Good Morning All;
We are home. Have been since late Tuesday. And it was an awful drive through "Snowstorm Doug"...
Our 'trip', (and what a road trip it was!), began nice enough-
And I was quite happy to see this sign.
Oh yeah, Baby!
I-94 was not bad at all; especially given the fact that Minneapolis had been under a storm warning for 2 days already- We were quite effectively snowed in, in that hotel.
Smooth sailing on I-94 eastbound
Almost as soon as I'd thought "well this isn't so bad" the road became downright crappy.
Worse than anything were the underpasses.
Each and every one of them on our way home had this splotch of ice underneath.
I slid the 1st few times thinking wth? I have put many, many, miles on driving in winter weather, and have never, ever, seen this phenomenon before.
Every time we went under the overpass, the car/truck slid a bit. Just enough to throw Casey's and my blood pressure up a few notches, and live on adrenalin.
I remain unimpressed.
Of a sudden, our 4 lane highway turned to 2 lanes...
The 2 lane road came and went. When worst comes to worst, you can always drive on the graveled shoulder of the road. (If you can find it without going in the ditch). hehehe
For some reason, with God as our witness, ALL of the darn snowplows were heading west.
Had they been eastbound, then sooner or later one would catch up to them. It didn't happen.
Oh and yes, our road would have been plowed! duh.
Casey and I remarked on their absence more than once.
In some counties there was salt on the shoulders. In others, there was sand spread around between the lanes.
I hadn't wanted to stop. Drives like this leave me with a very bad case of tunnel vision. I know I want to be home. I know the roads are very bad, and deteriorating with each mile, and no matter how much pain I am in.
I go slow, like the turtle, and thus far it has always paid off. Reasonable speed being the only practical way to drive, adding many silent prayers.
Casey's insides, and Punks bladder (and my own), would not allow for me to drive straight through.
We stopped to feed the girl, and to get gas twice- (That gasoline, just to keep as much weight in the car as was possible). It makes no never mind to me if I have 4~wheel drive.
* I see LOTS of 4~wheel drives in the ditch and in the snowbanks in Winter. They simply cannot function on ice either.
Put snow over that ice, and you have problems.
Then add more snow...
And finally, a county snowplow in front of us!
Add lots of wind, and a snowplow in the left lane...
Whenever he hit those drifts it was a complete whiteout in front of me for about 10 precious seconds. We were completely blinded, even staying back the requisite 200 feet.
Since there was NO passing him safely, he remained in front of me until he used an exit lane...
So much for asking for a snowplow.
Highway 29 became this 2 tracking road. I knew the 2nd lane was there, somewhere, I had some room for error..
Some cars passed me. Many 18 wheelers too, yet most remained happily behind me.
Why is it that the smaller the vehicle the faster they go? I will never understand that one.
The closer we got to home, the more disappearing acts the road did...
Finally going through Pulaski, and we were on County B.
Say Yay!
Only two nasty hills to deal with. These hills do not bother me overmuch- Maybe because I am close to home; and maybe because as long as the other cars know how to drive then all is well.
Joy! The snowplow on this county road had gone our way! hehehe
But that same snowplow, and the snow, had also obscured my driveways.
Oops, but never mind- (Please refer to the fact that I have 4 wheel drive).
A little extra push on the gas pedal, and little swing at the end of that driveway, and we were HOME!
The tire tracks were from Miss Kelli stopping by earlier to make sure the house was warm for our arrival.
We weren't home for an hour and a half and Jim pulled in with his snowplow. Thank God for Jim!
I hadn't planned on calling him until Wednesday, but his wife Sarah had driven by on her way home from work and had seen the lights on.
And it was a godsend that he did come because then at least we could get in/out if we needed to.
I swear my hands are STILL deep red and bruised from holding that steering wheel.
Casey stayed here until Wednesday evening- Too risky for Greg to have driven out that night.
Miss Punk, and a very noisy (and indignant) Mr. Sputnik were reunited.
I have just checked the weather forecast:
Oh wait! ~That's the forecast for Prattville, Alabama! hehehe
I sure hope William sends me more pictures, (like this one from last year).
Hint, Hint, William...
That's my Lawrence! (March/2009).
He will be 10 on the 17th. Time flies.
Texas already received their snow.
I have zero pictures of Isaiah or Wyatt in the snow.
Hint, Hint, Jenne.
"Hint, Hint" for Chuck, (and Katie, and Kristen, as well) ! hehehe
Uncle Chum called two days ago- He said he is doing well! (Sault Ste Marie, MI) and was going to be calling my Aunt Marlene that night.
She lives in Philadelphia, PA. They have gotten so much snow in the past ten days that it seems to be never ending. Breaking all records...
I'd better close for now, and get on with my day.
Hope you all have heat, electricity and are safe. (And once those things are taken care of then please get out and play in it)! I would love to see you take a picture of your own snow angel.
My love to all
Good you are home
ReplyDeleteGlad to hear you made it home safe and sound!
ReplyDeleteYep looks like punk is soooooooooo happy to be home, maybe next time you should take her buddy (the cat) so punk has someone to play with! HAHA
Glad you are home safe and Sputty can vent her wrath....
ReplyDeleteGrandpa used to say the best way to drive in the snow is to put one set of tires on the gravel the other on the smooth road and drive by feel. it never let me down when the road went awol.
Great Blog, I kept waiting to hear something awful, like an accident, thank God there wasnt one! :) I'm glad your all home safe. xoxoxo
ReplyDeleteSo glad you made it home safe and sound.
ReplyDeleteI am happier we don't live further's hard to imagine how hard they have gotten hit and I am hating the foot we have.
Stay warm and Take care of you
We have our snow, 6 inches for us and 5-14 around the Dallas area. I moved to Texas years ago so that I would not have to drive in it...what is up with that? recognize the steering wheel bruise..I do not envy you that drive. I love the pictures and berate myself for not doing the same...just never think of it, well lets be honest, not sure how to do it...Happy Valentine Day, every time we look at our Kids makes it a Happy one...That doesn't mean that my Husband gets by with out a gift
ReplyDeleteI am not going out side laying on the ground and doing a Snow Angel, it's 89.6 outside at the moment, glad you all got home safe
ReplyDeleteWhile it is a toss~up with coming home from any of her other surgeries, that feeling is lots more than good, it was wondermous!
;) I had to smile at your picture of your red marked hand! I get like that too!!! Thank the Lord you all made it safe and sound and sorry about the nasty driving weather, but you DID GOOD Hun!! You are a safe driver and that's what counts. I am so glad that Casey is on her way to being able to live her life pain free like it should be! {{{HUGS}}}
ReplyDeleteOK I'm ba-a-a-a-ck
ReplyDeleteI was interrupted by a phone call (Which inspired my next blog)! ;-)
ReplyDeleteThey were both sleeping- 'Til I turned the camera on anyway. Then Punk had to peek.
Sputty could care less, as long as he doesn't see me packing to go somewhere again.
Sputty hollered for days. he was SO vocal when we got back!
ReplyDeleteToo funny!
My Pa was the one who told me to do that. Unless there is a prolonged ice storm. Then even the gravel doesn't move. And I know THAT for a fact. hehehe There's yet another blog!
ReplyDeleteOh, know that I kept waiting for one of those jerks to cause one too!
People sure can be stupid.
ReplyDeleteCan you imagine all the snow that the East got already? I think I heard that they might even get more now.
It would be SO different if they had gotten a little at a time, but digging this out- again and again, is probably causing way too many premature heart attacks.
Me? I am fine. Really.
NOW GO PLAY IN YOUR FOOT! (At least send the kids out and take lots of pictures?
My hand is still tender- How crazy is that?
ReplyDeleteAnd Casey took that picture after we had stopped to get her some food- We still had 90 miles to go. Still light out even.
Happy VD to you also!
You are right, we DO have a couple of troopers, don't we!
Go do a SAND angel then!
ReplyDeleteYou just can't be pulled away from your new tv.
Pain free is what Casey deserves! And I have a feeling that as soon as she is healed she will be just fine and 'wunnaful'.
ReplyDeleteNow we got home safe and sound. Not so sure how good I did.
Oddly enough one would think THAT would set off an anxiety attack. It didn't.
Weird me.
And other stupid things I write...
ReplyDeleteI don't think I have ever put those words together before.
ReplyDeleteOK. See what I mean about saying silly stuff?
You know what I mean...
Though I am getting around, the fact that I could not tolerate the pain meds will keep me from taking pics of the kids playing in the snow. Thankfully my pain hasn't stopped them.
ReplyDeleteDo ppl really celebrate VDs?
ReplyDeleteBut the colours, the colours
ReplyDeleteHappy Valentines Day but perhaps more unbelievable
Hi Mommy!
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad we made it home safely!! Unbelievable how bad the roads were... Good thing we didn't see one single car in the ditch, though, as that would've dampened our spirits!! Those underpasses were something else entirely... They made my stomach (what's left of it...) leap into my throat and made my blood pressure rise high! OH they scared me... Even though you took them all nice and slow, we still spun out and did this mini fishtailing action... Makes me nervous even to think about it... But we are home and safe and sound!
The worst nerve-wrecking event, though, was that snowplow... It was nice and clear, so you were deciding to go around him and I knew we were almost ready to pass him when everything went white! I couldn't see ANYTHING around us at all... I was just praying that if there was a car behind us that the driver somehow saw our brake lights as we came to a stop... Oh, that was awful.... We stayed happily behind him then and counted our blessings that we stayed on the road during that white-out!! Scary times...
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!! So much for getting us all home in one piece... I feel bad that I couldn't help out with the driving, but I'm not sure I would've been so brave as to make it all the way home if I had been driving!! You did wonderful!!! Thank you!!!
Boy, was Mr. Sputnik one lonely cat when we got home! He just meowed and cuddled and purred all night long!! I was up quite late and had gone downstairs once to go to the bathroom... He followed and must've gone to get a bite to eat or a drink. I headed upstairs and a couple minutes later I hear him meowing, er, more like SHRIEKING at the top of his voice!!! I called to him and he barreled up the stairs onto the bed and was so happy that I hadn't run off somewhere!!! He sure is a lovebug!
Well, I really must get to bed... I've not had my usual nap today, but I did get to see you so that made today great! My body is just getting to the point now where my eyes are going to shut and stay closed whether I want them to or not! :D
Love you MUCH MUCH!!!
I have no snow to go play in :(
ReplyDeleteHow do I make a rain angel??
Glad y'all made it home safe and sound!
I know that feeling of happiness when you've been gone from home for awhile and you get to the state line... State line = almost home!
Stay warm and safe!
Love Ya!
Slurkie :-)
Glad to hear that you and Casey made it home safe. I haven't been online in a couple of days so this is late, I know.
ReplyDeleteIt snowed here all day yesterday and last night. Even Atlanta got 4" of snow. I ended up with 4" at my house too, with more on the way tomorrow night. I don't remember ever getting this much snow at my house in the 13 years I've lived here. I'll be snowed-in for about a week. (Remember snow in the mountains is different than on flat land.) I have plenty of food, but only enough cigs for about 4 days - so I'm conserving and keeping my fingers crossed.