ZZZZZZTPH! Static! Picture and quote from here: CLICK
"That static discharge was really no big deal to you or the door knob but WHOA it was a big deal to the small bacteria on that door knob!"
Thus far I have zapped the dog, the daughter, and myself- Countless times!
Happily I have also killed millions of bacteria doing so!
Good Morning Everyone;
My two little charges are asleep... once more. (Casey brought Punk out about an hour ago, and they both came in more than a bit chilled).
Not sure what the temp is- (I miss my indoor/outdoor thermometer). I just know it is cold enough.
Back to our westbound trip- the on again off again bad roads, and a few near misses with respect to the ice on the roads.
This is Hudson, WI- It is just before you cross over into Minnesota.
If I remember correctly it was 23° at that point. The roads were clearly frozen over.
Traffic heading west was slowed to a crawl; the oncoming lights traveling a bit faster as those lanes had been salted.
We saw 3 salt trucks/road plows heading east. (With not a trace of salt on our lanes).
Storms like this, and at the sundown part of the day, can bring a few photo ops...
This taken off I-94 as the sun breaks through the cloud cover...
Casey took this picture. And I would have enjoyed it more if my hands would not have been gripping the wheel so hard. hehehe
Again, we are here, and that is what counts!
Casey has been a godsend caring for Punk and taking her out for me.
She also loves Punks toys...
And teases the poor dog mercilessly.
She also brushes Punk and plays with her...
But one should never brush a dog in jogging attire...
One seems to grow hair on their chest by doing so!
Not to mention what it does to the legs!
Methinks a razor is called for?! hehehe
Perpetually shedding or not, there is always love.
Sealed with a smooch!
...and a hug!!
(I was playing around with the edit feature at Picnik.com)
Casey had her presurgical appointment yesterday. All went well for her.
(Unfortunately the same cannot be said for me).
As we waited for the nurses and such, I was treated to a royal attack of anxiety. Fighting with this for a while, I finally told Casey to call me, that I was going back to the hotel. It was that unrelenting and terrible.
I would pick her up when she was done.
After commandeering a seat in the ladies room for what seemed like an eternity, I hailed George... (George is the man with the electric golf cart that speeds happily on his way to collect those of us who prefer not to be walking a mile or two each way).
Ok. It's not a mile or two. It just feels like it.
Having gotten all the way back to the car, I felt a bit better. Punk had stayed behind at the hotel, due to the freezing weather; and I was not going to let her freeze to death while she waited patiently for us to return to the car.
I started the car and gave it a moment to warm up...
It was at that point that I remembered handing the parking ramp ticket to Casey when we'd pulled in.
Now I had a choice of paying $30.00 for not having a ticket, or going all the way back to the Transplant Clinic to retrieve said ticket.
I chose neither.
Instead choosing to do a few relaxation therapies while I waited in the car.
Don't think for one minute that I will again forget to take my diazepam (Valium), before heading out of here tomorrow. That was most awful...
We have to be at the hospital by 5:30 tomorrow morning. Happy that Greg will be here by then to get her there in case the anxiety becomes another real issue for me at that point.
Her surgery is scheduled to begin at 7:30. It will take approximately 11 or 12 hours.
Special thanks for everyone that is keeping Casey in your thoughts and prayers. Your love, and these actions, mean the world to us all.
As we wait...
Love to all
Hand in there Anna - I just know Casey will pull through this. She's a tough one ;) and I'll say an extra prayer
ReplyDelete$30, that's outrageous.
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry you had an anxiety attack at the hospital. I can't imagine how awful all that is, but know I'd never want to experience it. I have a feeling btw your meds and your your mothering instinct, you will get through tomorrow without issue, but just in case I will say a specific prayer for your anxiety.
Take care of you ((((ANNE)))) prayer for you and Casey
Good luck, thinking good thoughts for all of you
ReplyDeleteHaning in. I promise.
She is a tough one, and will come through it all with flying colors!
Thank you for the prayers too!
ReplyDeleteWhere did this saying come from anyway?
I thought it to be way past outrageous! hehehe
ReplyDeleteMore along the lines of highway robbery!
As for the anxiety... What an experience... (And one I hope never to repeat).
My anxiety thanks you for thinking of it. And a special prayer can't ever hurt.
ReplyDeleteThank you muchly! ;-)
I am so sorry, anxiety attacks are not fun at all! {{hugs}} All will go well with the surgery and everything is going to be fine! Deep breaths and believe it to be so. Casey is a strong young woman and she has a very good doctor! And with all of us praying for her and for you, everything is going to be good! Love ya, sweetie!
ReplyDeletePrayers for all of you. I trust after tisday, you won't forget the Valium again. Terrible things those attacks. Theycan get bad enought to make one literally curl up in a ball. YIKES. The pics are of course wonderful and Punk is such a fine looking Lady. I pray all goes well and you get to come home soon.
ReplyDeleteOXOX, Snotball.
ReplyDeleteThank you for the hugs too...
I know that Casey is in very capable hands... Just tough on the waiting end too.
It WILL all be good.
Nope I won't forget it. And I don't think I will EVER forget it again!
ReplyDeleteWas just sitting here and had another one... Or I would have been typing my replies sooner.
The window is open, allowing this 2 degree breeze to come in.
My feet are frozen, I have the poohs, and my heart is going to jump out of my ribcage at some point.
WTH is going on? This is nuts!
Punk is here with me- Casey had to go get some blood drawn...
HUGS HUGS HUGS. This too will pass.
ReplyDeleteBTW did I say HUGS?
I've only had one anxiety attack years back after I'd had an operation on my eyes and was pretty much blind. I'd gone shopping with mum, hanging onto the shopping trolley like a little kid and the aisles were so thin and high. I thought they were closing in on me. I can remember feeling a fear like I've never ever known and was having difficulty breathing. I'd no idea what was happening and if dad hadn't've taken me out of the store to the park opposite, I'd've clambered over the trolleys to get out of that store!
ReplyDeleteAnd that was just over a couple of apples!!!! I can imagine how you were feeling.
Keep smiling Anne. Both you and Casey are in my thoughts. xxxx
Color(s) has numerous meanings. An early use of the word is flag, pennant, or badge.
ReplyDelete"Passed with flying colors" comes from sailing ships that, when passing other ships at sea, would fly their colors (flags) if they wanted to be identified.
from http://www.pride-unlimited.com/probono/idioms2.html
It was originally a naval expression where a ship would return with flags flying from all the mastheads. After about 1700 it started being used simply to refer to some kind of success.
from http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Where_does_the_expression_pass_with_flying_colours_come_from
FLYING COLORS, WITH - " 'We came off with flying colours.' George Farquar, 'The Beaux's Stratagem (1706). Victorious; extremely successful. The term comes from the practice of a victorious fleet sailing into port with flags flying from all the mastheads. By 1700 or so it was being used figuratively, signifying any kind of triumph." From "Fighting Words: From War, Rebellion, and other Combative Capers" by Christine Ammer (NTC Publishing Group, Chicago, Ill., 1989, 1999).
Ewwwwwww nasty roads... Certainly glad I dont have to drive in a mess like that.
ReplyDeleteI hate static electricity.. bacteria killer or no.. that stuff will make me jump each and every time.
Prayers are headed upstairs for Casey to have a healthy and quick recovery..
I used to take Valium.. that stuff is great.. I used to say the house could burn down around me and I wouldnt care..hehe But at the time it was greatly needed.
Big hugs to you.
I flew home from duty once Anna because of The Ash Wednesday Bushfire's ( Wildfires ) in 1983 and instead of parking in the Overnight Carpark in Melbourne I parked in the "Normal" ( I be back in a jiffy, I'm just dropping off the Mother in law, Carpark ) Glad to hear that Casey is going great there Anna,
ReplyDeleteQ: Why don't you leave the parking tickets in the cars and pay on the way out ?
Goodness! Did you forget the dog brush? It appears Casey was brushing Punk with her body?? Or was she trying to get enough dog hair to make a Punk "jr?" LOL!
ReplyDeleteGood thing you were able to relax a bit in the car with those "relaxation techniques." I'm not sure I could have done that. If I weren't already having an anxiety attack I most definitely would have had one when I realized I had left that parking ramp ticket behind.
Hopefully, tomorrow will be a better day for you. And of course, Prayers for our Miss CaseyFace as well.
Thank you, thank you, thank you Snotball-
ReplyDeleteOdd though when it is happening the last thing I want is anyone to touch me? Punk is OK, but she wasn't there.
Weird eh?
BTW, did I say thanks?
I can-NOT imagine having to be "blind" and living through a panic attack!
ReplyDeleteHow lucky you were that your Da was there to help you out!
Methinks I would have crawled over people too.
Still smiling! I promise.
ReplyDeleteThank you SO much for this!
I read it aloud to Casey too, and we both enjoyed it immensely!
Casey and you will both be in my thoughts and prayers tomorrow .. Its going to be a long day for sure and I am glad you will have Greg there with you while Casey is in surgery ..
ReplyDeleteSorry you had a bad attack today and I hope you won't have anymore , anytime soon .. Take care
Had the roads been dry and only had the snow, it would have not been a problem. But when that much traffic keeps going over it, it turns it all to ice. (Checking the rearview mirror with the cars lights on behind you, one can always see if you are on ice or dry snow).
ReplyDeleteThe static zaps are enough to wake the dead at times.
I was in "the little girls room" early this morning and heard Punk cry out. (She had been asleep). She came around the corner with this bewildered look on her face... I am guessing that she had rolled over and zapped herself awake.
That, or she hadn't realized I had left the room...
I never had Valium before August when I had finally gone in to the ER for my back.
It keeps my heartrate down, and it makes my back stop spasming too. I much prefer it over the Xanax.
Never before this morning had I taken it without having to go somewhere though.
Maybe because I am not home?
Thank you for the hugs!
Is the overnight a bigger savings than the normal?
ReplyDeleteFairview parking ramp has this "thing" that you have to have your ticket stamped to get a discount on their parking rates. Leaving the ticket in the car is not an option.
2 and a half hours are $10.00- With the stamp it is only $3.50.
Big enough savings to take the ticket inside.
This dog gets brushed every day.
ReplyDeleteShe is always shedding- Labs and Goldens do that year 'round.
So I always have that 'residue' somewhere. hehehe Usually in the corners of my house!
Self hypnosis is a very good technique to learn-
Sometimes it works, sometimes not- But when it does work, it is a great relaxation exercise.
As I sat in the car, I was thinking iof I should go back in, but chose not to.
I called down to Anne Marie who said she would get the message to Casey that i was still in the ramp and to come out there when she was done. (Not knowing all the garbage with my back, she did offer to bring me an ibuprofen). hehehe
ReplyDelete10 times that amount already had come off her brush by the way. hehehe
Miss Punkers must be have anxiety attacks too. She does look a little worried in the eyes.
ReplyDeleteWhen the hospital called today, they told Casey that the OR was only reserved until 1:10pm.
That blows a huge hole into the 11 hour thing.
Much better too for Greg and I.
We will probably come back here for a while. Punk will need to go outside in the meantime at any rate...
And Greg will transfer hotels I think. he found a cheaper one- further away.
Cheaper is nicer, save for the travel then on the interstate. (Not for me, and especially if I get called to go there in a hurry).
Like you, I hope NOT to repeat these attacks anytime soon.
isn't it odd that everyone seems more worried about this surgery than the one she had on Dec 18, 2008?
ReplyDeleteI haven't figured out why yet...
hugs....thinking about you all and always even frm my own icy corner.....
ReplyDeleteI sympathize with you and your panic attacks. I know all to well what they are like and my husbank
ReplyDeletewent through he** with them for a long time. Depression, panic attacks and was suicidal. I never
thought we would get through it all, but here we are and he only has one once in a while if he gets really upset over something.
I enjoyed your pictures and your comments!! Punk really is good company for the two of you.
Prayers are going up and Casey will be fine. Try to stay calm! That's easy for me to say, but I
know it's a long time to wait. Have faith that we are storming the gates of heaven and all will
be well. Lots of hugs and blessings coming your way.
Bev xo
ReplyDeleteSo... Are you in the frozen tundra then?
I am so sorry to hear that your husband was so bad off with the anxiety.
ReplyDeleteThey are AWFUL to contend with, and something I would not wish upon my worst enemy.
(OK, well maybe my worst enemy I might). hehehe
I can get madder than a wet hen about something and it doesn't set off anxiety. Wonder why that is? (Know that I am very thankful it doesn't work that way with me).
Happy you like my pics too!
Casey is off in her little corner writing her own blog... Maybe she is even done already?
Punk is asleep- diagonally taking up my entire bed!
Thank you for storming the gates for us! Always appreciated.
Yes Anna I should have parked in the "Long term Overnight Carpark, instead I parked in the park where they charge by the hour : ( Shouldvé taken out a loan
ReplyDeleteHi Sweet Mommy!
ReplyDeleteYep, I'm still up... My nerves just won't settle down, so I figured I'd finish looking at this blog and write a comment!
The roads sure did suck, but I'm glad we made it here alright!! Only one slick spot that made the car jerk just a tiny bit, but otherwise it was good...
I decided to brush Punkie as she was shedding so bad when we got here... She still is! It's almost like she's growing in a new coat, but it's the middle of winter!? Maybe she needed some extra, so she's adding on... I couldn't believe the static electricity! I was brushing her, the hair came off, but then it would fly right back and stick to her! Good thing I was able to get the brush wet and then actually do some productive brushing!
I'm SO SORRY about forgetting that I had grabbed the parking ramp ticket!!! We have to bring it in to get it validated, so I wanted to remember to do that for you, but forgot the part about giving it back to you!!! Ooopsies!!!! I did realize it when they brought me the message that you had left... I felt SO bad about it!!
I can't believe they charge the maximum amount for a "lost" ticket!!! $30.00 is just outrageous! I suppose they have to, though, so people don't rip them off... Still... That's quite pricey....
Well, I'm going to try to get a couple of hours of sleep before I have to go in for the surgery... You're supposed to get a really good night's sleep before surgery because it is so stressful on your body... Good thing I was able to nap today! I kind of had a feeling I would be up really late, so I should be good to go!
Love you MUCH MUCH!
Sorry that you're having anxiety attacks... You WILL be fine as you wait for the surgery to end (you know why?? 'Cause I said so! :D :P)
ReplyDeleteI am LOL-ing at your static electricity fun... My step-dad is full of it and can shock the sh*t outta you before you have time to realize what's going on... Used to make me so mad! LOL
$30 for parking is totally outrageous!!! I would have to ask who ever came up with those prices just what exactly they were smoking when they decided 30 bucks was a good price for parking...
Stay strong Anne! You and CaseyFace are in my thoughts and prayers!
Love Ya's!
Slurkie :-)
Thinking and praying for Casey , you and Greg today
ReplyDeleteI have recently started taking Valium. I've only had one anxiety attack and that was one too many. It came out of no where...I was happy when it was over. I can't take a whole pill or I would be in "lala" land for days..lol The Dr prescribed them mostly to help me sleep at night..because my mind loves to go into hyper mode...fearing sleeping thru not hearing Drew or Bruce should they get sick in the night...and other assorted things.
ReplyDeleteWho knew parking garages is what business everyone should go into...lol $30.00 for a lost ticket is highway robbery. Plus you didn't loose it ..just didnt have it on your person at that moment. Craziness...pure and simple. I have told my family that lives behind the Atlanta International Speedway that they should rent out their back pasture as parking during the races each year..lol
I figure by now they have Casey back for her surgery..praying for a smooth day for all involved.
Waiting can be what seems never ending. Having Greg there with you will help alot...and going to visit Punk. Her waiting alone will be rough on her as well.
01/29/10 8:52 PM. I thought I'd check in to see how everything went. I suppose Casey's through her surgery by now and is probably in recovery. I hope you're feeling better today. Lots of stress on you as well as Casey. The roads looked a mess traveling there, it's a good thing you have lots of experience driving in those conditions. I hope everyone gets a good nights sleep and that you have good news about Casey to bring us tomorrow morning.
ReplyDeleteI'm having health issues myself. I can tell you that Miss Casey is extremely lucky to have you and Greg by her side through all this. I can't share much of what I'm going through with mom because it's not good for her to get nervous or upset. Hospital tests are two hours away (4 round trip) and take a day and a half, I'll have to go it alone because mom's just not up to it. You and Greg deserve big hugs for all the support you give to Casey!!