Hi All;
Bring it on! Please.
Having been verbally attacked, sabotaged, (even to include a desperate attempt at humiliating me), I have put the following question out for everyone...
Has any one of you ever had to question my Faith, or lack of it?
Now what of my patriotism?
Why? or Why not?
I am over 50 years old. I am more than set in my beliefs and am quite honest as I have been always. As Mama said, "blatantly and brutally honest"
Therefore I won't be hurt (or disgraced?), by your words.
Though of course you are welcomed to try....
why the need to do that?
ReplyDeleteif it's a person of faith who has then I feel worse
I discuss faith matters with people online, but would never deliberately try to humiliate - it is a struggle to communicate spiritual things and beliefs in typed words, I know that [it's just difficult, as some things are deeply sensed] - maybe harder than in spoken words - but unless someone categorically denies the tenets of the faith they claim then none of us can judge if they are a genuine believer or not.
as a non-American that isn't something we [English] people are hot on doing
ReplyDeleteinfact it disturbs me when some seem to equate 'The Flag' with God, or believing in God :(
by the way (((hugs))) to you
this thread caught my eye, and having been attacked online I know what it feels like
Well I have not known you long enough to really comment...but my response is... if you do not question your own faith or patriotism, then the heck with those who do *s*. (however, remember that just because they might question, does not mean they think you are not faith-ful or patriotic...perhaps they want you to clarify things now and then *shrugs*)
ReplyDeleteBTW... I will pray that all goes well for your daughter
Be yourself......... FLY we're here to experience being us and allow others the same ..
ReplyDeleteso your perfect being just who you are...
I do not know you but I can say this. Do and say what you believe in. Do it with manners and try not to hurt others while doing it. Good luck.Stay true to yourself,.
ReplyDeleteAre you asking if any of us have had to question YOUR faith or Patriotism?
ReplyDeleteUm your faith or lack of it hasnt even entered into my mind... mainly because unless your trying to force feed me your opinion on something in which you think I have no interest ( ie my lack thereof of religous belief) , it simply isnt something that would occur to me, as for your patriotism I imagine as with most normal rational human beings that you love your country, you may wish there were somethings that were different but that dosent mean you dont love your country. Just my opinion.
ReplyDeleteI have to say I agree with Smudge, as a Brit I personally find all those posturing about how any one country is better than another a lil ridiculous, they all have their plus and negative points. And as for equating the flag with "God" well guess that depends on which "god" you choose to believe in
ReplyDeletewell we only know each other fairly recently....but, what I do know of you and how you write....I would say that you are a person of faith and love this country. what kind of faith you are, I have no idea and that doesn't matter to me as I do not belong to a church, I believe in a God whomever God may be and I guess I am more spiritual than anything else. I have no idea what politics you vote for and that doesn't matter to me either. I don't even stick to one category there myself. I like knowing people of different faiths and people who have different outlooks as well as the same as my own. I try to keep an open mind with all things considered. I do value honesty and you seem very honest to me and I admire you for that. :)
ReplyDelete"Faith" is your own damn business, until you start to make it mine - which you haven't, thankfully, as opposed to a lot of the Fundies here on Multiply and elsewhere in the country who'd like to make it law.
ReplyDelete(I stand up and bark about that. You've seen it).
I don't doubt your concern for this country.
You seem to have a good head on your shoulders.
End story.
(The morons can stew in their own juice. If they want to indulge pet-fantasies, that's fine. Just don't make 'em mine.)
Sweet Annie,
ReplyDeleteSHAME on whomever it was that attacked you. Your faith is your own. It is a quiet, strong faith and no one else's business. You and Creator are in accord and that is all that matters. As far as your patriotism goes I, again, don't see how anyone can question that either.
You are a strong, storng-willed, passionate woman and I am proud to call you friend. Those of us that know you know your beliefs both spiritual and patriotic. Those on here that don't know you and would question either, don't matter. Dogs barking at the wind.
ReplyDeleteAnne, Anne, Anne...I have no clue where to start...I think there are idiots in this world who are as set in their beliefs as you are in yours. When they can't find a rational way to argue their beliefs they are threatened and act out in awful ways.
ReplyDeleteI will also say that anyone who would make any of this accusations have not taken the time to get to know and love you as many as of us have. This type of person is not a "friend" by definition of the word.
1. a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard.
2. a person who gives assistance; patron; supporter.
3. a person who is on good terms with another; a person who is not hostile
Anne I have known you for some time since we became friends over on Yahoo 360. Not once have I even thought about you having a lack of faith. I know your faith, in whatever you believe, is strong.
ReplyDeleteTo each his own, is what I always say. You know in your heart what you know, the same as I do.
Patriotism?? What....are you not displaying your flag enough?? Did you have a difference in opinion with someone over backing up our great nation or something??
Agreeing or disagreeing with whatever happens to be going on with our country neither makes one more patriotic or less patriotic. It only means you believe firmly in what YOU believe in and intend to stand by your opinion.
I don't know what inspired the question, but it sounds to me like someone is trying to make Patriotism Political! I mean....its kinda like saying....if you're a Democrat you are less Patriotic than a Republican. Or vica-versa. Darnit! We just don't have to be politically correct on every little thing just to be Patriotic!
I've never had any reason to question your faith or patriotism. If there's someone out there who is questioning either of these qualities that you possess - they really don't know you, at all.
ReplyDeleteI am extremely curious as to who has upset you to the point that you are questioning yourself... Who is it?? I would LOVE to give him/her a piece of my mind!
ReplyDeleteAnne, you are who you are. No more, no less. You voice your opinions, you make it clear what your faith is, you make it clear what your beliefs are. ANYONE who questions that has not taken the time to get to know YOU as a person. I love that you give your opinion freely and look forward to seeing a response from you when I blog...
As far as your patriotism, once again, anyone questioning that has not taken the time to get to know you. You love your country. You may not love all that goes on here but you are a proud American...
Point me in the direction of the buttface that has attacked you... They won't bother you ever again once I'm done with them...
You are right of course, it IS a person of faith.
ReplyDeleteAnd I do not mind ANYone's Faith as long as they are NOT shoving it down my throat.
(Although I do generally close the door on the people that go door to door with their faith books).
I do not "judge" anyones Faith. Ever.
Course I haven't run into any satanists, (Knock on wood). hehehe
I have Faith and I have spirituality. Both are such a part/parcel of my being that I do not know where one ends and the other begins.
The Native in me decries anything bad, from within or without- The Christian in me decries the very fact that I even have a soul as I watch the news some days.
About the pledge of allegiance...
ReplyDelete"Apart from the mention of the phrase 'the United States of America,' it could be the pledge of any republic."
AND, it was written BY a socialist. Go figure.
God and the flag have nothing to do with one another. It is an act of Congress that put those words in the pledge.
As far as being attacked online, it makes my head spin when simpletons do not 'get it'. These actions being BY CHOICE- Who wants to ever be ignorant by choice? It is those same people that refuse to post links to their perceived absurdities too.
(It is a damn fine thing I wasn't a teacher! I would have rewritten those History books one heck of a long time ago)!
Anyway I can, and do, hold my own online- But dang, I hate when I get so bitchy about it all too. hehehe
ReplyDeleteI have been told just today that I "must be one of them". (Meaning a terrorist).
So that kinda makes it my business.
BUT even with that, I still will not bow to such demands of my spirit and soul.
They are not my 'friend' (nay, barely acquaintance)- having just added their 2cents to a mutual persons blog a while back. Therefore they do not deserve my 'clarification). Especially when reading only a few blogs of mine will attest to how I feel, and what I may/may not believe.
Which incidentally I laid out years ago here: http://flintville.multiply.com/journal/item/67
AND reposted...
Yes, they have had that link since January.
Oops, an new one now too...
ReplyDeleteAw heck, dare I link this?
Do I dare?
(Double dog dare)?
Oh heck...
"Ya snooze, ya lose" hehehe
I have seen you around- And am thanking you for commenting here!
ReplyDeleteI am "ME". Not perfect by any stretch of anyone's imagination- hehehe
And not too much of anything else. If I was more, I would have to redo my top page's "about me" stuff. (Think I covered just about everything years ago when I began my 360 page. That, I just copied from there).
I have been telling everyone else to be "themselves" too. (I raised 4 daughters, how could I not repeat those words)?
ReplyDeleteSee, I do have manners, and a great deal of respect too.
Then I get ambushed and all the politeness goes to my hair follicles or something.
I am a peaceful person. Always have been, always will be.
(Shooting venison for food on the table does not contradict that statement either).
Guess I shall just keep trying...
Just sometimes it is fun to laugh at others when they spew such garbage...
I thank you also for stopping by, and for leaving your upbeat words too.
ReplyDeleteIn a nutshell, yes.
Thanks for asking Sweet Cab
ReplyDeleteAm finding it hard to believe that people I have known for years simply come here and read this and leave me hanging.
And you others who I do not know, or barely know, (new), are stepping up and writing a reply.
I thank you wholeheartedly for your opinions, and applaud the backbones you must have to write to me simply because I asked in a blog.
You are more than special already!
To have it not enter your mind is a great compliment to me. (I hope you meant it that way).
ReplyDeleteI was never taught to be a judicious person.
I was taught that everybody has their own story, their own feelings, and to always respect those.
I was taught that my own 'rights' only went so far as my nose. So as not to hurt anyone.
Too bad I wasn't ever taught when to shut up eh? hehehe
I also do not think I have ever even put down another country; unless it was in jest that is. There are people that you can joke with, and ones you cannot.
Personally I prefer a rich sense of humor. (It has to be WAY hard to go through life without that...)
ReplyDeleteFunny how one little word can say so much?!
Thank you Sweets!
Anne your amongst my fav people on here .. I have gotten to know you through your blogs and I know no matter what you believe in , they are YOUR beliefs and you have your right to them and anyone who don't like them , well too bad I say ... Don't second guess yourself because of what someone has said ..You stay strong in your beliefs , faith , love of country , its those loyalities you show us everyday that makes us like you fine JUST THE WAY YOU ARE ...
ReplyDeleteYou know me... I HAD ta click that link and am reading all that has been said now...
ReplyDeleteYour own honesty and kindness has touched me deeply- That we have known each other for such a short while, and there you are! Thank you!
ReplyDeleteNor do I belong to a church. I define my Faith as Christian, (if that is necessary to anyone else).
I love the spiritual aspect that you have written about.
I have voted Republican. And I have voted Democratic.
The last election?
McCain did himself in (by me) here:http://flintville.multiply.com/journal/item/681
Obama got my vote because of this: http://flintville.multiply.com/journal/item/689
I too, keep an open mind. Yes, I was taught that too.
It all boils down to simple respect, doesn't it?
Moron Stew huh? (That's my next blog)...
ReplyDeleteI do not force feed anyone to change them to what I believe in. But I do have a problem wanting people to speak and believe truths that are out there.
I have always had a problem with ignorance in others, and in myself too.
Difference is that some will learn. And some just do not want to. That to me IS a sin, and sends the good head spinnin'...
(Love your parenthesis too)!
Thank you! I do try- and some days I fail, but I do try to be attuned...
ReplyDeleteThen the moniker, "terrorist" did me in... Just because I don't take orders well... WTF?
ReplyDeleteThanks for the 2nd!
Trust me, I had no idea where to start this either.
ReplyDeleteAgain, I think if people come by my blog and just even read a few of them (in the blog category (and not in the chronic or political ones), they 'should' know not to call me out like that! That I have lived through many things that others can only try to understand... Oh it's a "been there, done that" sort of stubbornness that is in me.
These people are not on my blog- Once in an extended form, but since JT decided he could not stand hearing truths, they are not even there anymore. (I don't think). So it is not a loss. But believe me, it will kock the wind out of your soul to be called something like that.
I love you too!
I love that last line!
ReplyDeleteI know that you know me too. We have Faith in each other also. That's what friendship is you know. And I like it fine that way! hehehe
I was wholeheartedly stubborn with these misfits.
My flag is everywhere. (And boy do I have a flag for the likes of them)!
Two of 'em matter of fact- One on each hand... hehehe
That was my point in asking them (kindly) to read my "I Believe" blog.
ReplyDeleteThey did not do that, and still called me that.
Go figure.
I find that many non-believers are the ones that initiate it for some reason
ReplyDeleteI, myself, have no need to, and don't [on other people's blogs]
sometimes I wonder why non-believers are so obsessed with it
they have decided I am an apostate long ago
ReplyDeleteI think you have found the most extremist on Multiply
there's no communication happening with these people
Buttface?!?! I laughed out loud!
ReplyDeleteI know I am behind on your blogs- (well everyones blogs, truth be told), and I shall promise to try to catch up tomorrow.
I am overtired and just cross-eyed right now.
I see that the misfits have closed that blog... (to their friends and family) Oh well.
Hehehe If anyone wants to read the whole thing please just let me know...
I have my ways...
Good grief already!
They wrote a blog that began this way...
"DO YOU THINK THIS IS RIGHT? Nov 15, '09 11:24 AM
for everyone
"Flintville", I am reposting on my page, the pieces I mentioned"
He/They go on to say this, "I posted these pieces for a Multiply member named " Flintville".
And then this... "Now, would you believe, "Flintville" does not even have the backbone to come to my page"
That, after I had replied to a note they had sent to me, that I would get there when I could.
Today was that day. I could. And I did.
HAHAHA They write a blog directed AT me, then close it off TO me.
C'mon, really?
Will is right. They are morons.
The only word that comes to my mind is "WHY?"
ReplyDeleteSuch fools many are.
And yet I know a few atheists that are better people than some that go to church religiously. (Pun intended).
As I said before, It all boils down to respect.
If we have a modicum of respect for the other person, that is all it takes,
(In my little book anyway)
I thank you again!
no, Astra means all people of faith are morons in that generalising statement above - as he called it fantasies..quite rude and derogatory
ReplyDeletehe can be much more thinking and sifting when he tries, but he doesn't always try
Us2nomads are something else..the extreme of the extreme
all I can say is...I think they are 70+ if that helps any
[some get set in their ways..Christian or atheist, as they get older]
They are dough~heads then...
ReplyDelete(And they equate 'me' with extremism)???
Wow. How sad.
And here I thought JT was the most radical and outrageous...
JT's blog is here http://arkansasredneck.multiply.com
You figure it out...
And PPS. I know you don't know me, but I have dated a cop for the past 11 years now. He is a Christian and a staunch Republican.
He is nothing like either of these sites portray themselves to be, and is particularly interested in them both. (Yeah Randy has a sense of humor too).
Here's to hoping your own sense of humor is intact... hehehe
ReplyDeleteA few months ago I had saved this little tidbit (and it is all I can think of to post backatcha about their ages)...
"Every time I turn on the television this week, all I see is angry mobs of chunky old white people. You know I wasn't for these death panels before, but I'm starting to come around." --Bill Maher
But wait. I know plenty of 70~somethings who would cringe to be compared to these 2.
My apologies if I have offended anyone...
Did you just call me a moron?
umm.. no and no.
ReplyDeleteYou have always been very open about both and you not only talk the talk, you walk it too.
so... never questioned it.
Should I have?
DO NOT answer that I was being a smartbutt....
xoxoxo Pea
Whoo~Hoo!!! Lookee Here, a "new" kind of Pea!
ReplyDeleteThank you for all the goodness that is in you! Always.
Well, 'cepting for Maxwell...
I must go nighty~night now...
nice people over there. I left a thoughtful, polite, and AGREEABLE post over there and was called an idiotic, liberal, piece of american trash....
ReplyDeletenice. There is no talking to some people.
There is a new Pea all the time.....
Maxwell has his good side too...you just sometimes have to look REALLY REALLY hard.
go nighty night...
I love your disagreeable self.... just so you know.
Sumkina Pea.
No. I referred to the Fundies, who want to make their religion law here in America.
ReplyDelete(Smudge and I had a falling-out, because she's a bit didactic)
After going and reading Johns blog I just had to laugh at the main banner ad I got on his page.
ReplyDelete"Muslim matrimonial"
You are only a terrorist in the eyes of the meeces that try to hang around your house. No one else has any reason to think of you as a terrorist, you are sweet and kind through and through.
ReplyDeleteMy Agreeable Sweet Schizophrenic Pea;
(Yeah, that's "sumkina")!
Far be it from me to say "I told ya so". But I do heartily thank you for trying.
Rumor has it they know what God thinks.
Thanks for your clarification Astra- You had me scared for a few minutes.
ReplyDelete("Terrorist" is one thing, but "moron" is a whole different story)...
I am laughing too Sweet Sophie...
ReplyDeleteAnd I must have missed THAT one. What does that mean anyway?
Aw heck... do I want to know?
I know he had 'previously' written that he WELCOMED disagreements and the like, and that this would not ever cause him to deny people.
No. Just me.
ReplyDeleteSweet RT;
You cracked me up!
As you well know, I love to laugh in the morning...
Picturing those little mousies on their knees, praying to their mouse god to save them from the traps, was just too much.
(But wait, is that an admission to something then)?!?
OMG Sweet Carolyn;
ReplyDeleteHow did I miss your reply???
My apologies for that. I meant no disrespect.
I really wasn't trying to 2nd guess myself, (and am now finding that odd), maybe I should have been?
Anyway, I was mostly just wanting to know how hard/easy it was to tell what my opinions are of either of those things. (And yes, I 'am' a loyal person)!
... and very very stubborn. hehehe
That is never to discredit anyone whose own beliefs may be different than mine. And I made a promise a LONG time ago never to hurt anyone by taunting them for their religion.
You make me think too- And be grateful for such a compliment as your first line certainly is to me.
Me, (Just the way I am)!
Hi Anne
ReplyDeleteI have have been waiting for a chance to get on the computer. It has been quite a while and everything isn't the same. I don't know exactly what you're asking but truly you need not explain anything to me. I also do not attend a service even that I am Catholic. That si a story all my it's self. I do pray, (so I do believe) I pray on the way to work every morning and pretty much sound like a broken record. I love my country and have seen things in others countries back in my teens that made me appricate what we have here. Do I agree with everything our goverment does? No I don't! I enjoy reading your blogs and try to comment now and then weather or not it's for or against. And I have notice that you have excepted them either way. and have remained a friend. Sometime subjects can just get to deep.
It still says that on John's page. These people don't stand by their statements. They think their way is the only way and you have to agree with them no matter what they say.
ReplyDeleteWell that makes no sense... why would we question either of those things? Silly woman
ReplyDeletehmm what have I missed?? Someone forgot to read the about me huh? Nope never had to question it cause you are too dang honest for that. Missed you Anne! Mwah!
ReplyDeleteI am in agreement with JustSoph and our Brit. friends.
ReplyDeleteIt isn't for us to decide what/or how much faith one has. That is between you and God. I have been verbally told how I have no faith (they are totally wrong).
And as far as being a terrorist, according to the "new" thought, I may just be one. Yet, I'm going to a better place after I die. Hmmmmm. LOL
You know I went to their pages. I can clearly say that these "Chrisitans" have not read the bible. In Leviticus we read ...
ReplyDeleteDon't hate people. 19:17
"Love thy neighbor as thyself." 19:18
Respect your elders. 19:32
Be kind to strangers. 19:33-34
Treat others fairly. Don't cheat. 19:35-36
and in Exodus it reads...
Don't do what everyone else does, if what they do is wrong. 23:2
Be kind to your enemies. Do good to those who hate you. 23:4-5
I may get myself in trouble these may be slightly paraphrased:D
hypocrits are everywhere...usually found hiding behind the GUISE of religion. They didn't want opinion as they SAID they did, they wanted people agree with them. They give the true believers a bad name.
ReplyDeleteI didn't even really "try" to do anything related to your blog. I went and read the blog in question and made a polite thoughtful and informed comment..... I was tossed off the page with a baarage of insults. I told them if they wanted to discuss more, they could e-mail me.... fo course they have not.
Yeah right... perhaps they were listening at the "wrong end of god"..... no disrespect intended to god but you know.....
Ilpat Pea.
(idiotic, liberal, piece of American Trash) Pea.
yes, there are, and I thank God for them
ReplyDeleteas they are gracious
my own dad, an evangelical preacher who was right wing in some things, and set in his ways about other things
-as he got older he mellowed - he had always been motivated by love/God's love
but this really took hold in his late 50's/60's and early 70's before he passed on
- he learned to see, and give, grace
my mom has always had loads of grace and love -
[I know I am blessed in that, as I know not all have that in parents, and I don't take it for granted]
unfortunately, us2nomads are [slanderously] malicious and 'glass half empty' people, and people who are motivated by 'law' not grace
which is NOT the teaching of the new testament [new covenant]
they do not promote Truth [as part of truth is checking e-mail rumours before passing them on, about Obama and other things...so I do not see how they can claim to be following Him Who is Truth Incarnate!]
I was referring to your rude phraseology of 'pet-fantasies'
ReplyDelete[as someone else, a non-Christian, remarked on a blog - 'just becauuse we cannot see something doesn't mean it doesn't exist']
I would prefer it if you weren't so rude as to label my beliefs 'pet-fantasies'
I may not be a 'fundamentalist' [as us2nomads will gladly tell you]
but I believe in some very basic fundamantals of the Christian faith
and I do not indulge in fantasies - [not even the fantasy that I am my own god]
...OK, you may not grasp what 'Faith' is - but if it was fantasy then there would only be the one word - 'Fantasy'
ReplyDeletefalling out?
I disagreed with you on a blog that had nothing to do with faith, at all
because you over-reacted to a very funny tongue in cheek blog and missed the point
I ended our 'conversation' with friendly humour [in the form of a smilie]
if you want to describe it as you did then it says more about you
well said
ReplyDeleteand you got all that from Leviticus too!! [which people love to quote out of context, usually, to disprove faith...but without bothering to try to understand the context of those health provisions at that time]
Sweet Mommy,
ReplyDeleteYou are not a terrorist nor a faith basher... I agree with the people on here that say that faith doesn't become an issue for anyone unless someone is trying to cram their beliefs down someone else's throat... I believe we are all entitled to our own beliefs and deities and whatnot but what we are not entitled to is forcing that opinion on others...
You have never done that EVER! You have relayed the stories/comments/blogs that have sparked this and they are all big steaming piles of B.S... Tell them to get their heads screwed on straight BEFORE speaking...
I've never questioned your faith nor your patriotism. You are an American and yes you don't agree with 100% of what this country does, but that's the point of being an American, we have the freedom to disagree and suggest different modes of operation to our government...
Tell these assholes to go jump in a lake or leave you alone; their choice... :D
Love you MUCH MUCH!
Thank you Robert,
ReplyDeleteI never thought I was that deep of a person; (though I must add that I am not 'shallow' either). hehehe
I do not always agree with the government- (from Flintville and all the way to Washington). Not a big fan of it-
But I sure as heck am a fan of having everyone insured.
As far as religion goes, I don't go to mass because of my anxiety problems, but that does not make me any more/less faithful than the next person. Not sure what I can say differently at church than I can say before I fall asleep anyway?
I am not surprised by this in the least.
ReplyDeleteI figured he would be too lame to change it and to post the truth.
He could at least write his way or the highway...
I had left him a note too...
Personal Message "Well It's been fun"
Nov 15, '09 7:34 AM
by Flintville for users arkansasredneck and flintville
I distinctly remember reading your top page, and it saying that there was always room for discussion...
Let's see.
If I recall, called you a cad, a plagiarist, and a bigot.
Seems now that I left one out.. "LIAR".
I can only hope that you have changed your introduction to include the fact that you DO block people for disagreeing with ya.
Yup. Still laughing at you.
There ya have it...
It was sorta senseless... Like arguing with a peanut shell.
Where the heck have YOU been? I have missed you too!
ReplyDeleteNot sure if it's a matter of reading or one of comprehension... (Sadly, for some it's a problem with both).
Whenever anything went wrong with the girls when they were younger, and I couldn't figure out who was trying to pull the wool over my eyes, I always told them, "You know and God knows."
ReplyDeleteGreat defining moment of reckoning with the word terrorist too.
I'd be willing to bet that almost every religion has those same sentiments in thier own holy books.
You are SO right about hiding in their bibles.
ReplyDeleteEver notice how the Catholic one inspires so much "holier than thou" sentiment?
Why is that?
ReplyDeleteHave I told you lately that I love you?
So I must leave a note here huh?
Dear Assholes;
Please either go jump in a lake, or leave me alone.
Your choice.
There. All better.
Mama D.
wait. I just saw something disturbing in this blog.... sorry but I have to say something about this horrendous statement.
ReplyDeleteyou are OVER 50???
Had to make you laugh.
Wow just like me an honest person who speaks her mind I like it, however I'm not all that Christian Anne :)
ReplyDeleteWoo Yoo a woman who is 50 and proud of it, a rare breed indeed
She is a special and rare woman indeed.... not just because of her age eitehr.
ReplyDeleteYou always make me laugh!
ReplyDelete50 what?!?
now hear this.
Now demrdcks!
Mama D
Oh I do speak my mind Mr. Lester! Although be it known that it is not always so well respected. hehehe
ReplyDeleteAs far as being Christian goes, I have another little link for you...
ReplyDeleteYour check will be sent soon.