[My] Life in Wisconsin

~H1N1 Flu~ U.S. Situation Update CDC


The 2009 influenza pandemic has spread internationally with unprecedented speed. In past pandemics, influenza viruses have needed more than six months to spread as widely as the new H1N1 virus has spread in less than six weeks.

Novel H1N1 Flu Situation Update
July 31, 2009, 11:00 AM ET

Map: Weekly Influenza Activity Estimates Reported by State and Territorial Epidemiologists
(Activity levels indicate geographic spread of both seasonal and novel influenza A [H1N1] viruses)
(Posted July 31, 2009, 1:30 PM ET, for Week Ending July 25, 2009)


*(If your state is now counted in "regions" here is that US map).

Percentage of Visits for Influenza-like Illness (ILI) Reported by the U.S. Outpatient Influenza-like Illness Surveillance Network (ILINet), National Summary 2008-2009 and Previous Two Seasons
(Posted July 31, 2009, 1:30 PM ET, for Week Ending July 25, 2009)


Changes in reporting requirements for pandemic (H1N1) 2009 virus infection
Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 briefing note 3 (revised)
(From here): http://www.who.int/en/

16 JULY 2009 | GENEVA -- As the 2009 pandemic evolves, the data needed for risk assessment, both within affected countries and at the global level, are also changing.

At this point, further spread of the pandemic, within affected countries and to new countries, is considered inevitable.

This assumption is fully backed by experience. The 2009 influenza pandemic has spread internationally with unprecedented speed. In past pandemics, influenza viruses have needed more than six months to spread as widely as the new H1N1 virus has spread in less than six weeks.

The increasing number of cases in many countries with sustained community transmission is making it extremely difficult, if not impossible, for countries to try and confirm them through laboratory testing. Moreover, the counting of individual cases is now no longer essential in such countries for monitoring either the level or nature of the risk posed by the pandemic virus or to guide implementation of the most appropriate response measures.
Monitoring still needed

This pandemic has been characterized, to date, by the mildness of symptoms in the overwhelming majority of patients, who usually recover, even without medical treatment, within a week of the onset of symptoms. However, there is still an ongoing need in all countries to closely monitor unusual events, such as clusters of cases of severe or fatal pandemic (H1N1) 2009 virus infection, clusters of respiratory illness requiring hospitalization, or unexplained or unusual clinical patterns associated with serious or fatal cases.

Other potential signals of change in the currently prevailing pattern include unexpected, unusual or notable changes in patterns of transmission. Signals to be vigilant for include spikes in rates of absenteeism from schools or workplaces, or a more severe disease pattern, as suggested by, for example, a surge in emergency department visits.

In general, indications that health services are having difficulty coping with cases mean that such systems are under stress but they may also be a signal of increasing cases or a more severe clinical picture.

A strategy that concentrates on the detection, laboratory confirmation and investigation of all cases, including those with mild illness, is extremely resource-intensive. In some countries, this strategy is absorbing most national laboratory and response capacity, leaving little capacity for the monitoring and investigation of severe cases and other exceptional events.
Regular updates on newly affected countries

For all of these reasons, WHO will no longer issue the global tables showing the numbers of confirmed cases for all countries. However, as part of continued efforts to document the global spread of the H1N1 pandemic, regular updates will be provided describing the situation in the newly affected countries. WHO will continue to request that these countries report the first confirmed cases and, as far as feasible, provide weekly aggregated case numbers and descriptive epidemiology of the early cases.

For countries already experiencing community-wide transmission, the focus of surveillance activities will shift to reporting against the established indicators for the monitoring of seasonal influenza activity. Those countries are no longer required to submit regular reports of individual laboratory-confirmed cases to WHO.

Monitoring the virological characteristics of the pandemic virus will be important throughout the pandemic and some countries have well-established laboratory-based surveillance systems in place already for seasonal influenza virus monitoring. Even in countries with limited laboratory capacity, WHO recommends that the initial virological assessment is followed by the testing of at least 10 samples per week in order to confirm that disease activity is due to the pandemic virus and to monitor changes in the virus that may be important for case management and vaccine development.

Updated WHO guidelines for global surveillance reflect in greater detail these recommended changes, in line with reporting requirements set out in the International Health Regulations.

Pandemic influenza in pregnant women

Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 briefing note 5

31 JULY 2009 | GENEVA -- Research conducted in the USA and published 29 July in The Lancet [1] has drawn attention to an increased risk of severe or fatal illness in pregnant women when infected with the H1N1 pandemic virus.

Several other countries experiencing widespread transmission of the pandemic virus have similarly reported an increased risk in pregnant women, particularly during the second and third trimesters of pregnancy. An increased risk of fetal death or spontaneous abortions in infected women has also been reported.
Increased risk for pregnant women

Evidence from previous pandemics further supports the conclusion that pregnant women are at heightened risk.

While pregnant women are also at increased risk during epidemics of seasonal influenza, the risk takes on added importance in the current pandemic, which continues to affect a younger age group than that seen during seasonal epidemics.

WHO strongly recommends that, in areas where infection with the H1N1 virus is widespread, pregnant women, and the clinicians treating them, be alert to symptoms of influenza-like illness.
WHO recommendations for treatment

Treatment with the antiviral drug oseltamivir should be administered as soon as possible after symptom onset. As the benefits of oseltamivir are greatest when administered within 48 hours after symptom onset, clinicians should initiate treatment immediately and not wait for the results of laboratory tests.

While treatment within 48 hours of symptom onset brings the greatest benefits, later initiation of treatment may also be beneficial. Clinical benefits associated with oseltamivir treatment include a reduced risk of pneumonia (one of the most frequently reported causes of death in infected people) and a reduced need for hospitalization.

WHO has further recommended that, when pandemic vaccines become available, health authorities should consider making pregnant women a priority group for immunization.
Danger signs in all patients

Worldwide, the majority of patients infected with the pandemic virus continue to experience mild symptoms and recover fully within a week, even in the absence of any medical treatment. Monitoring of viruses from multiple outbreaks has detected no evidence of change in the ability of the virus to spread or to cause severe illness.

In addition to the enhanced risk documented in pregnant women, groups at increased risk of severe or fatal illness include people with underlying medical conditions, most notably chronic lung disease (including asthma), cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and immunosuppression. Some preliminary studies suggest that obesity, and especially extreme obesity, may be a risk factor for more severe disease.

Within this largely reassuring picture, a small number of otherwise healthy people, usually under the age of 50 years, experience very rapid progression to severe and often fatal illness, characterized by severe pneumonia that destroys the lung tissue, and the failure of multiple organs. No factors that can predict this pattern of severe disease have yet been identified, though studies are under way.

Clinicians, patients, and those providing home-based care need to be alert to danger signs that can signal progression to more severe disease.
As progression can be very rapid, medical attention should be sought when any of the following danger signs appear in a person with confirmed or suspected H1N1 infection:

* shortness of breath, either during physical activity or while resting
* difficulty in breathing
* turning blue
* bloody or coloured sputum
* chest pain
* altered mental status
* high fever that persists beyond 3 days
* low blood pressure.

In children, danger signs include fast or difficult breathing, lack of alertness, difficulty in waking up, and little or no desire to play.


[1] Jamiesan DG et al. H1N1 2009 influenza virus infection during pregnancy in the USA. Lancet 2009; published online July 29, 2009

Sault Ste. Marie- And Her People!


It's raining!
And has been since early morning!

Good Late Lazy Afternoon!
We came home from The Soo to the fact that it had rained also. More is needed for the crops and for the water tables. As they said on the news this morning, it is still a "moderate drought"- So every little bit helps...

*Better grab a cup of coffee, I might have gotten a little long-winded.
Back to our trip to Sault Ste. Marie aka "The Soo"..

This is the back of Grandma Rose's home. This is where my birthfather was born on Christmas Day 'way back when. (They also had a place on Sugar Island where they would reside during the warmer weather).

Dummy that I am,
I never did take a picture of the front, and the new porch Uncle Chum put on.

I may have put that on an earlier entry though...

This is my Uncle Chum...
OK...  I will concede that the above picture was taken last year... or so.
Here he is!
Uncle Chum last week.

Uncle Chum and I
We got there on Wednesday- It was the last full day that my cousin Jerry, his wife Maria, and his daughter Kathy, were there. They live in Pennsylvania, and had come to Sugar Island for vacation!
SO nice to see them again- (Missing is oldest daughter Kelly who has just graduated from Chefs School).
Casey, Maria, Kathy, and Jerry!
Acting silly!

Maria's shirt says,
"All men are idiots. I married their king."
Sassy. Sassy. Sassy. 

I surely did not envy them their drive home- wanting to get to Pennsylvania before pulling off for the night-  They called Uncle Chum the next afternoon and were home safe and sound!

My cousin Tiffany (affectionately known to me as "BUTTERCUP"), came to visit a few times!
She is always so energetic, having such a great sense of humor!
Home only for the Summer, she leaves next week to go back to Colorado. She is a teacher.

Her only downfall is that she is not a Green Bay Packers fan... hehehe

Buttercup!  And ready for a class reunion!
(She crashed it). hehehe
Here she is with her nephew Andrew! They were off bumming that day- A visit to her dads place, then off for ice cream too!  Andrew has a twin that stayed at Rose's house that day while his mama worked.
This is my cousin Rose- Buttercups mama...
Rose, on her birthday!
They had taken the boys fishing at the park by Clyde's Diner.

♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday Dear Rosie,
I hope it was sweet!

♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
They had taken the boys fishing at the park by Clyde's Diner.

Tiffany and her mama.

Sometimes, when you are only 5, things get messed up with your fishing pole.

Rose went over to see if she could help...
Nathan and Rose
But then it was time to show brother Andrew and see if he could help.
And he really tried to help, showing him how it was together...
Andrew helping his brother Nathan
This is one of the very best pictures I have ever taken ~contentwise.
Sorry it is so blurry.
Blurry but precious!
I have other pictures, but boy oh boy, none so grand as that one.

I took a few pictures OF pictures in the house while I was there-
A daguerreotype of my grandfathers ship when he was in the navy- The USS Lake Gakona in The English Channel. (At least I think that it is a
daguerreotype; it is very shiny and metallic).
At any rate the picture would not turn out no matter how I changed settings on my camera. Next trip I will have to make a copy of it if possible.  SO COOL!

I took a picture of my grandparents and a new car!

I have seen this photo many times, and it always makes me smile!
(I would have framed it too)!
Looks like it might have even been for an advertisement, or the like...

I must close for now-
Will try to post a bit tomorrow to finish off our trip- (Including the pics of the people that were there in spirit too)...

Such a nice day today with the rain- it has gone for now- News said 1/10th of an inch, but like I said above, every little bit helps!

Kelli has just called- Her and Mr Miller will be stopping over shortly

Love to all- Have a "wunnaful" evening!


"Recipe" for Warshing Clothes...


Years ago an Alabama grandmother gave the new bride the following
recipe. This is an exact copy as written and found in an old scrapbook, spelling errors and all.


Build fire in backyard to heat kettle of rain water. Set tubs so smoke
wont blow in eyes if wind is pert. Shave one hole cake of lie soap in
boilin water.

Sort things, make 3 piles

** 1 pile white,
** 1 pile colored,
** 1 pile work britches and rags.

To make starch, stir flour in cool water to smooth, then thin down with
boiling water.

Take white things, rub dirty spots on board, scrub hard, and boil, then rub colored don't boil just wrench and starch.

Take things out of kettle with broom stick handle, then wrench, and

Hang old rags on fence.

Spread tea towels on grass.

Pore wrench water in flower bed.
Scrub porch with hot soapy water.

Turn tubs upside down.

Go put on clean dress, smooth hair with hair combs..
Brew cup of tea, sit and rock a spell and count your blessings.


Paste this over your washer and dryer.

Next time when you think things are bleak, read it again, kiss that washing machine and dryer, and give thanks. First thing each morning you should run and hug your washer and dryer.
Maybe also your toilet---those two-holers used to get mighty cold!


Thank you Auntie!


Addressing the Masses (Respecting My Blog)...

Good Day All;
Before I post a new blog about our trip to "The Soo", I believe I must address the situation within my previous posted link. (Perhaps I should add this to my "about me" also)?

The greenish highlights below are only a part of a blog I had written years back...

I am finding it very hard to be keeping up with everyone, and apologize for this- Yet I do wish to be thanking everyone that has asked to be added as my friend too.

I have denied but a few people- on the grounds that I will never add an empty/closed page, or one without a photo; save for my personal friends and relatives.

I am hoping that you will know me as kind, compassionate, caring; (and halfway creative ~at times anyway)-

I have many positive energies- as well as a few negative ones- (we all possess those and work on them daily).

I am active.

I am not afraid to sweat or to get my hands dirty- (although I wish never to get my name dirty).

I love and respect animals, (and yes, I abhor spiders).

I can run hot, cold, ---and every conceivable degree inbetween--- (I reserve my hottest for the most appropriate times-, and know when to be absolutely cold also).

I do NOT tolerate immorality.

I do NOT tolerate drunks, druggies, liars, thieves, or cheats. (Or bloggers that, having NO life of their own, can only gossip and lie)...

I do NOT abide suffering or pain; especially that kind brought on by someone who is supposed to love you with all their being- heart and soul. Nor whether it is physical, mental, psychological, (or even just imagined).

Simply put,
Pain is pain. ..
Suffering is suffering.

As stated, please keep in mind that you need not agree with me on it all.
(Personally), I have a tendency to celebrate our differences, and not whine about them...

And yeah, I really AM the person I have written about. (Kinda boring that way too)! 

Originally blogged, Wednesday August 16, 2006 - 07:24am

We are all adults.

  • I can handle honest~to~goodness, good~natured ribbing, as I believe most of you can as well. Yet when it morphs into surly garbage, I am hurt.

  • I ask that you not be writing profanity or otherwise raunchy or really offensive stuff within my pages.

  • I ask that nothing be "stolen" "borrowed" from me without my permission. (This includes my own words and photos).

  • Know that if you "put yourself out there" and open yourself up, you may be written back at. (After all, that IS the purpose of commenting on my things, is it not)?

  • As always, and without exception, you are welcomed to disagree within any of my blogs, or links or reviews.
    Please just do it nicely

(The key word in all of the above is "my").

Casey is known to be very, very, fair.
She is also known to be very very passionate.
But there naturally comes a time when that 'level' of hers gets tipped, and all hell breaks loose.
This has happened to one person previously within our Yahoo! 360~Blogs.
I made no apologies for her comments then. I won't do it now.
Actually I do not think I have ever apologized for anyone that has stuck up for me, ever.

Know, and respect, that there is a huge difference between fighting and disagreeing.
There's a big difference between ignorant and "just plain st00pid" too. And I haven't called ANYone names in a bad way; (not with that last sentence, nor ever).
You will never have to ask if I am angry. I promise you will "know".

Should problems arise, please do the right thing, and just ask.
Since I comment "right backatcha" on most of my posts, it will not take long for me to address any issue you might believe you have.
(And I honestly do think of myself as a halfway intelligent and decent person).

Furthermore, I generally do not write what I may link to, save for the links within my blogs that ask you to reread something (see linked words above).
  • 99.9% of what I link to is NOT written by me.

Last but not least, it really is MY blog.
I reserve the right to write, post, blog, (and talk back), as I choose, w
ithin my pages.
Please see the empty boxes below. They really
are there for YOU!

I am done with this rant for now.

And NOW, on to my next real blog, (which should be posted within the hour).


Coffee Co. Tea Affected by Milk Product Recall

Fireside Coffee Co. Swartz Creek, MI is recalling all Fireside Chai Tea that contains dry milk produced by Plainview Milk Products after June 2007. Plainview Milk Products of Plainview, MN has recalled its instant non-fat dry milk because of potential Salmonella contamination. No illnesses have been reported to date in connection with this problem.

The Fireside Coffee Co. Chai Tea affected by this recall was distributed nationwide in retail stores, through mail orders and at art fairs. The Chai tea under recall comes in the following four flavors: Spiced, Chocolate, Vanilla and Decaf Vanilla. All four flavors come in a variety of package sizes including a 12oz. box, a 1 lb. sampling bag, 5 lb. bulk packages and single serving packets. The lot number is printed on the bag for each package size and only the following lot numbers are included:

1LB SAMPLING BAG: D81732157/58/33
12OZ BOX: (UPC: 7-61167-60522-3) A82432157,B827I32156/57, D80932156/57, E8022133/58/32, J831VCHAI32155, L804VCHAI32154, A916VCHAI32216
5LB BAG: C81432158, D81732157/58/33, J831VCHAI32155, A929VCHAI32216
SINGLE SERVE PACKET: (UPC: 7-61167-30522-2) 8311/31255, 8312/31255/35, 8312/31255/3

12OZ BOX: (UPC: 7-61167-61508-6) A916DVCH32215
SINGLE SERVE PACKET: (UPC: 7-61167-31508-5) 8311/32129/205

1LB SAMPLING BAG: A83132163/37/38, B801I32137/63/38, D83032141/40, A930CHOCOCHAI32160
12OZ BOX: (UPC: 7-61167-60523-0) A80432162, A81132141/62, A82432137/63, A83132163/37/38, D80932138/63, D82432162/63/38/41, J830CHOCOCHAI32209/139, K812CHOCOCHAI32209/161, L804CHOCOCHAI32160, B917CHOCOCHAI32160/59
5LB BAG: A82432137/63, J814CHOCOCHAI32159, K812CHOCOCHAI32209/161, A929CHOCOCHAI32160
SINGLE SERVE PACKET: (UPC: 7-61167-30523-9) 8215/32209/08

1LB SAMPLING BAG: L70432148/49, B80632148/52/53, D81132150, D83032145, A930SPICEDCHAI32219
12OZ BOX: (UPC: 7-61167-60524-7) A80332147, A81132148, A82432148/47, B80632148/52/53, B80832152/51, B81332151, D81032151/50, J824SPICEDCHAI32207, J830SPICEDCHAI32207/06, J831SPICEDCHAI32206, K810SPICEDCHAI32146/207, K811SPICEDCHAI32146/47/207, K819SPICEDCHAI32147, A908SPICEDCHAI32220
5LB BAG: K72732149, A80732149, A82432148/47, B80632148/52/53, F81932147, K811SPICEDCHAI32146/47/207, A908SPICEDCHAI32220
SINGLE SERVE PACKET: (UPC: 7-61167-30524-6)8312/32206

Consumers who have purchased Fireside Chai Tea with one of the lot numbers listed above should not consume the product and may call 800-344-5282 (M-F from 9:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m.) to discuss how to return the recalled tea.

Angie Root, 800-344-5282
Fireside Coffee Company, Inc.
3239 Elms Rd.
Swartz Creek, MI 48473


Many Eyes (Earmarks).


Click the link above... Check your own state.
Truly, Ms Palin, I would have stepped down too.


Day One of Our Trip to Sault Sainte Marie, Michigan

Good Afternoon!
Casey and I left last week, heading to The Soo.
We made it to St. Ignace that first day- Her tummy and my back refusing to travel that last hour, and knowing we had already pushed it for the day...

We would have stayed at the Kewadin Hotel, but they had recently changed their pet~friendly policy. So... on down the road. We stayed at a little motel- (Can't even remember the name of it right now), but the gal that ran it is one in a million! 
Punk~friendly too!

AND, a mere 20 steps or so away from this...

Lake Huron, Sunrise.
Can you feel it? Hear it? Smell it?

Neither Casey nor myself had really eaten anything- Casey had a sandwich for lunch, but it was time to eat a bit more...

Casey- enjoying her steak!
(Sorry, obviously I didn't have the flash on)...

Only one little wrench in the works came when I had an anxiety attack smack dab in the middle of supper-
We asked for some doggie bags and finished our meal at the motel..

After a night of relaxation, and listening to the beach, I woke about 7 to let Punk out.
We walked down on the beach... But it wasn't time to go in yet.
She had to investigate a bit...

She adored the smells of the campfire!

And also loved going through the tall grasses
She found one little patch that she loved the most...
By then it was high time to take off the leash and the collar...
And she ran and ran through the waves...
And the other way too!
But this would be even MORE fun when Casey got a stick...
A few tosses nearer to the shore, and then she flung it out really far...

Heart attack central--- That darn dog even went under a few times.
(I remember thinking that I would rescue her with a cane and a back brace on).

Guess Punk was just finding that stick!
And back she came for more and more!
Tiring her out, and now having a chance to slow my heart rate, we went back to the table outside the room and dried her off with the doggie towels the lady had given us.
Time to do her ears also.

Right next door to us was another couple of travelers from down Cadillac way.
They had their dog too.
Her name is "Babe".
Such a nice reminder of Miss Milly too.
Especially when she looked right at me...
Please do not think that amiable dog posture lasted long.
Not sure who touched who, but of a sudden there were many growling noises.
(I didn't know that Casey could move that fast either)! hehehe

But all's well that ends well.
The pups made up, and we three were off to The Soo!
(Much more later)...

Love to all


Very Important Question

Posting this while my pics are uploading...

--------- If you saw me in a police car what would you think I got arrested for?


Cool Prayer!

Just received this in my email. (Thank you Duane).




I want to thank you for what you have already done.
I am not going to wait until I see results or receive rewards,
I am thanking you right now.

I am not going to wait until I feel better or things look better,
I am thanking you right now.

I am not going to wait until people say they are sorry or
until they stop talking about me,
I am thanking you right now.

I am not going to wait until the pain in my body disappears,
I am thanking you right now.

I am not going to wait until my financial situation improves,
I am going to thank you right now.

I am not going to wait until the children are asleep and
the house is quiet,
I am going to thank you right now.

I am not going to wait until I get promoted at work or
until I get the job,
I am going to thank you right now.

I am not going to wait until I understand every
experience in my life that has caused me pain or grief,
I am going thank you right now.

I am not going to wait until the journey gets easier or
the challenges are removed.
I am thanking you right now.

I am thanking you because I am alive,
so I may continue being your vessel
I am thanking you because
I made it through the day's difficulties.
I am thanking you because
I have walked around the obstacles.

I am thanking you because I have the ability
and the opportunity to do more and do better.
I am thanking you because
You have not given up on me.

I am home... But for now must go mow a few weeds. Love to all. XOXO, Me

Oh-Bla-Di ~ Oh-Bla-Dah

Good Afternoon;
Methinks I am almost caught up with my blogs for a while.
We were to be headed to Sault Ste. Marie today. (Didn't work out that way though).

I am sitting here after trying to get all of my wash done before leaving. 
Little things that I just want clean for when we get back. 

Randy came out yesterday-
Punk needs this rough and tumble play so badly

He also said he would finish up my drains today.
And here I am, just cooling my heels, and waiting.  Grrr...   MEN!
Oh well.
To know we wanted to leave though- (Just p*sses me off, big~time).

We had court last week on Master Gabriel's behalf. 
Casey arriving at the courthouse...
Same as last month when Chuck was given all rights to Baby Sam, Roberta chose to not even show up.
While it helps everyone's cause (especially Gabriel's), that she didn't show, I am still astounded how parents can just leave a child...
I do believe there is a special place in hell for those with the "out of sight, out of mind" thought process.

She has given birth 3 times. 
She has had her parental rights terminated with all three, deservedly so.
Is it right for a grandmother to feel this way? Probably not; but I am actually happy for the boys.

With the exception of Master Gabriel, they live with their dads-
These men have stepped up to that proverbial parental plate and have done right by their sons, my grandbabies.
I am very proud of these young men.

Master Gabriels foster parents want so much to adopt him. I pray they succeed.
They are good and decent people, and he has been welcomed into their family, truly loved and cared for, and finally knows what a real family is about. 

We stopped by their home after court by to tell Miss Kristin how everything went.
The next step will be to ensure he stays with them on a forever basis. I believe they have all the proper papers already in order.

Everyone was outside!

Here she is with their "triplets"  hehehe
.She reminds me of my mom.

The following day I did something I should not have done-
(But all this "taking it easy" and "complete rest", etc. is driving me freakin' batty).

Casey and I had found some mulberries up here-
(I have 3 trees up here, and more back by the woods). 
There were a few berries that the deer had not touched, the rest for the birds being too high up to reach.
But there were just not enough left from the deer for our watering taste buds.

So we piled in the car and headed for the woods-  
-(insert sigh)... 
The tree back there wasn't even close to being ripe!

So... As long as we were to the woods, and as long as Casey felt well enough to go down the ravines, then by God, so did I.

We have had little rain for a long time. Not only do we need it for the crops, but even the river needs a bath too.  That does TOO make sense!
(Everything, including rivers, kinda gets a little icky with no fresh rain).
Casey found a skeleton to something or another...

But stinky there too, so she threw it back.

She played a very cute peek~a~boo too.

A ton of water spiders...
Punk feels it her 'duty' to chase them too.
But she doesn't always get them either...
For obvious reasons, I didn't want to have to go back up either. 
Somehow, Punk knew this.
(If Casey had not been along, there is NO WAY you would even believe what I am going to write next):

Punk went up to the top as I slowly made my way up. Odd because she is generally right at my side. She even left Casey's side to go to the top!

She came back with a stick.
I had no idea what she was doing as she kept forcing that stick in my direction...


She proceeded to pull me up the rest of the way!

With God as my witness, that is exactly what she did.
I am so blessed by this little dog.

The weather has been raunchy-
Chilly- and yes we did get a few spots of rain. (We need much more).

Uh-Oh, Randy has just pulled in...

All of you with the 100+ temps might want to look away for a moment...

So that is what we have had in our neck of the woods.
That it feels strange to not be complaining about the heat is an understatement. I am always the 1st to whine about the heat and humidity; and here I am saying it is chilly in July,
(and praying for 100% humidity to fall on our heads for a few days).

I honestly don't remember the last time I mowed the lawns- They are brown, dried, and shriveled, except for the weeds of course. 
And those weeds need mowing.
There is no grass.
....... Not that I care to be on the rider anyway.

I made some stuffed green pepper casserole yesterday...

(Nope. Didn't use this one)...  

I was completely nauseated when that one slipped out of its bag.
The 'splat' and the splatter just sounded SO gross!.

Casey stopped at the store on her way out and picked up some fresh green peppers.
Dang. Now I am hungry ~as I hear the leftovers calling my name~

Love to all


I think I should enclose this picture for my sister-
Sorry Barbara, I kept forgetting...


Bobbé, at the same age as Big Sam is now.

Written on the back by my mom:
"Bobbé, on her favorite diet!"
Here is Big Sam now


You might be right!
(I am old and I might have forgotten). 

Do you think they look the same?
