- Blossoms....
Good Evening Everyone;
I am not sure how long this will be- I have lots to share, given that I haven't blogged for quite a while...
Nor have I been around to your own blogs, barely even getting to any emails I might have in my inbox.
I threw my back out, and just want to go lie down and cry... - But it hurts too much to lie down, or sit up in this chair, or, or, or, or...
- Standing and walking, (baby steps), is a bit easier than anything.
- Standing still is not an option unless I have something to lean on.
- Bending is out of the question unless I have a really comfy place to remain for a month or so.
That said I have a zillion unplanted seeds, and 2 acres of unmown lawn.
Rainy today... An excuse to do a few dishes and to take it relatively easy. - Which is exactly what I did.
On Wednesday evening my phone rang- Polly, a dear friend of mine from Wyoming, come to Wisconsin on her way to Rockford, Illinois to work on their house there. At one point years back we lived next door to each other on Jaworski Road in Pulaski.
Would it be possible to meet with her while she was in town?
(Don't ask next time Sweetie, just tell me where to go to see you).
I called Casey too. Would she be willing to come with me to see Miss Polly too? She was very excited to do so. Needless to say I don't get to Wyoming much. Always wanted to. Never did.
I picked Casey up Thursday morning-
Punk gets so excited to see her Casey that she sees Casey's front door and almost chokes herself hanging out the window as she waits...
I think I have pretty much freaked everybody out with my own little fears for Casey about the Swine Flu virus. So much so that Miss Polly brought sanitizer and wipes as well. We decided to walk to Denny's Restaurant. It was about 10:30.
Perfect timing too as there were very few people dining at that point.
Such wonderful company! I was SO happy to see her- We talk on the phone sometimes, mostly by email, but there is nothing as wonderful as seeing her in person!- We chatted until after noon- More people were coming in at that point, and time for us to leave anyway.
One question with respect to this H1N1 virus-
Why is Wisconsin the second highest in the nation with #'s of confirmed Swine Flu cases?
CLICK HERE for the map of the entire US from the CDC.
Casey came out here afterward, and I did plant a few more seeds in the old flower bed. (Until my backside and legs felt as they were completely on fire, and didn't work right anyway). - Casey left.
- I came in to rest.
~I have been quite like Goldilocks this past week- I sleep in one bed, another, even a third, or I sleep on the couch. Mostly I just nap. Even doubling up on the meds the doctor gave me on Wednesday doesn't help. And since I am not a horse, I cannot sleep standing up. My doctor gave me an new MS drug that should be helping, "Baclofen" (and no, I have not doubled up on that).
I also have my brace on, which does help a bit too. God, what awful timing! I have too much to do to be this laid up right now.
Having grown almost dead of boredom, Casey and I went for a little drive yesterday- I had a few bills to pay, (thank God for drive-up windows), and had to pick up a few things too.
After that, she suggested a stop at The Humane Society. A tough stop for us both as we always wish to bring all the animals home.
There were very few people visiting... - ...Even fewer dogs and cats. 4 dogs, and maybe 10 cats. I imagine they are putting them down almost as fast as they come in, and that breaks my heart! When questioned, the lady told me that they were all taken to get spayed and neutered.
I doubt that. Not too many vets have time like that to take care of a whole bunch of animals in one day.
Back home again... To drive in the yard to see the most wonderful presents!
As I took those pictures, I heard a curious rata~ta~ta~tapping behind me.
It was this little guy, mad at his reflection!
He was SO funny to watch!
He would take a seed or two; and then rap at his reflection.
Happy I have a good zoom on my camera!
I shall write more later, know that sitting is not working too well right now.
May you all have a grand Mothers Day!
Hmmm... - While I am on the subject...
- What most memorable piece of advice ~or words to the wise, did your mother give to you?
- And... have you turned into your mother?
My love to all.
Any Words of Wisdom?
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Glad to here from you.So sorry about your back.Wish it would get better for you.So glad to see Casey she looks pretty good to have gone thought what she has.Great you got to see your friend.What pretty flower that sprung up.Hope you get your seeds planted.I have most of mine ,but had to do it a little at a time.Have a Happy Mothers day.I hope it is filled with love and happiness.Hugs maudie
ReplyDeleteOh my mom never gave me advice she tired to marry me off at 15.Long story to that but.God i hope i get nothing like her.
ReplyDeleteThere is a song by Stevie Ray Vaughan entitled Life Withough You...and a line from the song is:Alarmed if in the mirror, we come face to face...wishing all the love we took for granted, Lord we had today.
ReplyDeleteI am most definitely my mother's daughter. I cannot remember any single piece of advice...I just remember all of the things that she did teach me in such a short time. Most importantly, LITTLE GIRL, I RAISED YOU BETTER THAN THAT!!
Happy Mother's Day to you my sweet friend!! Tomorrow I will be doing one of my favorite things: making breakfast for the kiddos (then I'm driving out to Ohio to spend the day with their daddy~they are completely unaware!!)
Have a wonderful weekend!!
I haven't turned into my mom, her dresses would never fit me. My mom wasn't one to share great words of wisdom, but she was an example of Love which I think is more important. You know - action speaks louder than words - type of thing.
ReplyDeleteNo, I have not turned into my mother... I have tried to do for Kaylee the things that my Mom didn't do for me... And I have sworn that when Kaylee grows up and moves out that I will NOT guilt her into feeling bad for trying to have a life of her own...
ReplyDeleteYour flowers are so pretty! It has taken awhile, but it looks like spring finally found Flintville!
I'm sorry about your back. Hopefully with you taking it easy, it will get better soon!
How about you? What are some wise words your Mom shared with you? Have you turned into your Mom?? (hehehe sorry... figured I would toss 'em back at ya! :P)
I hope your Mother's Day is a pain free and awesome one!
Love Ya!
Slurkie :-)
Sorry to hear about your back. I know all to well how that feels. Try some hot packs and ice packs to see if that relieves some of the pain. Don't overdue to much on the meds though. Take care of yourself first before anything else. You are most important right now. The flowers and whatnot will just have to wait.
ReplyDeleteI love the pics of the flowers. Wouldn't happen to know the names of them would you? I love the ones that I think maybe Black-eyed Susans. I just love flowers!!! Bet you didnt' know that did you? LOL!!
No, I don't think I've turned into my mom though I try to do things a little differently for Cee than my mom did for me. One thing I did learn from my mom is the love of gardening both veggies and flowers. She taught me well on that point.
SOrry to hear your back is still giving you problems and I hope it gets better real soon ..
ReplyDeleteIts good to see Casey getting out and about and I am so glad you got to spend time with your friend Polly , its always wonderful to be able to meet up with friends we have not seen in awhile...
I would not call them words of wisdom but my mom always stressed how important it was to respect others and that stuck ... My grandma , god rest her soul was full of wisdom and was always telling us stories or giving us little bits of advice .. I miss her so much ..
I hope you have a wonderful Mothers day tomorrow .. Enjoy your day ( hopefully pain free)
Hugs and take care
Evenin Rock..
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful surprise the other afternoon.. Thank you very much. What beautiful flowers, ok what are they? tulips? Love the colors, so bright and vibrant.
Sure dont understand why Wisconsin has more confirmed cases other than maybe the labs there are more on top of it than other states.. That would be my guess. I know that I heard on the radio in Texas that the local area (where I am located) they had over 120 cases still waiting at the lab for confirmation one way or the other and in Arkansas, they announced last night that there were 5 confirmed cases, but I have yet to see that on the National news. So who knows.. just be careful and be sure to keep the hands washed.
I hope the back has let up abit.. I dont have back pain often but when I do, there is nothing that seems like it eases it. I am sure what I have doesnt begin to come close to what you are going through.. I know this because a few days and it eases and goes away.
Honestly I cant remember any good advice given by my mother, but I have one tidbit given by my grandfather.
He told me.. Never look back and Never go backwards in your life. Sometimes life can be tough and you might have to sidestep, but to always when possible move forward.
I have kept that advice when ever I could.. and you know there have been times when he was right I did have to sidestep a bit, but always with the mindset to move forward and it really does pay off in the long run.
Am I my mother? Geez I hope not. I try really hard not to be, although I do look almost exactly like her and if we are together there is no mistaking.
Wishing you a wonderful painfree Mothers Day!
Many and mucho hugs
I said I would never be like my Mom but some days I find myself saying or doing something exactly
ReplyDeletelike she would! I do miss her cause she moved in with us when Dad died and stayed for 25 years, which is difficult while trying to bring up three kids. But, the kids loved her and we exchange the good memories when we get together and laugh at some of the stuff that went on when she was' babysitting!! No matter what, I think Moms are great and so are you, Anne, and I wish you the best Mother's day ever. Rest that back, that is the important thing for the first few days, and then do things slowly increasing every other day. I've had lots of problems with my back and I really have' to stop obsessing about the stuff that isn't done and take care of myself, OR it won't get done at all, cause you will be laid up longer!! A true mother's advice...LOL
Hugs & blessings and lots of love,
Bev xo
PS Nova Scotia is wet and foggy, yuck!!
ReplyDeleteSweet Maudie!
Casey still has a bit of a problem with her posture. hehehe This too shall pass.
My back is something fierce today- Still psyching myself up to get in the shower.
But it will hurt for a time then hopefully go away forever.
My Mothers Day is always filled with love, simply because I am someones mother.
Hugs right backatcha!
ReplyDeleteI hope you will share this story one day!
(I am thinking that my mother would have made better choices for me than I did at any age).
Sweet Sweet Thers;
ReplyDeleteThose lines are perfect- At the museum I told the lady I only wish I would have listened closer to all of our history, and really heard all of her words. But there would always be more "time" to do that.
Not true. As you learned much earlier than most.
I am giggling at your mama's words. My own used that on me many many times!
I am also giggling at your children being so unaware!
(They HAVE TO suspect "something" don't they)?
Mr KhoolMan;
ReplyDeleteI am thinking her dresses might be a bit out of date, but with a few alterations I could make them fit.
Actions always speak louder than words. (Sometimes that's a godawful thing to know).
Sweet Stasha;
ReplyDeleteSometimes as mothers we would love to be able to do more. If it is my regret is that we were never rich, barely even comfortable at times, and that I could not do some of the things that all the other kids were able to do with their parents.
That, and being a single mom. Not that I minded, but I'll bet they did.
About guilt? Hell, I thought it was in our job description.
You mean Erma Bombeck was wrong?
Words that Mama shared?
There are so many as I have written about her lots. i was very very fortunate to have such a wonderful mom...
I think the worst words she would ever impart were "no, you may not."
And there was very little room for compromise either. hehehe
She was very smart that way.
When I had children of my own, she told me never to stifle them unless I had to because they were stifling me.
She told me to always be consistent.
(And so I have become so damn consistent I am predictably boring).
"Please don't tell Dad" was met with 'we are one, we have no secrets.'
Same thing from Dad by the way... But ultimately teaching me that happily married IS "one" and to never even try to play them against one another.
I could go on and on... But that's a whole 'nother blog. ;-)
Sweet Pam!
ReplyDeleteI knew you would know how my back feels, and I am sorry about that.
I told the doctor that it feels like there is a screwdriver wedged in my spine. (I keep waiting to hear noise like metal grinding or something like that)... Thankfully that hasn't happened.
Like I said, the double dose didn't seem to do much, so what would be the point to keep trying for something it clearly won't deliver?
All the pics, save for the top one are of various tulips I have planted around here. Caseys favorites are the striped ones. (Mine are any that bloom).
I do have Black Eyed Susans too- they are just beginning to return and grow.
And the top picture is pears for the horses and the deer. (The other BIG pear tree feeds us humans; it hasn't blossomed out yet).
Even with respect for all that Mom taught me about gardening, I still have a problem identifying my perennials when they come up... Mama would know them all...
Sweet Carolyn;
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness it was great to see Polly again- I think we have only gotten together about 4 times since her and Rich moved out west. Once they retire they will live in the farmhouse that they are renovating in Rockford. then it will be much easier to get together.
Pain free is too much to hope for today- Being comfortable is what I'll ask God for.
I so miss my mom too. Mostly her wonderful sense of humor.
Sweet Beep!
ReplyDeleteWisconsin still has more cases than 48 other states according to the local paper. Maybe all the migrants coming back to plant the fields? But Casey shot that theory down reminding me that the migrants go to every state.
So I shall think that maybe you are right about our labs...
And now 3 kids at St. Norbert College have also tested positive within 3 days of each other. (That span of time indicates they may have infected many more in the meanwhile).
Their finals begin Monday...
Forgive me Connie, but when I wrote those questions I was wondering what you would have to say about your mom.
...And now to forgive me for giggling at your honest answer.
Looks don't count Sweetie- Unless you enter a contest.
It is what is in our hearts that really counts.
Sweet Bev;
ReplyDeleteOh what power of recall...
I said to Mama's face even, that I hoped I would never ever be like her. I promised the very same!
Then I had kids, and suddenly my mom was using my mouth to holler at them. No matter how hard I tried, and remembered my promise, there was Mama, coming out of my mouth... Even when I wasn't hollering... hehehe
It took me only a few years to give up that fight and realize that she was much brighter than I, and it would be an honor to find myself emulating her. I still smile big when her thoughts cross my mind...
I smiled too when you wrote it was "difficult" having her there.
But like MY mom would have said, "Difficult, but not impossible"
I rather imagine it was very hard for your mom to be a grandmother when there were always parents lurking around. hehehe Good thing she got to babysit!
Casey brought me her cane- While I don't need it to walk (baby steps help), it is nice to have it to lean on when I do have to navigate the steps and get off the chairs or the couch.
Still 'wet' weather here- No fog- Methinks it would have to warm up for that. It's 43 now.
ReplyDeleteCasey looks great, the flowers are lovely, glad you had a good day out, sorry your back is still out.I really hope it starts easing up on you soon.
As for my Mother. She is happily living with my Brother in AZ who, to hear her talk, can walk on water. I DO unfortunately sound like her at times and if I sound like her too much my long suffering husband gently reminds me, "Alright, Janet, I'm not Bill." LOLOLOL. She was a good Mother and I try to understand that my Brother is her only son and therefore Golden. He always has been and always will be. I do, however, hear my Mother's speech come out of my mouth sometimes and there are times talking to my oldest Daughter in IN that she will tell me I sound "just like Grandma". It's difficult to tell our voices apart on the phone. Always has been.
Hope you continue to have a blessed Mother's Day.
ReplyDeleteSweet Cille;
My mother was/is a saint- And was a good mother to us both... But my sister used to walk on water too, so I hear where you are coming from with those words.
God love your husband! Got a chuckle out of the "long suffering" part.
And yes, slowly but surely my baby-est girl is getting better and better.
What a co-inky-dink! You threw your back out...I threw my back out! I think I did mine late friday night. I was in the closet, attempting to fill a hole with aluminum foil to keep the meeces from coming through and when I tried to stand back up it was as if my back and my legs all belonged to different people and they didn't work together. I don't know why I didn't just back out on my knees and find a chair or something to hold on to for support for standing up. I was in and out of the car all day yesterday and I forced myself to do that. When I got back home and my sister left, the pain hit me like a ton of bricks! I know that burning pain very well. And nothing is working to remedy that pain either. Instead of doing the "goldilocks" thing and trying out different places, I have instead been putting a pillow under my hips while on my stomach. I get about 30 minutes of relief, then move the pillow up to my stomach. Another 30 minutes of relief then move it up the booby area. Darn that hurt the booby's! So with a little adjusting around them, I may get another 30 minutes of relief. Sleeping has been horrible. But I think I did sleep at some point. Had a really weird dream. It was about that "Gay" boyfriend I had back in the early 70's. And I do mean it was weird!
ReplyDeleteWords of wisdom from my mom.....hmmmm....my mom never had any words of wisdom to offer. She was too much of a child herself to even have been raising me and my sister. We did live with my granny. She...on the other hand....had lots of words of wisdom.
One thing I remember her "always" saying was this....."Never let a man sit down for long because he will end up letting you do it all and then he'll never get back up!"
I understand her marriage to our grandpa was not the happiest of times for her. But they stayed together a very long time and she never remarried after his death. And she was the one who worked while he stayed home. He was a diabetic. I think she had a difficult time raising their daughter (my mom) and her husband at the same time. She had resentments but she was a wise woman and was well respected by everybody else in town.
Oh...and I love seeing Caseyface getting out a little. She is still so very thin. But with time she will hopefully gain a little bit back.
ReplyDeleteEverything is greening up so well there. Must be the snow that helped with the extra moisture in the ground. But it is beautiful! And those yellow flowers......STUNNING!
I have definitely turned into my mother. I do and say so many of the same things that I used to roll my eyes at and it is amazing at how much smarter she has gotten over the years. haha. She is my best friend. Happy Mother's Day my dear friend. I do hope your back gets better soon. I bet it is killing you to stay inside or at least not be as active as you usually are.
ReplyDeleteLots of love to you!!!!!
my mother would say such things as "this too shall pass" or "difficult but not impossible". Both of which have got me through some bumpy times. Then she's always there with a smile & a laugh through thick & thin.
ReplyDeleteNo, I have not turned into my mother, much to her dismay. hehehe
ReplyDeleteIt sounds like you and Casey had so much fun meeting up with your old neighbor.
Your tulips are G-O-R-G-E-O-U-S! So worth the wait, (and snow? hmmm - not sure about that!)
I'm so glad I rescued Doc from a Humane Society, I don't even want to think about what may have happened to him had I not.
Hope your back feels better soon and that you had a wondermous Mother's Day!
Hi Mommy!
ReplyDeleteHAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!!! I so wish you felt better and could enjoy the day more, but like you said, you are a mother every day of the year, so we'll have lots of time to celebrate!!
That darn back... I really wish that they would just figure out what is wrong and that it would be something that could be healed simply.... Like an alignment problem that could be fixed with one visit to the chiropractor... However since it seems much more complex, I wish it would just go away and never return... I can't stand to see the people I love be in so much pain... Maybe it's because I know what it's like to live like that... I just feel so helpless and I want to do something even though with the restrictions there isn't much I can do...
It was SO great to see Polly! I can't even remember the last time I saw her... It was SO long ago since the house on Jaworski that I have a hard time remembering the times they were living near us... Those crappy Stevens people that moved in afterward were so mean and nasty that their bad memories just seemed to over power the great ones! I remember always wishing they would come back and kick the Stevens out so that we could have wonderful neighbors once again!!!
I have no idea why the cases in WI are so much higher than other places... Absolutely no clue..... Maybe it has something to do with all the drinking that goes around here?? I do know we are the highest level of drinkers in the US... In fact, WI is omitted from national drinking surveys because it screws up the average...
I did get to see those beautiful flowers in person the other day... They are GORGEOUS!!! Oh, and that bird getting mad at his own reflection made me giggle!!! I haven't liked how I looked in the mirror on some mornings, but I never went after my reflection!! I don't think it would've helped at all anyway! hee hee hee....
Hmmm... The best piece of advice that my own mother gave me?? That one's a tough one... I've gotten LOTS of good advice from you that it is hard to pick just one... I would have to say that the best lesson is to ALWAYS trust my gut instinct... It is never wrong especially when dealing with dark souls or bad people... I should've listened to it more in the past, maybe I wouldn't have gotten hurt as much, but then again true happiness is impossible to experience if you don't know pain...
Have I turned into my mother? In a few ways! Some of the things I do/say remind me of you, I just wish that I was as intelligent and retained as much information as you do! Like Polly said, you have a mind like a steel trap! It seems like you remember everything... I hope I do well in school when I go back, I'm nervous about not having as good of a memory or not doing as well as I once did....
I love you Much Much!
Enjoy the pictures very much, Anne. Especially the awesome flowers in the yard... Yes, your zoom in is awesome!
ReplyDeleteHope you feel better soon. Take care.
As for the mother's words... I can't think straight right now... The heat is just unbearable... :-(
Stay well & happy! Hugs!
when you have a nightmare, say your prayers and it will go away, and its true! I look in the mirror and see my mom looking back at me, so much alike are we.
ReplyDeleteSome days I worry that I am too much like my mother. Other days, I see no similarities at all.....
I am like my mother in that I like things done a certain way BUT, I have worked a long time to be ok with allowing others to do things even if it gets done "wrong". My mother was a perfectionist and had control issues. Those issues I strive to overcome, but she was amazing at being organized and getting so much done every day. With 4 children, she still kept a spotless house...always had the laundry done..tended a sizable garden...and could cook up a feast for 10 without fail. I have come to terms with the fact that having more time with my children is more important than being June Cleaver so I am letting go of fitting into her shoes.
ReplyDeleteI would still love to become as organized as my mother.
What lasting advise did she have? She taught me that you dont give up on someone you love, marriage is to be taken seriously, and you always feel better having fun if you do it after the work is done.
words to live by.