[My] Life in Wisconsin

Weird things happening again... It is neither October nor 3AM, so can you tell me why my TV shut itself off, then 20 minutes later turned itself back on? (No I am not scared). Just curious... XOXO, Me ~Off to respond to your comments now.


  1. It was telling you to go do something else.... hehehe

  2. Just the angels letting you know they are watching over you.


  3. sorry, got carried away after my solitaire went below 3,000.

    Actually sort of newer- about 3 or 4 yrs old.

  4. What's a switcher?
    If you mean the remote, that came with my DVR Dish TV- That's even newer

  5. I just had it on for noise...
    Wasn't really doing anything...

  6. Well there you have it, they just don't make things like they use to. It's all crap.


  7. I like my angels- And I like the way you think.

  8. Not sure how many of you have DISH... So you may not understand this...

    Turning itself off is one thing... There could always be something that got overheated.
    But what really struck me as weird is that when it turned itself back on, it bypassed the "cancel tv" that I have to do before watching anything.

  9. Could be that TV is about to bite the dust. How old is it?

    One of our older sets did that before it finally went to meet its maker. Or should I say, the garbage taker! (Oh...and did you know...when the time comes to dispose of that set you will have to pay to get rid of it! Ten bucks here. Bummer!)

  10. my cable makes my tv do that sometimes.... generally in the middle of the night so it wakes me up.

  11. I have guideplus programming on my tv.
    When my TV is turned on, there is a "channel guide" that comes up. To remove it from the screen, I have to hit tv on my remote, then cancel. When it came back on last night, it had bypassed that all.
    Just weird...

  12. Some TVs have a breaker and when they get weak it would shut of the TV, But it wouldn't turn it back on. Perhaps someone close by has a remote with the same code, could happen.


  13. hehehe
    I live in the middle of nowhere dear.

  14. The cable co said it WAS the guide that did it to my TV. Said it needs to turn on to update sometimes. I told them to turn it off when they were done next time. The guy laughed.

  15. Not the guide that updates every day on the network thing.
    The one I was talking of is the one on the TV. I don't know how to disable it either. ...someday...
    for right now? oh well

  16. hehehehe.... mine is the guide from the cable. It updates daily from the cable but when it needs to do a software update, it turns on and does it.

    Can you imagine how annoying if you were watching TV when it decides to do it.

  17. I think you have a friendly Ghost like I have!!! Although I don't know how friendly cause we have been sick ever since we moved here, but she roams the
    attick and closes the doors and does all sort of things. Don't worry, she won't harm you!!! Love, hugs & prayers.........

  18. Do you have neighbors close by . Maybe with a similar remote .

  19. when you figure it out come to my house...

    Mark heard whispering at 3 am the other night and could not find it's source....it happened several times. Then last night we were watching tv and there was a tapping (almost knocking) on the window beside me....I looked outside and nothing...

  20. I get music.

    Seems to be a theme that the musical ghosts find me.

  21. Join the club, I also have a possessed TV. When I turn it on (figuratively speaking) sometimes it comes right on; sometimes it comes on 10 minutes later; sometimes it comes on 2 hours later; and sometimes it never comes on at all. Frustrating to say the least. I've come home from work at 8 in the morning only to find the TV on - it was off when I left for work. This TV is driving me insane, in fact the little voices in my head (which I didn't have before the TV started acting up) are telling me if I take the TV to the dump, and buy a new one, I would be giving up, and then the TV would win. (I know what you're thinking... win what?) It's become a personal battle between me and my demonic TV.

    If your TV ever does this again I would urge you to dispose of it immediately; sell it to someone you don't like, dump it, give it to a charity, or whatever, just don't keep it in your house, or you'll start hearing little voices in your head too.

  22. I'll have you know that with the exception of Beth's comment, I did just fine until I got to your reply
    I really am laughing out loud at the little imp that got into your TV!

    Mine has not done a repeat performance yet... Will take your suggestion under advisement.

