Good Morning Everyone;
I am not overlooking the fact that there are things to be taken care of. (I am not forgetting that I need to do many things yet).
But I am not forgetting either.
Below is my recall of those terrible moments and days when we, collectively as Americans, truly united.
Not to need another reminder that we need to UNITE, we need only to respect life.
September 11, 2001
From the Eyes, and the memory, of a Flintville American
Having just returned from Alabama late on the tenth- (a visit to my daughter,Roberta- son-in-law; William- and of course to see my grandson, Lawrence). I was sitting quite exactly where I am right now... Downloading and editing the zillions of pictures that I had taken from that trip. The photo above was taken on that trip... I was also babysitting my Little Miss Valerie; (full-time at that point). She was all of 7 months old.
I had fed her her breakfast- had brought her upstairs, and she was fast asleep in the magical land where babies go to see God during their naps...
My phone rang. It was Zoe, asking me if I had my television set on. I did not. She asked for me to turn it on right away, that there had been 'a terrible accident' at the World Trade Center. I assured her I would do so as soon as I was finished; and she asked me just to go take a look...
When I did turn the TV on, I saw the 1st Tower on fire- and the reports coming in that an airplane had hit it- A terrible accident... As I was thinking to return to my little office here, I heard even more commotion on the TV- Turning just in time to see the final seconds before the 2nd plane hit... At that point in time, I think my reaction was immediate horror, and thinking fast, I picked up the phone, called the high school and asked that Casey be at the front doors in about 15 minutes.Not knowing what else to say, I used the old standby "she is needed at home." I grabbed Valerie, and most unceremoniously threw her into the carseat, fastening her in securely- and thinking that our president could quickly impose a kind of lockdown of everyone everywhere. I headed to the high school. Casey, still uninformed, was packed and waiting for me- and had NO idea why on earth I would be picking her up from school? I tried to explain, but had the radio on- the announcers were doing a better job than ever I could have... I didn't want her to be away from home should the word come out that it wasn't safe for anyone to be going anywhere...
We filled the tank with gas, stopped both at the bank and the store, and headed for home. After placing Miss Valerie in the backseat of the Buick,I hurried to get all the groceries and things into the trunk.
The drive home is a county road, with two 90 degree curves thrown in for good measure... 3/4's of the way around that 1st corner, we heard this weird noise- Casey said, "Mom, pull over!" Turning to see why Casey would say such a thing, I saw that Miss Valerie's car seat had rolled and was completely upside down! (And yes, it IS funny now, but thinking that she was hurt- for even those few seconds was a sick sick feeling for me). In my hurry, I hadn't buckled the carseat in- (But in my defense, I didn't leave her at the store either)!!!
We came home- even more somber- and watched with horror as we saw the towers collapse. To this very day, that collapse is the single worse thing I have ever seen in my life- Knowing, that as those towers stood, all those people were still alive- that as they fell, all of them were simply gone; most NOT to be found, ever...
And my phone rang and rang and rang... Zoe wanting to know could she come out and stay and to be close to her own little girl- (by about 10:30, Humana had told all of its workers to go home). Jenne called too, and was already on her way out. We watched the TV for a time- then watched outside- We saw only military planes flying over- and low too- And there were none of the exhaust lines that you see trailing across the skies from all the jets and such. The air was calm, barely a breeze- a warmish day for the Eleventh Day of September... And very little traffic even out on the road- an ocassional dump truck, or a milk truck that went through- not too many cars- And the church bell rang and rang...
Later, I received about 4 calls from Roberta- at work in a gas station down in Alabama; and scared out of her wits. Scared to be so far away; and not knowing what would happen during the next while- Scared for her husband, and most importantly for her son... William has been in the Army and the Marine Corps- A "lifer" to the service of our country... He has been to the Gulf War- He has most recently been to Iraq- Someone for our Little Lawrence to be so proud of always...
I couldn't get ahold of Crystal or her family- They were living in Quantico at the time- Russell working at the Pentagon... Many emails later, to find out they were all safe and sound.
And still we held our collective breath all the day long, and the next, and onward- as we waited for even one survivor to be pulled from those towers... to be alive... and there were none...
Not knowing the futures, we made sure that our families and our homes were immediately protected, whatever it took.
In the days (daze) that followed, I know that one of the hardest things for me to do was to remain at home; only wishing I could be there to help somehow. And of course not knowing what it was I could have done anyway... But I could have helped the medics somehow- (what for ? - as no one emerged)... I could have made meals- Served them, not knowing to whom ? I could have helped with the cleanup of these now sacred grounds... But was more needed here for my own little family- ...And when you can do nothing else, you offer your heart and your prayers...
I believe we all did pray, whether we attended services or not. (Whether you 'believed' or not... You prayed, didn't you)?
We not only prayed for the people that had died, but for their families- For ourselves, for our own families, and for our own homes. For the security we will never take for granted another day in our lives. For the security that our grandchildren will now never know.
And we prayed for our America.
And we prayed for our Flag.
Where were YOU?
What did you feel?
(Did you remember to buckle the carseat)???
God Bless Our America .
God Bless Us Everyone...
I remember...Sean was at pre-school, friend was watching Garrett (who wasn't even 1), and I was on the way to a gyn appointment. Mike was calling me over and over from work. My Mom was calling me over and over from her home here (we lived in Indiana then). It was horrific. I continued through with appt, only because they weresuggesting I had cancer...I didn't want to put that info off any longer than possible.
ReplyDeleteI remember all the horror a terror I felt about the situation (like any human). You want to know what I remember even more. How all these women waiting for appts, women who would normally bury their faces in a magazine until they were called, banned together to help each other with their emotions. It literally brought a whole room of strangers closer together.
ReplyDeleteAs it brought an entire nation together too.
I have never felt bad about picking Casey up from school.
Never felt bad about having everyone here- It was and remains the right thing to do.
With all due respect to everyone who gave their lives that day, the rest of us have been so fortunate. Not only that day, but afterward too.
I think that moment in time .. we all remember.. we all knew the horror and the anguish. It breaks my heart today to see how many have seemingly forgotten and only seem to be patriotic during times of such disaster.
ReplyDeleteThat day was a day of being near family, trying to console KaSandra who thought it totally sucked that it was her Birthday, of then hearing of an accident with my mother and her new husband of only 1 week. He died in that accident.
So family came first and it was not a great week all around.
I was sitting in my ambulance listening to the radio when the announcement broke in regarding the first plane, When they announced the second plane going in I felt great fear. Our dispatch came over the radio placing each ambulance in positions around our state and federal buildings, and near and around our airports, my heart was beating out of my chest, i wanted to run home to my babies, I cried that night watching the horror unfold on t.v. for the loss of lives, for their families and out of fear. We will never forget, such a true true statement.
ReplyDeleteMay all who were lost Rest in Peace and may all who remain receive peace.
ReplyDeleteI was stunned. I think I still am.
ReplyDeleteI had friends and family there.
It truly was the most horrific day in our lives and the lives of everyone who died and the ones who
ReplyDeleteremain. To think that terrorists will come so far just to destroy us is unthinkable. My daughter was
living in Thailand at the time and I called her and told her to put CNN on and we watched some of it
together. We were both crying and she said, "mom, you are always preaching that we should be
careful and safe....and look what is happening in your own backyard". I had to agree, Nova Scotia
would be very close to New York. Hugs & blessings.
September 11, 2001 is a day that everyone will remember where they were and what they were doing when those planes hit the towers...
ReplyDeleteKaylee spent the afternoon watching the replay that msnbc (i think) was playing. She had so many questions and it is so hard to try and answer them. Especially when there are questions that we all still have ourselves...
I remember turning on the tv and seeing the breaking news and I watched and watched and cried and cried , it was so heartbreaking .. I will never understand why there is so much hate in this world .. We had lots of planes land on our Island and watching our own local news and seeing how the people of our province came together to show support and caring to people abroad those planes made me proud to be a newfie more then ever ...
ReplyDeleteI wrote a blog about 911 and what people who were here during that awful tragic time wrote .. Here is the link
Its a day that will never ever be forgotten ..Those whom lost their lives will never be forgotten and all their loved ones left behind will always be in our thoughts and prayers ..
I was at home with Julie, her sister in law Sonia was in the second tower; she got out OK
ReplyDeleteThe poem below is off of a friends page Anna
ReplyDeleteYou say you will never forget where you were when you heard the news On September 11, 2001. Neither will I.
I was on the 110th floor in a smoke filled room with a man who called his wife to say 'Good-Bye.' I held his fingers steady as he dialed. I gave him the peace to say, 'Honey, I am not going to make it, but it is OK..I am ready to go.' I was with his wife when he called as she fed breakfast to their children. I held her up as she tried to understand his words and as she realized he wasn't coming home that night. I was in the stairwell of the 23rd floor when a woman cried out to Me for help. 'I have been knocking on the door of your heart for 50 years!' I said. 'Of course I will show you the way home - only believe in Me now.' I was at the base of the building with the Priest ministering to the injured and devastated souls. I took him home to tend to his Flock in Heaven. He heard my voice and answered. I was on all four of those planes, in every seat, with every prayer. I was with the crew as they were overtaken. I was in the very hearts of the believers there, comforting and assuring them that their faith has saved them. I was in Texas , Virginia , California , Michigan , and Afghanistan . I was standing next to you when you heard the terrible news. Did you sense Me? I want you to know that I saw every face. I knew every name - though not all know Me. Some met Me for the first time on the 86th floor. Some sought Me with their last breath. Some couldn't hear Me calling to them through the smoke and flames; 'Come to Me... this way... take my hand.' Some chose, for the final time, to ignore Me. But, I was there. I did not place you in the Tower that day. You may not know why, but I do.. However, if you were there in that explosive moment in time, would you have reached for Me? Sept. 11, 2001, was not the end of the journey for you . But someday your journey will end. And I will be there for you as well. Seek Me now while I may be found. Then, at any moment, you know you are 'ready to go.' I will be in the stairwell of your final moments.
I remember ..I was up early that day ,mandatory meeting at work.clicked on the news before heading in ,saw the news of the first work the meeting was a shambles, no one wanted to be there .driving home a man ran a red light and wiped out my car and almost me. I spent the next month in the hospital pretty much unaware what was going on .