Good Evening All;
Not too very much "news" per se, but I just have to share a few pictures with you.
Punk was very busy this afternoon. An ear of corn is a very special treat for her-
I remember this was her Mama Milly's favorite treat of all.
Casey had 2 doctor appointments today-
One with her GP, and the other at the chiropractor. (This Dr., a woman, is very very good)! And yes, all is well with Casey.
She drove out after those, and we just watched a little TV.
Of course TV watching is very strenuous, so these "kids" of mine just HAD to nap.
And on my bed too!!!
"Deer Apples" season has begun. (Unlike "horse apples", these are REAL apples).
Sue and Glenn were out to pick up the apples for their deer.
Glenn used his roof (snow) scraper to shake the top branches to get the fruit down.
(Smart, very smart)!
I think they carried about 6 or 7 pails to the pickup too
My pear tree is also loaded with pears. (And they are SO good too)!
First to shake, and then to rake...
Their deer get treated to fallen ones that are overripe.
I also have a half~dead plum tree very near to where my beautiful garden once was.
Almost every branch is LOADED this year!
(Hey, I know people like that)!
(Hey, I know people like that)!
I have been doing a few things I probably should not be doing with respect to my back.
(So I just won't mention them at my pain management appointment tomorrow).
But,I can't wait to go. I am sure he will prescribe and then defer to the Spine Doctor next month. Yet, in the meanwhile I should be more capable, and hopefully more comfortable also. (This sh*t really is ridiculous, and NOT in a humorous way either).
With that appointment in mind; and out of sheer necessity with all the rains we have been getting, I mowed the lawns yesterday.
(They look pretty darned "wunnaful" if I do say so myself)! No pics, you will have to take my word for that though.
I fully expected not to be able to move today. But I am actually in less pain than I had previously "thunk" I would be. And that's a "happy~fying" thing!
Another "No~No" would be the walk to the woods on Sunday.
C'mon now... You all know me by now. I CANNOT STAND BEING SO FREAKIN' SEDATE, (grounded), and just rambling around outside of the house and the shed and the acres up front!
I didn't go alone though... (I had Double-Trouble to walk back there with me)!
Sputty (mid-jump), chasing The Punkster!
Yes, pokey-me was left behind, in the dust!
Check the squash vines growing right onto the trails too.
They BOTH went down to the river too! (I did not, knowing full well that I would still be down there, had I ever tried to come back up).
Sputnik came back up the deer trail dry, but well behind Punk.
(Punk had, of course, fallen in the river. Twice).
.Sputnik came back up the deer trail dry, but well behind Punk.
(Punk had, of course, fallen in the river. Twice).
Punk waits for Sputnik to join her...
Sputty, taking his time after spying a bird way up in the pines...
But at last he gave up
decided to come home with Punk and I
If you will pardon the weeds that didn't get pulled this year...
Wild. Wacky.
And so wonderfully beautiful, (in its own little fuzzy way)!
Hmmm... Now what is it?
Sorry, RT. ~Or shall I just "Thank You" in advance?
A few "sister flowers" to my top photo...
Their bulbs were 2+ years old when I'd planted them earlier this year!
Maybe "wintering over" in the shed kept them fertile?
I never leave my seeds/bulbs in the house for Winter,
save for the sunflower seeds that we toast and eat...
Methinks this honey bee was confused
whether to go to the flower, or the shadow?!?
whether to go to the flower, or the shadow?!?
Punk still dreams of catching those airplanes...
And that still makes me laugh!
(At least she doesn't chase cars).
.(At least she doesn't chase cars).
I had thrown a few seeds out earlier this year- right onto the mulch. This, before we'd had NO rain whatsoever, for so long-
I figured the gophers would have gotten them all, and never gave them another thought... ...Until I was mowing that is.
Imagine my surprise to look over and see these new little veggie plants!
I would love to tell you if they are squash, pumpkins, gourds, or cucumbers,
but I truly have no idea yet...
I also hold little hope that they will 'make it' through the fall. Or long enough to get something to eat, (besides their blossoms).
I am going to need a recipe for those just in case the frosts come too early.
I am going to need a recipe for those just in case the frosts come too early.
I believe the fog might be thick tomorrow morning-
And y'all know what that means in Fall...
And y'all know what that means in Fall...
Over on the SW corner of the old shed,
where I have NEVER had these before
I found a few Ground Cherry plants!
.where I have NEVER had these before
I found a few Ground Cherry plants!
OH, the ground cherries are SO good!
If you happen to see them at a Farmer~Market or the like, please just ask to try one. I will be betting that you will love them too!
I am waiting for mine to ripen. The outer wrapping will be beige, see~through, and almost screenlike. The fruit will be yellow. YUM!!!
If you happen to see them at a Farmer~Market or the like, please just ask to try one. I will be betting that you will love them too!
I am waiting for mine to ripen. The outer wrapping will be beige, see~through, and almost screenlike. The fruit will be yellow. YUM!!!
Not everything out there is edible though... Not cosmos.
And certainly not the grasshopper that is trying to eat it either.
Not that I have ever tried any chocolate covered insects.
Just that I don't want to...
...Well, not "on purpose" anyway
So tell me, have YOU ever eaten anything,
chocolate covered,
with 6 legs,
(and with an exoskeleton)?!?
Hard to see- (Sorry, it was getting pretty dark)...
I'd better close for tonight...
But will leave you reassured that the rug below is already in the dryer!
Oh she had so much fun with that little cob of corn!
.Oh she had so much fun with that little cob of corn!
Hope all is well in your little corner of the world!
My love to all.
I love the top picture! (and it's sisters :D)
ReplyDeleteAnd the orange flower reminds me of Kaylee's fuzzle head when she gets up in the morning... hehehe
Glad that you see the pain man tomorrow... Get you on the way to being healed! And I don't think you should keep anything from him... Doctor's are like Mom's in respect to 'knowing' some things...
Punk is too cute with her corn... My Mom had a cat that would eat cooked corn on the cob and sliced up cantaloupe. Was the funniest thing ever...
I would like some of your pears and plums PLEASEEEEEEEEE? I love the color of your plums, never seen them so purple before...
Be sure to let us know what Mr. Pain Man says!
Love to You!
Slurkie :-)
Well, you know I was waiting on this blog, and may I add I was not disappointed. The photo journey was perfect yet again.
ReplyDeleteNope never ate any chocolate covered six legged creatures, never will. Yes, I stand with the NEVER (bah humbug to Never say Never).
Start taking care of that back before you make it worse.
Just love the picture of the currently unknown flower. Looks like it is inspirational poster worthy, hehe ...Don't ask me to come up with the inspirational saying though, LMAO
Never thought of letting Mimi have an ear of corn...she does get excited when we bring fresh cobs home :D
Can't wait to hear what the doc does to help you out. Please do share.
Fresh fruit, YUM
Funny, I posted a few pictures yesterday. One included a six legged friend (okay not sure if it really is a friend) and an "air train" (according to my lil man).
Take Care of you.
Hi Anne,
ReplyDeletethanks for the update. Love the pics. Do you know how to use photo shop? also if you have any left over pears or plums. I would like some plums and the horses would love some pears. Let me know.
mmmmmmmm I love pears, I love plums, I love cherries! always fun seeing pics of Casey and Punk,
ReplyDeleteSweet SlurkieBaby!
ReplyDeletePoor dear Kaylee. hehehe
Please tell her I look like that in the morning too, minus the orange, and add gray of course.
One Spring, we had over 50 cats/kittens, (and visiting tomcats too). It was OK on the farm, and they all worked very well to keep the "mowiss" population down...
Feeding them with store bought food was not an option. Ever.
They got the leftovers of our leftovers, if there was anything left over that is.
And they got their jug after the dog got the prime leftovers. (The dog herded, the cats obviously did not).
When Mom would put corn up in late Summer, she would shave it off the cobs and throw the cobs out to the garden as fertilizer.
Didn't work. About 5 minutes after she would dump those cobs, there would be cats just speckling up all the lawns, each with their own cob!
(Wish I'd had my camera then)!
good luck with the new doc.
ReplyDeleteNow you know why I call you "Sweet"! Those were some very kind words!
I am standing firm with you on the chocolate covered anything. While I do LOVE choc covered raisins, once I get the bug idea in my head, I can't eat any more of them either. (Last time I ate them was at the theater, watching "Titanic" by the way. (My mind obviously was on other things...
I have taken care of my damned back for so long that now it is high time for someone else to do that. And WITH RESPECT to the fact that I am not, and will never be, a damned couch potato.
Now about Miss Mimi...
See comment to The SlurkMonster above...
But those cats would clean those cobs right down to the hard and woodie part.
As did the dog.
(Course he would always go to the fields and pick his own). Miss Mama Milly would do that too!
So next time you have corn on the cob, just give her one of your eaten cobs.
She will chew the soft end off, and then clean that cob off but good.
Of course I will share whatever wisdom gets imparted on me today. And I don't want to argue with another doctor, but i will if I have to. (The spine being just another one of the things I have read at least 1000 pages on).
Methinks I must have missed your newest blog- Oh wait, you said pictures... Will try to get to them shortly! I can just imagine where that 'air train' comes from!
Now about the flower...
Do you think I should start a LOLFlowerz site?
ReplyDeleteYAY Michelle is back!
You may come over anytime and shake those trees. There is an old sheet on the line to lay under the trees first. Bring a bag or a pail or two.
Just put the old sheet back on the line when you are done is all.
Sweet Michelle!
ReplyDeleteYou have cursed on my page!
I do not, have not, and will never change my phtotos.
I have a very old cd that came with my very 1st digital camera.
I can change the size of the photos, but hardly anything else. (Although I have been known to chop off a pile of doggie~doo~doo in a picture from time to time).
I do wish I could "write" on the pictures though...
I think Casey has photoshop on her laptop, if Greg kept it on there-
...No, I sit corrected. She has "gimp" now.
Now stop cussing or I won't let you have any fruit! hehehe
ReplyDeleteSweet Pamela!
I had to run to Suamico the other day and get gas for the mower. On the way home I stopped at the veggie stand down the road. And I even bought 3 ripe juicy, but still firm, peaches from Michigan.
Oh they were SO good!
Boy talk about not being happy with what I have! hehehe
the cherry tree we had as kids died... But Kelli brought me cherries just last week. Casey and I cleaned those up in a NY minute too!
ReplyDeleteSweet XXXI,
OMG you are SO old!
Happy Birthday, (about 1/2 an hour early)...
I shall call you as soon as that appointment is over.
Hope all is well with everyone, seen and unseen, in your little corner of the world.
What the heck is a "phtoto" anyway?
ReplyDeleteSometimes I crack myself up...
Have you changed your phtoto lately??? HAHAHA
Sweet Annie,
ReplyDeleteI love the flowers, even the unknown one. The pics of Miss Punk are fantastic as usual.
I, too let my dogs have corn cobs. Rick's little girl Cinnamon, act like she has a treasure when she gets one.
Nope, no chocolate covered critters for me either.
Your fruit looks wonderful!!
So glad about you being able to get around a little better and more happy about your appointment with the Doc.
Loved the pictures .. I always enjoy these blogs so much ..
ReplyDeletePunk loves his swim for sure ..
I would love to try the pears , they sound so yummy
I have never eaten anything chocolate covered with 6 legs ..Just two giggling
I hope everything goes good for you tomorrow with your doc appointment
Glad to hear Casey is doing well and she looks so cozy on your bed LOL ...I know all about that ..Whenever my daughter is home , we fight over MY bed lol
Take care of yourself ...Hugs
Wild Wacky Flower
ReplyDeleteFirst I looked at Trollius chinensis:
But it has spiky petals in the center, which is opposite of how the petals are in your flower.
Then I took a look at Krigia biflora:
But it still has the spiky petals in the middle of the flower head instead of on the outside like yours.
Then I looked at the Globeflower:
This one sort of looks like it:
But upon further investgation I found that most Globe Flowers are... well... globe shaped. (Duh!)
Then I looked at lots of pictures of the flower I first suspected it was. Coreopsis.
Most Coreopsis are single and your flower looked fuller than the typical Coreopsis.
However there is a variety of Coreopsis called grandiflora "Early Sunrise". It's usually yellow but can also be a dark yellow to orange.
I've come to the conclusion that your flower is a dying grandiflora "Early Sunrise" Coreopsis, hence the outer petals looking spiky, they're actually just spent and are curled up. It was probably planted by visiting birds.
If it's not a Coreopsis grandiflora "Early Sunrise" then I don't have a clue.
The top photo of the pink Iris is beautiful, and the yellow and peach ones toward the bottom. You sure do have a green thumb!
Would you believe I didn't have one pear from my three pear trees this year?! See, I complained about having to throw over three hundred pears over the back fence for the deer last year, so this year the pear trees decided not to waste their energy on me!
I don't know if Doc would like corn on the cob. He did the weirdest thing the other day when he saw me start to peel a banana - when I pulled the first section down his head went sideways! I can't even imagine what he must have been thinking! LOL!
I love that Sputty goes for walks with you. How cute!
Lovely flowers! Especially the one at the very top.
ReplyDeletePunk is her mamas daughter for sure,huh. Seeing Sputty following Punk reminds me of when my neighbor Ray would take their big dog Sasha for a walk around this area out back. Their cat Garfield was always following along as well. Sasha died a couple or so years ago. Then this year Ray died in May and Garfield died about 2 weeks after him. They are still walking their paths and making the rounds in Heaven no doubt.
Love the pics. I really want plums now :)
ReplyDeleteIts adorable how Sputty goes outside with Punk...and comes back!
Stupid bee, lol.
Thats a cool storm cloud!
Here's a chocolate treat I'll tell santa to put in your stocking :)
Gorgeous flowers! I love the orange one.
ReplyDeleteHope your pain management is successful!
That is so cool with Punk.. I gave Sadie a corn cob the other day.. and she ate the entire thing.. amazing.. it was the quietest I have ever seen her.
ReplyDeleteFunny thing.. I never thought about the blooms of squash or these other plants as being edible.. but recently I have seen a couple of recipes for squash blooms.. mostly stuffing them with meats or mushroom kinds of fillings.
That is so cool that Sputnik follows you and Punk to the river and then comes back with you guys too..
Love the flowers. I just know that if I had apples this year JT would be making me some apple jelly..hehe
Big hugs
Sweet Cille;
ReplyDeleteAnother vote for my weeds! hehehe
It is odd, although not surprising either, that I have yet to receive a negative comment about Punk!
Save for "fat"- Which we all know is a bit true... (I keep tellin' her to do pushups too)!
I am feeling better- Although if you would have asked me the same thing as I made supper last night you may have gotten plugged with a fry pan upside your head.
But today is a new day.
Sweet Carolyn;
ReplyDeleteYou are always so kind.
It's funny about Punk and the river... Her mama would go a special way down to the river every time.
Punk had her own way, and where she preferred to go in.
Now that Mama Milly is gone, Punk always takes Miss Millys path.
Casey LOVES my bed- and on her bad days here, I always know which bedroom upstairs to look into first.
And yet, there is comfort and warmth in a waterbed too.
I tell ya, I was Goldilocks reincarnated when my back got so bad.
i tried each bed up there, on different nights, and none made a difference.
I generally sleep on the couch down here. The three pads on the couch equal a twin bed anyway, so that's OK. Not like I'm all scrunched up or the like.
There have been a few times lately that I could not even get off of there without praying for death, so am glad I am downstairs.
Sweet RT;
ReplyDeleteI did go to each of your links, and I thought the one of the "Cynthia" looked just like a yellow bachelor buttons. Until I got to the part that it is HUGE! hehehe
I shall have to ramble on out there today and see what it loks like today- if it was dying or not. I will let you know. These flowers are on the west side of the old shed- LOTS of sunshine too. (That is, when it's sunny). hehehe
I don't think the flowers are a true iris either. Those bulbs though were 2 or 3 years old, so I planted them sort of away from each other; and still can't believe they grew!
The fruit trees actually go every other year up here- But NOT to the extent of having NONE either. Even when we get a hard frost when the blossoms are on, I still get some!
Maybe a neighbor or someone close by cut down their pear tree?
Pears need cross pollination. You need to have more than one to have fruit. So...
I love it when dogs tilt their head sideways like that-
Casey can make Punk do that whenever. And I laugh every time!
As for The Sput. He is definitely his own cat. hehehe
ReplyDeleteSweet PeachieBaby!
Your story has made me tear up- Twice now. What a grand way of telling.
And you are right. They are still taking their walks.
Oh, and see my comment to Carolyn about how much Punk is her Mamas daughter too!
Sweet BethieBaby!
ReplyDeleteIsn't it funny how a picture can make our moths water like that?
Sputty comes back because he is a lousy hunter and still must eat. he knows his dish is on this side of that door.
I giggled at your "stupid bee" too!
And then of course I clicked on your link too. Here is what it said...
"Chocolate Dipped Insects
Chocolate covered insects, a classic treat! This mix includes worms (larvae) and crickets covered in white and milk chocolate. Each box contains 4 individually dipped insects."
Holy crap!!!! Expensive too 4 little chocolate covered grubs or insects for almost $2.00!
Methinks they should take their supply from here...
Sweet Nyk;
ReplyDeleteIsn't it grand that everyone loves that flower? I think so anyway!
I too hope my pain stuff works out. Been way too long to be subsisting like this. As always, there is a bright side. Given the fact that I can 'feel the pain' tells me that I am more fortunate than many who cannot.
Sweet Beep!
ReplyDeletePunk goes almost all the way down to the bottom- As long as the cob is fresh and just a wee bit underrripe, the cobs are very very soft and edible.
Sweet Pea had posted the recipe last year about the squash blossoms. I see so many now that I wish I had copied it. Will have to ask her to repost. I think hers was more of a delicacy than a casserole.
Sputnik sure watched that one tree long enough... I had to laugh- And like little kids that respond to it, all I have to say it "BYE!" and these animals follow me.
Apple jelly is SO good!