6.0 magnitude-
I think they are calling it a 'new' earthquake, and not an aftershock, because it was so strong.
This is so sad.
Praying for SoCal too. Sweet Pea, are you ok?
Knowing that the last time they had all this rain, it was ultimately responsible for our Blizzard Allison.
I do have another earthquake related question too.
How come some earthquakes are responsible for causing tsunami's and others are not?
If it is in the oceans and depending how deep a tsunami, If it hits on lands no tsunamI a nd depends how deep on land for the destruction
ReplyDeletemust have heard that somewhere with nonstop coverage.
ReplyDelete" Not all earthquakes generate tsunamis. To generate tsunamis, earthquakes must occur underneath or near the ocean, be large and create movements in the sea floor. All oceanic regions of the world can experience tsunamis, but in the Pacific Ocean there is a much more frequent occurrence of large, destructive tsunamis because of the many large earthquakes along the margins of the Pacific Ocean."
I heard about the quake just as I woke this morning. I instantly prayed for all that are down there.
I remember when we lived in Hawaii, there was a earthquake that hit Alaska. Hawaii started evacuating communities, because their appeared to be movement that suggested a Tsunami coming towards the islands. We lived up on a mountainside at that time. I remember sitting on the hillside, watching all these people trying to get up the mountain, cars backed up for miles.
I also remember watching the ocean from the mountainside, and being somewhat disappointed to see these 2 foot waves washing in (okay, I wash a child and didn't grasp the actual devastation a tsunami would cause).
ReplyDeleteThank you Ladies!
Am happy again that I do not have CNN. hehehe
Oka, You lived in Hawaii? very very neat to hear that!
Not so neat about the possibility of a tsunami though.
Thank you both
I saw a clip on the news the other day that showed how a small quake hit somewhere in Oregon followed a fault line to Northern Cal. then across the ocean and that, eventually, spawned the quake that hit Haiti. It looked like a lightning storm traveling through the fault lines.
ReplyDeleteSad news all this
ReplyDeleteI can only imagine the fear they felt from yet another hard one like that.
ReplyDeleteAnne, I heard the explanation for this once but I doubt I can explain. Something to do with the depth of the quake and the direction of movement of the plates.
My daughter, living in Okinawa, has gone through many tsunami warnings these past 4 years. Even if there is an earthquake in the Philippines or Taiwan they have to worry about a possible tsunami. Island people have no where to go to improve their safety. And just a day or so after Haiti had their bad earthquake, Okinawa had a 5.3. Holly said It mostly felt like a quiver instead of a quake. Our earth is doing something of major importance, that is for sure.
It was great to see those two girls pulled out
ReplyDeleteI am ok as far as weather goes... I am a good swimmer. the dogs are taking it with good humor.... and a lot of towels.
ReplyDeleteagain, the tsunami is caused by a specific kind of quake under the ocean. It has to produce a wave so not any ole quake will do.
ReplyDeleteOh, I wish I would have seen that too!
Makes us realize that we ARE all in this together somehow.
ReplyDeleteMy apologies. I forgot.
ReplyDeleteMakes ya wonder what could be next?
The Haitians are teaching us much- reminding us- of the strength of spirit that we all have inside.
I always thought about Hawaii when I thought of what would happen? to them if a tsunami struck? I think there are a few islands there that really can't be tsunami safe. And where then would the people go when the warning came.
ReplyDeleteForgive my ignorance. makes me realize how dependent upon the news we really are.
You must worry about your daughter and your grandbabies too. I am sorry for that-
ReplyDeleteThey even pulled out people today!
I hope you are still OK as all I hear are about all the warnings in SoCal. (Though Punk is jealous of your mud, I say a hope prayer for you and Bunny and your pups every time I hear anything).
ReplyDeleteI giggled at your "any old quake" hehehehehehe
Please STAY safe.
Mama D.
Not sure you I mention it often
ReplyDeleteI am old.
I forget easily.
And I would have added the hehehe above, but it's a fact!
ReplyDeleteThank you for the reminder... I think.
Larssen fell into a huge deep puddle chasing her tennis ball tonight and the look on her face was priceless.. she was looking at herself like....what is this sticky stuff!!!!
ReplyDeleteshe came in with mud caked clod hoppers.
We are hanging in.... oddly it is coming on like gangbusters all day flooding, lashing rain, hail, almost midwest style tornando weather...then suddenly it is sunny and clear for the late afternoon.... then as dark comes in the clouds roll back in and by bedtime it is back to sprinkles, then rain/heavy rain overnight..... repeat EVERY Day has been the same for the last two weeks....
Well what else was I supposed to call it? any new one?
Trying our best to stay ahead of the weather....
I did hear about this quake... The news said that people went running into the streets...
ReplyDeleteIt's so sad. Can you imagine the fear they went through as the ground started to shake again?
I have found out that I have a 3rd cousin over in Hati. She was there befoire the first quake with a school/church trip(ok ..my Dad can't re-tell anything). They thought she had been air lifted to a hospital in Miami and come to tell it wasn't her. Seems Courtneys ID was found near this girl and thats why they thought it was her. My Uncle is at his daughters(Courtneys Mom) house in South GA waiting to hear if they find her...Uncle Zack's son( Zip..ok..we are southern)...and a friend with a jet took medical supplies over to Hati this past weekend. Zip caught a ride back to the states on Sunday to be with his Dad and Mom(Uncle Zack has heart issues..he's old..not sure how old..he was old when I was young) should there be any news..the friend stayed in Hati in case she was found he could fly her back to Miami if need be...so we are waiting and praying she will be found safe.