[My] Life in Wisconsin

Inexplicable Shot

As I uploaded my pictures from my camera this morning, I found this one in the middle of all my other photos.

As you all know by now, I do encounter a wee bit of the paranormal in my home.
Nothing scary ever. Mostly just 'weird' (for lack of a better word).

I really don't 'see' anything out of the ordinary here.
Knowing I have not gone anywhere inbetween these pictures.
Save for the fact that this is not my house!

Please explain?



  1. Ok so you have a picture on you camera that is not of your house? Hmmmm

  2. Was it taken in some type of out building or barn? That is my intuitive reply.

  3. Last year I stayed the weekend at a friends and had just gotten a camera so was playing. Seven or eight of them, taken outside where there are NO buildings, came out like this. They show buildings, a room, part of a barn......weirdness. All stuff that isn't there. lol Did I step through a time loop or portal because all of them show really old stuff...maybe stuff that USED to be there. Cool though.

  4. this is really weird! looks like some type of jacket hanging up there on the left side.....maybe the ghosts of the house took a picture of what the place looked like before the rennovations??

  5. Is it the inside of your purse? Or maybe it's the underneath side of your car seat and while riding in the car Punk stepped on the camera, producing her own photo - like mother, like pup. Just kidding. You're right, it is weird.

  6. Definitely weird .. Makes you even wanna know more what it is

  7. Thanks to all who replied here...
    Keep guessing for me will you please?

    I uploaded previous pics not 4 days ago- and since that time, the camera never left home.
    (Nor did it get outside without me attached to it). hehehe

    As far as all of the outbuildings.
    They are all snowed in- I can't even get into them.
    The old shed doors are hopelessly frozen to the ground, and the pumphouse is not shoveled out.

    Go figure...



  8. An awesome thought, and a grand experience you had too!
    I am jealous!

    I wish I had more history of the place- But to the best of my recollection, there was not a previous building here.

  9. could it be a bedroom... that one looks like a robe or sweater or jacket hanging on a closet or bathroom door.

    Was the camera in your bedroom and possibly during the night Sput clicked it or something got laid on top of it.

  10. On the right hand side I see shelves with a cupboard underneath them. I can see a couple of
    chairs and could that be a window with two sets of curtains and the top ones are open a bit to let
    the light in through the sheers???

  11. Looks like a white towel draped over a darker towel draped over a glass shower door.Maybe. With a robe hanging on the left and looks like some shelving over to the right. Maybe you picked your camera up with your hand over the shutter and it snapped without you realizing it.

  12. second guess - do you keep your camera in a drawer? Could it have clicked off in there?

  13. Not any bedroom in my home.
    My drapes are double hung- No sheers, only linings. (I have these for when I have a migraine. No light gets through).
    The 2nd upstairs bedroom does have sheers only.
    Casey's old bedroom has room darkening blinds. No sheers.
    The bedroom downstairs has plain old curtains.

    And none of my windows, anywhere, have that board thingie over them.
    (I wish they did, I would transform them ALL into planters,upstairs and down).


    With my back as bad as it has been since Minnesota, I have not even navigated those stairs.
    So the camera was not up there.


  14. No.
    I have taken a zillion pics since we got back from MN.


  15. Except for the middle bedroom upstairs there are no sheers.
    No two sets anywhere.
    And not a lot of chairs except for kitchen and dining room/.

    Oh and I have 40-some cabinets in my kitchen- Nothing like that though.

    hehehe I know I have 40 some because at one point I was entertaining the notion of replacing the cabinet pulls.
    That got spendy really fast...


  16. I had a glass shower door once.
    When I lived on Jaworski Road...

    I am still trying to find out how this could have happened. Odd that it would be crooked, unless as you say I had my hand on the shutter and all.

    Still, I haven't gone anywhere, except for last night now- After I had posted this...

    I am still more than befuddled.



  17. I keep my camera close by...
    But never in a drawer.


  18. Dang.
    Now I have to clean my car. And that just because I already know there is no room under the seats...
    They are all elctronic and heated- I also have a/c and heat to the rear seats, so no room for a camera.

    As far as my purse goes, I couldn't think so just because of all the other stuff in the shot.


  19. The more I look at this I want to change that "glass shower door" to a plastic shower curtain. The shower curtain bar looks clearer to me now. Everything else is still the same....yep....I still think it was in a bathroom.


  20. I removed the green around the picture.


  21. Dammitallanyway, now all my comments are gone???!


  22. It just looks like a towel on a door and another over a shower... :)

  23. interestingly..... this just showed up as "new" for me.....

  24. Odd that you might make a call on the 'what' of it, and not even enlarge the picture to view it in its entirety?
    Almost as strange as the picture itself.

    Hmmmm :) backatcha
    Especially when my stat counter doesn't show a soul from New York.

    Nice try kiddo. Try again later.



  25. Yer behind woman!
    (I tole ya that already).


  26. There now Its not invisible anymore.


  27. nope.... I cruise through as often as I can.... It showed as posted yesterday with only two comments by you.... today, all the other comments show up.

  28. I don't see the things you list below.... I see a robe on a hook and shower curtains with a towel on them.

  29. Nah- i was just referring to blogs Sweet pea.


  30. yeah I know.... I have a massive case of bloggers block... stand back when the damn breaks.

  31. I have a whole lot of 'damn' stuff to blog.
    Maybe after i finish mowing...
