Subtitled: "A Hunting We Will Go?"
These are important... somehow
Good Afternoon Everyone;
Lest you think I have abandoned you, rest assured I am still alive. hehehe
There have been more than a few times in the past days here that I wished I wasn't.
Been wrestling a migraine since Saturday. It comes and goes at its leisure and not mine.
Even with respect to my head on Saturday, we found such fun (sprinkled with bellyaches from laughter).
Kelli called as I was going to put some pictures into this machine. She wanted to take the dogs for a walk... And had a few other things to do as well.
Punk tries to be a lapdog...
Kelli had also brought more wood for the campfires...
We are restocked now! (Thank you Sweetie)!
Since she was working hard all day- (they were cleaning out their garage), she had sweatpants on. This is acceptable clothing for such a day.
Had it been snowing, like a little kid, I would have had to bundle her up like a penguin in snow~pants and scarves and mittens etc.
Remember those days? One either had to go potty after getting dressed, or simply had to accept the fact that you couldn't walk in such attire. Thank God it was fun to fall over.
It is nice when they grow up and can dress themselves for whatever weather we have...
Like Casey does...
Casey dressed for a nippy day in Minnesota.
But now, in Wisconsin, there is Hunting Season.
Though she loves hunting, Casey will probably not be getting back there this year.
But back to the above safety pins...
They are necessary when you have to dress the dogs for Hunting Season.
A few pins, strategically placed, should keep their colors from sliding off.
Key word: "should". hehehe
Punk, unimpressed and impervious, watches as CocoBean gets "dressed"
Mr. Miller had been the first to get dressed. He is after all the closest color to whitetail deer that we have in dogs.
He was not amused...
And he'd hoped no one would see him...
But the squirrel did!
That squirrel kept looking and laughing;
using that irritating sound they make when they are amused
The dogs made fun of each other too.
When things became noisy, they were told to take it onto the grass.
They did. And had glorious fun, making fun of each other...
Even Mr. Miller got in on that action.
Know that Kelli and I had all we could do not to snort, we were laughing so hard.
Know too, we could not even speak at that point...
Again, Mr. Miller took it personally.
He felt he had to at least try to hide...
Checking the lawn, that squirrel was laughing even harder...
But at least had the decency to turn his back to spare Mr. Millers feelings
Kelli laughed so hard that the dogs went and pushed her over.
Mr Miller to the rescue!
Even the birds stopped eating when Kelli went down...
(And I didn't even know chickadees could giggle)! hehehe
Meanwhile, CocoBean and Punk were still arguing about whom was the cutest.
Miller finally rescued Miss Kelli
And it was time to head back to the woods.
Miller, not being able to stand it anymore, was first to leave the lawn
Punk was grazing, (and CocoBean was apparently invisible).
It had been a dark and froggy morning.
Still the orange would keep them safe.
And they were off!
As Kelli rounded the corner of the field, the previously invisible Miss CocoBean had come running out of the squash patch...
PICTURE THIS if you can...
By that time, I was near to the old pear tree with my camera. A darn good thing too.
CocoBean had come tearing out of at field just as her 'sleeve' had come undone, as well as the top pin that earlier had kept her 'shirt' from hanging down and tripping her over.
Pins undone...
This caused the young dog to do a perfect somersault! How she managed to tuck her head in and under remains a mystery. Know that this somersault was Olympic quality.
Fortunately for me, I managed to hang onto the pear tree; as I was laughing too hard to remain standing.
Kelli stopped to refasten CocoBean's pins again...
When they got back up to the house, Punk was hungry again.
(That mix of wild peppermint and grass by the old stump must be really yummy)!
CocoBean still looking a little dizzy from her Doggie Olympics...
I asked CocoBean what she thought of going ass over teakettles?
Though I am still not quite sure how she replied, I do know her face tells all...
Poor Beans!
Are you laughing now?.
Such is the Fashion Industry in Wisconsin for the next week...
Hope everyone is having a "wunnaful" holiday week!
Love to all.
ReplyDeleteMaybe it could have been titled: "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun"
how cute they look, lol :) thanks for sharing this story with us, I felt as if I were there with you all. {{hugs}}
ReplyDeleteSo very funny and awesomely cute. Thank you sweet Annie.
ReplyDeleteHi Mommy!
ReplyDeleteWOW! That top picture just looks AWFUL! Such wild dogs!! Even though, as you said, none of them would hurt a fly… Well, except when Punkie goes after the bugs that intrude in your house and attacks them for you! Good thing she does that with those nasty ugly spiders, too, so you don’t have to kill them!
Punk sure does try to be a lap dog whenever she thinks it’ll work, huh? She looks like she’s going to tip over in that picture with her and Kelli!! LOL!
Thinking of those times of being all bundled up reminds me of the scene from “A Christmas Story” where the kid gets layered up and then is crying because he can’t put his arms down! Then they get out the door and he falls into a snow bank (or gets pushed, I can’t remember) and cries some more because he can’t get up!! HA HA HA!!!!!
Wish I did feel better; it sure was BEAUTIFUL weather this season for hunting!!! How nice for those hunters not to have to sit out in anywhere from 10°F all the way down to -20°F… Instead, this year, they got over 40°F above zero!! WOOHOO!! Again, wish I felt LOTS better!
HA HA HA HA!!! The SQUIRREL was laughing!!!! LOL!! I bet he enjoyed watching it but, little does he know, he could be in danger if he gets too close to a hunter and doesn’t have orange on! :D
The picture of Punkie’s shirt sleeve unrolled looks like she’s waddling!! I’m still laughing at them even though I’ve seen the pics before! ROTFLMAO!!!
They HAD to have been picking on each other…
“You look dumb…”
“Yeah, well, you look dumber!”
“Do NOT!”
“Do TOO!”
HAHA! The squirrel looks away to laugh!! OH MY!!! I have tears swelling up in my eyes! Oh this is too funny! That Chickadee picture is perfect! Maybe they aren’t saying “Chick-a-dee-dee-dee” but rather, “Chick-a-hee-hee-hee”!!!
That’s a perfect picture of Kelli and Mr. Miller! So gorgeous! And of course, the best pic of all is Miss Cocoa and her ears straight up with her tongue out the side! LOLOLOLOL!!!
You sure did get some GREAT pictures! They are phenomenal!!
Alrighty, I must stop to find my glasses as my eyes are all screwed up now, but it was SO worth it!! :D
Love you MUCH MUCH!
HeHeHe , loved this blog and the dogs look adorableeee and I bet you all had a great time .
ReplyDeleteHow great would it have been if you coulda got a pic of Coco doing her somersault! I laughed out loud! That must have been hilarious to see!
Orange is the new black... hehehe ;)
Poor Mr. Miller does not look amused... Funny that the squirrel laughed at him... The squirrels here like to aggravate the in-laws' poodle (she calls them thieves cause they come in the yard and steal 'her' acorns and 'her' bird seed! LMAO).
What are your plans for Thanksgiving?? Hope you have a good time, whatever you do!
Love to You!
Slurkie :-)
I don't know, I think Coco wants to do it all again, LMAO
ReplyDeleteSuch an adventure just to have an adventure!
Thanks for the laughs! LOL! Is this a requirement for the dogs safety? Good idea at least. How long does it take for the pooches to get use to the humiliation?
ReplyDeleteWith the gnarley looks they have from that very first photo....I would have been thinking twice about putting orange jackets on them.
I used to buy size 2 toddler sweatshirts at Consignment Stores for my Whippets, they were the perfect fit, after I shortened the sleeves a little. It wasn't to make them visible to hunters though, I did it to keep them warm in the winter, because they had about as much fur as a mole.
ReplyDeleteIt's always such fun to see Punk playing with her friends. It appears that "Squirrels just wanna have fun" too.
I love the pic where punkies butt fur is up under the shirt!!!!
LOL. I used to have to do the same for Mr Riely. He ws perfect deer color too.
I bought short sleeved though so he didn't have that whole sleeve issue.
All 3 are just cute as bugs.. Love the orange look! Your imagination is just awesome!
ReplyDeleteBig hugs