[My] Life in Wisconsin

Check Your Sunshine Vitamin

Twenty reasons why vitamin D is better than a swine flu vaccine
by Mike Adams, Tuesday, November 03, 2009

***************** Thank you for the link Dawn. *****************

The news is out: Vitamin D is better than the swine flu vaccine at halting H1N1 infections. (In fact, without vitamin D, chances are that a vaccine won't generate much of an immune response in the first place).
That's because vitamin D is essential for healthy, active immune function.

That's just one of the reasons smart people are choosing vitamin D instead of the swine flu vaccine.
Here are nineteen more:

#1 Vitamin D activates your immune system to respond to any viral exposure (not just one virus).

#2 Vitamin D naturally belongs in your body.

#3 Vitamin D has been functioning as medicine in the human body since the beginning of the human species.

#4 Vitamin D is available right now and there's no shortage of it.

#5 Vitamin D won't cause your brain to swell and put you into a coma.

#6 Vitamin D doesn't require an injection with a scary needle.

#7 Vitamin D is found naturally in many foods such as sardines or salmon.

#8 Vitamin D has a perfect safety record. No one ever died from consuming it.

#9 Vitamin D is affordable. You can even get it for free (from sunlight).

#10 Vitamin D doesn't contain viral fragments from diseased animals (like vaccines often do).

#11 Vitamin D doesn't contain thimerosal or other chemical preservatives.

#12 Vitamin D doesn't need a warning sheet describing possible side effects.

#13 Vitamin D doesn't hurt your arm when you take it.

#14 Vitamin D also improves sugar metabolism, bone density and healthy moods.

#15 Vitamin D is safe for the environment.

#16 Vitamin D doesn't contain squalene or other inflammatory adjuvant chemicals.

#17 Vitamin D works on everyone and is safe for everyone, including infants and children.

#18 Vitamin D is made in nature, not a laboratory.

#19 Vitamin D is found naturally in breast milk.

#20 You can walk, and chew gum, and generate vitamin D from sunshine all at the same time!


He concluded his posting like this: "Skip the vaccine. Get more Vitamin D"
Not sure I would go quite THAT far, but he definitely makes some interesting points.

Note too, If you are getting your sunshine vitamin from a supplement, please check the labels on the bottle. (ie: where it is manufactured, and how old it is).

Love to all



  1. sounds good to me and I usually get at least one glass of milk per day!

  2. It's rainy season now, won't be getting my vitamin D naturally for awhile...

  3. I started taking vitamen D about a month ago and I notice the difference already. I am much
    brighter...smarter...since I lost brain cells when I was lacking oxygen for almost 6 months before
    anyone did anything about it, they don't grow back so if you don't work on it you stay kind of stupid!!
    I notice that I'm not so forgetful and I can remember stuff much better. I guess I'll stick with it for
    awhile and see what happens...

  4. More...

    Vitamin D and Flavonoids Examined for Impact on Breast and Ovarian Cancer (press release)

  5. Umm, #20 may not be doable for me. I can't walk and chew gum at the same time.
    I love the list. You can add that it helps fibro patients as well.

    The bad news for me: My body does not know how to absorb and change the sunlight into the Vitamin D that I need. Once again, I am part of the fews percentage that has this problem.
