seconds before I heard the "SPLASH".
Miller was more cautious than Punk- Kid that she is, she will jump in without a care about how steep the bank is and how she will get back out.
Mr Miller walked until he found a place to get in..
Punk, trying to rid her fur of any trace of her last bath,
(in the river of course).
I did not go down, knowing it would have half killed me to come back up. hehehe Those ravines are steep!
After a while the "kids" came back up, tired and wet. Miller had only gone in deep as his belly, Punk was completely soaked, save for the last 12" of her tail. (How she did that is a mystery to me)!?!?
They both sat for a while, catching their breath from the climb up..
Miller even wanted his belly rubbed!
Sorry Big Boy, that is not gonna happen.
He was caked with mud!
Punk had done something to her leg/paw on the way home-
Kelli checked it for me.
What a "show off" Kelli is ~bending over and everything!
(And Mr. Miller ~still waiting for that belly rub)....
Time to get my day started-
I have much to do. Casey and Greg will be coming out later, with Master Gabriel as well. it will do my heart good to see them all here!
I have already elected Greg to stay near Gabriel- (He's the only one that can pick him up if he falls down). Gabriel, not Greg. hehehe
Hope you are all having a grand weekend, and that your weather cooperates too!
Be safe. There's a lot of fools out there just waiting to rain on your parade. (In more ways than one).
Love to all.
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