Good Evening...
I woke this morning to say and extra prayer and offer thanks to my very special godson Sean. (But I still refuse to call Memorial Day "happy"). I do hope you have taken a moment to offer thanks and prayers to our military, past and present.
A fantastic and wonderful Sunday!
Between yesterday and today I have taken over 150 pictures. (And so, I will just have to blog about it all later).
As you know, I mowed lawn 2 days ago- I had to cut with the blades to highest level just to be able to knock it down. Today I went over it- Had to or I would be right back where I started on Saturday.
It is to rain for the next 2 days. My grass seems to thrive either way.
After that I planted some shit.
I have a feeling that I have set myself back about 3 weeks with respect to my back.
I have just taken some meds for my back. And I am sitting right here until they kick in. With God as my witness I don't care if the phone rings, or the doorbell, or anything else happens.
I refuse to move an unnecessary muscle, as they all seem to be connected to my back somehow.
Casey says I can't sleep here.
Hope all is well with everyone- Drop me a comment here and let me know what you all did this weekend.
"After that I planted some shit."
ReplyDeleteJust curious, cow or horse? LOL
Sorry you set your back back. Try to take it easy.
May God continue to watch over your loved one and bring him through all dangers safely.
Thank you so much for the prayer for Sean.
ReplyDeleteI planted some shit... hehehe
I figured y'all would get a kick out of that... (Or at least a few of you)...
Just some of my flower seeds that I had from last years plants. They have to be thrown in the ground or I won't have any for next year, and I'll lose them all.
The heck with what it looks like this year- I've pretty much given up on trying to have it nice like years before.
I'll live, and I will take it easy for the rain days ahead.
But I will need to call in a refill on a few meds...
Rest woman!!!
ReplyDeleteTake care of yourself...
love to all,
let me know about the shit you planted...I did boring stuff this year...tomatoes, peppers, herbs...
ReplyDeleteI am resting Silly Girl, and I can think of no other place that I would rather be right now than maybe catching up on a few of you.
ReplyDeleteAwww... I am jealous! No veggies here yet-
But if by some miracle I only feel wicked~sore for tonight, then I will still plant my little veggies and things.
I just did not want to lose all my flowers!
(Something wrong with my priorities, right)?
Really? I had no idea that you could grow that. I thought it had to be produced.
ReplyDeleteFeel better soon!
Sassy! You made me giggle
I really got to read the comments before commenting... and I thought I was all orignal and shit.
ReplyDeleteThat is me... sassy.
ReplyDeleteI do the same thing.
Dang hey?
Now Punk thinks she has to go outside.
Obviously she has produced something of her own...
That too will have to keep.
ReplyDeletePlease come let her out for me?
ReplyDeleteDo I know my Peas or what?!?
ooo, she has planting to do.
ReplyDeleteor fertilizing.
i wish I could...
ReplyDeleteyes, indeed you do...
ReplyDeleteRight backatcha!
I need to work on my teleportation skills..
ReplyDeleteBeam me up Scotty!
Is it really worth all the pain to plant, really? I just con't see it.
ReplyDeleteMy weekend, well it was spent with out of town guest (my parents). It ended with me and dad taking mom to the ER today. Not the ending I wanted, but she is being taken care of. Hopefully she won't be in long.
I honestly think that it is worth it. (Methinks I have dirt in my blood).
ReplyDeleteAnd if my effort isn't evident in the next few days/weeks, I am sure hoping it will be in the next few months!
I am happy for you and the kids that your parents did get to visit, but am SO sorry to hear that your mom is in the hospital. (If there is any "silver lining" to that, it would be that she is closer to you now).
I wish I could... I would beam you directly to a soft hammock in the shade somewhere restful.
ReplyDeleteThen I would beam a crew of highly skilled folks in to take care of your yard and plant your gardens until you were better.
Sounds like you have been busy again and now your back is letting you know you have been busy .You gotta take it easy lady and try to get that back healed .. I know , its easier said then done .. I hope you start feeling better soon .. Looking forward to seeing some of those pics ... I worked this weekend but we are off tonight , not sure when there is work again ..
ReplyDeleteYou are SO right, it sure IS letting me know! I promise promise promise to not stress it too much in the next few days. (I have a bit of cleaning to so, but nothing too taxing).
ReplyDeleteI am in the midst of uploading those pictures now- Sure slows my little computer down.
What a funny "schedule" you have. But nice that way too, you get to get a lot of work done around the house too!
You know we had a wonderful weekend.. smoked ribs, potato salad, beans... cut and trimming trees.. riding in the bucket of the bucket truck and and I will send a personal message about the rest of it cause I sure dont wanna jinx anything.
ReplyDeleteMucho hugs
Glad to hear you're taking care of your back, Anne...;-)
ReplyDeleteWe had a hectic but terrific weekend. It was nice to go away for awhile but it's always nice to come home too... It was hectic because we tried to do everything during the short holiday... LOL!
Glad you had a great weekend! Take care & big hugs!
There's ALOT of different 'shit' you could have planted... ROFLMAO...
ReplyDeleteSorry that your back is not cooperating with you and letting you do much at a time... Is there such a thing as a back transplant??
The weekend here was kinda boring... We did grill out burgers tonight... I really wish we could have done more *sigh*
I hope you have an awesome week even if your back is givin' you hell!
Love Ya Bunches!
Slurkie :-)
I had Memorial Day off. My first day off in 14 days. Needless to say I allowed myself to be totally lazy and not do a thing (unless you count napping as doing something!)
ReplyDeleteI hope you had a grand time with Casey, Greg, Gabriel and anyone else who might've dropped by yesterday.
And to think I've been scooping up Doc's and tossing it back into the woods all these past months, if I'd known I would've planted it instead. Can't think of much that would come up though, other than mushrooms... that I wouldn't want to eat!
Take care of your back. I hope your meds made it feel better.
ReplyDeleteSweet Beep,
Is smoking ribs legal in Arkansas then? hehehe (Bad sense of humor, I know)...
I have replied to your note already, so you know how I feel about everything!
Happy you had a wonderful weekend.
Know that where there is life there is hope. Know too that you have those both!
Sweet Ruzie!
ReplyDeleteI am taking care of it now- But I did abuse it for a while too. hehehe "Things" need to get done, and there I am "doing"...
I know what you mean about getting away and coming home.
I beklieve I shall get away at some point and refuse to come home.
Sounds like fun to me!
Sweet SlurkieBaby!
ReplyDeleteI am not usually so blunt and nondescriptive. But those words just came off my fingertips so fast that I left them there.
There will be back transplants in our childrens lifetimes, thanks to opening up the stem cell research.
Even though I am not liking my back, per se, I am quite partial to my own backbone. hehehe Now I do know some people who could use a better "backbone".
Grilling burgers is not boring! (Now I am starving).
When the kids were young, we would go sit and watch the parades. We never had a nickel to spare so parades were great!
Sweet RT;
ReplyDeleteI do consider napping doing something! And it is vital to our mental health some days.
Laughing at you doing the pooper scooper thing. Dog poop is highly biodegradable- Not so with the cat droppings though.
I think my meds made me powerful hungry last night- I ate a leftover hot dog, a bit of tater salad (also leftover) and a boiled egg.
I woke twice with it, but am better this morning. (As long as I make no effort to actually move I really am OK).
And I know if I call in, I will be wasting Doctors time, so I will just have to rest too.
We had a "wunnaful" time- (Everybody but Greg that is).. Will blog later.
Don't forget that receipt my Sweet!
ReplyDeleteFrom your heart to Gods.
How about Have a grateful Memorial Day then? I think we all should be happy for the blessings these men have died for. It's an excuse to stop whining about politics and what hasn't been done for you by this country, and be grateful for what you have.
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely well said Sweet Stanger!
ReplyDeleteI thought about how to word that- and the best I could come up with, (as pertaining to the "happiness" reference) is that all these people fought, and are fighting for, our freedoms.
I don't think we need an excuse to stop the negative BS either. We simply have to stop.
And always be thankful for what we have; and even for what we do not.
It all fits somehow.
Love to you
I hope that your back improves soon and you have not really set yourself back three weeks.
ReplyDeleteThe grass in my backyard needs cutting.. I paid my neighbor to cut my grass and he does every week.. but for some reason he only does the front lawn. Some guy from the Village stopped by today to yell at me about my grass. Thing is, I have never operated a lawn mower in my life. Oy.
Please come over Sweet Nyk, (Next sunny day anyway).
Not only will you know how to operate a lawnmower, it is a rider too.
AND you can also learn to weedwhack.
AND, I promise to charge no fees for your experiences.
My back is not as bad as I thought it would be- Maybe because of that refusal to move on my part last night...
You see, dear, THAT is the problem. My dad always had a rider. I have never even seen him start a push mower.. let alone been taught to do it myself. And he never had me cut the grass because he loves his stupid lawn mower so darn much he would do it himself every chance he got!!! :-)
ReplyDeleteThe never ending circle whether we like it or not. Stuff needs to be done. You have yet to finish healing but feel "good enough" to get up and do it anyway. Then when all is done, or in the least, all that you could do is done, you realize you are right back where you started when you were down with your physical problems to begin with. Then you look out and see the grass and the weeds have come full circle as well! Again!
ReplyDeleteWouldn't it be nice if we cut the grass and weeds once at the beginning of the season and it didn't grow again till next summer.
Dear Sweet Anna.....
ReplyDeleteSo you have a Sean too??? My Sean did a tour in Iraq and it changed him profoundly.....And not all of it in a good way....He is a Captain so he is still in the reserves in Wash DC where he does exactly what he did in Iraq but as a contractor......
I hope your back is better.......
Much Love & Many Hugs.....
Come over anyway.
ReplyDeleteI also have a push mower- Casey will show you how to start it.
AND, I have an antique push mower as well. (No "starting" at all)! hehehe
Sweet PeachieBaby!
ReplyDeleteI do not like the "whether we like it or not" you wrote? hehehe
But you have explained it all so beautifully too!
I don't mind mowing- never did.
Pa literally gave me his 'new' rider when I was about 7 or 8. He would do the more dangerous stuff where the rider has a tendency to 'slant' a bit too much... And slowly but surely I got everything done. And I even remember the time that I did the ditches all by myself- He yelled at me, nicely, and was proud that I had done it without tipping. (I do think he and Mom might have spatted a bit over that). hehehe Not that I overheard or anything, but knowing what I know now- all the dangers etc... I would have not been so "proud" either.
Sweet Melody;
ReplyDeleteSean is my godson- He hasn't been back to see him, but I do believe any 'change' has always been a very positive thing for everyone in the military these days. (I do NOT believe that with respect to Vietnam though). Still raw. and probably always will be. Those changes were mostly "not all in a good way" as you said.
May God Bless our Seans!
I particularly enjoyed the phrase (and I quote): "After that I planted some shit."
ReplyDeleteI sincerely hope you have better luck with your shit than I did with my flowers! Oooooh, and a very good friend I know suggested 'lettuce' to keep the bunnies away - although you've got the woofs to guard your shit day and night.... sigh!
Have a great day - keep smiling (HOW many photos??????? And I thought I was a crazy clicker!) xxxx