Good Afternoon;
Methinks I am almost caught up with my blogs for a while.
We were to be headed to Sault Ste. Marie today. (Didn't work out that way though).
I am sitting here after trying to get all of my wash done before leaving. Little things that I just want clean for when we get back.
Randy came out yesterday-
He also said he would finish up my drains today.
And here I am, just cooling my heels, and waiting. Grrr... MEN!
Oh well.
To know we wanted to leave though- (Just p*sses me off, big~time).
We had court last week on Master Gabriel's behalf.
Same as last month when Chuck was given all rights to Baby Sam, Roberta chose to not even show up.
While it helps everyone's cause (especially Gabriel's), that she didn't show, I am still astounded how parents can just leave a child...
I do believe there is a special place in hell for those with the "out of sight, out of mind" thought process.
She has given birth 3 times.
She has had her parental rights terminated with all three, deservedly so.
Is it right for a grandmother to feel this way? Probably not; but I am actually happy for the boys.
With the exception of Master Gabriel, they live with their dads-
These men have stepped up to that proverbial parental plate and have done right by their sons, my grandbabies.
I am very proud of these young men.
Master Gabriels foster parents want so much to adopt him. I pray they succeed.
They are good and decent people, and he has been welcomed into their family, truly loved and cared for, and finally knows what a real family is about.
We stopped by their home after court by to tell Miss Kristin how everything went.
The next step will be to ensure he stays with them on a forever basis. I believe they have all the proper papers already in order.
Everyone was outside!
Here she is with their "triplets" hehehe
.She reminds me of my mom.
The following day I did something I should not have done-
(But all this "taking it easy" and "complete rest", etc. is driving me freakin' batty).
Casey and I had found some mulberries up here-
(I have 3 trees up here, and more back by the woods).
There were a few berries that the deer had not touched, the rest for the birds being too high up to reach.
But there were just not enough left from the deer for our watering taste buds.
So we piled in the car and headed for the woods-
-(insert sigh)... The tree back there wasn't even close to being ripe!
So... As long as we were to the woods, and as long as Casey felt well enough to go down the ravines, then by God, so did I.
We have had little rain for a long time. Not only do we need it for the crops, but even the river needs a bath too. That does TOO make sense!
(Everything, including rivers, kinda gets a little icky with no fresh rain).
Casey found a skeleton to something or another...
But stinky there too, so she threw it back.
She played a very cute peek~a~boo too.
A ton of water spiders...
Punk feels it her 'duty' to chase them too.
But she doesn't always get them either...
For obvious reasons, I didn't want to have to go back up either.
Somehow, Punk knew this.
(If Casey had not been along, there is NO WAY you would even believe what I am going to write next):
Punk went up to the top as I slowly made my way up. Odd because she is generally right at my side. She even left Casey's side to go to the top!
She came back with a stick.
I had no idea what she was doing as she kept forcing that stick in my direction...
She proceeded to pull me up the rest of the way!
With God as my witness, that is exactly what she did.
I am so blessed by this little dog.
The weather has been raunchy- With God as my witness, that is exactly what she did.
I am so blessed by this little dog.
Chilly- and yes we did get a few spots of rain. (We need much more).
Uh-Oh, Randy has just pulled in...
All of you with the 100+ temps might want to look away for a moment...
So that is what we have had in our neck of the woods.
That it feels strange to not be complaining about the heat is an understatement. I am always the 1st to whine about the heat and humidity; and here I am saying it is chilly in July,
(and praying for 100% humidity to fall on our heads for a few days).
I honestly don't remember the last time I mowed the lawns- They are brown, dried, and shriveled, except for the weeds of course.
And those weeds need mowing.
There is no grass.
....... Not that I care to be on the rider anyway.
I made some stuffed green pepper casserole yesterday...
(Nope. Didn't use this one)... 
I was completely nauseated when that one slipped out of its bag.
The 'splat' and the splatter just sounded SO gross!.
.I was completely nauseated when that one slipped out of its bag.
The 'splat' and the splatter just sounded SO gross!.
Casey stopped at the store on her way out and picked up some fresh green peppers.
Dang. Now I am hungry ~as I hear the leftovers calling my name~
Love to all
I think I should enclose this picture for my sister-
Sorry Barbara, I kept forgetting...
Bobbé, at the same age as Big Sam is now.
Written on the back by my mom:
"Bobbé, on her favorite diet!"
Written on the back by my mom:
"Bobbé, on her favorite diet!"
Punk cracks me up in that water and what good care she takes of you, I'm not surprised one bit by her actions, she loves you. Gawwwwwd what I wouldnt do for weather in the 60's at this moment, however thats our winter temp, so it all evens out in the end huh. I love the pic of Casey in the tree, you are such a good photographer. and I am so enjoying seeing more pictures of you my friend.
ReplyDeleteThey definitely look the same.....Happens a lot.....We noticed when we were getting my mom's pics together for her celebration in one of her childhood publicity photos she looks just like my grandaughter Ava....Well, actually Ava looks like her.....
ReplyDeleteI love the way you illustrate your blogs.....You are such a great photographer.....
I am not surprised by Punk's actions at all.....She is such a loving dog.....
Well, my swordfish needs turning over.....
Big hugs and Love ya....
Sweet Pamela!
ReplyDeleteI was surprised- No that she is caring toward me, but because she figured out how to help.
(And they say animals cannot reason)!
Wish we could ALL just kind of mingle our extreme weathers- even the breezes, and how happy all would be!
Casey in the tree? I wasn't sure if I should post that one, or the further away one.
You be the judge!
Now get better.
aww wonder dog to the rescue
ReplyDeletenow see that is a tree...Casey KNOWS you can hide behind a real tree..giggles
Sweet Melody!
ReplyDeleteI grew up not looking like anyone. (Adoption will do that to a kid).
So I think that I missed out on figuring out if a kid looks like someone else. hehehe
How neat that Ava looks like her grandma! What a cool photo to find!
Thanks for the compliment, but I am not a photographer. (Wish I wa$ though)!
Swordfish sounds most excellent! I'm on my way.
ReplyDeleteSweet Becca!
You made me laugh- Guess the other tree really WAS a puny thing!
Hey you unsquished the squash. You think she has forgot that? She knows who her friends are.
ReplyDeleteOnly Casey can hide behind a twig and disappear.
Gabe looks so cute with his other trips! Sad but not at all surprising that Berta didn't show. I have thoughts but they are not at all nice so I shall keep them to myself.
I wanted to jump in the river with punkie in the second in the water picture.... while she looks miffed, she also looks refreshed.
They look like family for sure.
ReplyDeleteWhat a great dog. Punk deserves a TBone.
You are not wrong Grandma...a Grandma should always want what's best for their Grandchild/ren and if their mother/ your daughter isn't close to that then she should not be in the picture.
I have been enjoying our unusual July weather too. The last three days have been hi's in the low to mid 70's. I refuse to complain...to me this is idea weather year round if you ask me :D
Have a safe trip! ((((ANNE))))
Awww Sweet Pea;
ReplyDeletePunk was only about 3 weeks old when she got squished. I don't think she remembers that night.
Casey can hide anywhere- Except from Punk! hehehe
I have many many more thoughts on that subject (Berta/Bobbe), but I think I have ranted too much already with respect to all of that.
Knowing that the boys are safer, and better off, wholly loved brings warmth to my heart-
Knowing that MY OWN DAUGHTER is responsible for destroying her family brings the chill.
You may come jump in the river ANYTIME!
Not too sure when we can leave now Sweetie;
ReplyDeleteMaybe tomorrow? Maybe next week...
I have been trying to get back up there for a long time...
Now that Casey isn't too bad sick anymore I really thought this summer would be perfect.
Something always happens though. hehehe
You are right about Berta.
But god, how can anyone bring a child into the world, ( and women especially, carry a child for 9 months) and then just walk away?
I will NEVER understand that.
I would much rather be a bit chilled than too hot- One can always put warmer and more clothes on.
Once you are down to skin, though there is no more cooling off.
(Except for the river)!
Punk deserves a whole cow!
well at least he did show up to work on your drains!
ReplyDeletewhat a sweet pup to help mom up the hill. who said dogs dont understand whats going on????
using my baby computer here and there is actually a tornado on other side of town... need to run
big hugS!
God love Punk for helping you back up... She KNOWS... Remember she laid down with you when you fell before? She is trying to take care of you the best way she knows how...
ReplyDeleteWe're having odd weather here to (even for Washington!) We have a few days that are reminiscent of winter and there are a few days that it is so darn hot ya just wanna run around nekkid... hehehe
Hopefully Randy fixed your drains, you got your laundry done and you're getting ready to head out to Sault Ste. Marie... I know you must need a break by now...
I'll keep my mouth shut about Berta 'cause I think you have summed her up well...
Enjoy your cool temps while ya have 'em!
Sending gentle hugs and lotsa love!
Slurkie :-)
What a great blog ...
ReplyDeleteI think they look alot alike ...
I love that Punk was there to give you a helping hand or should that be tail ??? wonders ...
I think Casey is looking so good and its wonder she is doing so much better ..
I hope everything works out with the courts ..
I hope you get some of that warmer weather you are wishing for ..
Its been lovely here in my neck of the woods ..
Have a great week ahead and I hope your back is not being so mean to you .. Hugs to you
I can't tell you how nice it is see Casey enjoying life (and getting ready for school). What a good dog Punk is. Maybe you could attach a wagon to her to carry your Rawhide around. Have a super week.
ReplyDeleteI pray all goes smoothly for Gabriels adoption.
ReplyDeleteBlackberries, YUMMM!
Punk is a HERO! What was her reward?
I love the temp's....The 70's are my absolute favorite and I am getting my share....YAY!!!!
Yes the baby pictures look alike.
Just as your girls resemble their beautiful mama :)
Hope the adoptions come along the way they should. Nothing wrong with wanting what is best for the kids. Some day...and there will be a day...when Roberta will look back and see and realize what she has done. Hopefully the kids will forgive her. Time will tell, huh.
ReplyDeleteI just love your picture blogs Anne! So easy to follow with the pictures telling the story. Always leaves me smiling. Especially the antics of Punk! You know...when Punk dies you may as well post her funeral in the paper and everywhere else too. She is one popular pooch!
Oh, would you believe down here in the south we have only had the highs in the 80's since Friday! It has been really nice outside. They said today that the last time we had temps this cool in July for this area was 100 years ago. No complaints from me about that! I am loving it!!!! Storms will be coming in by Thursday and then the heat will return. Yuck! Funny how when its cool here its hot there. Whatcha wanta bet it will switch back by the weekend! LOL!
Sweet Beep!
ReplyDeleteHope all is well, that you and JT are safe and sound!
Did you at least get some rain out of the storms?
Yes, Randy showed... And after three hours he couldn't get the "T" in the crawlspace apart.
So I asked him just to at least put an air gap on the sink in the back entrance.
(He was clueless). So I showed him how.
At least the bathroom sink and the tub will drain to the floor drain back there now.
I am still amazed at Punks insight and understanding-
Mayhaps she got tired of me reaching for her tail?
I hate those itty bitty computers- It is strange that anyone can even type on them!
Greg had one, (and sold it).
Oh what an exciting week ahead for you!
I will pray that all goes well!
Sweet SlurkieBaby!
ReplyDeleteI do remember when she'd come to me... And I remember thinking as she'd approached that I was afraid she would want to play. Nothing doing- She was amazingly gentle, laying her head next to my own.
Our weather actually has been much like your own- (Which would account for those few days above normal).
Just nothing to count on.
At least this way I have a whole selection of stuff in my wash! hehehe I hate doing those littler loads anyway; seems like such a waste.
See comment to Beep about the drains- At least I don't have to stand in my own icky water.
I hear it is pretty cool up in The Soo too!
AND they even have rain, which I will be delighted to see)!
Sweet Carolyn!
ReplyDeleteBarbara is probably thinking I am much the dunce! hehehe (Rightfully so). Her email said, "Hello? Sam looks just like his mom"
Giggling about Punks tail- I have grabbed it a few times- (She has not complained either).
I am happy she is a larger type dog too!
Casey, going down to the river, is just another one of those things I didn't think I would ever see again. She makes my heart proud!
As far as my grandson goes. It is "Let go and let God"
It has to be.
That he was sent to a really grand foster home wass only through His divine guidance.
I am SO thankful for them!!!
ReplyDeleteMr. KhoolMan-
A lovely idea with the wagon, but my keester might prove a bit untugworthy for her own back.
About Casey- Oh yes, I wholeheartedly agree! A year ago, there just seemed to be nothing for her- no relief, let alone anyone to fix her...
And now this! I am very very happy!
Sweet BethieBaby!
ReplyDeleteTo thank you for those prayers-
The mulberry is very close to a blackberry- Just bigger (and tastier too)!
I wasn't really complaining about the temps- Mostly about the lack of rain...
I am much more comfy in a tshirt and jeans anyway.
You made me laugh about being beautiful! (If only you could see me now)!
Sweet PeachieBaby!
ReplyDeleteI do know that karma is the pits sometimes. Maybe she will still get her life together, but kinda too late now with respect to her children.
It hurts me to say that my daughter is not what is best for her own kids! But it is true too.
Maybe she knows that, and that is why she didn't bother to show up?
I can't even think about losing Punk- Still not over losing Mama Milly. That kennel is so overgrown with weeds now.
It's almost bewildering for me to think of 80's being cool! Enjoy your 100 year old weather!
I know you like it cooler!
i love mine but i dont do hunt and peck well at all... hehe
ReplyDeleteseems like this week is just dragging
Punk is such a cool dog. (Doc pulls me up my steep driveway by his leash, that's the only time I let him pull me like that.)
ReplyDeleteThe river looks so inviting and what a nice place to cool off on hot summer days (which you aren't having - but even so.) The last few mornings it's been in the low 50s here, that's not like any July I can remember.
I've never tasted a mulberry, I bet they're good though. My blueberries are almost ripe. I still haven't decided if I want to even spend the time to harvest my blackberries this year, I'm not crazy about all the little seeds they have (they get stuck in my teeth.)
It is good to see Casey looking like she's never been sick a day in her life. What an inspiration she is to all of us.
I hope things can be finalized for Gabriel soon, he deserves that. You certainly do have wonderful grandkids, and I know how proud you are of all of them.
I'm glad to hear that you're finally getting the drains fixed. Yea!
Why are you going to Sault Ste. Marie? Did I miss something?
What was the reason that you didn't go on your trip today?? Did it have anything to do with the
ReplyDeletetrain wreck?? Rachelle was up there in Cottage Country last week and they had rain for a bit but
she did what she likes best....put her feet up in the boat and fished!!!
Thanks for visiting my page. You are a realy sweetheart, no wonder Punk loves you so much.
She wanted to be sure you were going home and felt it was his decision to make.
Got to get to bed before I make the mistakes I made last week.
Had a good report with my doctor today!! That's a change.
Love, hugs & blessings,
Bev xo
Sorry I haven't been on to reply to you all...
ReplyDeleteBut here I am now... for a minute or two anyway...
Sweet Beep,
I would bet it is not dragging anymore!
Sweet RT!
ReplyDeleteWe used to go innertubing down that river~ HooHoo How much fun was that?! (Course when we were done we would have to walk home, but SO worth that walk)...
Mary would get bloodsuckers! hehehe How cruel of me to laguh; to this day even! (I was so lucky never to have gotten one).
My girls would go swimming in the abandoned gravel pit on Jaworski road. Since the pits are SO deep, no one ever would expect to get a blood sucker.
Can't remember which one came in screaming the loudest, but it was either z or Jenne.
A little salt and they were back out swimming! All better!
You didn't miss anything about Sault Ste Marie- I have family in The Soo that I love to visit- (And since Casey got so sick I haven't gotten back up there is all.
Now that she has gone from sick to inspiring, I want to be there.
Love to you
Sweet RT!
ReplyDeleteWe used to go innertubing down that river~ HooHoo How much fun was that?! (Course when we were done we would have to walk home, but SO worth that walk)...
Mary would get bloodsuckers! hehehe How cruel of me to laguh; to this day even! (I was so lucky never to have gotten one).
My girls would go swimming in the abandoned gravel pit on Jaworski road. Since the pits are SO deep, no one ever would expect to get a blood sucker.
Can't remember which one came in screaming the loudest, but it was either z or Jenne.
A little salt and they were back out swimming! All better!
You didn't miss anything about Sault Ste Marie- I have family in The Soo that I love to visit- (And since Casey got so sick I haven't gotten back up there is all.
Now that she has gone from sick to inspiring, I want to be there.
Love to you
Whoops sorry dang caps lock anyway...
You worry too much about boo~boos.
You should see me when I am tired...
I hope all is well in the Soo. Can't wait for the pics when you return. Give eveybody my love, and pat Punk on the head for me.
ReplyDeleteLove, Stang
Love is easy...
But Punk wants you to pat her on her head in person.