[My] Life in Wisconsin

~Pleurisy~ (Diagnosis in Comments) Casey at hospital- Bad chest pain- Pneumothorax ruled out by Xray. They are running a blood test for a possible blood clot. Will be a long hour before she calls with results...


  1. Prayers been sent up for y'all.


  2. She is on her way home now...
    Blood clots ruled out!
    But she has pleurisy. I will look into that in the morning- I am too tired right now.

    Love to all, and to thank you sincerely for all of your offered prayers.


  3. glad shes coming home. Will say a prayer

  4. Pleurisy is something that used to be around a lot years ago. It is something like pneumonia but you need much more rest, if I'm right.
    I remember many people having it and the main thing was lots of rest and meds, of course. The pain is worse than what you would
    get with pneumonia....I guess it's best to google it!!! LOL My memory sucks!!! :)

    Praying and sending hugs & blessings to you all. Let us know how she is tomorrow.
    Love ya,
    Bev xo

  5. I pray things are ok. But that pleurisy can make you feel like your having a heart attack!

  6. Yes, it is pleurisy and they did recommend LOTS of rest so I guess I know what I'll be doing the next few days!!

    The majority of the pain exists because that's the side they had to remove the top part of the lung. There are permanent staples on that lung and with the irritation of the chest wall and swelling, it can put pressure and pull on the staples... This is what caused the pain/breathing issues...

    This is probably what has been causing the fever for the past two weeks also. Isaiah had bronchitis and I probably got that from him or caught some other bug that brought on the pleurisy...

    However I got it, I am better for now. They gave me an intramuscular injection of Toridol which is a very mild pain reliever, close to ibuprofen, and that seemed to help. He also told me to keep the vicodin prescription handy for the severe pain but if that doesn't take the pain away or if I get short of breath to go in immediately...

    I'm very relieved that nothing too major is going on... Painful, yes... But it's a walk in the park compared to pancreatitis attacks so I think I can manage this with ease!!

    Love to all! To Mommy: Love you MUCH MUCH!

  7. Glad for Casey it's "only" pleurisy. REST, REST, REST. Mom, sit on her if you have too.

  8. Great to hear from you Casey and I'll be the first to say, GET TO BED!!!! haha You really don't want to aggravate this and cause more pain. I'm so sorry that you had
    to get this too. Seems like you can't get away from "stuff"!! But, you are such an optimist!! It's wonderful to read what you write. I, on the other hand, am getting
    to be a pain in the neck since I passed 60!!! This just isn't me and I have to find myself under all this other junk I have picked up through the years. I need to get my
    body slimmed down and some health issues cleared up. Maybe then I'll get back a little bit of what I lost somewhere!! LOL I should of done this so long ago, but I
    wouldn't listen. I think I've been in denial for the last ten years!!! :)

    Hope you can find a comfy way to sleep and have a good night.

    Love & prayers,
    Bev xo

  9. Glad that it was minor so to speak.... and it was nice "tweeting" with you earlier... set my mind at rest quickly.

    Now, lecture time... immune systems are not easily rebuildable... stay away from sick people no matter HOW tempting until you get a bit stronger....



  10. OK all things considered, this diagnosis is nothing compared to what it could have been!

    About 10 years ago I had a bout of pleurisy. It hurt, ALOT. Made taking deep breaths very painful. It took about a week or maybe a lil longer to get over. That was with takin' meds and resting...


    Hope that website helps answer the questions you may have...

    Love Ya!

  11. My sister had pleurisy.. she was down for a couple of weeks and then right back at it. Glad to hear it was nothing more serious..and what a great attitude she has with it.

  12. Good to hear you're ok , so to speak.
    Get your rest.

  13. Thank you all again! (And "Good Morning" to everyone as well)!
    I am especially happy that Casey came online last night after I had gone to sleep...

    Your love. Your concern. And your prayers. They all mean the world to me.

    This from Bugs link

    What Causes Pleurisy?

    Viral infection is probably the most common cause of pleurisy. Other causes include the following:

    * Lung infections, such as pneumonia and tuberculosis
    * Other diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus (lupus), rheumatoid arthritis, cancer, liver diseases, and pulmonary embolism
    * Chest injuries
    * Drug reactions

    Pleurisy and pleural effusion are generally only as serious as the underlying disease causing it.
    ...Sorry. Had to giggle when it came to lupus. (If you watch "House" it's never lupus)...

    But wonder now if this will be recurring because she has those 'forever' staples on the top of her lung from her 3 lung surgeries (prior to her pancreatitis crap)...

    Love to all.


  14. Holy Crap Slurk!!!
    Did you read the link you sent?!?! Did you see what it said under 'organ failures'???
    How freakin' weird is that????????????


    * The Pleura is a sac surrounding the lungs. It consists of two layers, one covering the lung (visceral), while the other covers the inside of the chest wall or rib cage (parietal). Between the two layers is a space in which a small amount of fluid circulates to lubricate the two surfaces as they slide over one another during breathing.
    * Pleurisy refers to the inflammation (irritation, swelling, stickiness) of the pleura. Pleurisy is not a disease, but a symptom of another condition (e.g., virus or bacterial infection).
    * Inflammation of the pleura can lead to fluid build up (between the two layers) known as pleural effusion. During inflammation, sticky, fibrous material accumulates over the pleural surfaces, resulting in the layers rubbing against (friction rub) each other during breathing, and causing chest pain. Sometimes the inflammation is dry (i.e., dry pleurisy).

    * Fever
    * Cough
    * Chills
    * Shortness of breath
    * Weight loss
    * Poor appetite
    * Sharp chest pain with breathing. Pain can limit the movement on the side of the chest with pleurisy.
    * Rapid shallow breaths
    * Inability to take a deep breath due to chest pain

    * Infections:

    1. Viruses
    2. Bacteria
    3. Parasites
    4. Fungi
    5. Mycoplasma
    6. Tuberculosis

    * Connective tissue diseases:

    1. Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
    2. Rheumatoid Arthritis

    * Organ failures:

    1. Pancreatitis
    2. Liver failure -- Cirrhosis
    3. Kidney or renal failure -- uremia, nephritic syndrome

    * Cancers:

    1. Breast Cancer
    2. Bronchogenic Carcinoma

    * Chemicals:

    - Asbestos

  15. I remember when my grandmother contracted Pleurisy while she was traveling over in Europe. Once she got home (about a week after she was diagnosed) she was in so much pain and her ribs hurt so bad every time she coughed or sneezed, this went on for about six months. I remember her saying it felt like she had broken ribs. I'm sure they must have better medications to fight Pleurisy now, compared to 40 years ago, even so, I hope Casey follows her doctor's orders and gets plenty of rest - a week or two of bed rest at the very least!

  16. Auwww... Sorry I've been away... Glad to hear Casey is on the mend now and that you're able to rest a bit.
    Both of you will be in my thoughts & prayers. Big hugs!

  17. Prayers going out - glad to hear the update from Casey - how scary.

  18. Poor girl, I too had pleurisy a few years back. Mine was pnuemonia induced. Man I remember how bad it hurt to breath, laugh, cough, yawn ...

  19. This must run the gamut in families and such because my mom had it - (And if it is caused by all these nonspecific viruses, then THAT would make sense!
    Mom was pretty curtailed by her flareups, but always had supper on the table too... (Just added a few more naps 'till it went away). She was diagnosed in her 40's, living with this 'til she died at 82).
    Usually the winter temps did it for her, although she did get sick in all seasons, it was just more prevalent in Winter


  20. I get it with the chronic lung crap i get... It hurts like hell... Casey's being caused by a non-movable irritation must be way worse.

    I can only hope that like other things, her staples will eventually sacr and so won't cause so much irritataion.

  21. Sending prayers to Casey for a speedy recovery.
    Make sure she GETS the rest she NEEDS!
    You know how she is... NOTHING keeps her down!
    Tie her down to that bed if you have to! HEHEHE
    .....I'm sure she'll follow the Dr's orders.
    It makes me sad that she's always got one
    thing or another happening to her.
    She is a STRONG young woman though,
    and she always pulls through it all.

    Lots of love to all of you~ Susan XOXOXO

  22. Sending prayers to Casey for a speedy recovery.
    Make sure she GETS the rest she NEEDS!
    You know how she is... NOTHING keeps her down!
    Tie her down to that bed if you have to! HEHEHE
    .....I'm sure she'll follow the Dr's orders.
    It makes me sad that she's always got one
    thing or another happening to her.
    She is a STRONG young woman though,
    and she always pulls through it all.

    Lots of love to all of you~ Susan XOXOXO
