Good Afternoon!
I am online here- Not sure for how long, but am happy that my desktop is working once more-
I had a dentist appointment at 7 this morning... Bad in the chair for my back, but at least I could get up and stand for a bit. That helped. Have to go back for a cleaning at the end of January. Oh well.
Casey has been coming out to try to help get Christmas in order for my annual brunch. What a great help she has been to me!
Kelli even came and rolled my dumpster out to the road last night for me!
Also yesterday, my sister Barbara, (Panama City Beach, FL) called. What a lovely surprise! She keeps updated by reading the blogs, but not the same as talking either. And she might just fly up to Minneapolis when Casey has those next 2 surgeries, if all works out for her.
Like myself, Barbara sent out zero Christmas cards- The first year for her not to either. She just didn't want me to think she had forgotten about me. (Not a chance, I know she loves me). We had such a great conversation! Methinks I have about 50 phone calls of my own to be making! hehehe
Family and friends- What could be better?
As you can guess, my back has been an unrelenting kind of awful.
Our weather is to turn nasty(er) tonight, and I have an appointment with the pain management doctor tomorrow morning, at 7:50. This, for two more pain injections in my back. I may try to arrive earlier if I can so we don't have to be in the worst of the storm-
They are calling for 4-8 inches of new snow, plus ice, rain, drizzle, sleet, and all the rest, beginning tonight. Slush. Uck. And mush.
If the shots work then all will be worth it. If not, or if they leave me feeling rough or otherwise, Casey has already volunteered to do the cooking on Christmas morning. Thank God for Casey and Greg. (She volunteered himself too)!
I shall try to post a real blog later on today or tomorrow; and maybe after it's all updated I can even get to a few of your own blogs. I just don't want it to shut down in the middle of trying to post this! Darn thing.
In the meanwhile I hope all is well with everyone, and that you all are safe and warm (enough).
Love to all, and Merry Christmas too!
Its great that Casey is returning the favor and is there to help you so much!
ReplyDeleteHope your Christmas brunch turns out great, now don't be throwing the hash all over....tehe!
Travel safe to an from the doctors appointment, hope the shots work for you they never did for me.
Anne...we have storms of the windy and hard rain kind headed for us here for tomorrow. The weatherman says more than likely there will many downed trees and power outages. Oh Joy. Send me your snow and I'll send you our stuff. I would love to be able to get out and make a snowman or something. Even if the power goes out during the day I could still go outside and have something to do. LOL! But....then.....I might hurt MY back and be in the shape you are in. Hmmmm.....I don't want that either. I got enough back aches as it is. Can't win for losing sometimes, huh. Gosh how I miss being young and able-bodied!
ReplyDeleteHope your Christmas brunch goes well. Casey is being so sweet to help. But that is just how Casey is. She is sweetness to the bone and just can't help it!
Merry Christmas Annie. I hope your shots work and take away your pain. Mind did and I am thinking yours should too!
ReplyDeleteI really hope the shots help your back. I know that SOME relief will be better than the severe pain you have been in lately...
ReplyDeleteMake sure Greg makes the mashed taters! hehehe ;-)
Be safe while you're out in the Slush n Uck n stuff!
Merry Christmas!
Love Ya!
Slurkie :-)
ReplyDeleteI hope that it all comes together for a wonderufl holiday for you all!
I am so glad you get help from everyone and I wish your back would get better .. GOOD LUCK tomorrow , I really hope and pray the shots help you hun ..
ReplyDeleteI hates the dentist but you gotta do what you gotta do and I think a cleaning is one thing I hate the most lol ..
A Merry Christmas to you and yours Annie ..
Hi, sounds like you are in for Stormy Weather, that makes me want to break into son every are suppose to get some nasty stuff too. You sure to make early appointments, guess that is good though, get them over with. I am not much of an early riser myself, I am getting up when you are at your appts.....We are doing our Christmas gala tomorrow night, should be fun. We have week old twins, so that will be an extra bonus. Mel going to help make cookies tomorrow and finish up last little bit of shopping, more of a tradition than a need. Just like to see what is on sale. Well guess I will close for now, have a wonderful CHRISTmas.
ReplyDeleteMay you have a safe trip out in the morning to the Dr. We had to take Drew in for a bandage change and another skin graft this morning(foot is looking good). In the morning we will be headed over to Lake City,FL to see the grandsons. I can hardly wait. I havent seen them since May.
ReplyDeleteI know the southeast is in for some rainy weather the next couple of days. I'm hoping the tail end of it breaks up and doesnt cause us much problems.
May you and yours have a very Merry Christmas!
PS ..we had a wonderful sunrise this morning in Panama City Beach..l will post the pics for you to see in an album.
I hope your shots worked wonders for you so you can enjoy Christmas tomorrow. With the weather being so crappy it sounds like it will be a good day to stay inside and play with your Christmas toys! Yea! Hope you all have a Very Merry Christmas - Punk and Sput too - but not the mowises!)
ReplyDeleteI think thats what Christmas and Holidays of any sort are all about.. being with family and friends. Makes the heart happy!
ReplyDeleteWishing you and your crew a very blessed and painfree Christmas!
Big hugs
I hope the shots helped and I pray you had a blessed Holy Day. HUGS dear.