Good Evening;
It is once again snowing on top of the ice... The temps will be below zero once more tonight and not above about 10 tomorrow. Yes, I have F
Casey has just called and is home safely from school.
Kelli is still on the road making her way home. (She took the Jeep today so at least has 4 wheel drive if she needs it).
I still worry...
So, as I wait to hear that she has made it home safely I want to share my funny exchange with William today.
As you know, he lives down IN Alabama...
We have taken to chiding each other about our weather opposites, (truth be known, William just rubs his cozy warm temps in my face every chance he gets). hehehe
Here ya go!
Where ARE you Mr. William?
I had a little fun, (at your expense) late last week when we had our blizzard... hehehe
Hope you weren't too upset?
My love to all
No I am not upset, but I am the one sitting in 60 degree weather! Ha Ha.
How about you?
Love you
Come north and cool off a bit, will ya already?
We are to be getting more snow today- On top of the ice we got last night...
Well we will be getting more rain on top of, oh more water!
You come south and warm up that frozen brain
At least y'all can swim if need be,
I tried the backstroke in the snow once...
And how did that work out for you?
Bet snow down the pants is worst than sand.
Not sure as I like the 'grit' either.
But I do know for a fact that the snow makes you move a bit faster...
________________ end
I am still giggling! Ain't life grand?
All of which begs the question, "Which do YOU prefer?"
Love to all
:)) I'll take the sand over the ice/snow.
ReplyDeleteB-b-b-b-butt! hehehe Sand is dirty; and snow (unless yellow), is clean.
I'll take sand any day before snow!
ReplyDeleteI reckon I would too...
ReplyDeleteButt, you can't build a snowman out of sand.
(And "Sandman" has other daffynitions)...
ReplyDeleteKelli called- She is home safe.
Can I have both?
ReplyDeleteA few months of sand and a few months of snow??
I know I get sick of snow after all winter but it certainly has its own beauty and I cannot imagine not seeing it anymore ..
ReplyDeleteSnow might make you wet but it don't get in places that sand do .. LOL
ReplyDeleteROTFLMAO!!! This was funny....
I'm not too sure what I'd rather prefer... Sand or snow... At least with sand comes warmer temperatures, butt with gritty feeling... Snow isn't gritty butt it is cold as heck.... Hmmm... Good question! I like snow for it's initial beauty, but I'm definitely sick of it now... I've had my fill! :D
This was an hilarious exchange!!! Gotta love son-in-laws, huh? :D
"I'm the one in 60 degree weather"... Well goody for you!!! A little bit of that and our snow would melt for sure! Tell him to send some of that up here so our roads are driveable again!!! :D
Love you MUCH MUCH!
I beg to differ... I've made snow angels in my bikini... You wouldn't believe the places that snow manages to get into.... ;)
ReplyDeleteLMBO! I think I will take the snow over least it makes ya move quicker!
ReplyDeleteSnow melts away, sand scratches parts you just cannot reach!!! Ouch!
ReplyDeleteIt took me ages to work out why both temperature gauges showed zero at the same temperature! I thought one was fahrenheit and the other was centigrade! (durrrrrrr! Oh me of little brain)
I got it in the end - Inside and Outside! Proves the point of 'always read the small print'.
I'll go and lay down in a darkened room now ............ xxxx
I've never had snow in my pants, but I've had plenty of sand there. Snow melts and leaves you looking like you peed your pants, sand on the other hand will exfoliated the peach fuzz right off your bum. Hmm, not sure which is better or worse. Only you, sweet Annie, would try to make us choose between snow and sand in the pants - LOL!!
ReplyDeleteWe are supposed to have a beautiful week here. Highs in the upper 50s, with lows in the mid 30s, with lots of sun. About freakin time - we've had so much rain I was about to start building a raft!
Yes but snow melts and there are bits of sand around till you shower lol
ReplyDeleteIn any event,,,he sounds like a fun one to talk to. LOL
And the "rest of the story" hehehe
From Tuesday morning...
Good Morning William;
Just thought I would let you know how much I loved our little exchange here yesterday. So much so that I even blogged it! hehehe Thank you!
The consensus is in. More people prefer sand in their bum than snow.
(The windchill now is about 15 below zero, so I can't say I blame them either).
Have a great day!
I have a doctor appointment for 10:15-
(The worst of that all is psyching myself up to get in the shower).
I thank you again for yesterday Mr. William!
Then the reply...
Any time Mom, I loved it also!
Good luck with the Doc.
So now, NO complaining about inlaws on my page here!
Whining about the weather is alright though... hehehe
5° ABOVE as I type.
Love to all.
OK, here it goes...
ReplyDeleteIt is raining buckets upon buckets here and is supposed to continue to do so for a few days. The only 'good' thing is that it has 'warmed' back up into the 40's...
Last week was absolutely horrible with the freezing cold temps, barely making it to the 20's.
I dislike the cold.
I dislike the rain (sometimes).
I will gladly take sunny and 70's, anyday!
And this concludes my whining about the weather for today!