- hehehe
Good Morning All;
Another fine day ahead, and will be typing fast so's I can get my backside outside.
I finally have my 1st tulip!
Did you have breakfast yet?
There might be another miracle in the making. John Pryes came yesterday afternoon to look at the Simplicity tractor. (This is the one with the tiller on it).
Maybe, just maybe, I might have that garden yet. He ended up taking it home so he can work on it there.
Brandy came along too. She helped me out a lot, even crawling down into the water pit for me to get the hose turned on. I have to get another shut off valve for it though, it is dripping as I type.
I especially loved her shirt.
Also quite funny is this- Received in an email from my daughter Jennifer.
Confession... .............(Maybe).
Last year 'someone' might have stolen some lilacs from Kelli and Tim's place. And 'someone' might have then planted them along the east side of my garden...
And now there might be a few blooms on my side of Flintville too!.
I am in the process of digging out the west side of the old garage.
This has not been cleared for...
Hmmmmm............ (thinking now)...
Many clumps of quack grass and nettles
(aka "itchweed" among others).
These are so easy to dig out too. With their runners for roots I just loosen the soil with a fork, (that's the hardest part), and keep on pulling the roots out. Bet some of those shoots were 3' long!
I hope to throw a few flower seeds in the ground there.
After I get rid of the nettles.
I quit digging when I could no longer keep standing and stooping without shooting pain down my back and legs.
Quite like the mark of Zorro I had to leave hand prints on the side of the garage when that pain threatened to put me down to the dirt.
Come hell or high water, I shall resume my project today-
Rain coming tomorrow
I copied this from Newsweek. CLICK for the whole story.
"The Path of a Pandemic"
Around Thanksgiving 2005 a teenage boy helped his brother-in-law butcher 31 pigs at a local Wisconsin slaughterhouse, and a week later the 17-year-old pinned down another pig while it was gutted. In the lead-up to the holidays the boy's family bought a chicken and kept the animal in their home, out of the harsh Sheboygan autumn. On Dec. 7, the teenager came down with the flu, suffering an illness that lasted three days. He visited a local clinic, then fully recovered, and nobody else in his family took ill.
This incident would hardly seem worth mentioning except that the influenza virus that infected the Wisconsin lad was unlike any previously seen. It appeared to be a mosaic of a wild-bird form of flu, a human type and a strain found in pigs.
It was an H1N1 swine influenza. Largely ignored at the time, the Wisconsin virus was a step along the evolutionary tree, leading to a virus that four years later would stun the world.
Flash-forward to April 2009, and young Édgar Enrique Hernández in faraway La Gloria, Mexico, suffers a bout of flu, found to be caused by a similar mosaic of swine/bird/human flu, also H1N1. And thousands of miles away in Cairo, the Egyptian government decides pigs are the source of disease, and orders 300,000 animals in the predominantly Muslim (therefore not pork-consuming) society slaughtered.
Each of these three incidents is related to the unfolding influenza crisis.
It is the manner of human beings to seek blame during times of fear.
Fingers are now pointing, either at the entire pig species Sus domestica, or at the nation of Mexico.
Such exercises in blame are not only scientifically ill founded, but are likely to prompt government actions that, at the very least, are useless and, at worst, harmful for efforts to control a pandemic.
Forget for a moment that this happened in Wisconsin...(If I wasn't mad before, I sure as hell am now).
After all, this is 3 and a half years later!?!?
Then this article, click here. Maybe horses can help?
"horses with the flu have antibodies for the human H1N1."
That was 1918! Again I ask, WHY is there no vaccine???
"Parts of the South will see plenty of showers and thunderstorms on Tuesday as a cold front slips eastward. The main precipitation threat will be on either side of the Mississippi River."
Hmmm... Really? Ya think?
Have a great Tuesday! Must get my backside outside now.
Tuesdays Ten
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LOL Good Tuesday's 10. You just think away.
ReplyDeleteSounds like you have been busy .. Take it easy on your back .. I have been raking and tidying up my garden also ( I hate it, I might add) but a chore that has to be done ... Have a great day
ReplyDeleteTry not to work too hard out there. I am gonna be getting out this afternoon myself.
ReplyDeleteYOU AIN'T RIGHT!!!! I saw You're screwed and for half a second thought I was. LOLOLOL.
ReplyDelete1. Lovely tulips. My husband really likes tulips, I can take 'em or leave 'em.
2. mac-n-cheese loaf sandwich, on rye, with onion, baked chedder cheese fries and flavored water.
3. Hallelujiah on the tractor. I will keep all crossable crossed for your garden.
4. Good looking kid and a great shirt. There are definitely times when that is my exact sentiment.
5. I like the addition of the elephant as I was never very good at abstract math.
6. My husband got me some last year and I fell asleep at the switch and didn't get pics of their first bloom this year. Hangs head shamfacedly.
7. Don't get rid of all the nettles. They ARE a pain to work with, but they are also good for:
useful as an astringent (to slow blood flow)
good for anemia as a tea because it's high in iron, silicone and potassium
increases the flow of urine
shrinks inflamed tissues
improves blood circulation
reducing menses
good for hypothyriod and to increase thyroid function
alleviate allergic symptoms such as teary eyes and runny nose.
While a pain in the...hands, lots of good too.
8. Not such a bad decoration on the garage wall. Shows hard work was done there. Maybe when all are well, you could get the family together, and do hand prints in various colors of paint with initials and date. Maybe make it an annual thing to record growth and changes?
9. I'm sure there IS vaccine for those who "need" it, govt officials, the pres and family etc. Do you really expect our govt to have our best interest at heart? Not unless it will make a buck or spread "goodwill".
10. Methinks the weather people have their heads up their collective butts. I guess at least this way their butts are covered and people can't say "I wish you'd warned us a little". LOLOLOL
Just my humble thoughts on your thoughts. Hope you enjoy and maybe get a giggle.
I've got a few choice names for it. Probably none of which is publishable. Your very first image on this page is probably appropriate.
ReplyDeleteIsn't there bees on that side of the garage, or has the mysterious bee caper kidnapped them too?
John never changes does he? And Brandi too! She's so pretty, and a good human being too!
Horses help everything. It's unfortunate theres no vaccine for stupidity. Which leads me to the weather people... But I digress.
Bizzy...bizzy...bizzy....aren't cha!
ReplyDeleteBeautiful tulips! My daffodils are all gone now and I want them back! Have to wait till next year. Either that or go to Trees and Trends and buy em in silk and put those down and pretend they are real! LOL!
No vaccine yet because they are "still" waiting for a "real" need for it. Duh.....Maybe it's the Epidemic they are waiting for. You know, the one that will wipe out a bunch more people while they waited till the last minute. Those scientist who do those vaccines sure don't sound like Boy Scout material, do they??? I like being prepared for such things as this. Even if nothing happens. Nice to know we can at least "try" to stop the spreading.
I have Tulip envy. I'm also envious of "someone's" lilac. (Mine never bloom) That's a mighty fine lookin breakfast mam. Getting the Simplicity tractor running sure would make your life "simpler". Love the T shirt - I need one just like it to wear under my work shirt, so I can flash it to a few people!
ReplyDelete1. Very Pretty!
ReplyDelete2. Looks good to me! I'll be there for breakfast tomorrow! hehehe
3. YAY for the tractor!
4. I need a shirt like that...
5. LOL... That's creative to say the least... Coulda at least gave him/her a couple of points for that...
6. I bet that 'someone' was Casey, wasn't it? I swear she always looks so darn innocent! LOL! hehehe
7. Lookin' good!
8. I like the idea of putting handprints on the side of the garage...
9. I think there is a vaccine, they just choose not to share that with everyone to create panic... Or TRY to create panic...
10. LOL sounds about as half cocked as the weather people here...
Hi ya Rock,
ReplyDeleteIm so glad to see you enjoying spring and all the beauty around it.. your tulips are absolutely gorgeous!
Now as to that swine flu vaccine..
* The last swine flu outbreak occurred in February 1976 in Fort Dix, New Jersey, causing 4 soldiers to get sick and 1 death.
* A swine flu vaccine was given to people from October 1976 to December 1976 in response to the swine flu cases at Fort Dix. A swine flu pandemic never occurred though, and the swine flu vaccine was thought to cause many side effects, including Guillain-Barre syndrome. The vaccination program ended early because those side effects were thought to be worse than the risk of getting swine flu.
Now.. history also states that more people died from the Swine Flu vaccine than those that contracted the flu. Thats scary..
Swine Flu Myths
Myths about swine flu include:
* You can catch swine flu from eating pork. (Myth - The CDC states that it is safe to eat properly handled and cooked pork and pork products.)
* The 1918 Influenza Pandemic was caused by a swine flu virus. (Myth - Research has actually found that it was caused by a virus related to several strains of flu including H1N1 among others.)
* You can avoid the swine flu by wearing a facemask. (Probably a Myth - Little is actually known about whether a disposable facemask or respirator can prevent you from getting the swine flu.)
* You should stay home until the swine flu outbreak is over. (Myth - While it is a good idea to stay home if you are sick and to follow your local public health advice about school closures and avoiding crowds. Simply staying home is otherwise not recommended by the CDC.)
* A swine flu pandemic is inevitable and means that a lot of people will die, just like the 1918 Influenza Pandemic. (Myth - No one knows what is going to happen, but if this does become a pandemic with a lot of cases, the availability of antiviral flu medications, including Tamiflu (oseltamivir) and Relenza (zanamivir), 21st century health care, and the availability of a swine flu vaccine before next winter, should mean that we are ready for it.)
* You should call your doctor to get some Tamiflu now just in case you need it later. (Myth - Stockpiling Tamiflu is a bad idea, since it may keep it out of the hands of people who need it now.)
Do you remember that outbreak? It was way overblown and over reacted to and more people died as a result. So before I take any kind of vaccine for this particular flu.. I want to know lots more about it.
hehehe Sweet Athena;
ReplyDeleteYou make me giggle!
...still thinkin'...
Sweet Carolyn;
ReplyDeleteYou make me giggle too- (Only in a more "grrr" way).
Take it easy on my back?
You should have told me that a few days ago when I kept working (in a crawling manner) after my back went crazy on me.
When I can actually "move" I really don't mind doing all the work outside- But when my back goes all bad, I have a problem remembering WHY I do this all to begin with? And that problem goes all the way down to my toes.
Still if I didn't "do" I would be in a much worse off way.
Say "YAY" Sweet Oka;
ReplyDeleteCasey drove out and even watered after I'd finished and thrown down a few seeds.
Now all I have to do is keep an eye out for the root weeds to be making their way back in.
Not so sunny today- and maybe rain tomorrow. Just sorry I didn't finish planting the flowers on the south side of the apron to the garage.
ReplyDeleteSweet Cille;
Too funny that you said that about the top pic. Kelli called to tell me I sent her a virus or something! She was at work so she quick deleted it.
I giggled and re~sent.
I like tulips because they bloom so early compared to other stuff. (Now I "LOVE" daffodils).
Now about those nettles...
I do know about their medicinal qualities. No worries, I will never get rid of them all.
Lots of people are very very allergic to them and suffer a long time.
If they "get" me, I will itch (but not scratch) for about 15 minutes and then they are gone. So no biggie, (but I don't like the pickies much either, even if it is only for 15 minutes or so).
Besides they choke out anything else that even tries to be green where they are.
Now go uncross everything or you will never get to sleep.
John and Brandy wil lfigure it all out. (I hope).
You may humbly think on my page anytime!
ReplyDeleteYes Sweet Stanger, you ARE one of those people that are highly allergic to nettles.
And there have always been those darn ground bees over on that side of the shed.
I might have tossed some sevin down there last year.
It might have worked.
OR, they might just 'bee' around yet.
Now about the Pryes Family...
I believe that one of Johns most endearing qualities is that he doesn't change. He sure raised his 3 girls right too.
...I am still laughing at the weather being on "either side of the Mississippi"
Did you just call me 'stupid' ?
Sweet PeachieBaby!
ReplyDeleteShhh... I am not bizzy, I am working on my farmer tan.
I am laughing at your remark about waiting til the last minute.
That was 90 years ago, not to mention 30 years ago...
Yeah, this would be 'the last minute"...
Now they say they are putting all their available scientist people on creating the vaccine.
There's a kid in Sheboygan, one in Mexico, and lots of horses they could work with.
Still mad...
When John was here yesterday- he works at the big hospital in Appleton, he said he agreed and understood why I was keeping people away. (That, after I had apologized for not hugging them both).
Even 'if' it is dying down now, we sure have learned a lot.
Sweet RT;
ReplyDeleteMama would cut up some sausage, and taters and an onion and fry them all together... It is one of those things that I don't eat a lot- maybe 3 or 4 times a year, but one I gotta have every now and then.
And I used the little onion that was so lonely in it too.
I laughed at the thought of you flashing everyone! You GO, Girl!
Sweet SlurkieBaby!
ReplyDeleteSure hope things have settled down a bit at your home...
Isn't it sad that if they DO have a vaccine that there isn't enough for something like this? Or isn't enough for them to work with to treat people that cannot afford to be exposed in the first place?
After all, we are supposed to be proactive and not reactive.
The hand prints were not my idea- But that same hand kept me from going straight to my knees too. Still hurting here. And my back brace does help some, just not too much. Nor do the pills. dang.
I loved that "math" test. I am quite good at math. And can hold my own with algebra etc, but never did get into all those 'things'. Good math (like 4th grade stuff), I can pretty much do in my head.
Sweet Beep;
ReplyDeleteI already know those things about the flu. Couldn't help but know them after watching this unfold for the past few weeks, but I thank you for posting them too.
Always good to have a refresher for people that are basically healthy to begin with.
In truth, don't think anyone worries about getting the flu, or even the swine flu. But those with ANY kind of compromised immune system will suffer greatly, and obviously quite needlessly too.
******* About the antivirals, tamiflu etc.
Casey canNOT use that to make her better if she gets sick. Her doctor called to discuss that with her last week. Maybe you didn't catch that little (but very important) bit on one of my other entries.
Now see why she HAS TO BE ever so much more careful than Joe Blow down the block?
I have never stopped eating pork- And right now one can get some really great deals on it if you watch your sales flyers in the paper.
ReplyDeletegot a bug?
ReplyDeletedidja get into the nettles?
ReplyDeletea rash perhaps?
don't like your dna where God put it?
ReplyDeleteSounds like it just makes the water go where it's supposed to be!
Of course,
ReplyDeletetaking a picture of "someone" disrobing and doing the 1600 meter dash in record time, (because they got too close to a bees nest) might not be appropriate for posting either.
Still laughing...
Actually my point was that .. in 1976 the vaccine that they had out was worse than the flu itself. I actually didnt post the entire article, believe it or not. People actually died from the vaccine although this article didnt actually say that, but I remember.
ReplyDeleteMiss Casey is an exception to much of this.. I do totally understand that she must be more careful than most of us.
Actually I apparently did miss where she couldnt take the tamiflu or the other one.. But I have never taken that stuff either.. and I have had the flu more than once. But there again.. with her medical history, I would be very wary of taking anything. Heck, I dont have her medical history and Im very wary of taking something just cause..
Doctors dont always pay attention to a persons background or they will prescribe something that may really not be needed or is far too expensive .. or is far too strong for the person.
I have refused medication before and I have made the doctor prescribe something more affordable. I really do pay attention and I know that you guys do as well.
would you believe it was a mistake?
ReplyDeleteI was trying to type a
yet it kept disappearing... I would mutter and redo it... imagine my laughter when the page finally refreshed and I saw THIS instead... I thought to delete, then figured I should share the laugh....
I had more to say but was laughing so hard I forgot what.
I did read that article (actually a few) about the earlier vaccine being deadly to some that had gotten it.
ReplyDeleteAnd I had the 10 o'clock news on too...
They just reported about a Texas lady, 33, who had died today from this virus.
As reported, she was chronically ill too, and probably was one of those that couldn't take the antiviral meds too.
Do you think this doesn't scare the bejeezus out of me?
That and the fact that we have our first positive result in our county.
More to follow I'm sure, and probably by the end of the weekend since not too many things were canceled last weekend...
ReplyDeleteGood morning Anne,
ReplyDeleteI am sorry I dont have time to read "The Path of a Pandemic" right now...but I will return.
Your clearing weeds has motivated me...I wonder if I will bee able to do the same in the rain :)
Love to you.
P.S. Flowers look beautiful, breakfast looks yummy, and I love the shirt :)