[My] Life in Wisconsin

Mama Milly, Breezie, May and Casey

Miss Mama Milly being silly!

Good Morning All;
I have been putting off writing; wrestling with my back, then my head. (They've won).
And life goes on...

I have a ton of catching up to do- Especially pictures that have grown obsolete since Autumn, and her chilly temps are here. 
Will get to those nearly outgrown first...

Back in early September Miss Milly was finally brought down to her place by the river.
Punk, and Casey (aka "Where's Waldo" in these pictures), went down- 
I only went part way-

Down to the massive grapevine


It is huge!!!

Casey making her way to Mama Milly's hideout...
Punk watching.
And still seeing a bit of blue in the river...
The sprinkling of Miss Milly...
Coming back up...
A bit of Mama Milly's ashes remaining for in her kennel.
We then headed over to Kelli's to see Miss May and The Breeze.
Such a beautiful day for September, and Casey felt like playing...

Out to the fields... and takes off like a jack-rabbit.

Miss May took the bait...

And caught up with Casey very shortly!

What did Breezie think?!?

Casey by the barn...
Punk, in the mirror-
peeking out the window as we got back home.

Please know that unless they are a few crayons short, people dress more accordingly now.  As I type it is 47°.  We are to be more "seasonal" tomorrow, with highs in the mid-upper 50's.
1017 7day
even those temps won't last too long.
But oh there is to be sunshine too! We haven't seen that for quite a while.

I'd better close for now- My dryer keeps buzzing!
Will catch y'all up on this past week a bit later.

Love to all!



  1. It's so great to see Casey looking so well.

    Brilliant photos - as usual. xxxx

  2. We finally had a bit of sun today too, I have missed it so.

    Nice way to remember Miss Millie, nice that Punk could take part.

  3. Lovely pics and a great place for Miss Milly to rest.

  4. Lovely blog and the pics were great .. Miss Milly Rip

  5. Wonderful photos! Loved the one of the horse running towards Casey's outstretched arms.

    Thanks for letting us be a part of Miss Millies sprinkling through the photos. I always felt we knew her so well because of your blogs. Same goes for Miss Punk!

  6. Great pics and story telling, as usual. You are the one who makes me want to do things, who
    encourages me and inspires me. Thank you for sharing your family and your furry family too. I
    would love to have a dog like Punk or Miss Millie. That was a wonderful place to scatter her ashes.
    May your back be healed by the abundance of "pink Light" that I am sending you...may it warm your
    back and put everything together again, good as new!! Love ya, Bev xo

  7. Love all the pictures...

    Such an appropriate place for Mama Milly's ashes to be scattered...

    Sorry that your back and head have been giving you hell. Continuously praying for you to find relief!

    Love Ya!

    Slurkie :-)

  8. Casey looks wonderful !!! God is good. Gosh I wish your back and head would give you a break Sweet Annie. xoxoxoxo

  9. I read this the other day but I didn't leave a a comment, the phone, or late to work are the most likely excuses that come to mind.

    Rest in peace sweet Miss Milly. I'm glad you got her ashes scattered.

    Loved the picture of Casey with the red barn in the background.

    It's been pretty nippy here too. Low this morning was 28º, for Oct that's that's ridiculously cold for here. Time to bring in propane.

  10. BTW, what's the first picture of? The ice covered something or another with something that looks like a wheel in the center of it......?

  11. Awwwww how sweet Miss Milly was looking. Glad you got the ashes spread.. very emotional moment Im sure.

    Miss Kelly sure has some pretty girls.. they are beautiful! Your girl is pretty beautiful herself.

    Sassy Punkster..hehe

    Hope you have a great week and your temps stay more autumn like and not too cold.

    Big hugs

  12. Anything about Milly makes me sad. I loved the horses though.
